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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

The Bible by Youdale, Scott
Understanding Japan Through the Eyes of Christian Faith (Fifth Edition) by Lee, Samuel
Women and Worship at Corinth: Paul's Rhetorical Arguments in 1 Corinthians by Peppiatt, Lucy
God Hovered Over the Waters: The Emergence of the Protestant Reformation by Deprater, William A.
God Hovered Over the Waters: The Emergence of the Protestant Reformation by Deprater, William A.
Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted: A Guide to Law and Gospel Preaching by Monson, Glenn L.
Afflicting the Comfortable, Comforting the Afflicted: A Guide to Law and Gospel Preaching by Monson, Glenn L.
Paul's Spirituality in Galatians: A Critique of Contemporary Christian Spiritualities by McClendon, P. Adam
Women and Worship at Corinth: Paul's Rhetorical Arguments in 1 Corinthians by Peppiatt, Lucy
The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom by Chrysostom, John
Tweeting with God: #Big Bang, Prayer, Bible, Sex, Crusades, Sin, Career by Remery, Michel
Theology, History, and Biblical Interpretation: Modern Readings by Sarisky, Darren
The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings by O'Loughlin, Thomas
Jesus Wept: The Significance of Jesus' Laments in the New Testament by Eklund, Rebekah
Hans Urs Von Balthasar and the Question of Tragedy in the Novels of Thomas Hardy by Taylor, Kevin
Beyond RastafarI: An Historical and Theological Introduction by Coltri, Marzia A.
Soul Poetry by Staples, E. B.
A Trumpet In The Time Of Trouble, Volume 4 by Testori, Scott
Health & Wellness. HOW TO HEAL THE SICK THE JESUS WAY by McGraw, Ray
James: Faith That Works by Shirk, Lois M.
Islam and Muslims: Those In the Religion of Islam by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Thoughts for Young Men by Ryle, J. C.
Lichtmetaphorik und Wiedergeburt bei Johann Michael Hahn by Espenlaub, Geb Schäfer Jaana
Illuminating Faith: An Invitation to Theology by Murphy, Francesca Aran, Mezei, Balázs M.
A Guide to St. Symeon the New Theologian by Hunt, Hannah
English Ministry Crisis in Chinese Canadian Churches: Towards the Retention of English-Speaking Adults from Chinese Canadian Churches Through Associat by Todd, Matthew Richard Sheldon
English Ministry Crisis in Chinese Canadian Churches: Towards the Retention of English-Speaking Adults from Chinese Canadian Churches Through Associat by Todd, Matthew Richard Sheldon
Don't Be a Waster of Sorrows: Nine Ways Our Sorrows Can Lead to a Deeper Spiritual Life by Wilcox, Peter C.
Don't Be a Waster of Sorrows: Nine Ways Our Sorrows Can Lead to a Deeper Spiritual Life by Wilcox, Peter C.
A Guide to St. Symeon the New Theologian by Hunt, Hannah
Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves: Applying Christian Ethics in Economics by Stapleford, John E.
Building on a Sure Foundation by B. K.
Let Loose by Long, Ronald
Eavesdropping on God: One Man's Conversations With the Lord: Book Seven - Valleys to Victory by Jeffers, David
A Semiotic Approach to the Theology of Inculturation by Orji, Cyril
Word and Silence: Hans Urs von Balthasar and the Spiritual Encounter Between East and West by Gawronski, Raymond
Deontología sexual del líder religioso: Guía práctica para prevenir la mala conducta sexual del líder religioso by Mendoza, Edwin
Deontología sexual del líder religioso: Guía práctica para prevenir la mala conducta sexual del líder religioso by Mendoza, Edwin
Problems... of Youth by Riley, William B.
Orthodoxy by Clarke, James Freeman
Ten Great Religions by Clarke, James Freeman
Broken But Not Abandoned by Manns, Gloria
Metáfora del Satanás: Desengañando Creyentes en la Verdad by Olivo, Alondra
Honest Evangelism: How to Talk about Jesus Even When It's Tough by Tice, Rico
Permission Granted--Take the Bible Into Your Own Hands by Bird, Jennifer
The Little Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary Latin/English by Keller, Karl
My Paperback Book by Ehimetalor, Henry
The Christian's Guide to Passover: A Seder Haggadah for Christ-Followers by Thomas, Judah
A Semiotic Approach to the Theology of Inculturation by Orji, Cyril
Finding Our Balance: Repositioning Mainstream Protestantism by Byars, Ronald P.
