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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Christianity in 2017

Christian Morality in Ghanaian Pentecostalism by Elorm-Donkor, Lord Abraham
Culture & Christianity Negotiated in Hindu Society by Kirchheiner, Ole
The Contextualisation of Leadership in Paul: Applied to English-Speaking Methodist Churches in Peninsular Malaysia by Senior, Roger
Mission and Power: History, Relevance and Perils by
Disarming the Powers of Darkness: Fearless Conquerors in Spiritual War by Barger, Eric, Benoit, David
The Two Babylons: Or, The Papal Worship Proved To Be The Worship Of Nimrod by Hislop, Alexander
A Critical Study of the Rule of Benedict - Volume 2: Prologue, Chapters 4, 6, 7 and 73 by de Vogue, Adalbert
Ecclesial Movements and Communities - Abridged Second Edition: Origins, Significance, and Issues by Leahy, Brendan
Student Edition Level 1 2018 by
Heaven and Earth: Sermons from the 2016 National Festival of Young Preachers by
Heaven and Earth: Sermons from the 2016 National Festival of Young Preachers by
From Big Bang to Big Mystery: Human Origins in the Light of Creation and Evolution by Purcell, Brendan
Spirituality of Mission: Reflections for Holy Week and Easter by Boyer, Mark G.
Instruments entre les mains du Rédempteur (Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands): Quand Dieu utilise des gens qui ont besoin de changement, pour en aid by Tripp, Paul David
Sacred Metalcore: Complete Edition by Lattimer, Paul
Jesus Said Unto Her "Talitha Cumi" by Crawford, Juanita
Hearing &Understanding God's Voice made easy by Nuel, Derby
How to Start/Improve a YOUTH MINISTRY In a Small, Medium, & Mega Church by Richardson, L. T.
Re-Imagining the Church: Developing a Healthy Root System: An Introduction to Gospel-Formed Communities Living on Mission by Olson, Scott K.
Church History for People Who Don't Like History by Sellman, Paul
Gospels of the Twelve Apostles of The Lord Jesus Christ by Penrose, Jason
Set the Christians Free: One Pastor's Calling to Help 25 Million Believers Find Theirs by Allen, David
Have Mercy on Me: 40 Devotions for the Season of Lent by Bell, Meredith, Ragland, Chandler, Bell, Steven
La Vie Miraculeuse de S. Fursy Religieux de l'Ordre de S. Benoist Co-Évêque En France: Et Les Révélations À Lui Faites Sur La Vie Humaine Recueillies by Desmay
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). Tome 3 by Rousset, Léonce
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de Feu M. Jules Simon: Vente 2-11 Juin 1902 by Sans Auteur
Abrégé de l'Histoire de l'Église Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Yvon, Claude
Abrégé de l'Histoire de l'Église Depuis Son Origine Jusqu'à Nos Jours by Yvon, Claude
Histoire Du Dogme de la Papauté Des Origines À La Fin Du Ive Siècle T01 by Turmel-J
Les Pélerinages Des Environs de Paris by Salmon, François-René
Catéchisme Ou Abrégé de la Foi, Dressé Par l'Ordre de Mgr François de Harlay, Et Approuvé: Par Mgr Christophe de Beaumont, Archevêque de Paris: Pour Ê by de Harlay de Champvallon, François
Exercice de Dévotion En l'Honneur de la Passion de N.S. Jésus-Christ Et de la Compassion de la: Ste Vierge, Établi Dans l'Église Métropolitaine de Par by Le Clère, A.
La Vie de S. Vincent de Paul, Instituteur Et Premier Supérieur Général de la Congrégation Tome 2: de la Mission. by Abelly, Louis
Cantiques Pour Les Exercices Spirituels de la Paroisse Saint-Maclou de Pontoise by Sans Auteur
Love, Life, Lessons: Listen...Walk with me! by Jahking, Senaca
Prieres Et Instructions À l'Usage de la Confrérie de la Dévotion Au Sacré Coeur de Jésus,: Établie En l'Eglise Royale & Paroissiale de Notre-Dame de V by Sans Auteur
Existing Before God: Sren Kierkegaard and the Human Venture by
Countering Religious Extremism: The Healing Power of Spiritual Friendships by Carlson, David
You Could Be A Better Son: 7 Steps To Having a Better Father/Son Relationship GOD's Way by
Oeuvres de Messire Antoine Arnauld Docteur de la Maison Et Société de Sorbonne Tome 41 by Larrière, Arnauld, Antoine
Exploring Heavenly Places Volume 8: Dreamspeak by Parker, Barbara
Pulse II: Pumping Life Into Your Kids Ministry by
El Poder de Los Abuelos Que Oran by Omartian, Stormie
The Early Luther: Stages in a Reformation Reorientation by Hamm, Berndt
Finding Our Way Through the Traffick: Navigating the Complexities of a Christian Response to Sexual Exploitation and Trafficking by
Many Monks Across the Sea: Church of the East Monastic Mission in Ninth Century Asia by Cochrane, Steve
The Tenderness of God by Ahlgren, Gillian T. W.
