• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

The Incarnation by Watson, Philip
The Hermeneutics of an African-Igbo Theology by Okuma, Peter Chidi
Gewalt im Namen Gottes: Die Verantwortung der Religionen fuer Krieg und Frieden - 16. Oekumenische Sommerakademie Kremsmuenster 2014 by
Die kollektivarbeitsrechtlichen Bezuege des Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetzes by Mälzer, Max
What Was I Thinking?: Get your thoughts working for you not against you by Lange, Linda, McCloud, Caspar
James' Epistle: a Commentary by Lyall, Ian
Bible Stories By God's Army of Light: New Testament by O'Connor, Kellie, Mitchell, Jefferson Wade
The Work of the Evangelist by Burke, Mark
For every story: There has to be an author by Johnson, Rev Dennis L.
Newton on the Christian Life: To Live Is Christ by Reinke, Tony
El Hinduismo, Religión del Orden Eterno by Vázquez Borau, J. L.
The Edensville High Series: Eve: High School doesn't last forever but the choices we make can... by Irwin, J&m
Just Mission by Cameron, Helen
The Over-Seer: Prophetic Watchman of the Glorious Church by Baraka, Levi Chaim
God's Kingdom News by Allen, Janie
Created for Responsibility by Headley, Anthony J.
Commisioning into your God ordained office by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
The wonder and power of God's mercy by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
Go Make Disciples: How Jesus Did It, How We Can Do It by Francis, Brad
Survival Mode Workbook by Matthews, Gena y.
Training of a Saint by Burke, Mark
The Secret Book of Mormon: What they Truly Believe by Michaels, M. David, Koedstaart, Weerachon
This Mystery Is Great by Hammons, Hal
My son give me your heart by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
Quiet Talks on Prayer by Gordon, S. D.
Cadabra: Poems by Kindbom, Jen
Worship at the Next Level by
Anchored in Grace: Fixed Points for Humble Faith by Walker, Jeremy
Living Free: Learning to Pray God's Word (Updated) - Bible Study Book: Learning to Pray God's Word by Moore, Beth
The Lawyer of the Church: Bishop Clemente de Jesús Munguía and the Clerical Response to the Mexican Liberal Reforma by Mijangos y. Gonzalez, Pablo
Evangelism and Social Concern in the Theology of Carl F. H. Henry by Ireland, Jerry M.
The Power of Words...Speaking Life Into Our Children: Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue? by McBride, Shawn M.
Jesus on Leadership - Member Book by Wilkes, C. Gene
Comparte la Palabra: Doctrina, Caracter y Ministerio: Un Curriculo de Ensenanza Oral by Olson, Kevin J.
Wanted: Christian Educators with Character by Virtue, James R.
In Defense of Doctrine: Evangelicalism, Theology, and Scripture by
The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism by
A Free Corrector: Colin Gunton and the Legacy of Augustine by
What the Body Knows: Poems by Janzen, Jean
Jurisprudence: A Book of Readings by Montgomery, John Warwick
Huguenots in Later Stuart Britain: Volume I - Crisis, Renewal, and the Ministers' Dilemma by Gwynn, Robin
Die Herrlichkeit des Lammes by Davis Kirk, Sandy
Spiritual Warfare and the Common Saint by Peters, Jeffrey a.
Wholeness After Betrayal: Restoring Trust in the Wake of Misconduct by Hammeal-Urban, Robin
Becoming the People of God: Creating Christ-Centered Communities in Buddhist Asia by
The Joseph Road: Choices That Determine Your Destiny by White, Jerry E.
Baptists in America: A History by Hankins, Barry, Kidd, Thomas S.
Triune Eternality: God's Relationship to Time in the Theology of Karl Barth by Griswold, Daniel M.
Reaching Post-Christian Europeans by Ottesen, Bjørn
Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times by Hindson, Ed, LaHaye, Tim
Secularism Catholicism Future P by Adler
Catholic Saints for Children by Du Bouetiez, Anne-Sophie
Prophet and the Reformer: The Letters of Brigham Young and Thomas L. Kane by
A Free Corrector: Colin Gunton and the Legacy of Augustine by
El Budismo, Religión del Vacío by Vázquez Borau, J. L.
