• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 1990

A General Explanation-Based Learning Mechanism and Its Application to Narrative Understanding by Mooney, Raymond J.
Information Systems Implementation: Testing a Structural Model by Schultz, Randall L., Lucas, Henry C., Jr., Ginzberg, Michael J.
JSP: Einführung in Die Methode Des Jackson Structured Programming by Kilberth, Klaus
Zielorientiertes Informationsmanagement: Ein Leitfaden Zum Einsatz Und Nutzen Des Produktionsfaktors Information by Hanke, Peter, Kollmann, Karl-Heinz, Fickenscher, Helmut
Formalisieren Und Beweisen: Logik Für Informatiker by Siefkes, Dirk
Kommunikation Und Computer: Trends Und Perspektiven Der Telematik by Schmitt-Egenolf, Andreas
Das Wichtigste Zu Standardprogrammen Unter Ms-DOS 3.3: Word 4.0, Lotus 1-2-3 2.0, Multiplan 3.0, dBASE III+ 3.0 by Mattes, Rüdiger, Franz, Dietrich
Computers Under Attack: Intruders, Worms and Viruses by
Cognitive Modelling: Ein Beitrag Zur Cognitive Science Aus Der Perspektive Des Konstruktivismus Und Des Konnektionismus by Peschl, Markus F.
Feasible Mathematics: A Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop, Ithaca, New York, June 1989 by Scott, P. J., Buss, S. R.
Intensivschulung Word 5.0 by Bitef
WordPerfect Von A..Z: Das Vollständige Nachschlagewerk Für Das Textverarbeitungssystem Mit Vielen Beispielen Und Querverweisen Für Version 5 by Middelhauve, Frieder
Prozeßautomatisierung I: Aufbau Und Programmierung Von Prozeßrechensystemen by Lauber, R.
Numerical Simulation of Oscillatory Convection in Low-PR Fluids: A Gamm Workshop by
Phonologie by
Programmentwicklung by Kurbel, Karl
Turbo Pascal Tools: Einsatz Von Turbo Pascal in Der Naturwissenschaftlichen PRAXIS by Weber, Markus
Effektiv Programmieren Mit Turbo Pascal 5.0/5.5 by Emmanuilidis, Christos, Alexakis, Spiros
Anwenderleitfaden LAN: Grundlagenwissen Über Netzwerke by Frank, Gisela
Anwenderleitfaden PageMaker: Version 3 by Müller, Michael H.
Anwenderleitfaden Norton Utilities: Für Version 4.0 Und 4.5 by Hering, Stefan
Intensivschulung Lotus 1-2-3: Version 3 by Raddatz-Löffler, Heidi, Peters, Werner
Anwender Leitfaden Lotus 1-2-3 by Hering, Ekbert
Word 5.0-Wegweiser: Systematische Textverarbeitung by Kaier, Ekkehard
Modulare Regelprogrammierung by Bocionek, Siegfried
C++ Für Programmierer by Tölle, Wolfgang
Keine Macht Den Viren!: Das Buch-/Softwarepaket Zum Schutz Wertvoller Daten Und Programme by Kane, Pamela
Informationstheorie Und Codierung by Mildenberger, Otto
Revision in Der Datenverarbeitung by
Digitale Regelungsysteme: Grundlagen Zum Systementwurf by Büttner, Winfried
Konsistente Dokumentation Beim Entwurf Informationsverarbeitender Systeme by Zuck, Wolfgang
Expertensysteme Für Den Einsatz Von Subroutinenpaketen: Am Beispiel Eines Expertensystems Für Bildverarbeitung by Grimm, Felix
Das Modula-2 Umsteigerbuch: Von Turbo Pascal Zu Topspeed Modula-2 by Abdelhamid, Rames
Programmierleitfaden Microsoft Excel: Version 2.10 by Peters, Dieter
Produktivität Durch Information Engineering by Fisher, David T.
