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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2013

Brigham Young: The Colonizer by Hunter, Milton R.
Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion by Wheless, Joseph
Luther and His Work by Clayton, Joseph
An Introduction to the Study of the Book of Mormon by Sjodahl, J. M.
Studies in Early Christianity by Case, Shirley Jackson
The Casuist, V2: A Collection of Cases in Moral and Pastoral Theology by Woywod, Stanislaus
Jesuits and the Popish Plot by Hay, Malcolm V.
An Outline of Christianity, the Story of Our Civilization, V1: The Birth of Christianity by Scott, Ernest Findlay
A Century of Mormonism in Great Britain by Evans, Richard L.
Christianity and the Children of Israel by Eckardt, A. Roy
A Compend of Luther's Theology by
The History of Quakerism by Russell, Elbert
Moral and Pastoral Theology, V4: Extreme Unction, Holy Orders, Marriage, the Clerical State, the Religious State, Duties of Laypeople by Davis, Henry S. J.
The Truth about Mormonism by Snowden, James H.
The Voices of the Cathedral: Tales in Stone and Legends in Glass by Prentice, Sartell
The Baptist Standard Hymnal with Responsive Readings: A New Book for All Services by
St. Peter's on the Vatican: The First Complete Account in Our English Tongue of Its Origins and Reconstruction by McNally, Augustin
The Keys of Power: A Study of Indian Ritual and Belief by Abbott, John
An Outline of Christianity, the Story of Our Civilization, V5: Christianity Today and Tomorrow by Finley, John H.
Creation: The Scriptural Proof of the Creation of Things Seen and Unseen by Rutherford, J. F.
An Outline of Christianity, the Story of Our Civilization, V3: The Rise of the Modern Churches by Mathews, Shailer
William Penn and the Dutch Quaker Migration to Pennsylvania by Hull, William I.
Father de Smet: Pioneer Priest of the Rockies by Magaret, Helene
I Am a Protestant by Jenney, Ray Freeman
Calvinism, an Interpretation of Its Basic Ideas, V1: The Theological and the Political Ideas by Meeter, H. Henry
Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, V1 by
Pope John XXIII Comes to the Vatican by Murphy, Francis X.
Psychiatry for the Priest by LaChapelle, Paul, Desmarais, Lucien
Universal Comasonry: Ritual of the Three Craft Degrees by Anonymous
The Fathers Without Theology: The Lives and Legends of the Early Church Fathers by Strachey, Marjorie
Pastoral Medicine by Ruland, Ludwig, Rattler, T. A.
Beliefs That Matter: A Theology for Laymen by Brown, William Adams
China's Challenge to Christianity by Porter, Lucius Chapin
Christianity and Theosophy Harmonized Being a Series of Questions Addressed to the Founders of Christianity on the Above Subjects with Their Answers by Leopold, G.
Moral and Pastoral Theology, V1: Human Acts, Law, Sin, Virtue by Davis, Henry S. J.
The Idea of the Holy: An Inquiry Into the Non Rational Factor in the Idea of the Divine by Otto, Rudolf, Harvey, John W.
Priesthood: Conferences on the Rite of Ordination by Biskupek, Aloysius
Ignatius Loyola: A General in the Church Militant by Harvey, Robert
Techniques of a Working Church by Benson, Clarence H.
Progressive Christianity: A Study of the Old Faith and the New Reformation by Vrooman, William A.
The Spirit of Catholicism by McCann, Justin, Adam, Karl
General Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army by Wilson, P. W.
The Highlands of the Mind: A Psychological Analysis of the Sermon on the Mount by Woellner, Fredric P.
The Casuist, V1: A Collection of Cases in Moral and Pastoral Theology by Woywod, Stanislaus
Miscellaneous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg by Swedenborg, Emanuel, Whitehead, John
Luther Burbank: A Victim of Hero Worship by Howard, Walter L.
Christianity: Past and Present by Guignebert, Charles
A Study of the Delaware Indian Big House Ceremony, V2 by Speck, Frank G.
John Wesley: The World His Parish by Miller, Basil
Christianity: How It Came to Us, What It Is, What It Might Be by Park, Charles Edwards
Moral and Pastoral Theology, V3: The Sacraments in General, Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Eucharist, Penance, Indulgences, Censures by Davis, Henry S. J.
