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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2015

Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness by Reeve, W. Paul
Eclogarum in Libros Historicos Veteris Testamenti Epitome: Teil 1: Der Genesiskommentar by Prokop Von Gaza
Die Judenpolitik Philipps des Großmütigen by Pracher, Sascha
Stinky Thoughts: You are what you think! by Ross, Mary
Jesus' Attitude to Wealth and Poverty: A Revoutionary Newlook of its implications for the Nigerian Christians by Gad-Nwosu, Ven Dr Honest U.
Three Days and Nights to Glory by Quarterman, Ck
Practiacal Pastoring: Mentoring Growth: Letters from a senior pastor to a new pastor by Barsotti, Kevin J.
When You Think About It by Mitchell, Cynthia
When You Think About It by Mitchell, Cynthia
Total Worship: A Life of Deep Communion with God by Selepe, Lucky L.
Total Worship: A Life of Deep Communion with God by Selepe, Lucky L.
Paul Tillich by Pauck, Marion, Pauck, Wilhelm
Get Up! by Bragg, Pastor Steven Ray
Understanding Revelation by Cole, Wesley
Understanding Revelation by Cole, Wesley
Perspectives on Mormon Theology: Scriptural Theology by
Perspectives on Mormon Theology: Scriptural Theology by
The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation: Establishing The 21st Century Baseline for "A Long Way To Go" by McNairy, Chris
Unveiling the Past: A History of Pleasant Green Missionary Baptist Church Volume Two 2003-2013 by Thompson, Loyce Stewart
The Remnant by Case, Richard T.
Three Mystics Walk into a Tavern: A Once and Future Meeting of Rumi, Meister Eckhart, and Moses de León in Medieval Venice by Hall, Sidney G., Harrington, James C.
The One O'Clock Miracle Storybook: A True Story about Trusting the Words of Jesus by Mitchell, Alison
His I.M.A.G.E. "In My All Mighty God's Eyes": A Lady's Practical Guide to Balanced Self-Perception and Self-Worth by Blackburn, Joslyn Elliott
Soy ex gay, Y ahora qué hago?: Guía de sobrevivencia para cristianos que desean dejar atrás la homosexualidad by Cadena, Eduardo
The Schaffhausen Adomnan by Bracken, Damian
The Whole Story of the Bible in 16 Verses by Bruno, Chris
Children and Asceticism in Late Antiquity: Continuity, Family Dynamics, and the Rise of Christianity by Vuolanto, Ville
Eldership by Church of Scotland
Missionary Families: Race, Gender and Generation on the Spiritual Frontier by Manktelow, Emily
Heavenly Bread by White, Willie B.
The Life of Jesus by Smith, Raymond E.
Four Voices: How They Affect Our Mind by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
Four Voices: How They Affect Our Mind by McDonald, Yong Hui V.
The Ministry of Angels: Angels Work On Our Behalf for Our Good by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Psychology and Spirituality of Overeating and Obesity: A Historical Survey of Christian Thought and the Contemporary U.S. understanding of Glutton by Cecrle, William E.
The Work and Ministry of the Holy Spirit: Understanding What the Spirit of God Does by Onu, Godsword Godswill
La Science et le Surnaturel - Méditations sur le christianisme by Guizot, Francois Pierre Guilaume
Le Christianisme et le Spiritualisme by Guizot, Francois Pierre Guilaume
The Weapons of Our Warfare: Putting on Christ for Victory by Assibey, George O.
Traveling the Highway to Change without Crashing: Doing Strategic Planning for the Local Church by Perkins, Ernie
Prayers That Change Everything! by Zemanek, Stephen
Understanding the Precepts of the Church by Plese, Matthew R.
Kept for Jesus: What the New Testament Really Teaches about Assurance of Salvation and Eternal Security by Storms, Sam
Embracing the Passion by Pimlott, Nigel
Celebrating Holy Communion: The Working Group on the Place and Practice of Holy Communion by Church of Scotland
The Second Greatest Story Ever Told: Now Is the Time of Mercy by Michael, Gaitley E., Gaitley, Michael E.
The Eucharist: Origins and Contemporary Understandings by O'Loughlin, Thomas
Spirit Works: Cycle C Sermons for Pentecost Day Through Proper 12 Based on the Gospel Texts by Cochran, Robert C.
