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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism: Making a Female Ministry in the Early Twentieth Century by Payne, Leah
Schleichende Islamisierung?: Religionsfreiheit versus Religionsausuebungsfreiheit in Europa by Többens, Michael
Wondrous Love by Moody, Dwight
Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism: Making a Female Ministry in the Early Twentieth Century by Payne, Leah
The Lord's Prayer by Pawson, David
Johann Prokop Schaffgotsch: Das Leben eines boehmischen Praelaten in der Zeit des Josephinismus by Svoboda, Rudolf
The Warfare of Spiritual Ambiguity by Seals, Prophetess Tina
Church Whys and Wherefores: What We Do in Church and Some Christian Ideas Explained by Straszak, Edmund N.
The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug Marriage by Tate, Christine
Examine Yourself by Ghartey, Jonah
Grace for Living by Jackson, John (Jay)
Marriage Fixer: by Pastor Graham Abraham by Abraham, Graham Aubrey
Blessings, Curses, and Spiritual Attacks: Being Blessed and Not Cursed by Onu, Godsword Godswill
St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians by Gore, Charles
Gates of Jericho by Tabor, Troy T.
Turning Temptations Into Triumphs by Adewunmi, Sam O.
Cursed with a Curse?: The Truth about Tithes and Offerings by Allen, Joy Uvette
Intersections: Where Faith and Life Meet: Lent, Easter, & Pentecost by Howell-Diamond, Cardelia
Eternal Miscalculation by Yee, Sidney
Mapping Apologetics: Comparing Contemporary Approaches by Morley, Brian K.
Borderline: Reflections on War, Sex, and Church by Goff, Stan
The Only Sacrament Left to Us: The Threefold Word of God in the Theology and Ecclesiology of Karl Barth by Currie, Thomas Christian
Borderline: Reflections on War, Sex, and Church by Goff, Stan
Readings in Catholic Social Teaching: Selected Documents of the Universal Church, 1891-2011 by Richardson, John T.
The Only Sacrament Left to Us: The Threefold Word of God in the Theology and Ecclesiology of Karl Barth by Currie, Thomas Christian
Cherubim Chariots: Exploring the Extradimensional Hypothesis by Peck, Josh
Angels by Pawson, David
Spirit Christology in the Christian Tradition: From the Patristic Period to the Rise of Pentecostalism in the Twentieth Century by Bryant, Herschel Odell
Fundamental Theology: A Protestant Perspective by Becker, Matthew L.
Iraq by Gish, Peggy Faw
Trusting God In The Storm by Seals, Prophetess Tina
OPEN the DOOR: Introduce your Friends to Jesus by Steele, Timothy
My Father's Business: Labouring In the Work of the Lord by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Pioneer Missions: Meet the Challenges, Share the Blessings by McPhail, Forrest
Raising Godly Children by Theophilus, Itakpe
Tithes and Offerings: Giving to the Almighty God by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Mikha'el by Scandlen, Nancy E.
Millennial Pizza: The Mystery Of History Reavealed by Darby, Michael Louis
Jesus Gave YOU Power! by Sirju, Jewel
How Shall We Worship? by Dawn, Marva J.
Wheels of Light: Introductions, Homilies, Prayers of the Faithful, and Reflections for each Sunday of the Three-Year Liturgical Cycle, by Buckley, Con
Wheels of Light: Introductions, Homilies, Prayers of the Faithful, and Reflections for each Sunday of the Three-Year Liturgical Cycle, by Buckley, Con
Iraq by Gish, Peggy Faw
A Theology of the Spirit in Doctrine and Demonstration by
The Oil Volume II The Power Of Agreement: The Covenant by Winslow, Apostle Marilyn F., Winslow Jr, Bishop Howard
Katholische Aufklaerung und Ultramontanismus, Religionspolizey und Kultfreiheit, Volkseigensinn und Volksfroemmigkeitsformierung: Das rheinische Wallf by Speth, Volker
Feminist Theology from the Third World by
Student's Guide to New Life by Pruitt, Jeff
Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature by
Jesus von Nazareth - Wer war er wirklich? by Gisin, Markus
Studies in the Greek and Latin Versions of the Book of Amos by Oesterley, W. O. E.
