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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2000

Windows 2000 DNS Server by
Fire Your Broker and Trade Online: Everything You Need to Start Investing Online by Aspatore, Jonathan Reed
The Internet for Busy People by
Mining for Gold on Internet: How to Find Investment and Financial Information on the Internet by Bates, Mary Ellen
Digitale Signalverarbeitung Mit Signalprozessoren: Hardware, Assembler, C by Walter, J]rgen, Walter, J. Rgen
Modeling Longitudinal and Multilevel Data: Practical Issues, Applied Approaches, and Specific Examples by
Understanding and Applying Machine Vision, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded by Zeuch, Zeuch, Zeuch, Nello, Zuech, Nello
Cisco TCP/IP Routing Professional Reference by
The International Handbook of Computer Security by Shim, Jae, Siegel, Joel G., Qureshi, Anique A.
Komplexität und Berechenbarkeit: Über die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Computers by Hoßfeld, Friedel
Trusted Computing Platforms: Design and Applications by Smith, Sean W.
Evolutionary Computation 1: Basic Algorithms and Operators by
Multifunction Peripherals for PCs: Technology, Troubleshooting and Repair by Hobbs, Marvin
Evolve: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Technologies to Enable Superhuman Capabilities by Daniels, Sharon
Pattern Recognition and Applications by
Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications by
How to Find Money Online by
The Age of Spiritual Machines by Kurzweil, Ray
Mission Critical: Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Systems by Davenport, Thomas H.
Parallel and Distributed Simulation Systems by Fujimoto, Richard M.
Modelle der Translation: Grundlagen fuer Methodik, Bewertung, Computermodellierung by
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems VII: Proceedings of Es99, the Nineteenth Sges International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems by
Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XVI: Proceedings of Es99, the Nineteenth Sges International Conference on Knowledge-Based Systems and by
Human Error and System Design and Management by
The Unified Process Elaboration Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the UP by Ambler, Scott
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: Second International Workshop, Padl 2000 Boston, Ma, Usa, January 17-18, 2000. Proceedings by
Public Key Cryptography: Third International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptosystems, Pkc 2000, Melbourne, Victoria, Austra by
COM Programming by Example: Using MFC, ActiveX, ATL, ADO, and COM+ by Swanke, John E.
Remediation: Understanding New Media by Bolter, Jay David, Grusin, Richard
The Unified Process Construction Phase: Best Practices in Implementing the Up by Ambler, Scott
Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities by Paciello, Mike
Competing on Internet Time: Lessons from Netscape and It's Battle with Microsoft by Yoffie, David B., Cusumano, Michael A.
Race in Cyberspace by
Gesture-Based Communication in Human-Computer Interaction: International Gesture Workshop, Gw'99, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, March 17-19, 1999 Proceeding by
Formal Models of Agents: Esprit Project Modelage Final Report Selected Papers by
Family Tree Maker for Dummies by Helm, Matthew L., Helm, April Leigh
Computer Media and Communication: A Reader by
Visual Motion of Curves and Surfaces by Giblin, Peter, Cipolla, Roberto
Advanced Instrumentation and Computer I/O Design: Real-Time Computer Interactive Engineering by Garrett, Patrick H.
Logik Für Informatiker by Schöning, Uwe
The It Value Quest: How to Capture the Business Value of It-Based Infrastructure by Renkema, Theo J. W.
Einführung in Die Bayes-Statistik by Koch, Karl-Rudolf
Elektronische Handelssysteme: Innovative Konzepte Und Technologien Im Wertpapierhandel by Gomber, Peter
Decoherence: Theoretical, Experimental, and Conceptual Problems: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Bielefeld Germany, 10-14 November 1998 by
Politics as Usual: The Cyberspace `Revolution' by Margolis, Michael, Resnick, David
Politics as Usual: The Cyberspace `Revolution' by Resnick, David, Margolis, Michael
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: First International Symposium, Foiks 2000, Burg, Germany, February 14-17, 2000 Proceedings by
Perspectives of System Informatics: Third International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference, Psi'99, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia, July 6-9, 1999 by
The Computational Beauty of Nature: Computer Explorations of Fractals, Chaos, Complex Systems, and Adaptation by Flake, Gary William
Building Natural Language Generation Systems by Reiter, Ehud, Dale, Robert
Soi Circuit Design Concepts by Rohrer, Norman J., Bernstein, Kerry
High Performance Data Mining: Scaling Algorithms, Applications and Systems by
Innovative Planning for Electronic Commerce and Enterprises: A Reference Model by Hsu, Cheng, Pant, Somendra
Developments in Reliable Computing by
Labelled Non-Classical Logics by Viganò, Luca
Coding and Iterative Detection for Magnetic Recording Channels by Wu, Zining
Multimedia Software Engineering by Shi-Kuo Chang
Fundamentals of Fuzzy Sets by
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
Fonts: A Guide for Designers and Editors by Jones, Gerald E.