Paganism in Our Christianity by Weigall, Arthur
From Feet to Fathoms: A Series of Evangelistic Messages by Lee, Robert G.
The Higher Path: Sermons from a Southern Pulpit by Thorn, F. B.
In the Parish of St. John by Martinez, Raymond J.
I Was Winston Churchill's Private Secretary by Moir, Phyllis
A Marvelous Work and a Wonder: Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Richards, Legrand
History and Literature of Christianity from Tertullian to Boethius by de Labriolle, Pierre
Favorite Newman Sermons: Selected from the Works of John Henry Cardinal Newman by O'Connell, Daniel M.
An Outline of Christianity, the Story of Our Civilization, V2: The Builders of the Church by Jackson, F. J. Foakes
Principles of Natural Theology by Joyce, George Hayward
The Parish School Hymnal by The United Lutheran Church in America
Metaphysical Bible Dictionary by Fillmore, Charles
The Fruits of Mormonism by Harris, Franklin S., Butt, Newbern I.
The Everlasting Evangel and Its Program by Peters, H. H.
The Golden Book of St. Augustine by Saint Augustine of Hippo
The Inner Life and Other Sermons by Nelson, C. J.
The Dumbness of the Great: A Survey of the Nonsense, Absurdities, Inconsistencies, Illogicalities, Inaccuracies and Idiocies of the World's Outst by McCabe, Joseph
The Religion of Man: Being the Hibbert Lectures for 1930 by Tagore, Rabindranath
The Message and Characters of the Book of Mormon by Evans Jr, John Henry, Evans, John Henry
Our Living Church by Desjardins, Lucile
Protestant Europe: Its Crisis and Outlook by Keller, Adolf Stewart, Stewart, George
Brigham Young at Home by Spencer, Clarissa Young, Harmer, Mabel
Christianity Through the Centuries: A Brief Study of the Origin and Development of Christianity and Its More Significant Divisions by Chase, Daryl
The Earliest Gospel: Studies of the Evangelic Tradition at Its Point of Crystallization in Writing by Grant, Frederick C.
Cardinal Newman by May, J. Lewis
Christianity and Naturalism: Essays in Criticism by Shafer, Robert
Christianity and Communism by Wood, H. G.
Churchill Downs and the Kentucky Derby Since 1875 by Menke, Frank G.
The Sacraments in Methodism by Goodloe, Robert W.
A Rabbi's Faith: Sermons of Hope and Courage by Kellner, Abraham A.
Hadrian the Seventh by Corvo, Frederick
Generation of Giants: The Story of the Jesuits in China in the Last Decades of the Ming Dynasty by Dunne, George H.
Norman Vincent Peale, Minister to Millions: A Biography by Gordon, Arthur
The Indian and Christian Miracles of Walking on the Water by Brown, William Norman
The Life of Evelyn Underhill by Cropper, Margaret
The Mysteries of God by Ironside, H. a.
The New Testament in the Christian Church by Moore, Edward Caldwell
Why God Used D. L. Moody by Houghton, Will H., Torrey, R. a.
New Science and the Old Religion by Jacobs, Thornwell
Letters from a Traveler by De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard
Manual of Gospel Broadcasting by Loveless, Wendell P.
Morality and the Mystical Body by Mersch, Emile
The World Within the Bible: A Handbook to Swedenborg's Arcana Celestia by Wunsch, William F.
Being Promised: Theology, Gift, and Practice by Walter, Gregory
In But Not of the World: A Notebook of Theology and Practice in the Local Church by Spike, Robert W.
The Hung Society: Or the Society of Heaven and Earth by Stirling, W. G., Ward, J. S. M.
Forgery in Christianity: A Documented Record of the Foundations of the Christian Religion by Wheless, Joseph
Dean Bond of Swarthmore: A Quaker Humanist by Johnson, Emily Cooper
He That Is Spiritual by Chafer, Lewis Sperry
The Pater Noster of St. Teresa: A Commentary on the Lord's Prayer by St. Teresa of Avila by Doheny, William J., Avila, Saint Teresa of
The Psychic Messages of Jesus by Randall, Louise Gould
How to Reach the Jew for Christ: Jewish Mission Correspondence Course, a Manual of Study for Christians Who Love the Jews by Fuchs, Daniel
In God's Presence: A Spiritual Guide for Present Day Churchmen by Gilman, Phillips S.