Misa No Shishiki, Volume 3: The Celebration of Mass, Volume 3 by O'Connell, Rev J. B.
Lo Que Una Jovencita Necesita de Su Mamá - Serie Favoritos by Fuller, Cheri
The Arts and the Christian Imagination: Essays on Art, Literature, and Aesthetics Volume 2 by Kilby, Clyde S.
A Synopsis and Personal Appraisal of the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance by Fowler, James A.
So Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ: A Morning and Evening Devotional by Wilson, Douglas
More Than Atonement: Anabaptist Mennonite Discipleship Ecclesiology by Ritzmann, Isaiah
Los 5 Lenguajes del Amor: Libro de Colorear Para Adultos by Chapman, Gary
A Time for Confessing by Bertram, Robert W.
Harvesting Martin Luthers Reflections on Theology, Ethics, and the Church by Wengert, Timothy J.
Preaching from Home: The Stories of Seven Lutheran Women Hymn Writers by Grindal, Gracia
The Captivation of the Will: Luther vs. Erasmus on Freedom and Bondage by
The Pastoral Luther: Essays on Martin Luthers Practical Theology by Wengert, Timothy J.
The Role of Justification in Contemporary Theology by Mattes, Mark C.
The Jacobite Arab Synaxarium: Volume II- Month of Paopi by
Living by Faith: Justification and Sanctification by Bayer, Oswald
The Passion by Stevens, Becca, Hummon, Marcus
Bound Choice, Election, and Wittenberg Theological Method by Kolb, Robert
Un Líder No Nace, Se Hace - Serie Favoritos: El Liderazgo Dinámico Y Eficaz by Engstrom, Ted
Radical Discipleship: A Liturgical Politics of the Gospel by McBride, Jennifer M.
Diary of Rosetta Hall 1892-1894 (Black & White) by Sherwood Hall, Rosetta
Praying with Mandalas: A Colorful, Contemplative Practice by Garner, Sharon Seyfarth
Divine Renovation Apprentice: Learning to Lead a Disciple-Making Parish by Lobo, Simon
A More Radical Gospel: Essays on Eschatology, Authority, Atonement, and Ecumenism by Mattes, Mark C.
In a Glass Darkly: The Bible, Reflection and Everyday Life by Bennett, Zoë, Rowland, Christopher
Called by Crafton, Barbara Cawthorne
The Best Vbs Workbook Ever! by Brown, Lisa
Lutheranism 101 Worship by Concordia Publishing House
Confessing the Gospel: A Lutheran Approach to Systematic Theology - 2 Volume Set by
Ethics in Christian Ministry: A Guide for Pastors and Mentors by Christian, Charles W.
Preparing for a Wedding in the Episcopal Church by Haller, Tobias Stanislas
Gateway to Heaven: Marian Doctrine and Devotion, Image and Typology in the Patristic and Medieval Periods by Reynolds, Brian K.
A Critical Study of the Rule of Benedict - Volume 1: Overview by de Vogue, Adalbert
Kort begrip der ascetische en mystieke theologie by Tanquerey, Adolphe
Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?: 12 False Christs by Richard, Matthew
Authentic Christianity: How Lutheran Theology Speaks to a Postmodern World by Sutton, A. Trevor
Stubborn Perseverance Second Edition: How to launch multiplying movements of disciples and churches among Muslims and others (a story based on real ev by
Solo Para Mujeres - Serie Favoritos by Feldhahn, Shaunti
To Begin at the Beginning: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Copenhaver, Martin B.
The Fake Commission - 2017 Update by Strohman, John
True Identity: Do you know who and whose you really are? by Brommet, Jennifer
Boomer Spirituality: Seven Values for the Second Half of Life by Miller, Craig Kennet
A Formula for Parish Practice by Wengert, Timothy J.
Luther's Liturgical Music by Leaver, Robin a.