Finding Our Balance: Repositioning Mainstream Protestantism by Byars, Ronald P.
Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God's Spirit: Jesus' Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life by
Receiver, Bearer, and Giver of God's Spirit: Jesus' Life in the Spirit as a Lens for Theology and Life by Sánchez, Leopoldo A.
The Mass Explained to Children by Montessori, Maria
The Mass Explained to Children by Montessori, Maria
Sewn Together by God by Schuneman, Randy
God's Amazing Grace by Mueller, Walter
Thoughts about God, Salvation, and Other Things by Davis Jr, David D.
Natural Evangelism: Strategies for Ordinary People to Make an Extraordinary Difference by Lariscy, Randy
The Pathway to Greatness: How to Become Great by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Proving the Existence of God: A Logical Approach by Neelley, Malcolm J.
Vows, Oaths, and Swearing: Concerning Vowing, Swearing, and Taking of Oaths by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Blood of Jesus Christ: The Blood of the Lamb by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Battlefield of Life: Your Winning Strategy by Wadele, Michael Adekome
The Weapons of Our Warfare: Putting on Christ for Victory by Assibey, George O.
Journeys to Wisdom: Festschrift in Honour of Michael Pearson by
Juan de Vald�and the Italian Reformation by Firpo, Massimo
Altars, Spiritual Gates, and Covenants: The Spiritual Controls the Physical by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Diccionario Hebreo-Español: Herramienta Pastoral by Ben Peretz R., Moreh Yojanan
From Fear to Love: The Process of Salvation - How to Really Live and Love Through Moving Away From a Spirit of Fear Towards the Spirit of Love by Werdebaugh M. a., Scott
Bible Stories Using Scripture: New Testament by Mitchell, Jefferson Wade
Making Spiritual Progress (Volume One) by Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
God Loves A Great Barbeque: The Kingdom of God by Hulse, Jerry, Hale, Rob
Mr. Greenleaf's Unforgettable Summer by Glassco, Jill Watson
The Church of Smyrna: History and Theology of a Primitive Christian Community by Saavedra, Mauricio
Tornadoes of War: Inspirational Stories of Veterans and Veteran's Families by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
How To Keep From Getting Hurt In The Church: You Can't Stop Hurtful Things From Happening, but You Can Stop Them From Hurting You! by Robbins, Dale a.
Irenaeus of Lyons: Identifying Christianity by Behr, John
Love the Homosexual: A Message to the Christian Church by Jernigan, Linda D.
Lay Empowerment and the Development of Puritanism by Bremer, Francis
Easter: Meaning, Poems, And Trivia by Okumu, Francis
Providence Perceived: Divine Action from a Human Point of View by Elliott, Mark W.
From 'Passio Perpetuae' to 'Acta Perpetuae': Recontextualizing a Martyr Story in the Literature of the Early Church by Kitzler, Petr
Orthodoxy in Arabic Terms: A Study of Theodore Abu Qurrah's Theology in Its Islamic Context by Awad, Najib George
Making Spiritual Progress (Volume 2) by Fomum, Zacharias Tanee
Searching Her Own Mystery: Nostra Aetate, the Jewish People, and the Identity of the Church by Kinzer, Mark S.
Papacy, Monarchy and Marriage 860-1600 by D'Avray, David
Women and Modesty in Late Antiquity by Wilkinson, Kate
Inspiration of The Scriptures (Large Print Edition) by Box, Millard B.
Were They Preaching 'Another Gospel'? Justification By Faith in the Second Century by Daunton-Fear, Andrew
Kidushin: Ceremonia Matrimonial: Conociendo Nuestras Raíces Judeo-Cristianas, Vol. 4 by Alvarez M. D., Henry
Blue Hills and Shoofly Pie in Pennsylvania Dutchland by Hark, Ann
Beyond the Darkness by Castagna, Lcsw Albert a.
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People: When Things Look Surprising by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Myths of Hell by Anderson, Nathan J.
No Other Name by Nance, Jesse E.
Backsliding and Falling Away: Leaving the Right Path by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Joy of Encountering Jesus: Living God's Life in a New World by Chung, Hoan Moses
The Kingdom of God Benefits of Worship and Praise by Harrison, Julius E.
