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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

Serving the Word: Essays in Honor of Dr. Chuck Sackett by
The 1857 Hamilton, Ontario Revival: An Exploration of the Origins of the Layman's Revival and the Second Great Awakening by King, Sandra L.
The 1857 Hamilton, Ontario Revival: An Exploration of the Origins of the Layman's Revival and the Second Great Awakening by King, Sandra L.
James M. Dunn and Soul Freedom by Weaver, Aaron Douglas
Religions and Nonviolence: The Rise of Effective Advocacy for Peace by Macnair, Rachel
Cae Siete Veces, Levantate Ocho: Como Lograr Lo Que Tienes Por Delante, Pase Lo Que Pase by Mason, John
Gottes Lügen: Ein Pamphlet über Religion und Leben, Schein und Sein by Mambourg, Albert
Authentic Fire: A Response to John Macarthur's Strange Fire by Brown, Michael L.
The Fourth Book Of Maccabees And Kindred Documents In Syriac: First Edited On Manuscript Authority by Bensly M. a., R. L.
Unitarian Christianity by Channing, William Ellery
A Brief Outline of Things to Come by DeHaan, M. R., Ironside, H. a., Brooks, Keith L.
The Five Gates to Idolatry by Wooten, Thomas Justin
Los Tres Cielos: Angeles, Demonios y Lo Que Esta por Venir by Hagee, John
Seven Pillars of Servant Leadership: Practicing the Wisdom of Leading by Serving; Revised & Expanded Edition by Sipe, James W., Frick, Don M.
The Promise of the Father by Canfield D. Min, Jeff
The Baptism in the Holy Ghost by Gabrielsen, Ronald
Iconic Books and Texts by Watts, James
Witness of a Fragile Servant: A Personal Look at Pastoral Preaching by Bugg, Charles B.
The Gathered and Scattered Church: Equipping Believers for the 21st Century by Hammett, Edward H.
La route lotoise G.P Dagrant: les vitraux de trente-trois églises by Ternoise, Stéphane
Los Dones del Espiritu para una nueva generacion by Wood, Kerry
What in the World is God Up To?: Why things are the way they are and why you should believe by Van Loenen, Andy
Religious Deception: The Curse of Dead Religion by Stolzfus, Ivan
Fill My Cup Lord, Let it Overflow With...... by Russell Jr, Anthony K.
Subscribing to Faith?: The Anglican Parish Magazine 1859-1929 by Platt, Jane
Early Quakers and Their Theological Thought by
Preaching and Intimacy: Preparing the Message and the Messenger by Bugg, Charles B.
The Mediation of the Spirit: Interventions in Practical Theology by Cartledge, Mark J.
Jesus Himself by Murray, Andrew
Rediscovering Jesus: An Introduction to Biblical, Religious and Cultural Perspectives on Christ by Richards, E. Randolph, Capes, David B., Reeves, Rodney
Ruth: Bridges and Boundaries by Grossman, Jonathan
Holy in Christ by Murray, Andrew
Lord, Teach Us To Pray by Murray, Andrew
Money (Large Print) (Large Print Edition) by Murray, Andrew
The Biography of Robert Murray M'Cheyne by Bonar, Andrew a.
Fresh Illustrations, Volume 1: Forgiveness & Reconciliation by Wilson, Jim L.
How To Pray And Get Results: Removing the Barriers Blocking Your Prayer Life by Newton, Sheldon D.
Compelled Workbook by Reilly, Tim
Demonic Torture to Spiritual Freedom by Thompson, Tim
Intersections: Where Faith and Life Meet: Peace by
Breakfast with Solomon Volume 3 by Stieglitz, Gil
Preach My Sister Preach: A Biblical Defense for Women in the Gospel Ministry by Miller, D. Min, Sr.
Preach My Sister Preach: A Biblical Defense for Women in the Gospel Ministry by Miller, D. Min, Sr.
Dear World . . .: What God Wants You to Know by Roux, Dawid
Jesus the Reconciler by Van Oudtshoorn, Andre
70: Jesus' Expansion Strategy by Beckham, William a.
