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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2014

Global Diasporas and Mission by
Conflict Transformation: Churches in the Face of Structural Violence in Northern Nigeria by Mavalla, Ayuba
Diakonia in a Gender Perspective by
Discipling the Church: A Study of Christian Education in the Anglican Church of Myanmar by Doe, Saw Maung
Seeing New Facets of the Diamond: Christianity as a Universal Faith: Essays in Honour of Kwame Bediako by
Roots and Fruits: Retrieving Scotland's Missionary Story by
Power and Partnership by
On Eagles' Wings: Models in Mentoring by Cranston, David
My Story with Governance by Houston, Tom
Jesus and the Resurrection: Reflections of Christians from Islamic Contexts by
The God of My Enemy: The Middle East and the Nature of God by Reitsma, Bernhard
Theology, Mission and Child: Global Perspectives by
The Lausanne Movement: A Range of Perspectives by
Engaging the World: Christian Communities in Contemporary Global Societies by
Second Coming of Jesus: Israel and the Church by John, Leslie M.
After the Heart of God: The Life and Ministry of Priests at the Beginning of the Third Millenium by Porteous, Julian
Theological Reflections by Cox, Noel
I Shall Return...Jesus: A Biblical Perspective on End Times by Vines, Jerry
Reason for Hope: Answers to Your Bible Questions by Schmidt, Troy
Kid Mania Olympic Dreams: Children's Ministry Outreach Program by Caponigro, Ginny
Live Out Loud: Do-Votional by Watts, Sherry
Evangelization and Church Growth in the African Context by
Converge Bible Studies - Perplexing Scriptures by Tinley, Joshua
The New Testament and Bioethics by Macaleer, R. Dennis
The God Conflict: Faith in the Face of New Atheism by Feldmeier, Peter
Overcoming Temptation by Arrowood, Larry Monroe
Pope Francis: Man of Peace by Winkler, Jude
The New Testament and Bioethics by Macaleer, R. Dennis
Sacred Sex: Embracing Your Sexuality as God Designed It by Evans, Tony
Die pluralistische Religionstheologie nach John Hick: eine kritische Auseinandersetzung by Stecher, Bernhard
Was Jesus a New Age Guru? by Michaels, Kim
Chronicles: Jewels of the Bible: Book of Memorable Deeds- Work of Modern day Psalms - By a daughter of the King by Davis, Dianna Blake
From Kingdom Hall to Kingdom Call by Johnson, Bishop Raymond Allan
CCDA Theological Journal, 2013 Edition by
Urban to the Core by
It's Not the Same Without You by Finley, Mitch
The Divine Feminine by Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey
Rejected Prophets: Jesus and His Witnesses in Luke-Acts by McWhirter, Jocelyn
Lectionary Preaching Workbook, Cycle a - Lent / Easter Edition by Ellingsen, Mark
Navigating the Sermon, Cycle a - Lent / Easter Edition by Css, Publishing Co
Lectionary Worship AIDS, Cycle a - Lent / Easter Edition by Reed, Osl George
Lectionary Stories for Preaching and Teaching, Cycle a - Lent / Easter Edition by Css, Publishing Co
Daughters of the Anglican Clergy: Religion, Gender and Identity in Victorian England by Yamaguchi, M.
