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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

The Virtuous Woman: Being Recommended By God, Your Husband, and Others by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Contending With the Forces of Darkness: Dealing With the Kingdom of Darkness by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Mysticism and Its Results; Being an Inquiry Into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy by Delafield, John
Comfort the Grieving: Ministering God's Grace in Times of Loss by Tautges, Paul
The God Who is I Am by Greene, Jim
Basic Christian Living: A Survey Course on Practical Christianity by Wilson, Douglas
Exposition of the Christian Faith by
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe by Kertzer, David I.
School of the Prophets: Advanced Training for Prophetic Ministry by Vallotton, Kris
A Religion of One's Own: A Guide to Creating a Personal Spirituality in a Secular World by Moore, Thomas
Keep It Shut Bible Study Guide: What to Say, How to Say It, and When to Say Nothing at All by Ehman, Karen
Feast or Famine a Prophesy to America by Bell, Mike
The Apostate: A Muslim Converts to Christianity by Juarez, Agustin Eliab
WHAT I-gnorant S-elective A-udacious CHRISTIAN by Millar, C. J.
Marquart's Works - Christendom by
Don't Lose Faith: Keep Believing by McDaniel, Phyllis G.
Jesus Christ: The Love & Wisdom of a 1st Century Mystic by Price, Isabella
Continued Success by Stickler, Michael L.
The Great Transformation: Finding Peace of Soul in Troubled Times by Flynn, Ted
Ryleigh Thanks Jesus: Blessings Are Plentiful by Susann, Jacqueline
Light, Life, and Love by Inge, W. R.
My Hospital Experience by Robinson, Bud
Man Turned In On Himself: Understanding Sin in 21st-Century America by Davis, Heather Choate
Luther über den Papst. Ein Vergleich seiner Aussagen in der Adelsschrift mit denjenigen in der Vorrede zur Freiheitsschrift by Knefelkamp, Jonas
Jesus on Stage: John's Gospel and Greek Tragedy by Oakeshott, Philip
Jesus on Stage: John's Gospel and Greek Tragedy by Oakeshott, Philip
Toward a Holier Catholic Church: Removing Barriers to Evangelization by Pfautsch, George E.
Gold War by Hunter, Hunter
The Way Makers by Gracey, Phr Angela M.
Spirit, Soul, Body: Toward an Integral Christian Spirituality by Consiglio, Cyprian
The Cardinal and the Deadly: Reimagining the Seven Virtues and Seven Vices by Clifton-Soderstrom, Karl
The Difference Christ Makes: Celebrating the Life, Work, and Friendship of Stanley Hauerwas by
Who's Afraid of Modern Art?: Essays on Modern Art and Theology in Conversation by Siedell, Daniel A.
The Cardinal and the Deadly: Reimagining the Seven Virtues and Seven Vices by Clifton-Soderstrom, Karl
Who's Afraid of Modern Art?: Essays on Modern Art and Theology in Conversation by Siedell, Daniel A.
The Difference Christ Makes: Celebrating the Life, Work, and Friendship of Stanley Hauerwas by
It Takes Three by Montgomery Jr, Melvin L.
My Hope In Hell by Reuter, Jens
Building the Old Time Religion: Women Evangelists in the Progressive Era by Pope-Levison, Priscilla
Spiritual Warfare: The Fight, The Freedom, The Fire by Cerda, Sandra
Little Lamb: Coloring Book by Richardson, Marion W.
Reclaiming Pietism: Retrieving an Evangelical Tradition by Collins Winn, Christian T., Olson, Roger E.
Capstone: A Theoretical, Practical, and Biblical Approach to Missions and Evangelism by Dorsey, Brandon D.
And So To Rome: An Evangelical Pilgrimage by Nicklin, Marcus
Absolute Surrender by Murray, Andrew
Dignity and Destiny: Humanity in the Image of God by Kilner, John F.
Forgotten Gospel: The Original Message of a Conquering King by Bryan, Matthew
Escape from Paradise: Leaving Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watch Tower after thirty-five years of lost dreams by Talon, Brock
Sole Survivor: One Man's Testimony For Christ by Bern, Paul J.
