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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 1993

VLSI Fault Modeling and Testing Techniques by Zobrist, George W.
Einführung in UNIX: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Brecht, Werner
Edv-Gestützte CIM-Rahmenplanung by Jost, Wolfram
Categorical Combinators, Sequential Algorithms, and Functional Programming by Curien, P. -L
Modeling of Dynamic Object Systems by Jungclaus, Ralf
Digitale Echtzeitsimulation: Simulation Einer Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung by Rathjen, Olaf
Informationsmanagement by
SQL: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Marsch, Jürgen
Mehr ALS Nur Programmieren...: Eine Einführung in Die Informatik by Gmehlich, Rainer
UNIX: Systemarchitektur Und Programmierung by Hieronymus, Andreas
Wissensbasiertes Case: Theoretische Analyse Empirische Untersuchung Entwicklung Eines Prototyps by Herzwurm, Georg
Vernetzung Von Iuk-Techniken: Chancen Und Risiken Der Informations- Und Kommunikationstechniken Für Kleinere Und Mittlere Unternehmen by Hilgenfeldt, Jörg, Lippold, Heiko, Scholl, Mechthild
Kommunikationssysteme -- Normung Und Soziale Akzeptanz by Höller, Heinzpeter
Ms-DOS 6.0: Einsteigen Leichtgemacht by Kebschull, Gerd
Objektorientierte Anwendungsentwicklung: Konzepte, Strategien, Erfahrungen by Züllighoven, Heinz, Kilberth, Klaus, Gryczan, Guido
Datenbank-Integration Von Ingenieuranwendungen: Modelle, Werkzeuge, Kontrolle by Hübel, Christoph
Sicherheit in Netzgestützten Informationssystemen: Proceedings Des Bifoa-Kongresses by Lippold, Heiko
Dtp-PRAXIS Mit PageMaker 5 by Müller, Wolfgang
Mikrocontroller PRAXIS: Ein Praxisorientierter Leitfaden Für Hard- Und Software-Entwicklung Auf Der Basis Der 80(c)51x-Familie by Heesel, Norbert
Management-Support Mit Lotus Improv: Praxislösungen Und Managementwerkzeuge Zum Sofortigen Einsatz by Kretschmer, Bernd
Programmieren in COBOL 85: Eine Umfassende Einführung by Kähler, Wolf-Michael
Implementierung Funktionaler Programmiersprachen: Codegenerierung, Speicherverwaltung Und Testsysteme Für Sprachen Mit Verzögerter Auswertung by Gloger, Michael
Komplexe Objekte Und Anfragen in Der Programmierung: Zur Integration Von Datenbanken Und Programmiersprachen by Rehm, Simone
Anfrageverarbeitung in Komplexobjekt-Datenbanksystemen by Schöning, Harald
Das Vieweg Latex-Buch: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Abdelhamid, Rames
CICS: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung by Kregeloh, Thomas
Datenbanksoftware Für Jedermann: Das Universelle Softwarepaket Vieweg Datenbankmanager Für Xbase-Kompatible Datenbanken by Hickey, Raymond
COBOL -- Das Handbuch Für Den Professionellen Programmierer: Auf Der Basis Des Ansi-Standards Unter Berücksichtigung Der Ibm-Erweiterungen Unter Vs CO by Roitzsch, Erich H. Peter
Datenbankverwaltung Auf Dem PC: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung Für Jeden Anwender by Hickey, Raymond
Offene Systeme: Ein Grundlegendes Handbuch Für Das Praktische DV-Management by Wheeler, Tom
Das Buch Zu Word Für Den Macintosh by Hirsch, Martin
Computerviren Und Ihre Vermeidung: Ein Übersichtlicher, Praxisorientierter Leitfaden Für Jeden Pc-Anwender by Fuhs, Howard
Programmieren Mit C++ Version 3: Eine Anleitung Für Studium Und PRAXIS by Bause, Falko
100 Rezepte Für Ms-DOS 6.0: Tips, Tricks Und Anwendungsbeispiele Für Einsteiger Und Fortgeschrittene by Kretschmer, Bernd
Verläßliche Informationssysteme: Proceedings Der Gi-Fachtagung Vis'93 by
Multimedia PC: Ein Navigator Durch Die Multimedia-Welt by Müller, Armin
Computersicherheit: Der Schutz Von Hard-Und Software by Thaller, Georg Erwin
Supercomputers & Their Performance in Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Datenkommunikation: Verfahren -- Netze -- Dienste by Conrads, Dieter
Gleichungen Und Ungleichungen by Pfeiffer, Reinhold, Borgwadt, Heidemarie
Das Wichtigste Zu dBASE IV Unter Ms-DOS 5.0 by Franz, Dietrich, Mattes, Rüdiger
Prüfungsvorbereitung Für Groß- Und Außenhandelskaufleute: Rechnungswesen, Organisation, Datenverarbeitung in Programmierter Form by Jüngling, Kirsten, U. a.
