• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2008

Cours réseaux et télécoms: Avec exercices corrigés by Pujolle, Guy
Gpu-Based Techniques for Global Illumination Effects by Szirmay-Kalos, Laszlo, Szecsi, Laszlo, Sbert, Mateu
Multimodality and Genre: A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents by Bateman, J.
Sublime Communication Technologies by Giblett, Rod
Excel 2007: Programmation VBA by David, Daniel-Jean
Handbook of Knowledge Representation: Volume 1 by
Pandora's Box: Social and Professional Issues of the Information Age by McCrindle, Rachel J., Adams, Andrew A.
Reinforcement Learning by
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit by Ross, Margy, Thornthwaite, Warren, Kimball, Ralph
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Übertragung traditioneller Verkaufstechniken auf die Gestaltung von Webshops by Stoppel, Oliver
BlackBerry(r) Pearl Made Simple by Trautschold, Martin, Mazo, Gary
Risk Assessment, Modeling and Decision Support: Strategic Directions by
Collaboration 2.0: Technology and Best Practices for Successful Collaboration in a Web 2.0 World by Coleman, David, Levine, Stewart
Information Lifecycle Management: Prozessimplementierung by Sollbach, Wolfgang, Thome, Günter
Engineering Evolutionary Intelligent Systems by
Dvb - Digitale Fernsehtechnik: Datenkompression Und Übertragung by Reimers, Ulrich
Optimization and Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Speech, Audio, Image and Biomedical Signal Processing Using Neural Networks by
Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics by
Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics by
Modern Computational Intelligence Methods for the Interpretation of Medical Images by Tadeusiewicz, Ryszard
Tontechnik Für Mediengestalter: Töne Hören - Technik Verstehen - Medien Gestalten by Friedrich, Hans Jörg
Preserving Digital Media - Hardware: Digitale Langzeitspeicher by Höfler, Bernhard
Digital Signal Processing: An Experimental Approach by Engelberg, Shlomo
Advances in Semantic Media Adaptation and Personalization by
Computational Aspects of General Equilibrium Theory: Refutable Theories of Value by Brown, Donald, Kubler, Felix
Rule Extraction from Support Vector Machines by
Ajax in Der PRAXIS: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Lösungen by Jäger, Kai
Internet-Security Aus Software-Sicht: Grundlagen Der Software-Erstellung Für Sicherheitskritische Bereiche by Kriha, Walter, Schmitz, Roland
Evolutionary Computation in Practice by
Robotic Exploration and Landmark Determination: Hardware-Efficient Algorithms and FPGA Implementations by Sridharan, K., Kumar, Panakala Rajesh
Dienstgüteunterstützung für Service-orientierte Workflows by Berbner, Rainer
Requirements Engineering: Anforderungsdefinition mit Hilfe von UML bei der Entwicklung einer ERP Software by Nielsen, Lars
Medienrecht im Internet by Lindner, Robert
e-government by Schwenger, Daniel
High-Level Modeling and Synthesis of Analog Integrated Systems by Martens, Ewout S. J., Gielen, Georges
Network Coding Applications by Fragouli, Christian, Soljanin, Emina
Bocp - Quick Reference Study Guide: 930 Questions - Business Objects Certified Professional for Crystal Reports by Iroko, Antonia
Bézier and Splines in Image Processing and Machine Vision by Lovell, Brian C., Biswas, Sambhunath
Mathematical Methods in Time Series Analysis and Digital Image Processing by
Machine Learning in Document Analysis and Recognition by
Graph Theory by Bondy, Adrian, Murty, U. S. R.