Hechos de los Apóstoles: Manual de Enseñanza ICM by Zapico, Jose, Zapico, Lidia
Developing a Strong Relationship With God: Being Close and Committed to God by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Secrets to God's Miracle-Working Power: How to Get the Great Power of God by Onu, Godsword Godswill
State of Religious Liberty in the United States by U. S. House of Representatives, Committe
Spiritual Progress: Instructions in the Divine Life of the Soul by Guyon, Madame, Lacombe, Pere, Fenelon, Francois
Stumbling To Nineveh: A Journey Through The Book Of Jonah by Marino, Lee Ann B.
God Speaks through Hebrew Culture: Ancient Hebrew Knowledge Every Christian Needs to Know by Reeve, Jacob
Not of Works by Hamill, Bertron
The Suspended Middle: Henri de Lubac and the Renewed Split in Modern Catholic Theology, 2nd Ed. by Milbank, John
Seizing the Nonviolent Moments: Reflections on the Spirituality of Nonviolence Through the Lens of Scripture by Small, Nancy
Seizing the Nonviolent Moments: Reflections on the Spirituality of Nonviolence Through the Lens of Scripture by Small, Nancy
The Storm by Murphree, Marilyn S.
Oração que Funciona+: Princípios Bíblicos para Oração Eficaz by Jones, David P.
Aj Noc Ti Svieti by Halas, Miroslav
Learning To Dance: A step by step guide to sharing your faith by Hulett, Bob
Away Boy by Simms, T. R.
Avoiding Martyrdom: the Catholic Church in the United States by Sneesby, Frederick J.
Avoiding Martyrdom: the Catholic Church in the United States by Sneesby, Frederick J.
The Proper Care of Snakes: Managing Personality Disorders in Congregational Settings by Kruger, Roger
Poetry through the "WORD" by Stallworth-Butler, Denice
The Spiritual Evolution of Mankind by Odogwu, Greg
Concerning the Roman Catholics: Let's Take a Journey On the Roman Catholics by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Salvation Hoodlums: WSAD News by Gulley, Bobbie J.
The Simple Gospel, Vol. 1 by Morrison, H. C.
The Simple Gospel, Vol. 2 by Morrison, H. C.
Free to Lead & Called to Serve: A Common Sense Approach to Women in Ministry by Garrett, Dawn F.
Joining Jesus: A Manual for New Believers by Smith, David L., Bongers, Peter K.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: The History of Christianity in Jerusalem and the Holy City's Most Important Church by Kafarakis, Kosta
Outposts of Hope: First Peter's Christ for Culture Strategy by Webster, Douglas D.
To Preach the Truth: Selected Sermons and Homilies by Ogden, Schubert M.
Outposts of Hope: First Peter's Christ for Culture Strategy by Webster, Douglas D.
To Preach the Truth: Selected Sermons and Homilies by Ogden, Schubert M.
Passionate Pursuit: Getting to Know God and His Word by Goll, James W.
The Year Of The Lord's Release by Chapman, Gertrude J.
No More Distractions: Refocus, Readjust, & Restart by Johnson Jr, Gregory David
Witness Development Evangelism Workbook: Jesus-Style Conversational Evangelism by Witt, Cindy, Kaufmann, Ron, Witt, David
The Missionary Baptist and the Calvinist Doctrine on Election Compared by Jardinel, Edwin D.
Agape; God's Persona (3rd Ed. Color): It's a book without life unless with Love we write. by Swingle, Ron
Living by Faith, Hope and Love by Mason, Raymond D.
We Have a Future Because God Has a Plan: The Book of Revelation in plain language by Brown, Jeffrey Paul
The Power Of The Popes by Francois Daunou, Pierre Claude
Singing in the Barn & CAT tastrophe: Story of Jesus and Noah's flood by McCracken, Charles R.
Agape; God's Persona (3rd Ed - B & W): It's a book without life unless with Love we write. by Swingle, Ron
God's Provision: More than Enough by Murphree, Marilyn S.
Ministers-Workers Training Manual: Bringing Out Trained and Equipped Ministers and Workers by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The United States of Apostasy by Bradford, Adam
The Angel's Winepress by Bradford, Adam
Can You Hear The Holy Spirit by Hawks, Pb
The Pilgrim's Progress In Words of One Syllable by Godolphin, Mary
Everything New: Reimagining Heaven and Hell by Cook, Jeff
An Apostate Church: A look at the Apostasy in todays Church by Lauderdale, Billy M.