Iniquity by White, Sara
The Way of Prophetic Leadership: Retrieving Word & Spirit in Vision Today by Campbell, Jennifer
The Omnipresence of Jesus Christ: A Neglected Aspect of Evangelical Christology by Zachariades, Theodore
The Day My World Stood Still by Macisaac, Anne
The Integrating Gospel and the Christian:: Fiji 1835-67 by Tippett, Alan R.
Amish Boy and a Mother's Prayer: The Founder of Graber Post Buildings Tells His Story by Graber, Glen S.
The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ by Notovitch, Nicolas
Evangelism and Social Concern in the Theology of Carl F. H. Henry by Ireland, Jerry M.
A Theology of Love: The Dynamic of Wesleyanism, Second Edition by Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs
The Problem of Perception and the Experience of God: Toward a Theological Empiricism by
A Question of Consensus: The Doctrine of Assurance After the Westminster Confession by
James and Paul: The Politics of Identity at the Turn of the Ages by
The Hesychast by St Gregory of Sinai
Rethinking the End of the World: Understanding Apocalyptic Spirituality by Cooper, B. L.
Rethinking the End of the World: Understanding Apocalyptic Spirituality by Cooper, B. L.
Systematic Theology: Volume 1, the Doctrine of God by
Reading Ellen White: How to Understand and Apply Her Writings by Knight, George R.
Emerging Adulthood and Faith by Hill, Jonathan P.
In Defense of Doctrine: Evangelicalism, Theology, and Scripture by
Called To Be God's People, Abridged Edition by Giese, Curtis P.
Ellen G. White Letters & Manuscripts with Annotations by White, Ellen Gould Harmon
Becoming the Psalms: A Spirituality of Singing and Praying the Psalms by Harmon, Kathleen
Renewing Christian Unity: A Concise History of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ by Foster, Douglas A., Toulouse, Mark G., Holloway, Gary
Getting Jesus Right: How Muslims Get Jesus and Islam Wrong: How Muslims Get Jesus and Islam Wrong by Evans, Craig A., Beverley, James
Spiritual Seeds: How to Cultivate Spiritual Wealth Within Your Future Children by Strain, Jon, Strain, Pam
Last of the Last Days by Kedziora, Thaddeus
Last of the Last Days by Kedziora, Thaddeus
The Predictability Factor by Agee, Bill
The Predictability Factor by Agee, Bill
God's Children by Reynolds, Reatha
My Legal Right's To Witness: 1st Ammendment Right's by Yeager, Michael H.
It's Not Conformation: Confirmation Sermons from the Front Lines of Post-Christendom Youth Ministry by Vest, John W.
Mounting Up With Wings Like Eagles by Collins, Wilfred
Transsexualism In The Church by Seals, Prophetess Tina
The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree: Watchtower Doctrines Inherited From Charles Taze Russell and Certain Other Adventists by Johnson, Bishop Raymond Allan
Arminian and Baptist by Pinson, Matthew
Ruth the Maiden from Moab: Studies in the Book of Ruth by Rumburg, H. Rondel
Biblische Gottesbilder. Gottesvorstellungen im Alten und Neuen Testament by Löwe, Julia
The Wonders of Prayer by Whittle, D. W.
The Miracle in the Middle: Finding God's Voice in the Void by Gambill, Charlotte
Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women by James, Carolyn Custis
Why Jesus Wept by Omokri, Reno
Things My Best Friends Told Me for the Camino and for Life by O'Regan, Kerry
Jonathan Edwards and the Trinitarian Shape of Beauty by Cunningham, John
Ministries of Mercy, 3rd Ed.: The Call of the Jericho Road by Keller, Timothy J.