Quickpascal: Eine Einführung Mit Anwendungen Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Hering, Ekbert, Rasch, Joachim
Einführung in Die Informatik by Hotz, Günther
Autocad-Aufbaukurs: Lehr- Und Übungsbuch by Harnisch, Hans-Georg
CIM Lexikon: 1676 Begriffe Von A-Z by Schlingensiepen, Jürgen, Vajna, Sándor
SAS -- Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung by Kähler, Wolf-Michael
Einführung in Die Programmiersprache Modula-2 by Pudlatz, Hilmar
CAD Mit AutoCAD: Eine Umfassende Einführung Für Alle Autocad-Versionen Einschließlich Version 10 by Hering, Ekbert
Sicherheit in Netzgestützten Informationssystemen: Proceedings Des Bifoa-Kongresses Secunet '90 by Lippold, Heiko
Entwicklung Wissensbasierter Systeme Für Die Vorrichtungskonstruktion by Neitzel, Reinhold
Kantenhervorhebung Und Kantenverfolgung in Der Industriellen Bildverarbeitung: Schnelle Überführung Von Graubildszenen in Eine Zur Szenenanalyse Geeig by Schneider, Nikolaus
Lösung Linearer Gleichungssysteme Auf Parallelrechnern by Frommer, Andreas
Jugendliche Computer-Fans: Stubenhocker Oder Pioniere?: Biographieverläufe Und Interaktionsformen by Baerenreiter, Harald
PROLOG: Eine Methodische Einführung by
Connectionistic Problem Solving: Computational Aspects of Biological Learning by Hampson
Computerbürokratie: Ergebnisse Von 30 Jahren Öffentlicher Verwaltung Mit Informationstechnik by Brinckmann, Hans, Kuhlmann, Stefan
Informationstechnische Grundbildung dBASE: Mit Vollständiger Referenzliste by Kaier, Ekkehard
Harvard Project Manager: Projektmanagement Auf Dem PC by Rudzki, Thore
The Age of Information: The Past Development and Future Significance of Computing and Communications by Saxby, Stephen
Expert Systems in Auditing by Dijk, J. C. Van, Williams, Paul
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Expert Systems by Fieschi, M.
Photogrammetrische Erfassung Räumlicher Informationen Aus Videobildern by Föhr, Ralph
Informationsmanagement in Wissenschaft Und Forschung by
Microsoft(r) Excel by Schindler, Ursula
Intensivschulung Windows 3: Das Richtige Buch Für Einsteiger Und Umsteiger by Raddatz-Löffler, Heidi
Retrograde Terminierung: Werkstattsteuerung Bei Komplexen Fertigungsstrukturen by Fischer, Klaus
Formation, Dynamics and Statistics of Patterns (Volume 1) by
Ways of Thinking: The Limits of Rational Thought and Artificial Intelligence by Laszlo, Mero
Current Trends in Knowledge Acquisition by
Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence by Moravec, Hans
Automatic Verification Methods for Finite State Systems: International Workshop, Grenoble, France. June 12-14, 1989. Proceedings by
Problems of Modern Quantum Field Theory: Invited Lectures of the Spring School Held in Alushta Ussr, April 24 - May 5, 1989 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 8 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 12 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 11 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 10 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 9 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 3 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 2 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 1 by
Einführung in Fuzzy-Methoden by Bandemer, H., Gottwald, S.
Mp. Jahrgang 2, Heft 10 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 7 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 6 by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 5 by
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns by
Mp. Jahrgang 3, Heft 4 by
Einführung ın Fuzzy-Methoden: Theorie Und Anwendungen Unscharfer Mengen by Gottwald, S., Bandemer, H.
Filtering Techniques for Turbulent Flow Simulation by Aldama, Alvaro A.
Expert Systems in Finance and Accounting by Thierauf, Robert J.
Cast Computerunterstützte Systemtheorie: Aufbau Und Anwendung Von Systemtheorie-Methodenbanken by Schwärtzel, Heinz, Pichler, Franz
Neural Networks: Eurasip Workshop 1990 Sesimbra, Portugal, February 15-17, 1990. Proceedings by
Verteilte, Offene Informationssysteme in Der Betrieblichen Anwendung: Iao-Forum 25. Januar 1990 in Stuttgart by
Computer Vision for Electronics Manufacturing by Pau, L. F.
Methods in Computational Chemistry: Volume 3: Concurrent Computation in Chemical Calculations by
A High Performance Architecture for PROLOG by Dobry, T. P.
SIGMA: A Knowledge-Based Aerial Image Understanding System by Hwang, Vincent Shang-Shouq, Matsuyama, Takashi
Historical Foundations of Cognitive Science by
Computergestütztes Marketing by Gaul, Wolfgang A., Both, Martin
Switching and Traffic Theory for Integrated Broadband Networks by Hui, Joseph Y.
Knowledge Acquisition: Selected Research and Commentary: A Special Issue of Machine Learning on Knowledge Acquisition by
Neuroscience and Connectionist Theory by
Stacs 90: 7th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science. Rouen, France, February 22-24, 1990. Proceedings by
Design and Implementation of Large Spatial Databases: First Symposium Ssd '89. Santa Barbara, California, July 17/18, 1989. Proceedings by
Computer Aided Systems Theory - Eurocast '89: A Selection of Papers from the International Workshop Eurocast '89, Las Palmas, Spain, February 26 - Mar by
Materialflußorientierte Termin- Und Kapazitätsplanung: Ein Konzept Für Serienfertiger by Treutlein, Klaus
CIM Im Mittelstand: Fachtagung, Saarbrücken, 14.-15. Februar 1990 by
Hardware Specification, Verification and Synthesis: Mathematical Aspects: Mathematical Sciences Institute Workshop. Cornell University Ithaca, New Yor by
Pattern Analysis and Understanding by Niemann, Heinrich
Lisp, Lore, and Logic: An Algebraic View of LISP Programming, Foundations, and Applications by Stark, W. Richard
Advances in Database Technology - Edbt '90: International Conference on Extending Database Technology. Venice, Italy, March 26-30, 1990, Proceedings. by
Colog-88: International Conference on Computer Logic, Tallinn, Ussr, December 12-16, 1988, Proceedings by
Machine Learning: Paradigms and Methods by
Projekt-Controlling in Forschung Und Entwicklung: Grundsätze, Methoden, Verfahren, Anwendungsbeispiele Aus Der Nachrichtentechnik by Riedl, Josef E.
