• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 1995

Scientific Pascal by Flanders, Harley
System Modelling and Optimization by Dolezal, J., Fidler, Jiri
Environmental Software Systems: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems, 1995 by
Discrete Analysis and Operations Research by
Introduction to VHDL by Johnson, T. T., Hunter, R. D.
Performance and Reliability Analysis of Computer Systems: An Example-Based Approach Using the Sharpe Software Package by Puliafito, Antonio, Sahner, Robin A., Trivedi, Kishor
The Simulation Metamodel by Friedman, Linda Weiser
Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video: 5th International Workshop, Nossdav '95, Durham, New Hampshire, Usa, April 19-21, 1 by
Scientific Elite: Nobel Laureates in the United States by
Logic-Based 0-1 Constraint Programming by Barth, Peter
Phrase Structure and the Lexicon by
Enterprise Integration and Modeling: The Metadatabase Approach by Hsu, Cheng
Binary Decision Diagrams and Applications for VLSI CAD by Minato, Shin-Ichi
Distributed and Multi-Database Systems by Bobak, Angelo R.
Healthcare Infostructures: The Development of Information-Based Infrastructures for the Healthcare Industry by Diebold Institute for Public Policy Stud, Diebold, The Diebold Institute for Public Policy
Learning and Geometry: Computational Approaches by
Cscw Requirements and Evaluation by
AI System Support for Conceptual Design: Proceedings of the 1995 Lancaster International Workshop on Engineering Design, 27-29 March 1995 by
Advances in Databases and Information Systems: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (Adbi by
Design Science: Introduction to the Needs, Scope and Organization of Engineering Design Knowledge by Hubka, Vladimir, Eder, W. Ernst
Oois' 95: 1995 International Conference on Object Oriented Information Systems, 18-20 December 1995, Dublin. Proceedings by
Deontic Logic, Agency and Normative Systems: ?Eon '96: Third International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, Sesimbra, Portugal, 11 - 13 by
Models of Neural Networks III: Association, Generalization, and Representation by
Critical Issues in User Interface Systems Engineering by
Kurt Gödel: Unpublished Philosophical Essays by
Active Visual Inference of Surface Shape by Cipolla, Roberto
Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science: 15th Conference; Bangalore, India, December 1995. Proceedings by
Diffraction Physics by Cowley, J. M.
Cryptography and Coding: Fifth Ima Conference; Cirencester, Uk, December 1995. Proceedings by
Computer Security by
The Emerging Market of China's Computer Industry by Wang, Yan, Zhang, Jeff X.
Automated Modeling of Physical Systems by Nayak, P. Pandurang
Efficient Checking of Polynomials and Proofs and the Hardness of Approximation Problems by
Computer Hardware Maintenance: An Is/It Manager's Guide by Rood, Stephen
Signal and Power Integrity in Digital Systems: TTL, CMOS, and BICMOS by Buchanan, James E.
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision by
Logic: Study Guide by Baum, Robert
The Little Schemer, Fourth Edition by Friedman, Daniel P., Felleisen, Matthias
Photodiode Amplifiers: Op Amp Solutions by Graeme, Jerald G.
Dynamical Systems in 2-Dimensions by Abraham, Ralph
Algebraic Structures and Operators Calculus: Volume III: Representations of Lie Groups by Feinsilver, P., Schott, René
Vaguely Defined Objects: Representations, Fuzzy Sets and Nonclassical Cardinality Theory by Wygralak, M.
Fuzzy Databases: Principles and Applications by Petry, Frederick E.
Software Performability: From Concepts to Applications by Tai, Ann T., Meyer, John F., Avizienis, Algirdas
Silica-Based Buried Channel Waveguides and Devices by Love, J., Ladouceur, F.
Quality by Design for Electronics by Fleischammer, W.
Division of Labor, Variability, Coordination, and the Theory of Firms and Markets by Camacho, A.
Firm Objectives, Controls and Organization: The Use of Information and the Transfer of Knowledge Within the Firm by Eliasson, Gunnar
Analog Circuit Design: Low-Noise, Low-Power, Low-Voltage; Mixed-Mode Design with CAD Tools; Voltage, Current and Time References by
Principles of Distributed Systems by Garg, Vijay K.
Information Technology and Changes in Organizational Work by
Design of Reservation Protocols for Multimedia Communication by Delgrossi, Luca
Artificial Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Non-Linear Systems by De Moor, B. L., Suykens, Johan A. K., Vandewalle, Joos P. L.
Handbook of Polymer-Modified Concrete and Mortars: Properties and Process Technology by Ohama, Yoshihiko
Handbook of Magneto-Optical Data Recording: Materials, Subsystems, Techniques by McDaniel, Terry W., Victora, Randall