The Preached God by
Theology the Lutheran Way by Bayer, Oswald
Dogmatic Theology: Creation, God's Image in Man, and the Redeeming Work of the Trinity by Lossky, Vladimir
God Still Calls: Discerning God's Direction for Service by
Prayers from the Confessions by Augustine, St
Becoming Like a Child: The Curiosity of Maturity Beyond the Norm by Berryman, Jerome W.
Station to Station: An Ignatian Journey Through the Stations of the Cross by Jansen, Gary
Holy Listening: with Breath, Body, and the Spirit by Simpson, Whitney R.
Letters to Saint Olympia by St John Chrysostom
(French) La révolution de Dieu: La communauté, la justice, et le Royaume à venir by Arnold, Eberhard
Reexamining Academic Freedom in Religiously Affiliated Universities: Transcending Orthodoxies by
Lent Discussions for Curious Christians: Conversations in the Purple Season by Zehring, John
People Skills for Christians: How to Change Behaviors That Sabotage Believers' Lives by Munson, Tony
Defining Church: A Modern Guide To Help Christians Assess If Their Church Is Biblical by Wood, Anthony
Compartilhando Vidas: Livro texto by De Ruiter, Bert
Theologie und Kunst im Urchristentum: Oder die ersten provisorischen Blätter zu einer systematischen Geschichte der christlichen Monumentaltheologie by Diepolder, Joh Nep
Memories and Meanings by White, B. E., Jr.
Adviento Con El Papa Francisco: Reflexiones Y Oraciones Para Cada Día by Francis
The History of the Origins of Christianity Book II The Apostles by Ernest Renan, Jospeh
The History of the Origins of Christianity: Book III Saint Paul by Ernest Renan, Joseph
The History of the Origins of Christianity Book IV - The Antichrist by Ernest Renan, Joseph
The Nature of the New Testament Church on Earth - A Study Guide by Ramsey, Willard A.
Deliverance: Your Key to Freedom by Yiangou, Maria
The College Days of Calvin by Blackburn, William M.
Young Calvin in Paris by Blackburn, William M.
Summa Theologica by Aquinas, Thomas
Feeble Voices in Theology. Addressing Issues Through the Cameroonian Voice by Wayi, Emmanuel
Fresh Start: The New You Begins Today by Osteen, Joel
Why People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance by
Agents of Change: Arise, Shine; Your Light Has Come! by Taiwo, Kay, Taiwo, Olu
Preparing You for the Return of Jesus by Blanchard, William E.
Checklist Jesus: A Journey from Religion to Relationship by Walker, Jeremy a.
Restored by Grace by Chak, Vitus
Restored by Grace by Chak, Vitus
Native Americans, the Mainline Church, and the Quest for Interracial Justice by Hansen, David Phillips
Seasons of Change: Freedom from the Imprisonment of the Past by Taylor, Daniel L.
Let's Have Our Own Ancient Greek Olympic Games by Nolette, Laura, Curtis, Meredith
The Mark of the Beast: Biblical Answers for You and Your Children [end times books] by Fryer, Michael S.
CHRISTIAN RETREAT VENUES In THE UNITED KINGDOM: Featuring Large Group Retreat and Camp Meeting Venues by Vanderpuye, Anna
Liderazgo en la Iglesia Local: Enfoque Bíblico by Lumbí, Denis, Lumbí, Otoniel
Massive Deceptions in Modern Christianity: Exposing Myths & Sacrificing Sacred Cows on the Altar of Truth by Hawk, Steven
The Elementary Teachings of the Christ by Poller, Larry
Revealed by Women, Deliberate
Christliche Zionssehnsucht und ihre Auswirkungen auf Palästina: Die Idee der 'Restoration der Juden' und die Lehren der Württemberger Chiliasten des 1 by Bethge-Bonk, Ines
Martyrius-Sahdonas Leben und Werke: nach einer syrischen Handschrift in Strassburg i.E. by Goussen, Heinrich
Conversational Evangelism: Defending the Faith, Reasoning from the Scriptures, Explaining and Proving, Instructing in Sound Doctrine, and Overtur by Andrews, Edward D.
No Poverty and Diakonia: Towards a Vision of Diakonia in Korea by Korean Diakonia
Checklist Jesus: A Journey from Religion to Relationship by Walker, Jeremy a.
Colossians Virtues by Beaver, April
Answer the Phone: A Conversation about the Call to Ministry by Graham Jr, Earl M.