Vieweg Software-Trainer Microsoft Access Für Windows by Sieberichs, Dagmar
91 Anwendungen Mit Quattro Pro Für Windows by Mehr, Franz Josef
Das Vieweg-Buch Zu Visual Basic 2.0 Für Windows: Eine Umfassende Anleitung Zur Komfortablen Entwicklung Von Windows-Programmen by Andreas, Maslo
AutoCAD 12 Für Windows: Die Umfassende Einführung Für Studenten Und Konstrukteure by Hering, Ekbert
Simulation Mit Acsl: Eine Einführung in Die Modellbildung, Numerischen Methoden Und Simulation by Breitenecker, Felix
Wiederverwendung Von Software: Framework Für Betriebliche Informationssysteme by Hess, Helge
Algebraische Grundlagen by Borgwadt, Heidemarie, Pfeiffer, Reinhold
Cscw: Generische Unterstützung Von Teamarbeit in Verteilten DV-Systemen by Rüdebusch, Tom
Das Vieweg-Buch Zu FoxPro Für Windows by Staas, Dieter
Grafik Und Animation Mit Borland Pascal 7.0: 3d-Grafik, Animation Und Simulation by Bartel, Andreas
Open Distributed Systems: On Concepts, Methods, and Design from a Logical Point of View by Gotzhein, Reinhard
Image Processing, Analysis and Machine Vision by Hlavac, Vaclav, Boyle, Roger, Sonka, Milan
Multiple-Valued Logic Design: an Introduction by Epstein, G.
Frames und lexikalisches Bedeutungswissen by Konerding, Klaus-Peter
Computer Spreadsheets for Library Applications: 2nd Edition by Auld, Lawrence W. S.
Study and Research Guide in Computer Science: Profiles of Universities in the USA by
Microprogrammed State Machine Design by Lynch, Michel A.
Standards in Rechnernetzen by Prosser, Alexander
Imppact Reference Model: An Approach to Integrated Product and Process Modelling for Discrete Parts Manufacturing by
Claude E. Shannon: Collected Papers by
Creative Computer Software for Strategic Thinking and Decision Making: A Guide for Senior Management and MIS Professionals by Thierauf, Robert J.
Recent Developments in Decision Support Systems by
Multisensor Fusion for Computer Vision by
Rings and Fields by Ellis, Graham
Recursion Theory for Metamathematics by Smullyan, Raymond M.
Mirror Worlds: Or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean by Gelernter, David Hillel
Research in Atomic Structure by Fraga, S., Klobukowski, M., Muszynska, J.
Recent Trends in Data Type Specification: 8th Workshop on Specification of Abstract Data Types Joint with the 3rd Compass Workshop, Dourdan, France, A by
Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation: Proceedings of Lopstr 92, International Workshop on Logic Program Synthesis and Transformation, University by
The Computer User as Toolsmith: The Use, Reuse and Organization of Computer-Based Tools by Greenberg, Saul
Carbon-Carbon Composites by Savage, E., Savage, Gary, Savage, G.
