• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2008

Advances in Cryptology - Eurocrypt 2008: 27th Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Istanbul, Tu by
Foundation Flash Cs3 Video by Thomas, Adam, Green, Tom
Digitale Signalverarbeitung 1: Analyse Diskreter Signale Und Systeme by Schüßler, Hans W.
Konzeption und Realisierung eines agentenbasierten Sensornetzwerks zur automatischen Zustandsermittlung von Geschäftsprozessen by Werno, Sascha
Guidelines on Active Content and Mobile Code by Scarfone, Karen, Jansen, Wayne a., Winograd, Theodore
I/T Architecture in Action by Reese, Richard J.
A Framework for SLA-aware Execution of Grid-based Workflows by Dang, Minh Quan
Analysis of IPv6 Internet Performance by Swoboda, Michael
I/T Architecture in Action by Reese, Richard J.
Tests and Proofs: Second International Conference, Tap 2008, Prato, Italy, April 9-11, 2008, Proceedings by
Datenmodelle, Datenbanksprachen und Datenbankmanagementsysteme by Vossen, Gottfried
Advances in E-Learning: Experiences and Methodologies by
Computer Security, Privacy, and Politics: Current Issues, Challenges, and Solutions by
Information Technology and Moral Philosophy by
Reflexing Interfaces: The Complex Coevolution of Information Technology Ecosystems by
Intelligent Complex Adaptive Systems by
Digital Signal Processing System Design: Labview-Based Hybrid Programming [With CDROM] by Kehtarnavaz, Nasser
Realizability: An Introduction to Its Categorical Side Volume 152 by Van Oosten, Jaap
Software Development for Embedded Multi-Core Systems: A Practical Guide Using Embedded Intel Architecture by Domeika, Max
Data Mining by Kneip, Martin
Fotomontagen Mit Photoshop(r) Cs3: Tricks Und Tipps Für Die Kreative Gestaltung by Caplin, Steve
The Real McTs/McItp Exam 70-643 Prep Kit: Independent and Complete Self-Paced Solutions by Bowern, Colin, Posey, Brien, Martin, Jeffery A.
Cnet Do-It-Yourself PC Upgrade Projects by Hart-Davis, Guy
Nintendo Wii Flash Game Creator's Guide: Design, Develop, and Share Your Games Online by Perkins, Todd
The Medicalization of Cyberspace by Rich, Emma, Miah, Andy
Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming by McLaughlin, Michael
Digital Color Image Processing by Koschan, Andreas, Abidi, Mongi
Analog Circuit Design: Sensors, Actuators and Power Drivers; Integrated Power Amplifiers from Wireline to Rf; Very High Frequency Front Ends by
Mesh Collaboration by Earle, Nick, Mulholland, Andy
Companion to Digital Humanities by
e-Learning and Social Networking Handbook: Resources for Higher Education by Rennie, Frank, Mason, Robin
Data Mining with Decision Trees: Theory and Applications by Maimon, Oded Z., Rokach, Lior
Green Bim: Successful Sustainable Design with Building Information Modeling by Krygiel, Eddy, Nies, Brad
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Leopard Edition by Pogue, David
Robotica Mobile: Un'introduzione Pratica by Nehmzow, Ulrich
Human, Social, and Organizational Aspects of Health Information Systems by
Pattern Recognition Technologies and Applications: Recent Advances by
Handbook of Research on Virtual Workplaces and the New Nature of Business Practices by
Technology Enhanced Learning: Best Practices by
Multimedia Information Storage and Retrieval: Techniques and Technologies by Tse, Philip K. C.
Interactive Information Retrieval in Digital Environments by Xie, Iris
Integrating Geographic Information Systems into Library Services: A Guide for Academic Libraries by Abresch, John, Hanson, Ardis, Heron, Susan Jane
Make: Technology on Your Time: Volume 13 by
E-Learning: Begriff, Konzepte und Systeme by Nellißen, Kristina
Invisible Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform Industries by Evans, David S., Schmalensee, Richard, Hagiu, Andrei
Managing Online Forums: Everything You Need to Know to Create and Run Successful Community Discussion Boards by O'Keefe, Patrick
Parallel Manipulators: New Developments by
Entwicklung eines Portals zur Onlinebefragung mit AJAX, PHP und MySQL by Vacilotto, Paolo Leon
Service-Oriented Architecture - Personal Management Thoughts - A SOA P Opera by Howell-Barber, H.