Theological Reflection across Religious Traditions: The Turn to Reflective Believing by Foley, Edward
The Constancy and Development in the Christology of Theodoret of Cyrrhus by Vranic, Vasilije
Attending the Bride of Christ: Preparing for His Return by Lawley, Martha
Iran Lib/E: Desperate for God by Nettleton, Todd
Iran: Desperate for God by Nettleton, Todd
Iran: Desperate for God by Nettleton, Todd
Finding Mom by Messer, Steve C.
Discipling In Community: Transforming Small Groups Into Discipling Communities by Wagner, Alan
Charismatic Christians in the Church of Ireland by McCann, Alan
Divine Miraculous Magnificent: The Miracles of Jesus by Easterling, Christine Davis
God's Mind as the Design For Humans and Life on Earth by Connor, Peter E.
The Rapture by Schafer, Rudolph C.
Finding Mom by Messer, Steve C.
Intersections: Where Faith and Life Meet: Hope by Howell-Diamond, Cardelia
A Critical Analysis of the Interpretation of the Doctrine of Justification by Faith Alone by the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria, Gongola Diocese by Reynolds, James J.
The Development of the Seventh-day Adventist Understanding of Ellen G. White's Prophetic Gift, 1844-1889 by Levterov, Theodore N.
How Not to End Up With the Wrong Man: A Single Christian Woman's Guide to Courtship and Marriage by Awusah, Judith C.
Christian Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Christmas Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
We Are Pilgrims: From, in and with the margins of our diverse world by
Life of DAVID W. PATTEN: First Apostolic Martyr by Wilson, Lycurgus A.
How Not to End Up With the Wrong Man: A Single Christian Woman's Guide to Courtship and Marriage by Awusah, Judith C.
Family on Mission by Breen, Sally, Breen, Mike
Feasting on the Word Worship Companion, Year B, Volume 2 by Long, Kimberly Bracken
Homiletical Theology: The Promise of Homiletical Theologypreaching as Doing Theology by
A Table in the Wilderness: Forty Days of Forgiveness by Rock, Thom
A Table in the Wilderness: Forty Days of Forgiveness by Rock, Thom
Hanging by a Promise: The Hidden God in the Theology of Oswald Bayer by Miller, Joshua C.
Hanging by a Promise: The Hidden God in the Theology of Oswald Bayer by Miller, Joshua C.
Toxic Mythology: Breaking Free of Popular Lies and Cultural Poison by Puterbaugh, Dolores T.
Homiletical Theology: The Promise of Homiletical Theologypreaching as Doing Theology by
The No-Homework Women's Bible Study: Group Hug LARGE PRINT EDITION by Tate, Christine
A time to see: What really happens in the spirit realm by Williams, Jimmy L.
When an unclean spirit is cast out of a man by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
Dios esta llamando a su iglesia: estudio de la Biblia Vol 1 by Gray, Steven
Little Dove: Coloring Book by Richardson, Marion W.
Understanding the Lord's Prayer and Equiping The Saints: The Lord's Discipleship Program by Peters, John S.
A Period of Detachment: A young girl's experience in the convent of Carmelite Nuns by D'Amico, Connie Vigil
The Art of Intercession: Prophetic Intercession Mentorship by Poaty, F. Deborah
Genesis Defined by Jacee
Reading Romans at Ground Level: A Contemporary Rural African Perspective by Groves, Jonathan D.
Brave New Church by Bausch, William J.
Prayers That Work For our Good by Gibson, Edna
The Christian Year: Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and Holydays Throughout the Year. [by John Keble.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Keble, John
Marriage Ceremony & Preparation by Taylor Boyce, Gloria, Boyce, Ralph Henderson
Excellent Leadership: Applying God's Wisdom to Lead a Highly Fruitful Excellent Solution by Chingosho Ph. D., Elijah, Mitchell, Donald
Reading Romans at Ground Level: A Contemporary Rural African Perspective by Groves, Jonathan D.
Written Treasure Volume 1 by Tibbetts, Burnard
Big God, Little Problem by Hignight, Randy
Preaching the Old Testament: Sweeter than Honey by Wright, Christopher J. H.