Program Verification: Fundamental Issues in Computer Science by
High-Level Synthesis for Real-Time Digital Signal Processing by Bolsens, Ivo, Vanhoof, Jan, Van Rompaey, Karl
The Alternative Mathematical Model of Linguistic Semantics and Pragmatics by Novák, Vilém
Loop Transformations for Restructuring Compilers: The Foundations by Banerjee, Utpal
Use of Microcomputers in Geology by
Foundations of Knowledge Acquisition: Machine Learning by
Morphological Image Processing: Architecture and VLSI Design by Jonker, P. P.
Generating Abstraction Hierarchies: An Automated Approach to Reducing Search in Planning by Knoblock, Craig A.
Logic Synthesis and Optimization by
Methods in Computational Chemistry by
Algebraic Structures and Operator Calculus: Volume I: Representations and Probability Theory by Schott, René, Feinsilver, P.
Statistical Modeling for Computer-Aided Design of Mos VLSI Circuits by Michael, Christopher, Ismail, Mohammed
Computing Professionals: Changing Needs for the 1990s by Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, National Research Council, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences
National Collaboratories: Applying Information Technology for Scientific Research by Committee Toward a National Collaboratory Establishing the U, National Research Council, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board
Toward a Coordinated Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Nation by Commission on Geosciences Environment and Resources, National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge by Jonassen, David H., Yacci, Michael, Beissner, Katherine
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge by Jonassen, David H., Yacci, Michael, Beissner, Katherine
Fertigungsinseln in CIM-Strukturen by
Logic Circuit Design by Shaw, Alan W.
Natural Operations in Differential Geometry by Kolar, Ivan, Michor, Peter W., Slovak, Jan
The Formal Semantics of Programming Languages: An Introduction by Winskel, Glynn
Expertensysteme 93: 2. Deutsche Tagung Expertensysteme (Xps-93) Hamburg, 17.-19. Februar 1993 by
User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support: Proceedings of the International Iiasa Workshop Held in Serock, Poland, Sep by
Extensions of Logic Programming: Third International Workshop, ELP '92, Bologna, Italy, February 26-28, 1992. Proceedings by
Hypermedia: Proceedings Der Internationalen Hypermedia '93 Konferenz, Zürich, 2./3. März 1993 by
Stacs 93: 10th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Würzburg, Germany, February 25-27, 1993. Proceedings by
Fundamentals of Electronic Imaging Systems: Some Aspects of Image Processing by Schreiber, William F.
Virtual Reality: Anwendungen Und Trends by
Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen: Itg/Gi-Fachtagung München, 3.-5. März 1993 by
Geometric Modelling by
Napaw 92: Proceedings of the First North American Process Algebra Workshop, Stony Brook, New York, Usa, 28 August 1992 by
Cscw in Practice: An Introduction and Case Studies by
Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt '92: Workshop on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques, Balatonfüred, Hungary, May 24-28, 1992 Pro by
Cooperation Among Organizations: The Potential of Computer Supported Cooperative Work by
Sitzungsbericht by
Cscw: Cooperation or Conflict? by
Fuzzy Logic: Theorie Und PRAXIS 2. Dortmunder Fuzzy-Tage Dortmund, 9./10. Juni 1992 by
Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic: Second International Workshop, Reinhardsbrunn Castle, Germany, December 2-6, 1991. Proceedings by
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science: 18th International Workshop, Wg '92, Wiesbaden-Naurod, Germany, June 18-20, 1992. Proceedings by
Computer Supported Collaborative Writing by
Design of Low-Voltage Bipolar Operational Amplifiers by Fonderie, M. Jeroen, Huijsing, Johan
Algebras and Orders by
Fuzzy Sets and Interactive Multiobjective Optimization by Sakawa, Masatoshi
Instabilities and Turbulence in Engineering Flows by
Bmdp Statistical Software Manual, 1992 Edition, 3 Volume Set. by
Bmdp Statistical Software Manual, 1992 Edition User's Digest. by
Wirtschaftsinformatik ′93: Innovative Anwendungen, Technologie, Integration. 8. - 10. März 1993, Münster by
Logic Programming Languages: Constraints, Functions, and Objects by
Software-Führer '93/'94 Lehre Und Forschung: Ingenieurwissenschaften by
Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications: International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications, Tlca '93, March 16-18, 1993, Utrecht, the Ne by
Computer Aided Logical Design with Emphasis on VLSI by Hill, Frederick J., Peterson, Gerald R.
