• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 1977

A Course in Mathematical Logic by Bell, J. L., Machover, M.
Einführung in Die Digitaltechnik by Morris, Noel M.
Einführung in Die Automatentheorie: Für Studenten Der Mathematik, Informatik, Natur- Und Ingenieurwissenschaften by Homuth, Horst H.
Einführung in Die Datenverarbeitung Für Informatiker by Grafendorfer, W.
Formale Sprachen: Eine Einführung by Becker, Heinrich
Datenschutz Und Datensicherung: Begriffe, Bundes-Datenschutzgesetz, Risiken, Massnahmen, Kosten, Überwachung, Realisierung by Futh, Horst
Grundlagen Der Edv: Hardware, Software, Orgware by Futh, Horst
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 6: Computer Selection Criteria to Curriculum Committee on Computer Science by Holzman, Albert G., Kent, Allen, Belzer, Jack
Methods of Algorithmic Language Implementation by
Theoretical Computer Science: 3rd GI Conference Darmstadt, March 28-30, 1977 by
Fachtagung Prozessrechner 1977: Augsburg, 7. Und 8. März 1977 by
Interactive Systems: Proceedings, 6. Informatik-Symposium, IBM Germany, Bad Homburg V.D.H., September 1976 by
Digitale Bildverarbeitung Digital Image Processing: Gi/Ntg Fachtagung München, 28.-30. März 1977 by
Grundlagen der Datenverarbeitung by
Einführung in das Programmieren in FORTRAN by Rheingans, Friedrich G., Spieß, Wolfgang E.
Modelle Für Rechensysteme: Workshop Der Gi, Bonn, 31. 3.-1. 4. 1977 by
Squid - Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices and Their Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference on Superconducting Quantum De by
A Concurrent Pascal Compiler for Minicomputers by Hartmann, A. C.
Matrix Eigensystem Routines - Eispack Guide Extension by Garbow, B. S., Boyle, J. M., Dongarra, J. J.
Mathematische Logik Mit Informatik-Anwendungen by Noll, H., Bergmann, E.
Automata, Languages and Programming: Fourth Colloquium, University of Turku, Finnland, July 18-22, 1977 by
Programmers and Managers: The Routinization of Computer Programming in the United States by Kraft, P.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1977: 6th Symposium, Tatranska Lomnica September 5-9, 1977. Proceedings by
Simulationstechnik Und Simulationsmodelle in Den Sozial- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Mandl, C. E.
Design and Implementation of Programming Languages: Proceedings of a Dod Sponsored Workshop, Ithaca, October 1976 by
Industrial Technology Transfer by
Mes Premieres Constructions de Programmes by Gerbier, A.
Fundamentals of Computation Theory: Proceedings of the 1977 International Fct-Conference. Poznan - Kornik, Poland, September 19 - 23, 1977 by
GI -- 7. Jahrestagung: Nürnberg, 26.- 28. September 1977 by
Automatisierungstechnik Im Wandel Durch Mikroprozessoren: Interkama-Kongreß 1977 by
Systems: Approaches, Theories, Applications: Including the Proceedings of the Eighth George Hudson Symposium Held at Plattsburgh, New York, April 11-1 by
Methoden Der Informatik Für Rechnerunterstütztes Entwerfen Und Konstruieren: Gi-Fachtagung, München, 19.-21. Oktober 1977 by
Portability of Numerical Software: Workshop, Oak Brook, Illinois, June 21-23, 1976 by
FORTRAN Programming: A Supplement for Calculus Courses by Fuller, W. R.
New Trends in Systems Analysis: International Symposium, Versailles, Decembre 13-17, 1976. Iria Laboria, Institut de Recherche d'Informatique Et d'Aut by
Computing in Systems Described by Equations by O'Donnell, M. J.
An Introduction to the Regenerative Method for Simulation Analysis by Lemoine, A. J., Crane, M. a.
Fundamentals of Data Base Systems by Deen, S. M.
Computer Architecture: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute Held in St. Raphael, France, 12-24 September, 1976 by
Formale Logik: Logische Systeme. Einführung in Die Metalogik by Borkowski, Ludwik