From the Whirlwind: Ezekiel by Tracy, Betty
Proverbs of King Solomon by Alexander, Victor
The Ultimate Three Minutes: The Story of Two Great Human Watersheds - Their Preparation and Their Coinciding by Cummings, William
Finishing Line Course Booklets (Pack of 10) by Wyatt, John
Finishing Line (Course Leaders Booklet and DVD) by Wyatt, John
Glory Stories by Ditson, Nyla
Deeper Water For Thirsty Souls by Beckham, Joseph
Saved By The Cross: How The Covenant Unveils The Meaning Of The Cross by Skillin, Mark
Foundations of Biblical Preaching: Langham Preaching Trinidad & Tobago Level 1 Seminar by Shirley-Gibbings, Angela, Mapp, Kelvin, Caterson, Joseph
The Kingdom-Building Church: Experiencing the Explosive Potential of the Church in Kingdom-Building Model by Peters, Ben R.
Cur Deus Homo by Anselm
From the Desk of Pastor William: The Call, The Church, My Legacy by Bennett, William a.
Guideline For Children/Teens and /Young Adults: Read Learn Enjoy by Smotherman, Jewell F.
Jesus Is The Key: To Eternity Part One by Bryant, Austin
The Renewal of All Things - Russian by Williams, Jonathan
Grace to Abound: A Servant Leader's Guide to Good Works and Graceful Living by McCoy, Dorcas E.
Love Letters of a Worshipper: Prayers, Poetry and Prose by Fuller, Liela Marie
The Personage of Man by Daley, Robert E.
Il racconto della torre come chiave ermeneutica del fenomeno migratorio: Esegesi e lettura simbolica di Gen 11,1-9 by Keßler, Tobias
Proof by Weesner, Alvin O.
The Jews and Israel by Kriessman, Charles J.
99 Powerful Questions for Christian Leaders: Questions to coach Christian leaders toward greater effectiveness and how to use them by DeVries, Dave, Ogne, Steve
Cómo Hablar Con Dios: Aprendiendo A Orar Paso A Paso by Reina, José
Park Street Prophet by Lindsell, Harold
By Canoe and Dog Train: The Adventures of Sharing the Gospel with Canadian Indians (Updated Edition. Includes Original Illustrations.) by Young, Egerton Ryerson
The Purpose of Man: God Created Man and Gave Him Dominion and Authority Over All of His Creation by Jinnah, Jeanita
Make it a Well by Harmon, Hugh
Effective Discipling in Muslim Communities: Scripture, History and Seasoned Practices by Little, Don
Preparing for Baptism in the Episcopal Church by Kitch, Anne E.
The Claim of God: Karl Barth's Doctrine of Sanctification in His Earlier Theology by Worthington, Ethan
The Spirit of Holiness by Cattell, Everett L.
Unity In Mission: A Bond of Peace for the Sake of Love by Doyle, C. Andrew
Torah Unchained! A Search for Christian Morality. by Ortiz-Carrasco, Mark
The All-Sufficiency of Christ by Mackintosh, Charles Henry
The Assembly of God by Mackintosh, Charles Henry
The Great Commission by Mackintosh, Charles Henry
The Lord's Coming by Mackintosh, Charles Henry
On The Morning Of The First Day by Henning, C. J.
Impossible? God Does The Impossible For You! by Green, Eileen
Wounded Warriors of Time by Brown, H. Oral
Pensées by Pascal, Blaise
An Epistle to John Hagee: Concerning Jerusalem Countdown That He Wrote Blaming the Christians and Baffling the Jews and the End Time Events by Simon, Johns V.
The Gospel to the Choctaw by Beard, Richard
2015 Yearbook of the General Assembly: Cumberland Presbyterian Church by Vaughn, Elizabeth, General Assembly, Office Of the
Joining God, Remaking Church, Changing the World: The New Shape of the Church in Our Time by Roxburgh, Alan J.
Literature and Dogma by Arnold, Matthew
The Hymns of Martin Luther by Bacon, Leonard Woolsey
Legends of Old Testament Characters by Baring-Gould, Sabine
Trial of the Witnesses of the Resurrection of Jesus by Sherlock, Thomas
Combats les 7 géants: et prends possession de la promesse by Lompo, Elisee
Amazing Young People by Formhals, Danny L., Sr.
