• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 1980

Introduction to Metamathematics by Kleene, S. C.
Die Bankgehilfenprüfung in Programmierter Form: Wiederholungs- Und Übungsbuch by Klink, Hans
Furnishing the Library Interior by Pierce
Die EDV Mitgestalten: EDV Für Mitarbeiter Von Fachabteilungen by Futh, Horst
Physik Der Informationsspeicher: Zentralinstitut Für Kybernetik Und Informationsprozesse Der Akademie Der Wissenschaften Der Ddr, Berlin by Siakkou, M.
Theorie Der Zeichenerkennung by Tscherwonenkis, A. J., Wapnik, W. N.
Probleme Und Ergebnisse Aus Der Arbeitsgruppe Kybernetik, Informationsverarbeitung Der Klasse Mathematik 1977/78 by
Portable Methodenmonitoren: Dialogsysteme Zur Steuerung Von Methodenbanken: Softwaretechnischer Aufbau Und Effizienzanalyse by Hauer, K. -H
Informatik Für Ingenieure by
Rechnerarchitektur: Grundlagen Und Verfahren by Bode, Arndt, Händler, Wolfgang
Datenverarbeitung Im Hochschulbereich Der USA: Stand Und Entwicklungstendenzen by Gaffal, Franz
Gi-Ntg Fachtagung Struktur Und Betrieb Von Rechensystemen: Kiel, 19.-21. März 1980 by
Squid '80. Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices and Their Applications: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Superconducting by
Kryptographische Verfahren in Der Datenverarbeitung by Herda, Siegfried, Ryska, Norbert
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Volume 14: Very Large Data Base Systems to Zero-Memory and Markov Information Source by Kent, Allen, Belzer, Jack, Holzman, Albert G.
Pictorial Information Systems by
Data Base Techniques for Pictorial Application: Florence, June 20-22, 1979 by
Quantum Chromodynamics: Proceedings of the X G.I.F.T. International Seminar on Theoretical Physics Held at Jaca, Huesca (Spain) June 1979 by
Terminological Data Banks: Proceedings of the 1. International Conference [On Terminological Data Banks], Vienna, 2 and 3 April, 1979, Convened b by
A Relational Theory of Computing by Sanderson, John G.
Erzeugung Und Analyse Von Bildern Und Strukturen: Dgao -- Dagm Tagung Essen, 27. - 31. Mai 1980 by
State of the Art of Surgery 1979/80: Summaries of the Breakfast and Luncheon Panels of the 28th Congress of the Société Internationale de Chiurgie in by
Online-Systeme Im Finanz- Und Rechnungswesen: Anwendergespräch Berlin, 29.-30. April 1980 by
Complex Analysis, Microlocal Calculus and Relativistic Quantum Theory: Proceedings of the Colloquium Held at Les Houches, Centre de Physique September by
Textverarbeitung Und Informatik: Fachtagung Der GI Bayreuth, 28. - 30. Mai 1980 by
Net Theory and Applications: Proceedings of the Advanced Course on General Net Theory of Processes and Systems, Hamburg, October 8-19, 1979 by
Automata, Languages and Programming: Seventh Colloquium, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands, July 14-18, 1980. Proceedings by
Bildschirmarbeitsplätze: Ergonomie Arbeitsplatzgestaltung Gesundheit Und Sicherheit Aufgabenorganisation by Hart, D. J., Stewart, T. F. M., Cakir, A.
5th Conference on Automated Deduction: Les Arcs, France, July 8-11, 1980 by
Mikroprozessoren in Der Energiewirtschaft by
Computability: An Introduction to Recursive Function Theory by Cutland, Nigel J.
Using Sophisticated Models in Resolution Theorem Proving by Sandford, David M.
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1980: 9th Symposium Held in Rydzyna, Poland, September 1-5, 1980. Proceedings by
Grammar and L Forms: An Introduction by Wood, D.