Distribution of IMUNES System by Schilhard, Petra
Musical Instrument Sound Separation by Grecu, Andrei
Context Aware Voice User Interfaces for Workflow Support by Schnelle, Dirk
Digital Image Inpainting by Grossauer, Harald
A Systematic Innovation Model Based on TRIZ by Chen, Frank, Lin, Yong-Huang
Feature Extraction in Face Recognition by Masip, David
Semantic Access to Multimedia Content - The Ontology-Enhanced Querying and Management of Multimedia Meta Objects by Zillner, Sonja
Route Transmissions & Control Applications and Java Web Services by Imtiaz, Jahanzaib
Designing and Scaling Proactive, Self-Organizing Video Servers by Karpati, Peter
Trends in Intelligent Systems and Computer Engineering by
Let Over Lambda by Hoyte, Doug
Programming 32-Bit Microcontrollers in C: Exploring the Pic32 [With CDROM] by Di Jasio, Lucio
Junction Analysis by Arseneau, Shawn
Option Pricing by Means of Genetic Programming by Heigl, Andreas
High Power RF Instrumentation Techniques by Stan, Ovidiu
Monte Carlo Methods in Global Illumination - Photo-realistic Rendering with Randomization by Szirmay-Kalos, László
Local Colour Features for Image Retrieval by Stöttinger, Julian
Arabic and Chinese Handwriting Recognition: Summit, Sach 2006, College Park, MD, Usa, September 27-28, 2006, Selected Papers by
Modeling Communication with Robots and Virtual Humans: Second Zif Research Group 2005/2006 International Workshop on Embodied Communication in Humans by
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 14th Iapr International Conference, Dgci 2008, Lyon, France, April 16-18, 2008, Proceedings by
Topics in Cryptology - Ct-Rsa 2008: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2008, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, April 8-11, 2008, Proceedings by
Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control: 11th International Workshop, Hscc 2008, St. Louis, Mo, Usa, April 22-24, 2008, Proceedings by
Enterprise Applications and Services in the Finance Industry: 3rd International Workshop, Financecom 2007, Montreal, Canada, December 8, 2007, Revised by
The Dao of SEO by Sproul, Kenneth
Physically Based Simulation on GPU - Theoretical Background and Implementation Details for Building a Particle Based Physics Simulation Using Programm by Rauscher, Benjamin
Model Driven Security for the Realization of Dynamic Security Requirements by Alam, Masoom
Efficient Access Control for Service-oriented IT Infrastructures - Enabling Secure Distributed by Wimmer, Martin
Network Virtualisation by Petritsch, Helmut
Let Us C by Kanetkar, Yashavant P.
Processing Recursively Structured Data by Pfaffinger, Norbert
Improving Password Usability with Visual Techniques by Komanduri, Saranga
Fractal Fetishes by Andoniou, Constantine
Business Process Modelling by Korherr, Birgit
Multimodal User Interfaces: From Signals to Interaction by
Advances in Geometric Modeling and Processing: 5th International Conference, GMP 2008, Hangzhou, China, April 23-25, 2008, Proceedings by
Insider Attack and Cyber Security: Beyond the Hacker by
Methods and Tools for Effective Knowledge Life-Cycle-Management by
Wikimanagement: Was Unternehmen Von Social Software Und Web 2.0 Lernen Können by Komus, Ayelt, Wauch, Franziska
Semantic Web Zur Unterstützung Von Wissensgemeinschaften by Grütter, Rolf
Bildverarbeitung Für Die Medizin 2008: Algorithmen - Systeme - Anwendungen by
ubECOtous Responsibility - Ambient Ubiquitous Feedback Systems by Nikolova, Evgenia
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 5th International Conference, Tamc 2008, Xi'an, China, April 25-29, 2008, Proceedings by
Progress in WWW Research and Development: 10th Asia-Pacific Web Conference, Apweb 2008, Shenyang, China, April 26-28, 2008, Proceedings by
Formal Methods and Testing: An Outcome of the Fortest Network. Revised Selected Papers by
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems III: Coin 2007 International Workshops Coin@aamas 2007, Honolulu, Hi, Usa, May 2 by
Product Engineering: Tools and Methods Based on Virtual Reality by
Website-Controlling als Grundlage der Optimierung von Electronic-Commerce-Angeboten by Woywod, Philipp
Evaluation of Text and Speech Systems by
A Programmer's Tale (1966-2001) by Atenasio, Ralph
Intelligent Workflow by Fourli-Kartsouni, Florendia
Global Communication and Transnational Public Spheres by Crack, A.