The End of Privacy by Whitaker, Reginald
The Social Life of Information by Brown, John Seely, Duguid, Paul
Transforming Computer Technology: Information Processing for the Pentagon, 1962-1986 by Norberg, Arthur L., O'Neill, Judy E.
Artificial Neural Networks in Biomedicine by
Neural Networks for Modelling and Control of Dynamic Systems: A Practitioner's Handbook by Poulsen, N. K., Norgaard, M., Ravn, O.
Digital Telephony by Bellamy, John C.
Civic Discourse and Digital Age Communications in the Middle East by
C++ for Programmers by Ammeraal, Leen
Telecommunications and It Convergence. Towards Service E-Volution: 7th International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks, Is&n 2000, A by
Automated Deduction in Classical and Non-Classical Logics: Selected Papers by
Stacs 2000: 17th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Lille, France, February 17-19, 2000 Proceedings by
Software Process Technology: 7th European Workshop, Ewspt 2000, Kaprun, Austria, February 21-25, 2000. Proceedings by
System Development: A Strategic Framework by Bronzite, Michael
Lessons in System Safety: Proceedings of the Eighth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Southampton, UK 2000 by
Best Truth by Goodman, Allan E., Berkowitz, Bruce D.
Microsoft Rising Other Tales Silicon Val by Lewis, Ted G.
Iterative Computer Algorithms with Applications in Engineering by Youssef, Habib, Sait, Sadiq M.
Watch It: The Risks And Promises Of Information Technologies For Education by Callister, Thomas, Jr., Burbules, Nicholas
Computer Architecture and Implementation by Cragon, Harvey G.
Softwareentwicklung in Mittelständischen Unternehmen Mit ISO 9000 by Niessen, Stefan, Funke, Thomas, Noll, Reinhard
The Web Learning Fieldbook: Using the World Wide Web to Build Workplace Learning Environments by Beer, Valorie
Intelligent Agents VI. Agent Theories, Architectures, and Languages: 6th International Workshop, Atal'99 Orlando, Florida, Usa, July 15-17, 1999 Proce by
Algorithms and Complexity: 4th Italian Conference, Ciac 2000 Rome, Italy, March 1-3, 2000 Proceedings by
Self-Stabilization by Dolev, Shlomi
Soft Computing for Image Processing by
CAD Tools and Algorithms for Product Design by
Low-Power CMOS VLSI Circuit Design by Prasad, Sharat, Roy, Kaushik
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 6th Annual International Workshop, Sac'99 Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 9-10, 1999 Proceedings by
Large-Scale Parallel Data Mining by
Transactions and Database Dynamics: 8th International Workshop on Foundations of Models and Languages for Data and Objects, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, by
Part-Whole Reasoning in an Object-Centered Framework by Lambrix, Patrick
Information Hiding: Third International Workshop, Ih'99, Dresden, Germany, September 29 - October 1, 1999 Proceedings by
Advances in Distributed Systems: Advanced Distributed Computing: From Algorithms to Systems by
Information Technology and Organizations: Strategies, Networks, and Integration by
Data-Driven Methods for Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Chemical Processes by Braatz, Richard D., Russell, Evan L., Chiang, Leo H.
Finite Versus Infinite: Contributions to an Eternal Dilemma by Paun, Gheorghe, Calude, Cristian S.
IP Addressing and Subnetting Inc Ipv6: Including Ipv6 by Syngress
Data Segmentation and Model Selection for Computer Vision: A Statistical Approach by
e-Enterprise by Hoque, Faisal
Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks by
Information Ecologies: Using Technology with Heart by Nardi, Bonnie A., O'Day, Vicki
Computer Science with Mathematica: Theory and Practice for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering by Maeder, Roman, Roman E., Maeder
News Corporation, Technology and the Workplace by Marjoribanks, Timothy
Data Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications by Kwong Sak Leung, Man Leung Wong
Numbers, Information and Complexity by
Hardware Design and Petri Nets by
Cooperation: A Philosophical Study by Tuomela, R.