Computer Aided Design Modelling, Systems Engineering, Cad-Systems: Crest Advanced Course, Darmstadt, 8. - 19. September 1980 by
Firmware Engineering: Seminar Veranstaltet Von Der Gemeinsamen Fachgrupe "Mikroprogrammierung" Des GI Fachausschusses 3/4 Und Des Ntg-Fachau by
Mathematical Methods and Applications of Scattering Theory: Proceedings of a Conference Held at Catholic University Washington, D. C., May 21 - 25, 19 by
A Calculus of Communicating Systems by Milner, R.
GI -- 10. Jahrestagung: Saarbrücken, 30. September - 2. Oktober 1980 by
Cad-Fachgespräch: GI -- 10. Jahrestagung, Saarbrücken, 30. September - 2. Oktober 1980 by
31. Tagung 17. Bis 20. Oktober 1979, München by
Context-Free Grammars: Covers, Normal Forms, and Parsing by Nijholt, A.
Betriebsärztliche Informationssysteme: Frühjahrstagung Der Gmds, München, 21. - 22. März 1980 by
General Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Pauli, Wolfgang
Computer Programs for Spelling Correction: An Experiment in Program Design by Peterson, J. L.
The Computer from Pascal to Von Neumann by Goldstine, Herman H.
Reliability Evaluation of Some Fault-Tolerant Computer Architectures by Osaki, S., Nishio, T.
CAD Und Arbeitssituation: Untersuchungen Zu Den Auswirkungen Von CAD Sowie Zur Menschengerechten Gestaltung Von Cad-Systemen by Kühn, M.
Limit Analysis of Structures at Thermal Cycling by Charniavsky, O. F., Gokhfeld, D. A.
Key Papers in Information Science by Griffith, Belver C.
Parallel Processes and Related Automata / Parallele Prozesse Und Damit Zusammenhängende Automaten by
Rechnernetzwerke: Systeme, Protokolle Und Das Iso-Architekturmodell by Kerner, Helmut, Bruckner, Georg
An Introduction to the Theory of Automata: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1971 by Luccio, Fabrizio
Source Coding Theory: Lectures Held at the Department for Automation and Information June 1970 by Longo, Giuseppe
Information Theory and Reliable Communication: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1970 by Gallager, Robert
Combinatorial Search Problems: Lectures Held at the Department for Automation and Information June 1972 by Katona, Gyula
Mathematical Structure of Finite Random Cybernetic Systems: Lectures Held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1971 by Guiasu, Silviu
Quantitative-Qualitative Measure of Information: Course Held at the Department of Automation and Information, June - July 1972 by Longo, Guiseppe
Linear Adaptive Decision Functions and Their Application to Clinical Decision: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information, June - Ju by Vajda, Igor, Vesely, Arnost
Advances in Source Coding by Berger, Toby, Davisson, Lee D.
Topics in Combinatorial Optimization by
Discrete Field Analysis of Structural Systems by Dean, Donald L.
Topics in Artificial Intelligence by
Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Many Players Differential Games: Course Held at the Department of Automation and Information July 1973 by Leitmann, George
Controlled and Conditioned Invariance: Course Held at the Department of Automation and Information July 1971 by Basile, Giuseppe
Coding for Markov Sources: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information June 1971 by Longo, Giuseppe
General Theory of Noiseless Channels: Lectures Held at the Department for Automation and Information, June 1970 by Katona, Gyula
Theory of Bilinear Dynamical Systems: Course Held at the Department for Automation and Information July 1972 by Isidori, Alberto, D'Alessandro, Paolo, Ruberti, Antonio
Micropolar Elasticity: Symposium Organized by the Department of Mechanics of Solids, June 1972 by
Erfassung Und Maschinelle Verarbeitung Von Bilddaten: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen by
Algebra, Sprachen, Programmierung by Justschenko, J. L., Gluschkow, W. M., Zeitlin, G. J.
Representation and Processing of Natural Language by