Generic Programming and Algebraic Multigrid - Building Blocks for Scientific Computing by Klimanis, Nils
Computational Rhythm Description - A Review and Novel Approach by Gouyon, Fabien
Self-Organizing Ambient Intelligence by Herrmann, Klaus
Observational Intelligence by Saunders, Brandon
Multimedia Encoding for Access Control with Traitor Tracing - Balancing Secrecy, Privacy and Traceability by Karthik, Kannan, Hatzinakos, Dimitrios
Hierarchical Decomposition in Reinforcement Learning by Jonsson, Anders
Ermittlung der wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Einführung eines Open-Source-eCRM in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen by Ortwig, Arvid Robert
Flex(tm) 3: A Beginner's Guide by Davis, Michele E., Phillips, Jon A.
Applied Pattern Recognition by
Web Services and Formal Methods: 4th International Workshop, Ws-FM 2007, Brisbane, Australia, September 28-29, 2007, Proceedings by
New Developments in Formal Languages and Applications by
Hybrid Metaheuristics: An Emerging Approach to Optimization by
Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing: 13th International Workshop, Jsspp 2007, Seattle, Wa, Usa, June 17, 2007, Revised Papers by
Rational, Robust, and Secure Negotiations in Multi-Agent Systems by
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 9th International Conference, Pam 2008, Cleveland, Oh, Usa, April 29-30, 2008, Proceedings by
Erp Value: Signifikante Vorteile Mit Erp-Systemen by
Wissensbasierte Verhandlungsautomatisierung Auf Elektronischen Echtzeit-Märkten by Lang, Florian
Internetworking zwischen X.25, Frame Relay und ATM by Strobel, Claus
Modellierung und Implementierung von Regelungen einer Umkehrosmosanlage by Krasnik, Andre
Intertwingle by Breck, Judy
Java Applets 3rd Edition (B&w) by Boese, Elizabeth
Software Agent Support of the Virtual Entreprise Life-cycle by Grünert, Andreas
Model Driven Engineering for Safety Relevant Embedded Systems by Roessler, Wolfgang
Evolving Artificial Constructive Swarms - Experimental Models and Methodologies by Von Mammen, Sebastian
Moving on to Next Generation IP Networks - Performance Evaluation of Efficient Resource Management Concepts by Milbrandt, Jens
Security Improvements in an existing Network Environment by Hennerbichler, Wolfgang
Next Generation Network (NGN) Security by Falomi, Marco
SARNA-Predict: An Algorithm for RNA Folding by Tsang, Herbert H.
Advances in Web Based Learning - Icwl 2007: 6th International Conference, Edinburgh, Uk, August 15-17, 2007, Revised Papers by
Information Systems and E-Business Technologies: 2nd International United Information Systems Conference, Uniscon 2008, Klagenfurt, Austria, April 22- by
Serviceorientierte Architektur (SOA). Modewort von Softwareanbietern oder ernstzunehmendes Konzept? by Gramm, Ariane C. D.
Global Engineering Project Management by Atesmen, M. Kemal
Algorithms for Fuzzy Clustering: Methods in C-Means Clustering with Applications by Honda, Katsuhiro, Miyamoto, Sadaaki, Ichihashi, Hidetomo
Latent Semantic Indexing and Information Retrieval by Geiß, Johanna
Adaptive and Assisted Educational Hypermedia by Peña de Carrillo, Clara Inés
Quantifying and Improving the Performance of Garbage Collection by Hertz, Matthew
Vision-Based Image Retrieval (VBIR) by Essig, Kai
The Global Information Technology Report 2007-2008: Fostering Innovation Through Networked Readiness by
Information, Organization and Management by Wigand, Rolf T., Reichwald, Ralf
Second Order Quantifier Elimination: Foundations, Computational Aspects and Applications by Gabbay, D. M., Schmidt, R., Szalas, A.
NLP-Driven Document Representations for Text Categorization by Yilmazel, Ozgur
Startup and Recovery of Fault-Tolerant Time-Triggered Communication by Steiner, Wilfried
Design and Implementation of an Object-oriented Modeling Graphical Editor by Wamatu, Wilson
Codierungstheorie Und Kryptographie by Willems, Wolfgang
Multimodality and Genre: A Foundation for the Systematic Analysis of Multimodal Documents by Bateman, J.