Computer-Aided Systems in Public Transport by
Robotics and Cognitive Approaches to Spatial Mapping by
Clustering and Ranking for Web Information Retrieval by Gullì, Antonio
Secure E-Commerce Transactions for Multicast Services by Anil Kumar, Venkataiahgari
Alignment of IT and the Business by Kissinger, Bryan
Sofsem 2008: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 34th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Nový Smokovec, Slo by
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice V by
Attention in Cognitive Systems: Theories and Systems from an Interdisciplinary Viewpoint by
Logic for Computer Scientists by Schöning, Uwe
How to Use Jmol to Study and Present Molecular Structures (Vol. 1) by Herrez, Angel
Advances in Nonlinear Speech Processing: International Conference on Non-Linear Speech Processing, Nolisp 2007 Paris, France, May 22-25, 2007 Revised by
High-Performance Computing: 6th International Symposium, ISHPC 2005, Nara, Japan, September 7-9, 2005, First International Workshop on Advance Low by
Shape Understanding System: The First Steps Toward the Visual Thinking Machines by Les, Magdalena, Les, Zbigniew
Die Usability von Websites: Human-Computer-Interaction & Interface-Design by Brenner, Julia
Africans and African Americans Divided: The Male-Female African and African American Digital Divide by Farris, Ron
Visualizing RDF Data on a Handheld by Heim, Philipp
Automating Middleware Configuration and Specializations by Kaul, Dimple, Gokhale, Aniruddha
A Companion to Digital Literary Studies by
Networked Sensing Information and Control by
Information Hiding: 9th International Workshop, Ih 2007, Saint Malo, France, June 11-13, 2007, Revised Selected Papers by
Usage of peer-to-peer networks for music file-sharing: "Piracy or revolution?" by Strang, Martin
Universelle Benutzbarkeit und Barrierefreiheit bei Webseiten der breiten Masse und der öffentlichen Hand: Grundlagen, Erklärungen und Lösungswege zur by Tressl, Markus
Toponym Resolution in Text: Annotation, Evaluation and Applications of Spatial Grounding of Place Names by Leidner, Jochen L.
Automating Human Workflow in IDS Analysis by Windisch, Dominic
Compact Broadband and Multiband Antenna Designs for Millimeter-Wave Applications by Dejean, Gerald R.
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers: Third International Conference, Hipeac 2008, Göteborg, Sweden, January 27-29, 2008, Proceedings by
Asiasim 2007: Asia Simulation Conference 2007, Seoul, Korea, October 10-12, 2007, Proceedings by
Handbook on Decision Support Systems 2: Variations by
Micro-Assembly Technologies and Applications: Ifip Tc5 Wg5.5 Fourth International Precision Assembly Seminar (Ipas'2008) Chamonix, France, February 10 by
Advanced Data Warehouse Design: From Conventional to Spatial and Temporal Applications by Malinowski, Elzbieta, Zimányi, Esteban
Mac OS X Leopard: The Missing Manual by Pogue, David
Becoming Globally Competitive in Software: The Fundamentals for Regular People by Edwards, Matthew D.
Flexible Decoder for LDPC Codes - A technique to attain desirable trade-off between performance and complexity by Elhami-Khorasani, Nazanin
Sicherheit in vernetzten Systemen: 15. DFN Workshop by
Unified Medical Language System for Information Extraction by Kohler, Michael
Sublime Communication Technologies by Giblett, Rod
Simple Real-Time Operating System: A Kernel Inside View for a Beginner by Penumuchu, Chowdary Venkateswara
The ARPAnet Sourcebook: The Unpublished Foundations of the Internet by
Semantic Multimedia and Ontologies: Theory and Applications by
Vulnerability Analysis and Defense for the Internet by
Web 2.0 and Audience Research: An analysis focussing on the concept of involvement by Lüers, Eva
Dynamic Content and Format by Busch, Dennis Marc
Making Distributed Simulation Easier - A Holistic Usability Framework by Dawson, Jeffrey
Advanced Data Mining Techniques by Olson, David L., Delen, Dursun
Case Based Design: Applications in Process Engineering by Kraslawski, Andrzej, Avramenko, Yuri
International Perspectives on Maps and the Internet by
Entwicklung und Einsatz von e-Testing Szenarien by Hoitsch, Patrick
Visualizing Data: Exploring and Explaining Data with the Processing Environment by Fry, Ben
Negotiation, Auctions, and Market Engineering: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, November 12-17, 2006, Revised Selected Papers by
Software Architectures, Components, and Applications: Third International Conference on Quality of Software Architectures, Qosa 2007, Medford, Ma, Usa by
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation: Second International Workshop, WALCOM 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh, February 7-8, 2008, Proceedings by
Snappy Interviews: 100 Questions To Ask Oracle Dbas by Lawson, Christopher
SAP Solution Manager Interview Questions: SAP Solution Manager Certification Review by Sanchez-Clark, Terry
Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence by
Understanding Planning Tasks: Domain Complexity and Heuristic Decomposition by Helmert, Malte
Advances in Computer Science - ASIAN 2006: Secure Software and Related Issues: 11th Asian Computing Science Conference, Tokyo, Japan, December 6-8, 20 by
Wireless Sensor Networks: 5th European Conference, EWSN 2008 Bologna, Italy, January 30-February 1, 2008 Proceedings by
Investitionsmanagement Mit Sap(r): SAP Erp Central Component Anwendungsnah. Mit Durchgängigem Fallbeispiel Und Customizing. Für Studierende Und Prakti by Jandt, Jürgen, Falk-Kalms, Ellen
Computing Reality by Hossain, Mohammed Shahadat, Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Improvements in System Safety: Proceedings of the Sixteenth Safety-Critical Systems Symposium, Bristol, Uk, 5-7 February 2008 by
Introduction to Logic Design by Yanushkevich, Svetlana N., Shmerko, Vlad P.