The Woman's Bible by Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
The Master's Indwelling by Murray, Andrew
The Art of Spiritual Midwifery: Dialogos and Dialectic in the Classical Tradition by Faller, Stephen
Sense and Spirituality: The Arts and Spiritual Formation by McCullough, James
Sense and Spirituality: The Arts and Spiritual Formation by McCullough, James
The Art of Spiritual Midwifery: Dialogos and Dialectic in the Classical Tradition by Faller, Stephen
Exploring Christian Theology: Creation, Fall, and Salvation by
Jesus: The Life, Teachings, and Relevance of a Religious Revolutionary by Borg, Marcus J.
The Mark of the Beast: The 666 by Godfrey, Godfrey Okoro
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians by Gore, Charles
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans - Volume I by Gore, Charles
St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans - Volume II by Gore, Charles
George by Spencer, Sarah a.
Marvelous Miracles and Amazing Adventures: Living the Normal Christian Life by Biondi, Cynthia a.
SUCCEED at LIFE: You Were Created for Greatness by Walker, Tina I.
The Secret to a Treasure Filled Marriage: Youth Guide Complete by Lewis, Stephanie a.
God and Mammon: For God or for the Money by Godfrey, Godfrey Okoro
Can't Pray, Won't Pray, Must Pray: Wrestling honestly with the problems of prayer by Adams, Richard
The New Christian Handbook by James, William
Overcoming Unbelief by Burke, Mark
The Gospel Feast: Proclaiming the Gospel Through the Lord's Supper by Hawley, Martin L.
Missions Unmasked: What I Never Knew About Missionary Life by Mosley, Adam
Share the Word: A Study of Romans: An Oral Training Curriculum by Olson, Kevin J.
The Bible Teacher's Guide: Theology Proper: Knowing God the Father by Brown, Greg
Conceived in Doubt: Religion and Politics in the New American Nation by Porterfield, Amanda
21-Day Faith Fast: Believe Beyond Normal Limits by Daniels, Daisy S.
Christianity Castrated by Crossfire
Thy Kingdom Come: Entering God's Rest in Prayer by Metcalf, Jeanne
2015 CPYC Small Group Leader Manual by Ferry, Aaron
2015 CPYC Small Group Activity Book by Ferry, Aaron
Righteousness Apart from Salvation: In The First Century by McRay, Ron
Holy Ghost FIRE Talk: Listen to the Holy Spirit talk to you! by King, Evangelist
Mother Stories from the Old Testament by Anonymous
The Irish church and its formularies by Hope, Alexander
Two Years of Church Progress by Hope, Alexander
God's Eagles, Athletes and Pilgrims: Revised Edition by Sanchez, Haide S.
Understanding Christianity: Christian essentials for those examining or embracing the faith. by Frye, William
Kingdom in Pursuit by Wilson, James A.
Bullying in the Churches by Finlan, Stephen
Does God Exist? by Corner, Mark
The Grass is Never Greener by Brooks, Ellsie
Appelman's Sermon Outlines and Illustrations by Appelman, Hyman J.
Fathers You Have Not Many: 1 Corinthians 4:15 by Higginbotham, Blake L.
"KNOW ME" says the Lord: It is all about Jesus by Nicholls, Joel J. J.
Suddenly Free, Vol. 2, The Purpose of Joy by Davis, Yvette Carmon
The Bible Doesn't Say: What Biblical Misconceptions do You Have? by Lillywhite, Hal
The Ministry Of Jesus by Watson, Philip
So, What's the Deal? by Garrett, Sharon
William B. Smith: In the Shadow of a Prophet by Walker, Kyle R.
William B. Smith: In the Shadow of a Prophet by Walker, Kyle R.