The Life of Abel by Meek, Tiana
THOT- El santuario by La Escriba
Christian Non-Resistance by Ballou, Adin
Holy Bible: Leviticus by Tom, C.
Workbook: Impossible? God Does The Impossible For You! by Green, Eileen
Sagas, Scholars, & Searchers: Why the Bible is the Atheist's Best Friend by Bausch, William J.
Faith-healing - Christian Science and Kindred Phenomena by Buckley, James Monroe
Flickering Lamps: Christ and His Church by Blackaby, Richard, Blackaby, Henry
So God Created You by Hanson, Janis
Apprehending The Kingdom by Melvin, E. J.
Love is the Key: To Love is to Live by Combs, Gloria
Against All Odds: A Division That Still Stands by Rogers, Tecora M.
At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies by Kingsley, Charles
Sermons for the Times by Kingsley, Charles
Town and Country Sermons by Kingsley, Charles
Madam How and Lady Why; Or, First Lessons in Earth Lore for Children by Kingsley, Charles
Renee's Poems with Wings Are Words in Flight: I'll Write Our Wrongs! by Drummond-Brown, Renee'
The Anthropology of Protestantism: Faith and Crisis Among Scottish Fishermen by Webster, Joseph
Colour Me Christmas ( A Really Relaxing Colouring Book) by James, Elizabeth
Tres Pasos Hacia la Vida Eterna by Lewis, C. Henry
Cuales Son Las Herramientas Que Dios Utiliza Para Aumentar Tu Fe? by Lewis, Carlos a.
The Roman and the Teuton by Kingsley, Charles
God's Word As I See It In My Mind: Faith and Work by Lawrence, Reuben C., Jr.
The Resurrected Life: Making All Things New by Holt, Charlie
Practicing Ministry in the Presence of God: Theological Reflections on Ministry and the Christian Life by Davis, John Jefferson
Practicing Ministry in the Presence of God: Theological Reflections on Ministry and the Christian Life by Davis, John Jefferson
Drawing on the Powers of Heaven by Harrison, Grant Von
The Power Of The Ancient Days: Why Worship Flags by German, Nannie D.
My Favorite Sermons VI by Noble, Alfredo D.
Being a Christian in Sri Lanka: Historical, Political, Social, and Religious Considerations by Pinto, Leonard
The Cry of the Teacher's Soul by Matthias, Laurie R.
Health Care; God's Plan by Morris, Kenneth G.
Desde el púlpito: Manuscritos de sermones para Semana Santa, Navidad y otras ocasiones by Goitia Padilla, Francisco Javier
The Cry of the Teacher's Soul by Matthias, Laurie R.
Mission Without Conquest: An Alternative Missionary Practice by Ute, Paul, Frank, Paul, Willis, Horst
True Faith in the True God: An Introduction to Luther's Life and Thought, Revised and Expanded Edition by Schwarz, Hans
Christianity's Impossible Theology: Purloined From Ancient Egypt by Tabony, Harry L.
The Crucified Life: Seven Words from the Cross, Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Holt, Charlie
Black and Reformed by Boesak, Allan Aubrey
Translating Religion: What Is Lost and Gained? by
A Critical Examination of the Doctrine of Revelation in Evangelical Theology by Ash, Carisa A.
Thanks: Giving and Receiving Gratitude for America's Troops: A Soldier's Stories, a Veteran's Confessions, and a Pastor's Reflections by Welty, Edgar S.
Thanks: Giving and Receiving Gratitude for America's Troops: A Soldier's Stories, a Veteran's Confessions, and a Pastor's Reflections by Welty, Edgar S.
Expressing Theology: A Guide to Writing Theology That Readers Want to Read by Roach, Jonathan, Dominguez, Gricel
In Need of Your Prayers and Patience: The Life and Ministry of Hiram F. Reynolds and the Founding of the Church of the Nazarene by Shea, Mary Lou
In Need of Your Prayers and Patience: The Life and Ministry of Hiram F. Reynolds and the Founding of the Church of the Nazarene by Shea, Mary Lou
Thrive: Spiritual Habits of Transforming Congregations by Fletcher, Ruth A.
Expressing Theology: A Guide to Writing Theology That Readers Want to Read by Roach, Jonathan, Dominguez, Gricel
Ministering in a Changing Sexual Landscape by Moody, Edward E.