Communication-Based Systems: Proceeding of the 3rd International Workshop Held at the Tu Berlin, Germany, 31 March - 1 April 2000 by
Intelligent Systems and Interfaces by
Communications and Networking in Education: Learning in a Networked Society by
Information, Organization and Information Systems Design: An Integrated Approach to Information Problems by Prakken, Bart
Father, Son & Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond by Watson, Thomas J., Petre, Peter
Gambling on the Internet by Western, Scott
Intelligent Systems and Robotics by
The Comprehensive Guide to SmartSuite 97: For Windows 95 & Windows NT by Meade, Jim
Neurodynamics: An Exploration in Mesoscopic Brain Dynamics by Freeman, Walter
Aris -- Business Process Modeling by Scheer, August-Wilhelm
How to Succeed with Men: Love Is a Riddle. We Have the Answer by Copeland, David, Louis, Ron
Usability Engineering by Faulkner, Xris
Digital Cities: Technologies, Experiences, and Future Perspectives by
Theory and Application of Graph Transformations: 6th International Workshop, Tagt'98 Paderborn, Germany, November 16-20, 1998 Selected Papers by
Design Rules, Volume 1: The Power of Modularity by Baldwin, Carliss Y., Clark, Kim B.
Bildverarbeitung Für Die Medizin 2000: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen by
Architecture Design and Validation Methods by
Innovations in Art Neural Networks by
Analysis Individuell: Kompakt Zum Prüfungserfolg by Wolter, Helmut, Dahn, Bernd I.
Internet Core Protocols: The Definitive Guide [With CD-ROM] by Hall, Eric
Essential Computer Animation Fast: How to Understand the Techniques and Potential of Computer Animation by Vince, John
Volume Graphics by
Concurrent Reactive Plans: Anticipating and Forestalling Execution Failures by Beetz, Michael
Performance Evaluation: Origins and Directions by
David Taylor's Inside Track: Provocative Insights into the World of IT in Business by Taylor, David
Computer Performance Evaluation. Modelling Techniques and Tools: 11th International Conference, Tools 2000 Schaumburg, Il, Usa, March 25-31, 2000 Proc by
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: Third International Workshop, Hscc 2000 Pittsburgh, Pa, Usa, March 23 - 25, 2000 Proceedings by
Computers and Information Technology in Social Work: Education, Training, and Practice by R. Coe, Jo Ann, Menon, Goutham M.
Handbook of Intelligence by Sternberg, Robert J.
Soft Computing in Industrial Applications by
Foundation of Software Science and Computation Structures: Third International Conference, Fossacs 2000 Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences by
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: Third International Conference, Fase 2000 Held as Part of the Joint European Conference on Theory and by
Frontiers of Combining Systems: Third International Workshop, Frocos 2000 Nancy, France, March 22-24, 2000 Proceedings by
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 6th International Conference, Tacas 2000 Held as Part of the Joint European Confere by
The Information Society in Europe: Work and Life in an Age of Globalization by
Programming and Problem Solving with ADA 95 by Weems, Chip, Dale, Nell, McCormick, John W.
Computer Networks and Open Systems: An Application Development Perspective: An Application Development Perspective by Cassel, L. N., Austing, R. H.
Vernetztes Lernen Mit Digitalen Medien: Proceedings Der Ersten Tagung "Computergestütztes Kooperatives Lernen (D-Cscl 2000)" Am 23. Und 24. März 2000 by
Latin 2000: Theoretical Informatics: 4th Latin American Symposium, Punta del Este, Uruguay, April 10-14, 2000 Proceedings by
Bis 2000: 4th International Conference on Business Information Systems, Pozna?, Poland, 12-13 April 2000 by
Fuzzy Sets & Their Application to Clustering & Training by Dumitrescu, D., Jain, Lakhmi C., Lazzerini, Beatrice
Computer Algebra Methods for Equivariant Dynamical Systems by Gatermann, Karin
An Introduction to Support Vector Machines and Other Kernel-based Learning Methods by Cristianini, Nello, Shawe-Taylor, John
Issues of Fault Diagnosis for Dynamic Systems by
Hybrid Neural Systems by
Genetic Programming: European Conference, Eurogp 2000 Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk, April 15-16, 2000 Proceedings by
Micai 2000: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Acapulco, Mexico, April 11-14, 2000 Proce by
Evolvable Systems: From Biology to Hardware: Third International Conference, Ices 2000, Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk, April 17-19, 2000 Proceedings by
Practical Usage of TSO REXX by Rudd, Anthony S.