Joseph Smith as a Translator by Webb, R. C.
George Whitefield: Preacher to Millions by Caldwell, Mack M.
God's Colony in Man's World: Christian Love in Action by Webber, George W.
An Understandable Religion: A Series of Radio Addresses by Widtsoe, John a.
Church and Gnosis: A Study of Christian Thought and Speculation in the Second Century by Burkitt, F. Crawford
Church History and Modern Revelation: A Course of Study for the Melchizedek Priesthood Quorums for the Year 1949 by Smith, Joseph Fielding
A Story of the Life and Times of Jacques de Molay by Haywood, H. L.
An Eyewitness Account: Jesus Did Not Die on the Cross by Med Pa, Blana
Sunrise to Eternity: A Study in Jacob Boehme's Life and Thought by Stoudt, John Joseph
Perfect Obedience: Commentary on the Letter on Obedience of St. Ignatius of Loyola by Polit, Manuel Maria Espinosa
Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, V1 by
Posthumous Theological Works of Emanuel Swedenborg, V2 by
The Medieval Morality of Wisdom Who Is Christ: A Study in Origins by Green, Joseph Coleman
The Message of the Book of Revelation by Allen, Cady H.
The Circle and the Cross: A Study in Continuity, the Cross, V2 by Allcroft, A. Hadrian
Baralam and Yewasef: The Ethiopic Version of a Christianized Recension of the Buddhist Legend of the Buddha and the Bodhisattva by Budge, E. a. Wallis
The Book of El Daoud, the Father King: Which Is the Gospel of Simplicity Given Unto His Own by Anonymous
The Christ Mystery in Relation to the Secret of Pentecost by Steiner, Rudolf
The Christian Answer to Communism by Kay, Thomas O.
The Christian Faith and Eternal Life: The Ingersoll Lecture by Horr, George Edwin
A Short History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Evans, John Henry, Hinckley, Gordon B.
The Circle and the Cross: A Study in Continuity, the Cross, V2 by Allcroft, A. Hadrian
C. H. Spurgeon's Autobiography by Spurgeon, Charles H.
Calvinism: Six Stone Foundation Lectures by Kuyper, Abraham, Jr.
The Southern Christmas Book, the Full Story from Earliest Times to Present: People, Customs, Conviviality, Carols, Cooking by Kane, Harnett T.
Differences That Persist Between the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the Utah Mormon Church by Smith, Elbert A.
Divine and Sacred Catechism: As Taught by the Holy Spirit and Its Official Instruments from the Day of the Pentecost Until the Last Ecumenical Syno by Makrakis, Apostolos
The Pagan Background of Early Christianity by Halliday, W. R.
Baptism in the Demonstrations of Aphraates, the Persian Sage by Duncan, Edward J.
The Rosicrucian Christianity Lectures by Heindel, Max
Black Magic Hexing and Healing by Faith by Funk, Emil H.
Blessed Peter Julian Eymard: The Priest of the Eucharist by Tesniere, Albert
Blood, Bread and Fire: The Christian's Three Fold Experience by Havner, Vance
The Communion of Saints: A Study of the Origin and Development of Luther's Doctrine of the Church by Preus, Herman Amberg
Charity and Our Three Vows: Spiritual Conferences for Religious by Hill, Owen A.
Martin Luther and the Reformation by Winrod, Gerald B.
Messages on Ephesians by Wilson, Walter L.
Christianity Through the Centuries: A Brief Study of the Origin and Development of Christianity and Its More Significant Divisions by Chase, Daryl
Pastoral Medicine by Ruland, Ludwig, Rattler, T. A.
Cotton Mather and His Writings on Witchcraft by Holmes, Thomas J.
Drama of the Ages by Branson, William Henry
Elijah: The Prophet and His Mission by Smith, Joseph Fielding
Spiritual Significance of the Body by Mingle, Ida
Studies in the Gospels, V1: The Gospel According to Matthew by Morgan, George Campbell
The Christmas Story as Given in the Edgar Cayce Readings by Cayce, Edgar
The Church's Debt to Heretics by Jones, Rufus M.