Schaum's Outline of Principles of Computer Science by Tymann, Paul, Reynolds, Carl
International Research Forum 2007 by Heuser, Lutz, Alsdorf, Claudia
In Pursuit of the Perfect Plant by Kurchina, Paul, Kennedy, Pat, Bapat, Vivek
The Modern Algebra of Information Retrieval by Dominich, Sándor
Supervised and Unsupervised Ensemble Methods and Their Applications by
The Digital Photographer's Guide to Exposure by Cope, Peter
Geschäftsprozessoptimierung einer Hotel Einkaufsabteilung by Plaumann, Thorben
Automated Negotiations in Multiagent Systems by Goradia, Hrishikesh
Designing VMS Sign Messages to Enhance Driving Safety by Yang, Chun-Ming
A Design Study in 3D User Interface for Large Interactive Displays by Habelski, Stefan
Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation by Schlager, Martin
Geometric Algebra for Computer Graphics by Vince, John
Evaluation and comparison of ajax frameworks regarding applicability, productivity and technical limitations by Ostermaier, Lukas
Artificial Dreams by Ekbia, H. R.
SOA - Merkmale service-orientierter Architekturen und Aspekte der Entkopplung by Schubeis, Fabian
Niche Internet Marketing: The Secrets to Exploiting Untapped Niche Markets and Unleashing a Tsunami of Cash by Burke, Leigh
Informationssicherheit Und Die Politik by Gcer, Burak, Gucer, Burak
Simulation and Optimization of a Crossdocking Operation in a Just-in-Time Environment by Hauser, Karina
Efficient Synchronized Data Distribution Management in Distributed Simulations by Tacic, Ivan
Regionalization of Watersheds: An Approach Based on Cluster Analysis by Rao, A. R., Srinivas, V. V.
Windows Server 2008: The Definitive Guide: All You Need to Manage and Administer Windows Server 2008 by Hassell, Jonathan
Handbook of Continued Fractions for Special Functions by Petersen, Vigdis, Cuyt, Annie A. M.
Spezifikation und Implementierung einer verteilten persistenten Workflow-Engine auf der Basis von CORBA by Kuropka, Dominik
Extending KeY for the Verification of C Programs by Gladisch, Christoph
Backcalculation of Pavement Moduli Using Genetic Algorithms by Alkasawneh, Wael
Group Security with Elliptic Curve Cryptography by Wu, Shyi-Tsong
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 6th International Conference by
Grid Computing by Heß, Manuel
Multigrid Methods on GPUs by Thoman, Peter
PostgreSQL und Windows by Kunick, Stefan
Implementing Semantic Web Services: The Sesa Framework by
Computational Intelligence in Multimedia Processing: Recent Advances by
Digital Systems Engineering by Dally, William J., Poulton, John W.
Analysis of Speech Disorders in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate by Reuß, Alexander
Qualität Von Softwaresystemen: Ein Pattern-Basiertes Wissensmodell Zur Unterstützung Des Entwurfs Und Der Bewertung Von Softwarearchitekturen by Malich, Stefan
Search Engines, Link Analysis, and User's Web Behavior: A Unifying Web Mining Approach by Meghabghab, George, Kandel, Abraham
Intelligent Decision and Policy Making Support Systems by
Suchmaschinen und Media Governance: Zur Situation der Internetsuchmaschinen und der Hürden für ein Regulierungssystem by Michel, Udo
Mathematics - Key Technology for the Future: Joint Projects Between Universities and Industry 2004 -2007 by
Semantic Service Provisioning by
Kombination aus Produkt und Dienstleistung: Potentiale für Unternehmen aus der Unterhaltungselektronikbranche by Grobman, Jewgenij
Transdisciplinary Digital Art: Sound, Vision and the New Screen by
Advanced Search Engine Optimization: A Logical Approach by Dunford, Terry, II
Automated Reasoning and Common Sense by Suchanek, Fabian
Nanocomputers and swarm intell by Waldner, Jean-Baptiste
Transactions on Computational Science I by
3d-Position Tracking and Control for All-Terrain Robots by Lamon, Pierre
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerke: Konzepte Für Das Netzwerkmanagement Und Potenziale Aktueller Informationstechnologien by
Algorithmic Game Theory: First International Symposium, Sagt 2008, Paderborn, Germany, April 30 - May 2, 2008, Proceedings by
Business Information Systems: 11th International Conference, Bis 2008, Innsbruck, Austria, May 5-7, 2008, Proceedings by
Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology: Third International Conference, Rskt 2008, Chengdu, China, May 17-19, 2008, Proceedings by
Artificial Evolution: 8th International Conference, Evolution Artificielle, EA 2007 Tours, France, October 29-31, 2007, Revised Selected Pap by
Algorithmic Number Theory: 8th International Symposium, Ants-VIII Banff, Canada, May 17-22, 2008 Proceedings by
Networking 2008 AD Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet: 7th International Ifip-Tc6 Networking Conference Singapore, M by
Openmp in a New Era of Parallelism: 4th International Workshop, Iwomp 2008 West Lafayette, In, Usa, May 12-14, 2008, Proceedings by
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