Those who are Ignorant by Heward-Mills, Dag
Those Who Are Dangerous Sons by Heward-Mills, Dag
Ceux Qui Sont Des Fils Dangereuses by Heward-Mills, Dag
Those Who Pretend by Heward-Mills, Dag
Ceux qui prétendent by Heward-Mills, Dag
Laikos by Heward-Mills, Dag
Comprendre le temps de recueillement by Heward-Mills, Dag
The Art of Ministry by Heward-Mills, Dag
Those Who Leave You by Heward-Mills, Dag
L'Art Du Ministere by Heward-Mills, Dag
Those Who Forget by Heward-Mills, Dag
Leaving The Masses: The Beginners' Encouragement: ? A Mini Bible Lesson Series by Jefferson Sr, A. Stephen
Diez Minutos Para La Oración Poderosa - Bolsilibro = Ten Minutes to Powerful Prayer by Omartian, Stormie
Trabajando en equipo: Las seis 'c' de un ministerio saludable by Prieto, Daniel
Esperanza Para El Corazón Afligido - Serie Favoritos by Graham, Billy
Redeeming a Prison Society: A Liturgical and Sacramental Response to Mass Incarceration by Levad, Amy
Fullness Received and Returned: Trinity and Participation in Jonathan Edwards by Tan, Seng-Kong
Mapping Exile and Return: Palestinian Dispossession and a Political Theology for a Shared Future by
Christ the Miracle Worker in Early Christian Art by Jefferson, Lee M.
Female Education and Mission: A Burkina Faso Experience by Ouedraogo, Phillippe
Understanding Israel: the Church, the Jewish People and the Struggle for Identity by Sibley, Andrew Mark
Oraciones Con Poder Para Mamás - Serie Favoritos by Copeland, Germaine
Oraciones Con Poder Para Mujeres - Serie Favoritos by Copeland, Germaine
Study of Liturgy and Worship: An Alcuin Guide by
Extremist for Love: Martin Luther King Jr., Man of Ideas and Nonviolent Social Action by Burrow, Rufus
Unexpected: Navigating Life's Unforeseen Turns by Roberts, Ken L.
The Top Ten Mistakes Pastors Make by Heward-Mills, Dag
Gettysburg Religion: Refinement, Diversity, and Race in the Antebellum and Civil War Border North by Longenecker, Steve
Bread of Life by Tracy, Betty
Anagkazo by Heward-Mills, Dag
What It Means to Become a Shepherd by Heward-Mills, Dag
Solidarity Ethics: Transformation in a Globalized World by Peters, Rebecca Todd
Bruised Reed by Sibbes, Richard
Libro de Oraciones Para Las Jóvenes - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
Keeping in Touch: Christian Formation and Teaching by Krau, Carol F.
New Testament I and II by Augustine, St
God's Healing Scriptures: 240 Prayers and Promises for Healing in the Bible by Kumasi, Akili
Catholic Spiritual Practices: A Treasury of Old & New by
El Niño Y El Mar by Lucado, Max
The Problem of Animal Pain: A Theodicy for All Creatures Great and Small by Dougherty, T.
The Martyrdom of Bartholomew: Greek, Arabic, and Armenian Versions by
El Ladrón de Tumbas by Batterson, Mark
Comment Naître de nouveau et comment éviter l'enfer by Heward-Mills, Dag
Embodied Words, Spoken Signs: Sacramentality and the Word in Rahner and Chauvet by Beaton, Rhodora E.
Raised from the Dead: The Miracle That Brings Promise to America by Bonnke, Reinhard
The Gospel According to Nature by Mason, Zack
No Longer Church As Usual Second Edition by Kurtz, Tim
Donovan and Winslow in Don't Be A Bully by Washington, Andre, Washington, Angea
Ekklesia Rising: The Organization Formerly Known as Church by Townsend, Christopher R.
Blood Power by Heward-Mills, Dag
The Most Encouraging Book on Hell Ever by Ramsey, Thor
Those Who Accuse You by Heward-Mills, Dag
Les dix principales erreurs que commettent les pasteurs by Heward-Mills, Dag
El Poder de la Oración Por Tus Hijos Adultos - Serie Favoritos by Omartian, Stormie
The Art of Storytelling: Easy Steps to Presenting an Unforgettable Story by Walsh, John
Francis and Clare: A True Story by Sweeney, Jon M.