How to Increase Church Attendance by Babson, Roger W.
Christ Our Righteousness: . a Study of the Principles of Righteousness by Faith as Set Forth in the Word of God and the Writings of the Spirit O by Daniells, Arthur G.
Examen of Witches by Boguet, Henry, Summers, Montague
Jesus Jeshua: Studies in the Gospels by Dalman, Gustaf
The Jewish Antecedents of the Christian Sacraments by Gavin, F.
Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends by Naomi, Aunt
Milton's Paradise with Reference to the Hexameral Background by Corcoran, Mary Irma
Why I Go to Church by Guest, Edgar A.
Song and Service Book for Ship and Field: Army and Navy by Bennett, Ivan L.
Theocracy by Rutherford, J. F.
The Spirit of Catholicism by Adam, Karl, McCann, Justin
Life of Franklin D. Richards: President of the Council of the Twelve Apostles Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by West, Franklin L.
The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Dowling, Eva S., Levi, Michael I.
Three Lectures on the Book of Revelation by Hendriksen, William
Northeastern and Western Yavapai Myths by Gifford, E. W.
Fruits of an Active Life: Remarks Upon Religion, Morals, Government, Toleration by Penn, William
Origen and His Work by Rothwell, Fred, de Faye, Eugene
God Infinite and Reason: Concerning the Attributes of God by Brosnan, William J.
God's Prophecies for Plain People by Pettingill, William L.
Spirit of Flame: A Study of St. John of the Cross by Peers, E. Allison
Heralds of God by Stewart, James S.
Stories of Latter Day Saint Hymns: Their Authors and Composers by Pyper, George D.
Holiness Triumphant and Other Sermons on Holiness by Chapman, J. B.
Holiness: The Heart of Christian Experience by Chapman, J. B.
Talks on Truth by Fillmore, Charles
The Key to the Psalms by Williams, Sylvester Vernon
Reinhold Niebuhr: Prophet from America by Davies, D. R.
Exactly How You May Receive Your Healing Through Faith: Including a Heart to Heart Talk on Your Salvation by Roberts, Oral
Towards the Christian Revolution by Vlastos, Gregory, Scott, R. B. y.
Meditation: Letters on the Guidance of the Inner Life by Mitchell, M. L., Rittelmeyer, Friedrich
The Cross: Its History and Symbolism by Benson, George Willard
Mother Berry of Blue Mountain by Guyton, David E.
Anderson's Constitutions of 1723 by Masonic Service Association
Mystery of Mysteries: Why Did God Create? by Boggess, Wheeler
The Meaning of Pentecost and the Spirit Filled Life by Huffman, Jasper Abraham
The Thought Farthest Out by Clark, Glenn
5,500 Questions and Answers on the Sacred Scriptures: Comprising All the Books of the Old and the New Testaments by Gray, Joseph Howard
The Heptadic Structure of Scripture: With a Chapter on Seven and Four in Nature by McCormack, R.
The Virtues Awakened: From the Treatise on Perfect Happiness by Lessius, Leonard, Semple, Henry Churchill
Foundations of Doctrine in Scripture and Experience: A Students' Handbook on Holiness by Jessop, Harry E.
Francis Lambert of Avignon, 1487-1530: A Study in Reformation Origins by Winters, Roy Lutz
The Mystery Religions and Christianity by Angus, Samuel
Revelation of Sex Mysteries by Thurber, Roderick
The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible by Craig, Samuel G., Warfield, Benjamin Breckinridge
What of the Mormons: A Brief Study of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by Hinckley, Gordon B.
The Witnesses of the Book of Mormon by Nibley, Preston
The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine by Voorhis, Harold V. B.
Christ in the Sacrificial Offerings and Other Bible Studies in Leviticus by Gray, James M.
Saved by Grace Without the Works of the Law: Bible Lecture Series by Everson, Charles T.
The Works of George Borrow, V1: The Bible in Spain, V1, or the Journeys Adventures and Imprisonments of an Englishman in an Attempt to Circulate the S by Borrow, George, Shorter, Clement
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