The need for personal encounter with God by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
Discover God's deposits within you by Chukwuyama, Francis Nnamdi
Christian Homes: Religion, Family and Domesticity in the 19th and 20th Centuries by
From Eckhart to Ruusbroec: A Critical Inheritance of Mystical Themes in the Fourteenth Century by Kikuchi, Satoshi
The Rule of St. Gennadius by St Gennadius of Constantinople
Ethical by Morris, Daniel
Fight to Get YOU Back: He Made Me Better Than This by Belcher, Monica
Du Prisonnier Au Messager: Une Transformation eut lieu by Blunk, Apostle Hans
The Dig Proverbs by Schwenk, Patrick
The Thiselton Companion to Christian Theology by Thiselton, Anthony C.
Pass The Mustard Seed: Full Color Interior by Lee, Desiree
Thy will be Done: You have a goal and a purpose to fulfil you has been created for it by Blunk, Apostle Hans
Confirmationsbuch fuer Elise Gipp 1848 by Gipp, Elise
Christian Code: A Consolidation and Codification by Subject Matter of the Laws of the Bible by Pinch Village LLC
Jesus without Paul of Tarsus: Faithful to Jesus Christianity by Barraco Marmol, Ruy
The Coming American Apocalypse by Wetteland, Kim
Deep, Soulful Places: Experiencing God's Love in the by Pierce, Elizabeth J.
Lord, Fix My Leaks!: Unleashing The Woman of God in You by Holley, C. L.
Letter to Families: The Saint's Reflections on the Grandeur of Marriage and Family Life by II, St John Paul
Following in His Steps: A Biography of Charles M. Sheldon by Miller, Timothy A.
Leading Me: Eight Practices for a Christian Leader's Most Important Assignment by Brown, Steve A.
Living, Dying, Living Forever: Spiritual Reflections on the Journey of Life by Sherbino, David
The Pursuit of God by Tozer, A. W.
It's Ok, Jesus Loves You Anyway! by Goree, Glenn
Dynamics of Gods Word: How the Word Becomes Flesh by Mutambo, Andrew Allans
Life Giver by Williams, Lara
It's Ok, Jesus Loves You Anyway! by Goree, Glenn
Themelios, Volume 34, Issue 1 by
Themelios, Volume 36, Issue 1 by
Christian Mission and Economic Systems: A Critical Survey of the Cultural and Religious Dimensions of Economies by
La Teolosis y el Fruto del Espiritu: La manifestación y evidencia de la presencia del Espíritu Santo en la experiencia de vida cristiana by Heredia Phd, Elvin
Musings on Union by Yordy, Daniel
Doctrinas Distintivas de la Iglesia Apostólica: Una Perspectiva Apostólica Pentecostal Sobre las Doctrinas Fundamentales de la Biblia by Nix, Kelly
God Is Not from Any Nation: God Is Neither a Jew, a European, an American, Nor an African by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Sin, Disobedience, and Rebellion: Avoiding the Life of Satan by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Aus Gnaden erwählt ...?: Neuapostolisches Exklusivitätsdenken auf dem Prüfstand von Theologie und Exegese. Die Neuapostolische Kirche. Anspruch by Stiegelmeyr, Rudolf J.
The Catholic Community in Isleworth by Bagnall, Stuart
The Rib of Christ: Revealing the Mystery of the Bride of Jesus Christ by Schave, Dennis
Praktische Theologie der Bestattung by
Battlesong: The Biblical Story of Deborah by Natelson, Betty
Practice for Heaven: Music for Worship That Looks Higher by Statom, Gabriel C.
Practice for Heaven: Music for Worship That Looks Higher by Statom, Gabriel C.
Christian Education Curriculum for the Digital Generation: A Case Study of Second-Generation Korean Australian Youth by Park, Jong Soo
Christian Education Curriculum for the Digital Generation: A Case Study of Second-Generation Korean Australian Youth by Park, Jong Soo
The Judge Is the Savior: Towards a Universalist Understanding of Salvation by Wyatt, Jean
Word and Power: Is the Theology of John Wimber Compatible with Presbyterian Theology and Practice? by Stewart, Gareth W. D.
Ministry Makeover: Recovering a Theology for Bi-Vocational Service in the Church by Picardo, Rosario
The Wake Up Call! by Gulley, Bobbie J.
Jesus Culture: Calling a Generation to Revival by Liebscher, Banning
Sooner Than You Think: A Prophetic Guide to the End Times by Roth, Sid
Nonviolent Action: What Christian Ethics Demands But Most Christians Have Never Really Tried by Sider, Ronald J.
Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World by Wu, Cindy M., Johnson, Todd M.