Neural and Automata Networks: Dynamical Behavior and Applications by Goles, E., Martínez, Servet
The Numerical Modelling of Nonlinear Stellar Pulsations: Problems and Prospects by
The Unnormalized Relational Data Model: For Office Form Processor Design by Kitagawa, H.
Experimental Robotics I: The First International Symposium Montreal, June 19-21, 1989 by
Das CD-Rom-Buch by Menssen, Ralf
Group Theoretical Methods in Image Processing by Lenz, Reiner
Loglan '88 - Report on the Programming Language by Kreczmar, Antoni
Statistical and Scientific Database Management: Fifth International Conference, V Ssdbm, Charlotte, N.C., Usa, April 3-5, 1990, Proceedings by
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 15th International Workshop Wg '89, Castle Rolduc, the Netherlands, June 14-16, 1989, Proceedings by
AI '88: 2nd Australian Joint Artificial Intelligence Conference, Adelaide, Australia, November 15-18, 1988, Proceedings by
A Methodology for Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems by Pöhlmann, Sigrid, Weichselberger, Kurt
Parallele Datenverarbeitung Mit Dem Transputer: 1. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen, Tat '89 Aachen, 25./26. September 1989 by
The Age of Electronic Messages by Truxal, John G.
How to Manage Information: A Systems Approach by Varnet, Harvey, Palmer, Richard Phillips
Scientific Data Analysis: An Introduction to Overdetermined Systems by Branham, Richard L. Jr.
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto '88: Proceedings by
Strategieorientierte Planung Betrieblicher Informations- Und Kommunikationssysteme by Strauch, Petra, Klotz, Michael
Reasoning and Revision in Hybrid Representation Systems by Nebel, Bernhard
Audius--Außendienstunterstützungssystem: Anforderungen, Konzepte Und Lösungsvorschläge by
Graphik Und KI: Gi-Fachgespräch Königswinter, 3./4. April 1990. Proceedings by
Design and Implementation of Symbolic Computation Systems: International Symposium Disco '90, Capri, Italy, April 10-12, 1990. Proceedings by
Interaktion Und Kommunikation Mit Dem Computer: Jahrestagung Der Gesellschaft Für Linguistische Datenverarbeitung (Gldv). Ulm, 8.-10. März 1989 Procee by
Edv-Orientierte Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Grundlagen Für Ein Effizientes Informationsmanagement by Scheer, August-Wilhelm
Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning by
Steady-State Methods for Simulating Analog and Microwave Circuits by White, Jacob K., Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto L., Kundert, Kenneth S.
Creating A Memory of Causal Relationships: An Integration of Empirical and Explanation-based Learning Methods by Pazzani, Michael J.
Artifical Intelligence, Culture and Language: On Education and Work by
Telecommunications in Germany: An Economic Perspective by Pfeiffer, Günter, Wieland, Bernhard
VDM '90. VDM and Z - Formal Methods in Software Development: Third International Symposium of VDM Europe, Kiel, Frg, April 17-21, 1990, Proceedings by
A Formal Model of Visualization in Computer Graphics Systems by Onodera, Tamiya, Kawai, Satoru
Advances in Petri Nets 1989 by
Flagorientierte Assoziativspeicher Und -Prozessoren by Tavangarian, Djamshid
Ausnahmebehandlung in Objektorientierten Programmiersprachen by Feder, Christiane
A First Course in Coding Theory (Paperback) by Hill, Raymond
Einsatz Von Datenbanksystemen: Ein Leitfaden Für Die PRAXIS by Dürr, Martin, Radermacher, Klaus
Beauty Is Our Business: A Birthday Salute to Edsger W. Dijkstra by
Sil - A Simulation Language: User's Guide by Houbak, Niels
Stepwise Refinement of Distributed Systems: Models, Formalisms, Correctness. Rex Workshop, Mook, the Netherlands, May 29 - June 2, 1989. Proceedings by
Diskrete Orthogonaltransformationen: Algorithmen Und Flußgraphen Für Die Signalverarbeitung by Lu, Tian, Besslich, Philipp W.