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-1918 by Loconte, Joseph
A Hobbit, a Wardrobe, and a Great War: How J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis Rediscovered Faith, Friendship, and Heroism in the Cataclysm of 1914-1918 by Loconte, Joseph
More Than A Day: Rome Wasn't Built in a Day and Neither Are You: A 42 Day Devotional through the Book of Romans by Raulston, Justin
Pure Gospel Revelation: An in depth Bible study on the Good News of Jesus Christ by Reeve, Jacob
Healing in the Old Testament by Chant, Ken
Meditations for InterSpiritual Practice: A Collection of Practices from the World's Spiritual Traditions by
Bullying in the Churches by Finlan, Stephen
Retrieving the Radical Tillich: His Legacy and Contemporary Importance by
Kairos, Crisis, and Global Apartheid: The Challenge to Prophetic Resistance by Boesak, Allan Aubrey
Jean Calvin: La diffusion de la Réforme protestante by 50minutes, Cirier, Aude
La Réforme protestante, de Luther à Calvin: La réponse aux abus de la religion catholique by André, Laury, 50 Minutes, Bloch, Jonathan
The Disciples Conclusion by Jones, Aaron R.
Israel's Mission Discovery Guide: A Kingdom of Priests in a Prodigal World 13 by Vander Laan, Ray
Dealing With Darkness by Barrientos, Jakob
Kairos, Crisis, and Global Apartheid: The Challenge to Prophetic Resistance by Boesak, Allan Aubrey
The Philosophy of Inequality: Letters to my Contemners, Concerning Social Philosophy by Berdyaev, Nicholas
Worship and Mission by Davies, J. G.
Is the Atheist My Neighbor?: Rethinking Christian Attitudes Toward Atheism by Rauser, Randal
Is the Atheist My Neighbor?: Rethinking Christian Attitudes Toward Atheism by Rauser, Randal
Bible Stories For All Ages Colored Edition: Old Testament by O'Connor, Kellie Jean, Mitchell, Jefferson Wade
The Love and the Cross: Ultimate Power for Unlimited Victory by Afolayan, Ademolaami
The Bible Book-By-Book New Testament Student Guide by Davis, Barry L.
Gleanings Among The Sheaves by Spurgeon, Charles Haddon
Atala by Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene De
Itinéraire de Paris à Jérusalem by Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene De
The Work of Theology by Muniz Op, Francisco P.
Prayer Fire: Living in the Passion of Prayer by Bullis, Florence P.
Les aventures du dernier Abencerage by Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene De
Woman Up! by Hill-Payne, Alisha M.
The Bible Book-By-Book Old Testament Student Guide by Davis, Barry L.
Imagining Religious Leadership in the Middle Ages: Richard of Saint-Vanne and the Politics of Reform by Vanderputten, Steven
Genesis/B'resheit by Church, Hutch
Génie du christianisme by Chateaubriand, Francois-Rene De
A Child's Guide to Prayer by Ani, Joy
Confront Yourself by Eke, Ndubuisi
Gummy Bears In the Toilet - Who's Your Jamie Lolley? by Ward, Chris
Salvation and Reward: Two Distinct Lines of Truth by Ironside, H. a.
Una Revelación Divina de Los Engaños de Satanás by Baxter, Mary K.
No Cross, No Crown by Penn, William
The AME Churches of Texas: African Methodist Episcopal by Robinson, Linda Bell
Wake up! Children of Israel!: The Truth Calls You Home by Hall Ba, Andrea
Teach Me to Pray in 30 Days: a Devotional for Children by Miller, Laura J.
Crossroads of the Nations: Diaspora, Globalization, and Evangelism by Looney, Jared
Melchizedek and the Passover Lamb: The Yahushaic Covenant Volume iii by Sha'ul, Rav
The Warrior-Prince: Saint Michael the Archangel by Bartolo-Abela, Marcelle
Discovering the Jewish Roots of the Letter to the Ephesians: Part of Discovering the Jewish Roots Commentary Series by Wadge, Rik B.
The Revival We Need by Smith, Oswald J.
The Way of the Cross: Comprising a Luminous Discussion of Both the Law and the Gospel by Carroll, B. H., Cranfill, J. B.
The Theology of Struggle by Harmon, Hugh
When God Builds a Church by Russell, Bob, Russell, Rusty
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