Organisierte Armut im Franziskanerorden. Das Konzept der Armut von den ersten Ordensregeln bis 1428 by Bazzanella, Gregor
The King James Bible Unlocked! Volume 1: Matthew by Pickett, Earl
World Religions and Their Missions; Second Edition by
Vivienda y Justicia: Una Perspectiva Biblica: Housing Justice: A Biblical Perspective by Noble, Lowell, Newton, Bert, Mahoney, Ed
The Art Of Divine Contentment by Watson, Thomas
Healing Churches by Group, Cedargrove Mastermind
The Promise Land: (Moses Getting To The Promise Land) by Montgomery, Akeal Alexander
New Life In Christ: New Members Discipleship Study by Faulder, Don D., Carpenter, The Village
Peru Adventure by Elms, Tricia
Finding Favor with the King: Preparing for Your Moment in His Presence by Tenney, Tommy
Facing Decline, Finding Hope: New Possibilities for Faithful Churches by Jones, Jeffrey D.
The Last Words of Jesus: First Steps to a Richer Life by Epperson, Stu
Jesus, Jihad, and Peace: What Bible Prophecy Says about World Events Today by Youssef, Michael
Last Words of Jesus: First Steps to a Richer Life by Epperson, Stu
Brave New Discipleship: Cultivating Scripture-Driven Christians in a Culture-Driven World by Anders, Max
Sing The Hymns With Understanding by Pascall, Wayne
The Evangelical's Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Scriptural Insights and Practical Instruction on Facing the Enemy by Kraft, Charles H.
Fundamentos del Cuidado Pastoral by Petersen, Bruce L.
Mission Drift: The Unspoken Crisis Facing Leaders, Charities, and Churches by Horst, Chris, Greer, Peter
A Servant's Fall by Alfred, Samuel
The Seeing Transformation by Lindley, Bruce
The Diocese of Carlisle, 1814-1855: Chancellor Walter Fletcher's `Diocesan Book', with Additional Material from Bishop Percy's Parish Notebooks. (Cumb by
Encourage Your Own Heart by Alexander, Ella J.
Immersed Into God Interactive Training Manual: Pouring out the Life that Jesus Lives in You by Hayner, Andy
Indecent Dressing and Outward Appearance: Avoiding Things That Are Seductive, Worldly, Immoral, of Mermaid, Antichrist, and Anti-God by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Keys to Financial Prosperity: How to Be Rich Financially by Onu, Godsword Godswill
False Prophets, Teachers, and Ministers: Being Aware of Those Who Do Not Minister for the Lord by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Martyrs of Mount Ber'ain by Brock, Sebastian
The Blessed Place by George, Tracey K.
Turning Temptations Into Triumphs: God's Proven Strategies Against Satanic Devices by Adewunmi, Sam O.
The Process-Surviving The First Second and Third Spiritual Trimester by Wilson, Prophetess Sandra Marie
The Renovation of Our Soul: Exploring Questions About the Christian Doctrine of Salvation by Wipf, Don
Victory Through Grace: A Tale of Ancient Rome by Cod, Doctor
The Christian Marriage and Home: What God Expects In the Christian Family by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Patience, Endurance, and Longsuffering: Remaining and Striving Without Giving Up by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Learning Freedom Within the Yoke: An Essay on Spiritual Authority by Atkin, Don, Austin, Greg, Crosby, Steve
Overcoming Unforgiveness: destroying the bondage of unforgiveness by Woollery, Nadia
For His Glory by Manning, Max L.
What Happened To The Great Commission by Hilpert, Jeffrey
The New Pilgrims: Reflections on Christian Conversion at the Beginning of the Third Millennium by Forrester, John A.
Trials: God's Refining Fire by Hunt, June
Inheritance of Tears: Trusting the Lord of Life When Death Visits the Womb by Hutto, Jessalyn
Promise of the Presence: Rebuilding the tabernacle of David by Leppitt, Alun
Die sakramentale Existenz der Christen. Aufgezeigt an der Taufe by Theis, Victoria
Paddling by the Shore: Hymns of Kim Fabricius by Fabricius, Kim
A Table for All: How I Came to Understand That the Gospel Means Full Inclusion of Gays and Lesbians by
A Table for All: How I Came to Understand That the Gospel Means Full Inclusion of Gays and Lesbians by
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