Beware of False Religions & Pagan Traditions Part 3 by Fulton, Helene
Beware of False Religions & Pagan Traditions Part 2 by Fulton, Helene
Church Discipline: God's Gift for a Healthier, Holier Church by South, James T.
Baby Steps to Divine Destiny by Bryan, Vickie
REDIMIDO De La Maldición: Maldecido O Bendecido Tu Desición by Vukovich, R. a.
The Two Lawyers: A Story for the Times by Morrison, Henry Clay
The Little Book of BIG Thoughts -- Vol. 5 by Anderson, Karen a.
Our Covenant with God by Stevenson, William
Your Season of Rest & Restoration by Remy, Bruner M.
Christian Masculinity and God's Purpose for Men by Throneberry Phd, Grady L.
Deep Calls Unto Deep: Images of God's Bounty and Man's Response by Plaisier, Arjan
Big Jesus: A Pastor's Struggle with Christology by Watson, Jimmy R.
Ecclesial Identities in a Multi-Faith Context: Jesus Truth-Gatherings (Yeshu Satsangs) Among Hindus and Sikhs in Northwest India by
Transforming Renewal: Charismatic Renewal Meets Thomas Merton by Lord, Andy
Worlds at War, Nations in Song: Dialogic Imagination and Moral Vision in the Hymns of the Book of Revelation by Valentine, Kendra Haloviak
Worlds at War, Nations in Song: Dialogic Imagination and Moral Vision in the Hymns of the Book of Revelation by Valentine, Kendra Haloviak
Deep Calls Unto Deep: Images of God's Bounty and Man's Response by Plaisier, Arjan
Transforming Renewal: Charismatic Renewal Meets Thomas Merton by Lord, Andy
Ecclesial Identities in a Multi-Faith Context: Jesus Truth-Gatherings (Yeshu Satsangs) Among Hindus and Sikhs in Northwest India by Duerksen, Darren
There's A Lion In The Road! by Gulley, Bobbie J.
Point of No Return: Tackling Your Next New Assignment with Courage & Common Sense by Renner, Rick
Miracle on Voodoo Mountain: A Young Woman's Remarkable Story of Pushing Back the Darkness for the Children of Haiti by Boudreaux, Megan
Once Saved, Always Saved?: The Reality of Eternal Security by Johnston, Brian
The Davidic Posture: A Handbook for Worship Ministers and Worshipers by Reid, Destine
Systematic Theology II: Outlines by Malloy, Christopher J.
Redemption Through the Scriptures: Study Guide by Bucknell, Paul J.
God Read Those Tears: "He Knows Your Pain" by Xhego, Cebo
Vaticano II... HOY by Valdez, Jose Juan
Themelios, Volume 39, Issue 3 by
Resurrection: The Origin and Goal of the Christian Life by Matera, Frank J.
Renovating Holiness by Oord, Thomas Jay, Akkerman, Jay Richard, Broward, Josh
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 2 by
The Lost Distinctive: The Weakening of Baptist Churches by Coovert, Pierre
Turkmania: The Turkmen of the Middle East by Oddchild, Johnny
Doubling Groups 2.0: How Andy Stanley and a whole generation of churches are exploding with doubling groups and the power of hospitality. by Hunt, Josh
Friend In Need: Sympathetic Knowledge by Zittle, Michael
Miracles of Faith: none by Denbrok, Kathrene Martina
Revelation A Message To The Kingdom Of Heaven by Barksdale, Jesse
The Suicide Survivor by Trafton, Phyllis D.
The Kingdom of God and The Church by Vos, Geerhardus
Quest to Restore God's House - A Theological History of the Church of God (Cleveland, Tennessee): Volume I, 1886-1923, R.G. Spurling to A.J. Tomlinson by Phillips, Wade H.
Not of Works by Hamill, Bertron
Distinctive Doctrines of the Apostolic Church: An Apostolic Pentecostal Perspective on Foundational Bible Doctrines by Nix, Kelly
Life After Death: Christianity's Hope and Challenge by Tripp, Dick
Saints and Sinners: A History of the Popes by Duffy, Eamon
Killjoys: The Seven Deadly Sins by
Thinking of Jesus: Column Collection 1 by Cho, Eun Suk
Return to the Beginning: Snapshots of the Church Volume 1 by Giuffrida, Joseph
The Church and Public Education: Taking Back America: Why Christians Should use the Schools as a Mission Field by Shotts, Galen
The Masterson Conspiracy by Sheets, Catherine
Ángeles En La Tierra: Historias reales de personas que han tenido experiencias sobrenaturales con un ángel by Baker, Diana
The Subjective God: Examining the Singularity of Purpose by Jones, Alan R.