Strangers in This World: Multireligious Reflections on Immigration by Hwang, Alexander Y.
Mission Without Conquest: An Alternative Missionary Practice by Frank, Paul, Willis, Horst, Ute, Paul
Catholicism and Evolution: A History from Darwin to Pope Francis by Chaberek, O. P. Michael
Galatas Understanding First Century: Exhortation to Believers by Ben, Moreh Yojanan
A Way Where There is No Way: A Guide to the Straight and Narrow by Lass, Patric R.
Plus 1 Living: making the most out of your life by investing in others by Wagner, Kent a.
El Deseo de Dios es que Nadie Perezca by Saba, Umberto
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 10 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 08 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 6: H. W. Beecher to Punshon by Various
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 04 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 03 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 02 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 01 by Kleiser, Grenville
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 9: Cuyler to Van Dyke by Various
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 7: Hale to Farrar by Various
The World's Great Sermons, Volume 5: Guthrie to Mozley by Various
Jung's Challenge to Contemporary Religion by
The Gospel's Saving Power, 2nd Edition by Bunch, Randy Lane
Evangelism: The Unfinished Task by Musekiwa, Ernest
Why Christ Matters: Toward a New Testament Christology by Keck, Leander E.
Freedom, Truth, and Human Dignity: The Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Religious Freedom by
Fisher's Catechism: The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained by Fisher, James, Erskine, Ebenezer
Homily on the Nativity of Mary by St Theodore the Studite
Where Hope Abides by Scheidies, Carolyn R.
Project Holiness: Marriage as a Workshop for Everyday Saints by Ravizza, Bridget Burke, Massey, Julie Donovan
Christ's First Theologian: The Shape of Paul's Thought by Keck, Leander E.
Called to Be a Pastor: Why It Matters to Both Congregations and Clergy by Hauder, Larry
Called to Be a Pastor: Why It Matters to Both Congregations and Clergy by Hauder, Larry
Fisher's Catechism: The Westminster Assembly's Shorter Catechism Explained by Fisher, James, Erskine, Ebenezer
The Making of a Quaker College by Ross, Milo C.
GOD and the SEXUAL METAPHOR by Price, Roy C.
Feasting on the Gospels Complete Seven-Volume Set: A Feasting on the Word Commentary by Jarvis, Cynthia A., Johnson, E. Elizabeth
The Enigma of Egill: The Saga, the Viking Poet, and Snorri Sturluson by Tulinius, Torfi H.
On the Road With Ruth: Faith for the Journey by Lennon, Andrea
Drastic Choices During Spiritual Warfare by Blyden Sir, Elijah, Mapara, Gertrude
Tried By Fire And Coming Out As Pure Gold: Tried By Fire And Coming Out As Pure Gold by Smith Mth, Darlene
Worshipping Christ Jesus to Usher in the New Millennium: Withstanding in the Second Heaven in The End Times by Miss Destiny and Purpose
God Is: Bible Study / Devotional by Fuller, Gregory S.
The Story of St. Teresa of Avila and Her Reform by Smet, Joachim
The Essential of the Teaching of Nichiren DaishŌnin by Bradley, Martin
Love Worth Knowing by Lorenz, Denise
Led by the Spirit: Toward a Practical Theology of Pentecostal Discernment and Decision Making by Parker, Stephen E.
Celtic Christianity and the First Christian Kings in Britain: From Saint Patrick and St. Columba, to King Ethelbert and King Alfred by Backholer, Paul
Identity, Youth, and Gender in the Korean American Church by Hong, Christine J.
Protestantism and Politics in Korea by Park, Chung-Shin
Some of the Mysteries of God's Kingdom Declared by Howgill, Francis
Atonement: A Guide for the Perplexed by Johnson, Adam J.
The Great Grace: Receiving Vatican II Today by Zimmermann, Nigel
Urban Ecclesiology: Gospel of Mark, Familia Dei and a Filipino Community Facing Homelessness by Bazzell, Pascal D.
More Than Communion: Imagining an Eschatological Ecclesiology by Macdougall, Scott
Pneumatology: A Guide for the Perplexed by Castelo, Daniel
Pneumatology: A Guide for the Perplexed by Castelo, Daniel
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