Ministerial Ethics - 2nd Edition by Heward-Mills, Dag
The Ellen G. White Encyclopedia by Fortin, Denis, Moon, Jerry
The Insanity of Obedience: Walking with Jesus in Tough Places by Ripken, Nik
Why Non Tithing Christians are Poor, and How Tithing Christians Can Become Rich by Heward-Mills, Dag
The Art of Hearing - 2nd Edition by Heward-Mills, Dag
Medieval Women Mystics: Gertrude the Great, Angela of Foligno, Birgitta of Sweden, Julian of Norwich by
When "Spiritual But Not Religious" Is Not Enough: Seeing God in Surprising Places, Even the Church by Daniel, Lillian
Institutes of the Christian Religion by Calvin, John
The Currency by Chen, Elimos
The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Scougal, Henry
The Goal for the Prize: Understanding the Kingdom of God by Craft, Michael E.
The Disciples' Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day by Jamison Osb, Christopher
Sünde ein heute ungewohnter theologischer Begriff by Hombaum, Lisa
Doctrine, Dynamic and Difference: To the Heart of the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Differentiated Consensus on Justification by De Witte, Pieter
Faithful Reading: New Essays in Theology in Honour of Fergus Kerr, Op by
The Disciples' Call: Theologies of Vocation from Scripture to the Present Day by Jamison Osb, Christopher
Rewriting the Old Testament in Anglo-Saxon Verse: Becoming the Chosen People by Zacher, Samantha
Old Roman Catholic Ritual by Myers, William
de Hierarchia Anglicana: Dissertatio Apologetica by Denny, Edward, Lacey, T. A.
The Goal for the Prize: Understanding the Kingdom of God by Craft, Michael E.
God Is a Communicative Being: Divine Communicativeness and Harmony in the Theology of Jonathan Edwards by Schweitzer, William M.
Jesus, the Galilean Exorcist: His Exorcisms in Social and Political Context by Witmer, Amanda
Trinity and Organism: Towards a New Reading of Herman Bavinck's Organic Motif by Eglinton, James
Exegese zu Matthäus 12,9-14. Die Heilung der verdorrten Hand am Sabbat by Hombaum, Lisa
Is Reality Secular?: Testing the Assumptions of Four Global Worldviews by Poplin, Mary
Three Testaments: Torah, Gospel, and Quran by
Reforming the North by Larson, James L.
Psalms of the Pharisees: The Psalms of Solomon by
On Animals: Volume I: Systematic Theology by Clough, David L.
The Origins of Christian Zionism: Lord Shaftesbury and Evangelical Support for a Jewish Homeland by Lewis, Donald M.
Daniel Revisited: Discovering the Four Mideast Signs Leading to the Antichrist by Davidson, Mark
Business-Girl Me: 5 steps to create an effect in business everyday by Jackson, Jessica
Ten Years Without A Bath by Emerson, Charles Lee, Blackburn, Joy Renee
The Enemies Within by Bicharri, James T.
Christianity 101 by Treats, Arthur
Spiritual Repositioning: moving from where you are to where God wants you to be by Ekpangbo, Michael
Harvest Unlimited: Your Blueprint Towards Fulfilling One Permanent Soul Transaction by Makwarela, Simon
Moved by God to Act by Aikin, Wm Carter
Moved by God to Act by Aikin, Wm Carter
Change: If I Can, You Can: Changing for the Better in You by Angry, Travis
Spiritual Insights: The Lord Jesus Christ Is the Light of the World by Penney, Evelyn B.
Harvest Unlimited: Your Blueprint Towards Fulfilling One Permanent Soul Transaction by Makwarela, Simon
Jewish Roots (Large Print Edition) by Israel, Isaac
Today Is (Volume 6) by McTaggart, Christine
Zombie Retreat (2nd Edition) by Brown, Lane, Ym Resource, Lee, Matthew
Forgiveness: A Lenten Study by Thompson, Marjorie J.
Foundations for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology Proposal by Johnson, Eric L.
Mi Libro Dorado de Los Santos by Donaghy, Thomas
Israel e a Igreja by Branco, Luis Alexandre Ribeiro
Africa - 2 weeks at a time.: The Birth of the Africa Vision by Wilcox, Mickey
Entering Into Praise And Worship: The Power In Praise, the secret of True Worship, and the mystery of Music. by Thompson, Kofi a.