The Go-Between God by Taylor, John V.
Shalom y las Buenas Noticias al Hombre: Un Mensaje que Libera by Alvarez M. D., Henry
Themelios, Volume 38, Issue 1 by
A Whisper of Change by Sweat, Cathy
Sanctification by Byers, J. W.
Tough Steak and Tender Gravy: We can win in the hard times of life! by McCracken, Charles R.
It Is Written: The Word of God Works Miracles by Adesuyi, Adebiyi
Christians and the Public Square by Canipe, Lee, Younger, Brett
War, Peace, and the Bible by Crowetipton, Vaughn, Younger, Brett
The Biblical Role of Elders for Today's Church by Prokopchak, Steve, Sauder, Brian, Myer, Ron
One Body in Christ: Ecumenical Snapshots by Cummings, Owen F.
One Body in Christ: Ecumenical Snapshots by Cummings, Owen F.
Pastoral Leadership: A Case Study, Including Reference to John Chrysostom by Lee, Won Sang
El Cristiano como Ministro by
God's Word for Today's World by Stott, John R. W.
Jesus without Borders: Christology in the Majority World by
Christianity in the Later Roman Empire: A Sourcebook: A Sourcebook by Gwynn, David M.
Christianity in the Later Roman Empire: A Sourcebook: A Sourcebook by Gwynn, David M.
Way of the Wesleys: A Short Introduction by Tyson, John R.
Re-Writing Jesus: Christ in 20th-Century Fiction and Film by Holderness, Graham
Effective Social Learning: A Collaborative, Globally-Networked Pedagogy by Loewen, Nathan R. B., Duncanson-Hales, Christopher
Interpreting the Prophets by Chalmers, Aaron
Are You Ready?: Preparing Young People to Live Their Confirmation by Maidment, Pete
Readings for Funerals by Oakley, Mark
The Sound of the Liturgy: How Words Work in Worship by Hammond, Cally
Wittgenstein, Grammar, and God by Keightley, Alan
The Love of Grace by Martinez, Nancy Ruth
Contextualizing Miracles in the Christian West, 1100-1500: New Historical Approaches by
An Orphan's Odyssey: Sacred Journeys to Renewal by Rothenberg, Rose-Emily
Bible Stories by Rohrer, Megan, Tisdel, Daniel
And the Earth Becomes a Sun: The Mystery of the Resurrection by Prokofieff, Sergei O.
Dear Theophilus: An unusual journey through St. Luke's Gospel with commentary and historical background by Hawkins, Nancy
We're Going to Meeting! by Currie, Stacey
Pagan and Christian Creeds: Their Origin and Meaning by Carpenter, Edward
Nous Sommes Comme Dieu Pour La Connaissance De Vie by Dieudonne, Akini Tenzapa
The Mighty Hand of the Lord by Robinson, Robert L.
The Way: From Darkness to Light by Mitchell, Jannah A.
Religion In A Handbasket: Israel The Church and The Pulpit by Allen, Bob
Servants of Righteousness Discipleship Training Program by Huntley, Eric L.
Regnum Christi: buscando el corazon de su carisma: (edicion para America Latina) by Kearns, Owen, Langan, Patrick
The Simplicity of Christianity: Christianity presented without the man-made stuff by Gago, Bullus M.
El Espejo del Espiritu Santo: Hechos by Hempel, Elizabeth Escauriza
The Spirit of Peace: Pentecost and Affliction in the Middle East by Grey, Mary
Becoming a Parish of Intentional Disciples by
An Orphan's Odyssey: Sacred Journeys to Renewal by Rothenberg, Rose-Emily
Coming Down from the Mountain: Returning to Your Congregation - Walk to Emmaus by Martin, Lawrence
Letter Against the Greek Collatines by Mark of Ephesus
Conversational Theology: Essays on Ecumenical, Postliberal, and Political Themes, with Special Reference to Karl Barth by Hunsinger, George
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