How to Forgive...When You Don't Feel Like It by Hunt, June
Snail Shells On The Move: "Teaching Children About God's Love One Story At A Time" by Griffin, Debra Ann
Antiochene Theria in the Writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Theodoret of Cyrus by Perhai, Richard J.
A Redneck's Guide To The Ultimate Rock Band 5 by Todd, Jeff
Conversations with Scripture: Romans by Sidebotham, Jay
Laws & Charters by Edgar, King Of the English
A Spiritual Walk With God by Davis, Beverly
Kingdom Business: A Biblical discussion of race, religion, and politics by Green, Joseph L.
letters from Him by Lynn, Katherine
That the World May Know: M. Theron Rankin's Vision for the Globalization of the Gospel by Bray, Richard E.
Cecilia: Singing and Sharing the Faith by Yoffie, Barbara
Religious Studies by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Ordinary Gratitude: Cycle C Sermons for Proper 23 Through Christ the King Based on the Gospel Texts by James, Molly
Counting the Cost: Cycle C Sermons for Proper 13 Through Proper 22 Based on the Gospel Texts by Reed, O. S. L. George
Trouble in Eden, Yesterday and Today by Terry Jr, Freddie Elte
Can I Get Some Help Over Here?: Cycle C Sermons for Lent and Easter Based on the Gospel Texts by Cueni, R. Robert
Christian Basics: Lessons, Debates, and Conversations by Philpott, Kent A.
Amish Friendship Bread Book 2 by Price, Ruth
Joan of Arc: Brave Soldier for Peace by Yoffie, Barbara
The Secret of the Lord: How to Have a Deeper and More Meaningful Relationship With God by Callahan, Shane
Questions Jesus Asks: Where Divinity Meets Humanity by Wayne, Israel
The Prelude by Ambrose, John
Thankful in Ordeals (Large Print Edition) by Makary, Bishop
Symbolism and Belief (Routledge Revivals): Gifford Lectures by Bevan, Edwyn
Illuminating Faith: An Invitation to Theology by Murphy, Francesca Aran, Mezei, Balázs M.
Inventing George Whitefield: Race, Revivalism, and the Making of a Religious Icon by Parr, Jessica M.
Viva Vox: Rediscovering the Sacramentality of the Word Through the Annunciation by
Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court by Fontana, Michela
God With Skin On: Cycle C Sermons for Advent/Christmas/Epiphany Based on the Gospel Texts by Andrews, Susan R.
The Complete Guide to Christian Denominations: Understanding the History, Beliefs, and Differences by Rhodes, Ron
The Sense of the Universe: Philosophical Explication of Theological Commitment in Modern Cosmology by
The Episcopal Handbook: Revised Edition by
Reflect, Reclaim, Rejoice: Preserving the Gift of Black Sacred Music by McMichael, Robert, III, Wilson, Cynthia A., Fosua, Safiyah
Jesus Outside the Lines: A Way Forward for Those Who Are Tired of Taking Sides by Sauls, Scott
In a Spirit of Love: The remarkable story of Gerhard and Helene Fritzsche, who, with Quaker assistance, escaped the grim world of post-Worl by Little, Meredith
Salvation Hoodlums: WEND News by Gulley, Bobbie J.
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry: Volume 15, 2013-2014 by
Sassy's Dog Gone Christmas by Cantrell, Virginia
Mary by Alt, Wilson M.
What It Means To Be A Christian by Bivens Smith, Sandra
Approaching Jonathan Edwards: The Evolution of a Persona by Ball, Carol
Missions as the Theology of the Church. An Argument from Malawi by Fiedler, Klaus
In the Footprints of the Lamb by Steinberger, George
HimPowered!: Power You Never Knew, For A Life You Could Only Imagine by Ryden, Sherry
The Pathway to Wisdom by Perkins, Ernie
The Kingdom of Darkness and of Satan: Where the Devil Rules by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Created to Make God Famous: A Worship Leader's Guide to Creating an Atmosphere for Explosive Worship by Hall, Tamika
The Ministry Gifts: Those That Perfect and Equip the Saints by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Government By the People of God: Directing the Affairs of Our Country Spiritually by Onu, Godsword Godswill
Jesus Christ Comes Very Soon: The Coming of Our Lord Has Drawn Very Near by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Bible 101-New Testament by Shirk, Lois Marie
McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry: Volume 15, 2013-2014 by
Making The Critical Connection: Combining the Best of Small-Group Dynamics with Sunday School by Blyden, Elijah, Sr., Mayer, Hal, III
Reading For The Remnant: Throughout the ages, God has had for Himself a remnant people. The same today. In the midst of a confused, complacent by Fischer, Terry
The Person and Work of The Holy Spirit by Torrey, Ra, Torrey, Reuben Archer
Exploring the New Testament by Osborn, Frederick
Collecting Early Christian Letters by
The Story of Narrative Preaching: Experience and Exposition: A Narrative by Graves, Mike
Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven: Subversive Reflections on the Lord's Prayer by Turner, Robert S.
Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven: Subversive Reflections on the Lord's Prayer by Turner, Robert S.
Apology of Culture: Religion and Culture in Russian Thought by
Apology of Culture: Religion and Culture in Russian Thought by
The Story of Narrative Preaching: Experience and Exposition: A Narrative by Graves, Mike
Trying Biology: The Scopes Trial, Textbooks, and the Antievolution Movement in American Schools by Shapiro, Adam R.
Ich bin - Power Words 2: Kraftvolle Aussagen aus der Bibel zum Wesen Gottes by Feldhusen, Frank
Dones Espirituales Para La Guerra Espiritual by Brown, Tom
Jesus the Phoenician by El Koussa, Karim
Calling All Overcomers by Harman, James T.
God Great Deliverance and Healing Power by McKenzie, Viola
Destiny: Past-Present-Future by Cipriani, Roshan
Leading with the Spirit: A Handbook on Leadership and Management for Clergy by
The Kingdom Lifestyle: Living By faith And Not By Sight by Cipriani, Roshan
Canons of the Church of England 7th Edition: First Supplement by
Life Is _____.: God's Illogical Love Will Change Your Existence by Smith, Judah
Thinking about God by McQuade, J. Stanley
Ever Increasing Faith by Wigglesworth, Smith, Knight, Melanie
Flatland by Abbott, Edwin Abbott
The Lord Jesus Christ: The King of Kings and Lord of Lords by Onu, Godsword Godswill
The Life of John the Baptist: A Play for Schoolchildren by Stewart, Joe, Stewart, Pam
Jesus Leads The Way by Brown, Leslie
A Call to Prayer by Ryle, John Charles, Ryle, Jc
Orthodoxy in China by Peterson, Eric S., Selivanovsky, Victor
Killing Christians: Living the Faith Where It's Not Safe to Believe by Doyle, Tom
Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist by Rolheiser, Ronald
John Paul II to Aristotle and Back Again: A Christian Philosophy of Life by Swafford, Andrew Dean
John Paul II to Aristotle and Back Again: A Christian Philosophy of Life by Swafford, Andrew Dean
God's Not Dead: Evidence for God in an Age of Uncertainty by Broocks, Rice
The Healing Touch by Murphree, Marilyn S.
The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ: End Time Mysteries Revealed by Orock, Pamela Agbor
Christian Missions and the Enlightenment by Stanley, Brian
Human Wholeness: A Spirituality of Relationship by Ver Miller, Matthew S., Boyer, Mark G.
Views of Sanctification by Finney, Charles
Recovering From Un-Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Patriarchy by Krizo, Susanna
The Beatitudes by Watson, Thomas
Kingdom Nuggets: Developing A Servant's Heart by Jeffeirs, Cruceta D.
The Grieving Heart: Up-Lifting Funeral Homilies by Martin, Stephen Moore
His Appearing & His Kingdom by Glasson, T. Francis
Make No Provision for the Flesh by Miller, Ph. D. Evelyn W.
The Layman Who Knew Too Much: A Man Shares His Experiences In A Church He Has Been A Member Of Over 45 Years by West, Loyd
Human Wholeness: A Spirituality of Relationship by Boyer, Mark G., Ver Miller, Matthew S.
Piety and Power by Sanneh, Lamin
New Horizons in Theology by
Miracles Now: A Collection of True Contemporary Miracles by York, Diana L.