Der Ursprung biblischer Mythen: Die Enträtselung christlicher Glaubensvorstellungen by Nahodyl Neményi, Árpád Baron Von
The Planting And Development Of Missionary Churches by Nevius, John
Understanding The Path We Walk by Barr, Robert
Searching Her Own Mystery: Nostra Aetate, the Jewish People, and the Identity of the Church by Kinzer, Mark S.
Sermon Notebook for Kids by Slingerland, Greg
A World Transformed: Exploring the Spirituality of Medieval Maps by Deam, Lisa
A World Transformed: Exploring the Spirituality of Medieval Maps by Deam, Lisa
Dreams and Spirituality by
Holy War, Martyrdom, and Terror: Christianity, Violence, and the West by Buc, Philippe
Defining The Executive Pastor Role by Taylor, Phil
Rediscovering Church: One Guy Roadtripping the Bible Belt (and Stopping By an AA Meeting) to Rethink How We Do Church by Young, John D.
To Think Without Fear by Duncan, Anthony
How to Believe by Loncar, Josip
Preaching to Multiethnic Congregation: Positive Marginality as a Homiletical Paradigm by Choi, Woosung Calvin
The One True Church by Weller, Joe
Of Natural and Supernatural Things: Alchemy and Truth by Valentinus, Basilius
A Lifetime in Pentecost: From the Pew to the Pulpit by Jenkin, Roy
Democracy: Biblical Principle or Man-made Institution? by Hardy, Byron
Emmanuel II by Chant, Ken
Principles For Dynamic Leadership by Archary, Kobin
The Law Above the Law by Montgomery, John Warwick
More Than You Could Ever Imagine: On Our Becoming Divine by Owens, Bernie
The Incarnation of God: The Mystery of the Gospel as the Foundation of Evangelical Theology by Clark, John, Johnson, Marcus Peter
ABC's of Christmas Prayers by Bland, Bobby
Characteristics of the Spiritual Path by Shenouda, Pope, III
Mary Tudor, England's first Queen Regnant. Truth is the Daughter of Time by Slysz, Gregory
Our Only Comfort: 52 Reflections on the Heidelberg Catechism by Presa, Neal D.
The Scripture Cannot Be Broken: Twentieth Century Writings on the Doctrine of Inerrancy by
Cravings by Cole, Marjorie
The Pastor's Ministry: Biblical Priorities for Faithful Shepherds by Croft, Brian
101 Surprising Facts about St. Peter's and the Vatican by Kirby, Jeffrey
Overcoming Sin and Temptation (Redesign) by Owen, John
Testimony by Muers, Rachel
Together for the Common Good by Sagovsky, Nicholas
Grace for All: The Arminian Dynamics of Salvation by
To Teach the Truth: Selected Courses and Seminars by Ogden, Schubert M.
To Teach the Truth: Selected Courses and Seminars by Ogden, Schubert M.
African American Baptist in Mission: A Historical Guide by Jones Booth, Roxanne
Talking with Catholics about the Gospel: A Guide for Evangelicals by Castaldo, Christopher A.
The Art of Illustration by Spurgeon, Charles H.
In the Footsteps of an Ancient Faith by Ringma, Charles
The Quest for the Historical Adam: Genesis, Hermeneutics, and Human Origins by Vandoodewaard, William
Uncovering the Life of Jesus: Six Encounters with Christ from the Gospel of Luke by Manley Pippert, Rebecca
The Routledge Companion to Religion and Popular Culture by
A Purposeful Path: How Far Can You Go with $30, a Bus Ticket, and a Dream? by Beaumier, Casey
Bright Saturday: The Rite of Bright Saturday by Coptic Orthodox Church, St Mark
Calvinism, Reform and the Absolutist State in Elizabethan Ireland by Hutchinson, Mark A.
Fear and Faith: Finding the Peace Your Heart Craves by Newbell, Trillia J.
Origins of American Religious Nationalism by Haselby, Sam
Orgullosamente Episcopal (Edición Español): Proclamando La Buena Nueva de la Iglesia Episcopal by Doyle, C. Andrew
Expulsión, Extinción Y Restauración de Los Jesuitas En Venezuela, 1767-1815 by del Rey Fajardo, S. J.
Soul Winning: Inspiration for Leading People to Jesus by King, Daniel
On Immigration by Harbin, Christopher B.