Fifty-Three Years Missionary To India: Life of O. R. Bacheler by Stacy, Thoman H.
A Series of Very Unfortunate Monsters; Santa Clause, His Elves and A Tooth Fairy by David, Halimah Bint
Tithing and Christianity by Reynolds, E. B.
El Pequeno Burrito by Gonzalez, Jose L., Totire, Natalie J.
Snowflake by Chapman, Luke L., Carpenter, The Village
Jesus Your Way Or God's Way by Jr, Andy J. Centek
The Young Minister's Wedding Ceremony Guide: a simple step by step guide for an elegant wedding ceremony by Smith, Kenneth
Lives that Matter: Letters from Prison - Volume 1 by Angelo, Marty
Sunday Mornings: An Introduction to Biblical Worship by Phillips, Brian W.
Exegetische Belegarbeit zu ApG 3,1-10 by Reimann, Simon
Prayer: Archangels and Intercessory Beings by Morris, Randall J.
Being Smart about Congregational Change by Zemke, Diane L.
Heresy: Some words for the church in this age of apocalypse by Luther, M.
The Mormon Theocracy by Morris, Randall J.
Walking In darkness & Hath No Light by Richards a. I. P. C. [M a. C. a. ]., Reverend
Ever Increasing Faith by Wigglesworth, Smith
Show me God. by Fedebagha, Barry
The Magi's Gold by Godfrey, Jerome Constantine
The Puzzled Priests by Godfrey, Jerome Constantine
The Penitent Thief by Godfrey, Jerome Constantine
Freeing Carlie by Thomson-MacRae, Nicole
The Breath of God: His nature formed His breath released by Crawford, Greg
Go-Get-HER!: Living out your purpose at high strategic performance levels by Jackson, Jessica
The JustMissional Church: Pursuing God's Path for Justice by Hesselgrave, Ronald P.
Use Your Words: Change Your Business, Life, Family or World by Bremer, Robin E.
Memoirs of The Narrow Way-Foundations by Aurand, Mark James
Suit Up: 21 Days to Suit Up! by Larsen, Phillip
Jesus Loves Children: Jesus Loves Children by Ibekwe, U.
Tamil Folk Music as Dalit Liberation Theology by Sherinian, Zoe C.
Was Jesus "Appropriate"?: The True Loving Nature of My Best Friend by Tibbetts, Rhiannon M.
Amazing Grace by Nee, Watchman
The Discourses of Philoxenos of Mabbug: A New Translation and Introduction Volume 235 by
Spiritual Warfare - a Bible Study Manual. by Olowosoyo, Oluwagbemiga
Daniel -a Bible study manual. by Olowosoyo, Oluwagbemiga
Danieli - Eko Bibeli by Olowosoyo, Oluwagbemiga
Reckless Devotion: 365 Days of Inspiration by Baker, Heidi, Baker, Rolland
Give My Heart Ease by Kelley, Roger Campbell
Travelling Through Rough Waters by Pryce M. DIV, James R.
A Brief Account of the Rise and Progress of the People Called Quakers by Penn, William
Baptism with the Holy Spirit: A Discussion for the Modern Church by Donaldson, Pamela
The Conversion of Scandinavia: Vikings, Merchants, and Missionaries in the Remaking of Northern Europe by Winroth, Anders
A Collection of Sermons for Every Occasion by Thompson, George
Justice, Unity, and the Hidden Christ by Tan, Matthew John Paul
La Teolosis, la Psicologia Cristiana y el Dr. Jesucristo: Convergencia entre la psicologia y la vida cristiana by Heredia Phd, Elvin
A Lover's Quarrel by Jones, Joe R.
Justice, Unity, and the Hidden Christ by Tan, Matthew John Paul
Embrace by Picardo, Rosario
Witness Is Presence by Tolonen, Miika
Missional: Impossible! by Rothery, Francis
In Search of Health and Wealth by
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