Watermarking in Audio: Key Techniques and Technologies by He, Xing
Lean Business Systems and Beyond: First Ifip Tc 5 Advanced Production Management Systems Conference (Apms'2006), Wroclaw, Poland, September 18-20, 200 by
Software Process Dynamics by Madachy, Raymond J.
Graph Drawing: 15th International Symposium, GD 2007, Sydney, Australia, September 24-26, 2007, Revised Papers by
The Pocket Book of Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional by Zhang, Andy
The Information Revolution and World Politics by Hanson, Elizabeth C.
Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks by Ripley, Brian D.
Mobile Web Design by Moll, Cameron
Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies V: 5th International Workshop, Dalt 2007, Honolulu, Hi, Usa, May 14, 2007, Revised Selected and Invited P by
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems: 5th International Symposium, FoIKS 2008, Pisa, Italy, February 11-15, 2008 Proceedings by
Apache Cookbook by Bowen, Rich, Coar, Ken
3D Manufacturing Innovation: Revolutionary Change in Japanese Manufacturing with Digital Data by Toriya, Hiroshi
Informationelles Vertrauen Für Die Informationsgesellschaft by
Computational Contact Mechanics by
Webseiten-Personalisierung für anonyme Besucher by Brudermann, Thomas
Datenbereinigung und Datenübernahme von Altsystem nach mySAP ERP 2005 bei einem internationalen Automobilzulieferer by Jung, Oliver
Parsing the Turing Test: Philosophical and Methodological Issues in the Quest for the Thinking Computer by
Data Mining als Komponente innovativer Systeme by Kempka, Stefan
DynaMart - Erstellung eines dynamischen Shop-Portals auf Basis von PHP und MySQL by Sileo, Canio
Das Wissen der Wissensgesellschaft zwischen Bedrohung und Innovation: Schattenseiten und neue Modelle eines Wissenswandels by Walter, Martin
Evolutionärer Algorithmus zur Optimierung des Technikereinsatzes der Firma Miele und Cie. KG by El Haoum (Geb Puk), Sabina
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors by
Handbook of Research on Ubiquitous Computing Technology for Real Time Enterprises by
Cryptography and Security Services: Mechanisms and Applications by Mogollon, Manuel
Handbook of Research on Global Information Technology Management in the Digital Economy by
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Technologies by
Vergleich von MS Access und MySQL als Datenbanksystem innerhalb einer Website by Beckmann, Dirk
Anemias and Other Red Cell Disorders by Pearson, Howard A., Bridges, Kenneth
Service-Oriented Modeling by Bell, Michael
The Digital Economy: Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments by Malecki, Edward J., Moriset, Bruno
Möglichkeiten der Nutzung des Mediums Internet in den Geisteswissenschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Disziplinen Germanistik und Geschich by Walter, Martin
Techniken des Data Mining, Knowledge Discovery und SPSS by Herrmann, Holger
Systematic Design for Emergence in Cellular Nonlinear Networks: With Applications in Natural Computing and Signal Processing- by Dogaru, Radu
Hardware and Software: Verification and Testing by
Service Science, Management and Engineering: Education for the 21st Century by
Digital Literacy: Tools and Methodologies for Information Society by
Integrierte Informationslogistik by
Artificial Crime Analysis Systems: Using Computer Simulations and Geographic Information Systems by
Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Problem Solving Techniques by
Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran by Sreberny, Annabelle, Khiabany, Gholam
How to Do Everything: Facebook Applications by Feiler, Jesse
The Digital Economy: Business Organization, Production Processes and Regional Developments by Malecki, Edward J., Moriset, Bruno
Adaptive Web Sites by Palade, Vasile
Principles of Protocol Design by Sharp, Robin
Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior by Young, Indi
Zentrale Organisationsverwaltungen als Beitrag zur Integration von Anwendungssystemen by Wild, Andreas
Performance analysis of an XForms framework with the main focus on profiling by example of Chiba by Windauer, Lars
Millennial Makeover: Myspace, Youtube, and the Future of American Politics by Winograd, Morley, Hais, Michael D.