Logo for the Macintosh: An Introduction through Object Logo by Abelson, Amanda, Abelson, Harold
Theorie Der Neuronalen Netze: Eine Systematische Einführung by Rojas, Raul
Handbook of Logic in Computer Science: Volume 2: Background: Computational Structures by
A Plain Tex Primer by Clark, Malcolm
Machine Learning: Ecml-93: European Conference on Machine Learning, Vienna, Austria, April 5-7, 1993. Proceedings by
Filtering, Segmentation and Depth by Mumford, David, Nitzberg, Mark, Shiota, Takahiro
Machine Learning: From Theory to Applications: Cooperative Research at Siemens and Mit by
Computer Aided Verification: Fourth International Workshop, Cav '92, Montreal, Canada, June 29 - July 1, 1992. Proceedings by
Interactive Image Processing for Machine Vision by Waltz, Frederick, Batchelor, Bruce G.
Motion Analysis and Image Sequence Processing by
Algorithms: Main Ideas and Applications by Semenov, A. L., Uspensky, Vladimir
Advanced Multibody System Dynamics: Simulation and Software Tools by
A Computer-Assisted Analysis System for Mathematical Programming Models and Solutions: A User's Guide for Analyze(c) by Greenberg, H. J.
Spline Functions and Multivariate Interpolations by Hakopian, H., Sahakian, B., Bojanov, Borislav D.
Information Handling in Offices and Archives by
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology: Volume 28 - Supplement 13: AerosPate Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Tree Structures by
Tapsoft '93: Theory and Practice of Software Development: 4th International Joint Conference Caap/Fase, Orsay, France, April 13-17, 1993. Proceedings by
Mathematics of Program Construction: Second International Conference, Oxford, U.K., June 29 - July 3, 1992. Proceedings by
Fme '93: Industrial-Strength Formal Methods: First International Symposium of Formal Methods Europe, Odense, Denmark, April 19-23, 1993. Proceedings by
Nachrichtenübertragung 1 by
Codes für den störungssicheren Datentransfer by Haßlinger, Gerhard, Tzschach, Hans
Software for Parallel Computation by
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 10th International Symposium, Aaecc-10, San Juan de Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico, May 10 by
C-Xsc: A C++ Class Library for Extended Scientific Computing by Klatte, Rudi, Kulisch, Ulrich
Impact of Technology on Resource Sharing: Experimentation and Maturity by Wilson, Thomas C.
Parallele Datenverarbeitung Mit Dem Transputer: 4. Transputer-Anwender-Treffen Tat '92, Aachen, 22.-23. September 1992 by
Semantics: Foundations and Applications: Rex Workshop, Beekbergen, the Netherlands, June 1-4, 1992. Proceedings by
Formal Techniques in Real-Time and Fault-Tolerant Systems by
Case-Based Learning by
Algorithms for Elliptic Problems: Efficient Sequential and Parallel Solvers by Vajtersic, Marián
Modelling Database Dynamics: Selected Papers from the Fourth International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, Vo by
Multilayer Ceramic Substrate - Technology for VLSI Package/Multichip Module: Ceramic Research and Development in Japan by Otsuka, K.