Introducción al Liderazgo en la Iglesia Local: Enfoque Bíblico by Lumbí, Otoniel, Lumbí, Denis
No More Cheeks to Turn? by Agang, Sunday Bobai
How to Neutralize Curses by Heward-Mills, Dag
Witchcraft in the Pews by Bloomer, George
The Other Six Days by Griffin, Paul
Anointed to Heal: True Stories and Practical Insight for Praying for the Sick by Johnson, Bill, Clark, Randy
The Believer's Walk with Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series by MacArthur, John
The Good of Giving Up: Discovering the Freedom of Lent by Damiani, Aaron
The Deity of Christ: A John MacArthur Study Series by MacArthur, John
Giving Thanks to God by Young, Sarah
Christ-Centered Worship: Letting the Gospel Shape Our Practice by Chapell, Bryan
Living with God's Courage by Young, Sarah
Faith for Finances by Kenyon, E. W., Gossett, Don
The Women of Easter: Encounter the Savior with Mary of Bethany, Mary of Nazareth, and Mary Magdalene by Higgs, Liz Curtis
Modernist Women Writers and Spirituality: A Piercing Darkness by
Jesus Is the Light in This Dark World by Evans, Daniel
Jesus Is the Light in This Dark World by Evans, Daniel
Who Is the Man on the Little "t"?: An Introduction to Jesus by Sheehan, Margaret
The Third Covenant of God with Humanity: God Now Dwells Among Men to Manifest His Will on Earth as in Heaven by Ukwuagu, Hyacinth I.
I know your spirit: Author of Prayers by Enos, Melaney
The Tree Of Life: A Biblical Study of Immortality by Sellman, Paul
The Gospel of John (Volume 1) by Moore, Carlos N.
Ambrose: Church and Society in the Late Roman World by Moorhead, John
Living The Satisfied Life by Zemanek, Stephen
Spiritual Kryptonite: The Battle Against Lust by Flowers, Carl
Acts of the 2016 General Chapter of Provincials by Cadore, Bruno
The Big Spiritual Picture by Moody, Gene B.
A Christian View of Money by Vincent, Mark, Thomas, Matthew M., Vincent, Zachary L.
A Christian View of Money by Vincent, Mark, Thomas, Matthew M., Vincent, Zachary L.
Themelios, Volume 41, Issue 3 by
Church Collection Log by Publishing House, Josiah
Chosen Vessel: (Purpose/ Poverty/ Prosperity) by Sampson, S. R.
One Lord, One Faith: The Last Words of Thomas A. Whipple by Whipple, Thomas a.
Suddenly The Aftershock: The Realignment by Winslow, Chief Apostle Marilyn F., Winslow Jr, Bishop Howard
Saturated with the Savior: Equipping Saints in Service by Webster, Matthew William
My Word Search Book of Biblical Principles and Events by Dixon, Marcia a.
Kirchenmitgliedschaftsentwicklung des Protestantismus in Deutschland 1940-1990: Die Mitgliederzahl der evangelischen Kirche by Klagge, Manuela
El Concilio Vaticano II y las relaciones Iglesia-Estado en España (1965-1972) by Castillo Albarran, Beatriz
Communities of Resistance and Solidarity by Welch, Sharon D.
Come Away and Pray: God is Hope by Brutz, Judy
The Fast Track: Biblical Fasting That Produces Rapid Results by Adewunmi, Sam O.
Engage: A Theological Field Education Toolkit by
Key to the Apocalypse by Guinness, H. Grattan
The Truth About Judaism & Judeo-Christianity by Crossfire
Communities of Resistance and Solidarity by Welch, Sharon D.
The Concept of Woman, Volume 3: The Search for Communion of Persons, 1500-2015 Volume 3 by Allen, Prudence
Van de dood tot het leven: De weg van het Kruis des Heren in ons dagelijks bestaan by Zacharou, Archim Zacharias
Engage: A Theological Field Education Toolkit by
Die Kindheitsgeschichte unseres Herrn Jesu Christi nach Matthäus und Lukas by Nebe, August
From my heart to leaders by Thomas, Troy, Sr.
Enduring Ministry: Toward a Lifetime of Christian Leadership by Rahberg, Samuel D.
Our God Reigns: Inspirational Prophetic Christian Poetry - Volume 2 by Nyamekye, Deborah Esther
Wielding the Sword of the Spirit by Nyamekye, Deborah Esther
Mosaic: A Ministry Handbook for a Globalizing World by Looney, Jared, Bouchelle, Seth
Eucharist and Ecclesiology by
Eucharist and Ecclesiology by
Be Still! by Boulton, Wayne G., Stewart, Gordon C.
Be Still! by Boulton, Wayne G., Stewart, Gordon C.
Joining Lives by Odle, Andrew
Land, Liberation, and Death Squads by Alas, Jose Inocencio
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