Caap '90: 15th Colloquium on Trees in Algebra and Programming, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 15-18, 1990, Proceedings by
Expertensysteme in Produktion Und Engineering: Iao-Forum 25. April 1990 in Stuttgart by
The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence by
Computer Discipline and Design Practice Shaping Our Future by Bijl, Aart
Rapid Reliability Assessment of Vlsics by Dorey, A. P., Jones, B. K., Richardson, A. M. D.
Theory of Fluid Flows Through Natural Rocks by Ryzhik, V. M., Barenblatt, G. I., Entov, V. M.
Artificial Intelligence: Its Scope and Limits by Fetzer, J. H.
Artificial Intelligence: Its Scope and Limits by Fetzer, J. H.
Readings in Speech Recognition by
Telecommunications in Germany: An Economic Perspective by Pfeiffer, Gunter
Computers in Mathematics by Jenks, R. D., Chudnovsky, Chudnovsky, D. V.
Cache and Memory Hierarchy Design: A Performance Directed Approach by Przybylski, Steven A.
Social and Cultural Aspects of Vcr Use by Dobrow, Julie
Robot Technology and Applications by Rembold
Fluid Dynamics of Viscoelastic Liquids by Joseph, Daniel D.
Engineering Databases: Connecting Islands of Automation Through Databases by
Electronic Data Interchange in Finance and Accounting by Thierauf, Robert J.
Building Expert Systems in Training and Education by Jonassen, David H., Grabinger, R. Scott, Wilson, Brent W.
Cad*i Drafting Model by Schuster, Richard, Trippner, Dietmar, Endres, Michael
Designing User Interfaces for International Use by
Advanced Information Processing: Proceedings of a Joint Symposium. Information Processing and Software Systems Design Automation. Academy of Sciences by
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Dynamical Systems by
Parallel Machines: Parallel Machine Languages: The Emergence of Hybrid Dataflow Computer Architectures by Iannucci, Robert A.
Principles of VLSI System Planning: A Framework for Conceptual Design by Dewey, Allen M., Director, Stephen W.
Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis by Miyamoto, S.
Progress in Fuzzy Sets and Systems by
Task-Directed Sensor Fusion and Planning: A Computational Approach by Hager, Gregory D.
Automatic Programming Applied to VLSI CAD Software: A Case Study by Rutenbar, Rob A., Setliff, Dorothy E.
Practical SGML by Van Herwijnen, Eric
Introduction to Analog VLSI Design Automation by
Learning with Nested Generalized Exemplars by Salzberg, Steven L.
Terminal Signs: Computers and Social Change in Africa by Jules-Rosette, Bennetta
Computer Animation '90 by
Computer Assisted Learning: 3rd International Conference, Iccal '90, Hagen, Frg, June 11-13, 1990, Proceedings by
False Alarm: The Computerization of Eight Social Welfare Organizations by Gandy, John M., Tepperman, Lorne
Konzepte Der CAD / Pps-Kopplung by Braun, Markus
Arbeitsorganisation Bei Einsatz Einer CAD / NC -- Kopplung by Scheller, Thomas
Current Trends in Sneps - Semantic Network Processing System: First Annual Sneps Workshop, Buffalo, Ny, November 13, 1989, Proceedings by
Parallel Lisp: Languages and Systems: Us/Japan Workshop on Parallel Lisp, Sendai, Japan, June 5-8, 1989, Proceedings by
Software Tools: Automatisierung Im Software Engineering: Eine Umfassende Darstellung Der Einsatzmöglichkeiten Von Software-Entwicklungswerkzeugen by Hildebrand, Knut
Supercomputer '90: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends Mannheim, 21.-23. Juni 1990 by
Informationsverarbeitung Im Industriellen Vertriebsaußendienst: Computer Aided Selling (Cas) by Steppan, Günter
Mastering Business Microcomputing by Avison, D. E.
Advances in Cryptology - Crypto '89: Proceedings by
Zeitverhalten Synchroner Schaltwerke by Leilich, Hans-Otto, Knaak, Uwe
Artificial Intelligence at MIT, Volume 1: Expanding Frontiers by
Complexity Theory Retrospective: In Honor of Juris Hartmanis on the Occasion of His Sixtieth Birthday, July 5, 1988 by
Abductive Inference Models for Diagnostic Problem-Solving by Peng, Yun, Reggia, James A.
Compiler Generators: What They Can Do, What They Might Do, and What They Will Probably Never Do by Tofte, Mads
Matrix Perturbation Theory by Sun, Ji-Guang, Stewart, G. W.
Geometries, Codes and Cryptography by
Computers in Third-World Schools: Examples, Experience and Issues by McMahon, Harry, Hawkridge, David, Jaworski, John
Digital Design for Computer Data Acquisition by Spencer, Charles D.
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