Digital Media: The Future by
Real-World Applications of Evolutionary Computing: Evoworkshops 2000: Evoiasp, Evoscondi, Evotel, Evostim, Evorob, and Evoflight, Edinburgh, Scotland, by
Aufbaukurs Wirtschaftsinformatik: Der Kompakte Und Praxisorientierte Weg Zum Diplom by Abts, Dietmar, Mülder, Wilhelm
Ai*ia 99: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 6th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence Bologna, Italy, September 14-17, 19 by
Strategic, Organizational, and Managerial Impacts of Business Technologies by Schultz, Roberta J., Good, David J.
Control Theory by Glad, Torkel, Ljung, Lennart
Entity-Relationship Modeling by Thalheim, Bernhard
Specc: Specification Language and Methodology by Gajski, Daniel D., Dömer, Rainer, Jianwen Zhu
Security of Data and Transaction Processing: A Special Issue of Distributed and Parallel Databases Volume 8, No. 1 (2000) by
Perceptual Organization for Artificial Vision Systems by
Enabling Technologies for Computational Science: Frameworks, Middleware and Environments by
Towards a Quarter-Century of Public Key Cryptography: A Special Issue of Designs, Codes and Cryptography an International Journal. Volume 19, No. 2/3 by
Systems Development Methods for Databases, Enterprise Modeling, and Workflow Management by
Statistical Mining and Data Visualization in Atmospheric Sciences by
High Performance Computing Systems and Applications by
Thomas' Telecom & Networking Dictionary by
Datamining Und Computational Finance: Ergebnisse Des 7. Karlsruher Ökonometrie-Workshops by
Cyberethics: Social & Moral Issues in the Computer Age by
The Silicon Boys: And Their Valley of Dreams by Kaplan, David A.
Wettbewerbsvorteile Durch Online Marketing: Die Strategischen Perspektiven Elektronischer Märkte by
Computational Conflicts: Conflict Modeling for Distributed Intelligent Systems by
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Current Issues and New Applications: Current Issues and New Applications: 4th Pacific-Asia Conference, Pakdd 2000 by
Aufgabenorientierte Softwareentwicklung: Integrierte Gestaltung Von Unternehmen, Arbeit Und Software by Paech, Barbara
Dealers of Lightning: Xerox Parc and the Dawn of the Computer Age by Hiltzik, Michael A.
Statistics and Neural Networks: Advances at the Interface by
Computers and Information Technology in Social Work: Education, Training, and Practice by R. Coe, Jo Ann, Menon, Goutham M.
Open Internet Security: Von Den Grundlagen Zu Den Anwendungen by Fischer, Stephan, Rensing, Christoph, Rödig, Utz
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2000: Proceedings of the International Conference in Barcelona, Spain, 2000 by
Evolutionary Design and Manufacture: Selected Papers from Acdm '00 by
Information Security and Cryptology - Icisc'99: Second International Conference Seoul, Korea, December 9-10, 1999 Proceedings by
Visual Digital Culture: Surface Play and Spectacle in New Media Genres by Darley, Andrew
Virtual Realism by Heim, Michael
Astronomy on the Personal Computer [With CDROM] by Montenbruck, Oliver
SAP R/3 Implementation: Methods and Tools by Appelrath, Hans-Jürgen, Ritter, Jörg
Challenges for Action Theories by Thielscher, Michael
Beyond the Borders by
Parallel and Distributed Processing: 15 Ipdps 2000 Workshops Cancun, Mexico, May 1-5, 2000 Proceedings by
Projektmanagement: Mit Dem Rational Unified Process by Versteegen, Gerhard
Data Visualization 2000: Proceedings of the Joint Eurographics and IEEE Tcvg Symposium on Visualization in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 29-3 by
The New Sociotech: Graffiti on the Long Wall by
Digitale Wasserzeichen: Grundlagen, Verfahren, Anwendungsgebiete by Dittmann, Jana
Fuzzy Classifier Design by Kuncheva, Ludmila I.
Virtual Environments 2000: Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June 1-2, 2000 by
High-Performance Computing and Networking: 8th International Conference, Hpcn Europe 2000 Amsterdam, the Netherlands, May 8-10, 2000 Proceedings by
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