Yielded and Submitted: A Woman's Journey for a Life Dedicated to God An Intimate Study by Gage, Onedia Nicole
Theological Cartographies: Mapping the Encounter with God, Humanity, and Christ by Valentin, Benjamin
One Path for All: Gregory of Nyssa on the Christian Life and Human Destiny by Greer, Rowan A., Smith, J. Warren
Gospel Without Borders: Separating Christianity from Culture in America by Rotholz, Jim
Gospel Without Borders: Separating Christianity from Culture in America by Rotholz, Jim
Why, God?: Suffering Through Cancer Into Faith by Cupit-Link, Margaret, Henderson, Edward Hugh
One Path for All: Gregory of Nyssa on the Christian Life and Human Destiny by Greer, Rowan A., Smith, J. Warren
Orthodoxy: (G.K. Chesterton Classics Collection) by Chesterton, G. K.
The Creation Days of Genesis: Were the Creation Days Literally 24 Hours Long? by Andrews, Edward D.
Six Poems of Joseph Smith by Douglas, Colin B.
Ain't Nobody Mad Except The Devil by Scott, Melecia Evett
The Pursuit of God by Tozer, A. W.
Six Poems of Joseph Smith by Douglas, Colin B.
The Best Friend by Marchan, Maria
Holes in Your Armor by Haga, Sandy
The Gift by Senter, Lila Ellexson
The Cross and the Crown by Chant, Ken
Essays on Modernity: And the Permanent Things from Tradition by Patrick, James a.
Essays on Modernity: And the Permanent Things from Tradition by Patrick, James a.
Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas by Aquinas, St Thomas
Der heilige Märtyrer Florian: Historische Hintergründe, Quellen, sein Leben und Sterben by Großhauser, Benjamin
The Meeting of Opposites?: Hindus and Christians in the West by Wingate, Andrew
The Bible, the Bullet, and the Ballot: Zimbabwe: The Impact of Christian Protest in Sociopolitical Transformation, Ca. 1900-Ca. 2000 by Moyo, Fabulous
The Meeting of Opposites?: Hindus and Christians in the West by Wingate, Andrew
The Bible, the Bullet, and the Ballot: Zimbabwe: The Impact of Christian Protest in Sociopolitical Transformation, Ca. 1900-Ca. 2000 by Moyo, Fabulous
Pray for the World: A New Prayer Resource from Operation World by
The "Hand of God" at Work in Adult Catholic Priestly Formation: Holy Apostles College & Seminary, 1956 - 1995 by Anello Msa, Robert L.
The Heartbeat of God: Finding the Sacred in the Middle of Everything by Schori, Katharine Jefferts
30 Days of Dreams and Visions: For Thirty Days I Am Going to Give You Dreams and Visions. Proclaim My Words!" God by Narvaez, Allyssa
Joining Jesus on His Mission: How to Be an Everyday Missionary (Spanish Edition) by Finke, Greg
My Position, Our Privilege, His Promises! by Bradshaw, Bishop Keifier
A Young Folks History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Anderson, Nephi
Seekers After God by Farrar, Frederic William
Process of Truth: the Ultimate Blueprint to Develop a Breakthrough Believer's DNA by Jorgensen, Timothy
Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership by Hartwig, Ryan T., Bird, Warren
Friends of the Bridegroom by Rowan, Bonnie
Flowers in the Wind 3: Story-Based Homilies for Cycle A by Kus, Robert J.
La Teología de la Liberación como un Instrumento de Justicia Social en el Siglo XXI: Una Visión Histórica-Teológica Pastoral by Alvarez M. D., Henry
Saying Is Believing: The Necessity of Testimony in Adolescent Spiritual Development by Drury, Amanda Hontz
Women in Christian Traditions by Moore, Rebecca
An Antidote to Arminianism by Ness, Christopher
Two Weeks to Live by Kay, Michael
Teacher by Kay, Michael
Women in Christian Traditions by Moore, Rebecca
Spiritual Being & Becoming: Western Christian and Modern Scientific Views of Human Nature for Spiritual Formation by Kyle, Eric J.
Spiritual Being & Becoming: Western Christian and Modern Scientific Views of Human Nature for Spiritual Formation by Kyle, Eric J.
Saying No to Say Yes: Everyday Boundaries and Pastoral Excellence by Olsen, David C., Devor, Nancy G.
Saying No to Say Yes: Everyday Boundaries and Pastoral Excellence by Devor, Nancy G., Olsen, David C.
Spiritual Discovery: A Method for Discernment in Small Groups and Congregations by Tran, Catherine C., Boyd, Sandra Hughes
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