Answers: For A Postmodern Age by Fairley, Mark
Anabaptist Witness: 2.1 by Witness, Anabaptist
Silent Prayer: Be Still and Know That I Am God by Today, New Way
Orderliness and Disorderliness: Being Orderly and Not Disorderly by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Our Courtship Days: Letters to my sweetheart by Chiboboka, Grace Ngoma, Chiboboka, Barnabas
LOST Lessons 2 by Johnson, Randy, Rutledge, David
Saint Jordan of Bristol by Higgins, David H.
Saint Jordan of Bristol by Higgins, David H.
Catechism Manual by Latorre, L. E.
60 Second Jesus Volume 1 (Matthew): 1 Minute Devotionals in the Gospel of Matthew by Spong, Ian Grant
Why People Cheat by Seals, Prophetess Tina
Examine Your Faith!: Finding Truth in a World of Lies by Christian, Pamela
Sex and the Soul, Updated Edition: Juggling Sexuality, Spirituality, Romance, and Religion on America's College Campuses by Freitas, Donna
Abounding in Kindness: Writing for the People of God by Johnson, Elizabeth A.
Christian Theology: A Concise, Comprehensive, and Systematic View of the Evidences, Doctrines, Morals, and Institutions of Christianity by Wakefield DD, Samuel
Will All be Saved?: An Assessment of Universalism in Western Theology by Blanchard, Laurence Malcolm
Faith that Works by Ehimetalor, Henry
My Church Is Not Dying: Episcopalians in the 21st Century by Garrett, Greg
The Forward Movement: Evangelical Pioneers of 'Social Christianity' by Standing, Roger
Creative Giving: Understanding Planned Giving and Endowments in Church by Fairly, Rob, Coon, Sanford, Reeves, Michael
Troubling Questions for Calvinists by Smith, F. Lagard
Vices and Virtues: Knowing, Accepting and Improving Yourself by Trillo, Alejandro
Church Undone: Documents from the German Christian Faith Movement, 1932-1940 by
Secret Power: The Secret of Success in Christian Life and Work by Moody, D. L.
Big Lessons from Little Places: Faithfulness and the Future in Small Congregations by McLaughlin, Kay Collier
Red Skies: Bible Prophecy and World Events by Graff, Ron
The Holy Spirit in African Christianity: An Empirical Study by Chigor, Chike
Discovering Christian Ministry: Theology and Practice by Dalton, Ron
Writing Theologically by Barreto, Eric D.
Vulnerable Faith: Missional Living in the Radical Way of St. Patrick by Arpin-Ricci, Jamie
Maps for a Fiesta: A Latina/O Perspective on Knowledge and the Global Crisis by Maduro, Otto
Maps for a Fiesta: A Latina/O Perspective on Knowledge and the Global Crisis by Maduro, Otto
Training Laborers for His Harvest: A Historical Study of William Milne's Mentorship of Liang Fa by Song, Baiyu Andrew
Training Laborers for His Harvest: A Historical Study of William Milne's Mentorship of Liang Fa by Song, Baiyu Andrew
Thriving in Babylon: Why Hope, Humility, and Wisdom Matter in a Godless Culture by Osborne, Larry
The Pursuit of God: The Human Thirst for the Divine by Tozer, A. W.
Pope Francis: The Last Pope?: Money, Masons and Occultism in the Decline of the Catholic Church by Zagami, Leo Lyon
Come, Let Us Worship: A Practical Guide to the Divine Liturgy for Orthodox Laity by O'Grady, Patrick B.
Prophet of Cuernavaca: Ivan Illich and the Crisis of the West by Hartch, Todd
Welcome to the Orthodox Church: An Introduction to Eastern Christianity by Mathewes-Green, Frederica
Radically Catholic In the Age of Francis: An Anthology of Visions for the Future by Hall, Solidarity
Women in Ministry: Questions and Answers in the Exploration of a Calling by Smythe, Shannon
Old Testament Theology: Israel's Gospel by Goldingay, John
Hymns of the Greek Church by Brownlie, John
Hymns from the East by Brownlie, John
The Water of Life and Other Sermons by Kingsley, Charles
The Correct Spelling Of... by Gulley, Bobbie J.
Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion to the Year 1700 - Volume 1 by Malcolm, James Peller
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