Contributions to Quantitative Linguistics: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Quantitative Linguistics, Qualico, Trier, 1991 by
Modeling Creativity and Knowledge-Based Creative Design by
Artificial Neural Nets and Genetic Algorithms: Proceedings of the International Conference in Innsbruck, Austria, 1993 by
Visual Search 2: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Visual Search by
Correct Hardware Design and Verification Methods: Ifip Wg 10.2 Advanced Research Working Conference, Charme'93, Arles, France, May 24-26, 1993. Procee by
14th Information Retrieval Colloquium: Proceedings of the BCS 14th Information Retrieval Colloquium, University of Lancaster, 13-14 April 1992 by
If We Build It: Scholarly Communications and Networking Technologies: Proceedings of the North American Serials Inte by
The Integrity of Intelligence: A Bill of Rights for the Information Age by Lamendola, Walter, Glastonbury, Bryan
Combinatorial Pattern Matching: 4th Annual Symposium, CPM 93, Padova, Italy, June 2-4, 1993. Proceedings by
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1992: Proceedings of the 1992 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Ayr, Scotland, 6-8 July 1992 by
Theoretical Mechanics of Biological Neural Networks by MacGregor, Ronald J.
The Barefoot Expert: The Interface of Computerized Knowledge Systems and Indigenous Knowledge Systems by Schoenhoff, Doris M.
Objektorientierte Methoden Für Informationssysteme: Fachtagung Der Gi-Fachgruppe Emisa, Klagenfurt, 7.-9. Juni 1993 by
Netzwerk- und Filtersynthese by Unbehauen, Rolf
Cimosa: Open System Architecture for CIM by
Advances in Petri Nets 1993 by
Recognizing Planar Objects Using Invariant Image Features by Reiss, Thomas H.
New Trends in Neural Computation: International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks, Iwann'93, Sitges, Spain, June 9-11, 1993. Proceedings by
Live Data Structures in Logic Programs: Derivation by Means of Abstract Interpretation by Mulkers, Anne
Rechnergestützte Qualitätssicherung Und CIM by Walther, Johannes
Hierarchische Planung Unter Einsatz Neuronaler Netze: Illustriert an Untersuchungen Zum Flexiblen Personalmanagement by Faißt, Jürgen
Brain Theory: Spatio-Temporal Aspects of Brain Function by
Encyclopedia of Microcomputers: Volume 12 - Multistrategy Learning to Operations Research: Microcomputer Applications by Kent, Allen, Kent, Kent
Gwai-92: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 16th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bonn, Germany, August 31 - September 3, 1992. Proceed by
Instruction-Level Parallelism: A Special Issue of the Journal of Supercomputing by
VLSI Video/Image Signal Processing by
Intelligent Systems by Pao, Yoh-Han, Sterling, Leon
Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods by
Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems by
Computers As Cognitive Tools by
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 13th International Conference, Ipmi'93, Flagstaff, Arizona, Usa, June 14-18, 1993. Proceedings by
Methodologies for Intelligent Systems: 7th International Symposium, Ismis'93, Trondheim, Norway, June 15-18, 1993. Proceedings by
Analysis and Synthesis of Speech by
Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1993: 14th International Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Usa, June 21-25, 1993. Proceedings by
Parle '93 Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe: 5th International Parle Conference, Munich, Germany, June 14-17, 1993. Proceedings by
Advances in Spatial Databases: Third International Symposium, Ssd '93, Singapore, June 23-25, 1993. Proceedings by
Simulation Validation by Arangno, Deborah C., Knepell, Peter L.
Robots and Biological Systems: Towards a New Bionics?: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Workshop on Robots and Biological Systems, Held at II Ciocco, by
Advanced Educational Technologies for Mathematics and Science by
Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Austrian Artificial Intelligence Conference, Flai'93, Linz, Austria, June 28-30, 1993. Proceedings by
Computer Aided Verification: 5th International Conference, Cav'93, Elounda, Greece, June 28 - July 1, 1993. Proceedings by
Supercomputer '93: Anwendungen, Architekturen, Trends Seminar, Mannheim, 24.-26. Juni 1993 by
Simulating Humans: Computer Graphics Animation and Control by Badler, Norman I., Webber, Bonnie Lynn, Phillips, Cary B.
Advances in Databases: 11th British National Conference on Databases, Bncod 11, Keele, Uk, July 7-9, 1993. Proceedings by
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