Analysis and Synthesis of Logics: How to Cut and Paste Reasoning Systems by Gabbay, Dov M., Coniglio, Marcelo, Carnielli, Walter
The Information Revolution and World Politics by Hanson, Elizabeth C.
Bedeutung von PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) by Angstmann, Philipp
Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage by Bruns, Axel
Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks by Chiang, Mu Huan
Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production to Produsage by Bruns, Axel
Natural Image Statistics in Digital Image Forensics by Lyu, Siwei
Computer Immune System for Intrusion and Virus Detection - Adaptive Detection Mechanisms and their Implementation by Unterleitner, Markus
Zoomable User Interfaces on Small Screens by Büring, Thorsten
Using constraints to render websites: Applications of artificial intelligence in e-commerce environments by Kotthoff, Lars
Recent Trends in Discourse and Dialogue by
Web Search: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by
Probabilistic Models in Building Automation by Bruckner, Dietmar
Automatic Code Generation Using Dynamic Programming by Böhm, Igor
Design and Analysis of Information Systems, an Arabic Text by Aissa, Mohamed Ben Laroussi
Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing: 9th International Conference, Cicling 2008, Haifa, Israel, February 17-23, 2008, Proceeding by
Large-Scale Knowledge Resources. Construction and Application: Construction and Application - Third International Conference on Large-Scale Knowledge by
Pillars of Computer Science: Essays Dedicated to Boris (Boaz) Trakhtenbrot on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday by
Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems III. Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning: Adaptation and Multi-Agent Learning, 5th, 6th, and 7th European Symp by
DNA Computing: 13th International Meeting on DNA Computing, Dna13, Memphis, Tn, Usa, June 4-8, 2007, Revised Selected Papers by
Enterprise Information Systems: 8th International Conference, Iceis 2006, Paphos, Cyprus, May 23-27, 2006, Revised Selected Papers by
Africans and African Americans Divided: The Male-Female African and African American Digital Divide by Farris, Ron
Correlating Illustrations and Text through Interactive Annotation by Götzelmann, Timo
Active Sensor Planning for Multiview Vision Tasks by Zhang, Jianwei, Chen, Shengyong, Li, Y. F.
Underactuated Robotic Hands by Laliberté, Thierry, Birglen, Lionel, Gosselin, Clément M.
Robot Vision: Second International Workshop, Robvis 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, February 18-20, 2008, Proceedings by
Software Evolution by
Ontologies-Based Business Integration by Janina, Fengel, Rebstock, Michael
Robot Navigation from Nature: Simultaneous Localisation, Mapping, and Path Planning Based on Hippocampal Models by Milford, Michael John
Towards Affordance-Based Robot Control: International Seminar, Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, June 5-9, 2006, Revised Papers by
Approximation and Online Algorithms: 5th International Workshop, Waoa 2007, Eilat, Israel, October 11-12, 2007, Revised Papers by
Rightshore!: Successfully Industrialize Sap(r) Projects Offshore by
Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: Third International Workshop, Algosensors 2007, Wroclaw, Poland, July 14, 2007, Revised Selected Pape by
Formal Concept Analysis: 6th International Conference, Icfca 2008, Montreal, Canada, February 25-28, 2008, Proceedings by
Aggregation Functions: A Guide for Practitioners by Calvo, Tomasa, Beliakov, Gleb, Pradera, Ana
Agent-Oriented Information Systems IV: 8th International Bi-Conference Workshop, Aois 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 9, 2006 and Luxembourg, Luxembourg, J by
fruITion: Creating the Ultimate Corporate Strategy for Information Technology by Potts, Chris
Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking Skills of Experts: The Impact on Education by Bushey, Dean
Multi Camera Stereo and Tracking Patient Motion for Compensation in SPECT Scanning Systems by Nadella, Suman
Face, Expression, and Iris Recognition Using Learning-based Approaches by Guo, Guodong
Runtime Data Race Detection in Multi-threaded Programs by Mühlenfeld, Arndt
Experimenting with Dynamic Macromodels: Growth and Cycles by Nicola, Piercarlo
Developing Ambient Intelligence: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Ambient Intelligence Developments (Ami.D '07) by Rudolph, Carsten
Monitoring of Large-scale Cluster Computers - Organized Approaches, Identification of Performance Issues and Minimization of Downtime by Worm, Stefan
A Second Life In Virtual Worlds by Calhoun, Dale
Quality Instruction: Building and Evaluating Computer-Delivered Courseware by Hays, Robert T.
Learn Perl 1 by Boug, Greg
Ideas for Technology Integration for Teachers by Page-Botelho, Mark
Embedded Programming for the 80x51 by Bezanov, Goran
See More