• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2010

RPG Maker Créez votre jeu de rôle: Décors et héros, gameplay et conception de niveaux by Ronce, Samuel
Apprendre à programmer en ActionScript 3: Avec 75 exercices corrigés by Tasso, Anne
Linux Administration: Tome 2 Administration système avancée by Bouchaudy, Jean-François
Lotus Domino 8.5 Administration: Tome 1: Installation et configuration by Joucla, Frédérique, Rouquié, Jean-François
Excel 2010 Programmation VBA by David, Daniel-Jean
Excel 2010 avancé: Image, communication et influence à la portée de tous by Moreau, Philippe
Word 2010 initiation by Moreau, Philippe
Cobit: Pour une meilleure gouvernance des systèmes d'information by Garnier de Labareyre, Fabrice, Moisand, Dominique
Erp: Méthode pratique de mise en oeuvre pour PME et PMI by Jouffroy, Philippe
Moderniser son système d'information by Bohnké, Sabine
Deutsche Mythen-Marchen: Beitrag Zur Erklarung Der Grimmschen Kinder- Und Hausmarchen by Linnig, Franz
The Workman's Manual of Engineering Drawing by Maxton, John
Militona by Gautier, Theophile
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms 2008 by
Electronic Publishing: Politics and Pragmatics: Volume 2 by
Operational Data Provisioning with SAP Bw/4hana by Kumar Palaniswamy, Renjith
Fundamentals of Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems by Boudriga, Noureddine A., Obaidat, Mohammed S.
Info Security Risk Management by Minoli, Daniel, Kouns, Jake
Irods Primer: Integrated Rule-Oriented Data System by Moore, Reagan, Hou, Chien-Yi, Rajasekar, Arcot
Financial Markets and Organizational Technologies: System Architectures, Practices and Risks in the Era of Deregulation by
Adobe Captivate 4: The Definitive Guide: The Definitive Guide by Huettner, Brenda
SAP Analytics Cloud Performance Optimization Guide by Dannenhauer, Carl, Holzapfel, Melanie, Bertram, Erik
Computing Our Way to Paradise?: The Role of Internet and Communication Technologies in Sustainable Consumption and Globalization by Rattle, Robert
Data Modeling, a Beginner's Guide by Oppel, Andy
The DAMA Guide to the Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA-DMBOK) by International, Dama
Decision Support Systems by
Augmented Reality by
Expert Systems by
Advances in Learning Processes by
Computational Fluid Dynamics by
Robot Surgery by
Web 2.0 Tools and Strategies for Archives and Local History Collections by Theimer, Kate
Parallel and Distributed Computing by
Nouveau Cours Raisonné De Dessin Industriel Appliqué Principalement a La Mécanique Et a L'Architecture by Armengaud, Charles A.
Applescript: A Beginner's Guide by Hart-Davis, Guy
Ewm with SAP S/4hana: Architecture and Programming by Halm, Robert, Schapler, Daniela, Zoellner, Peter
Pp/DS with SAP S/4hana by Mg, Mahesh Babu
The New York Mercantile Union Business Directory by Anonymous
Los Duendes De La Camarilla ... by Galdos, Benito Perez
A History of the English Church, Volume 6 by Anonymous
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts, Volume 2 by Dupin, Charles
A Fair Philosopher by Hammond, Henrietta Hardy
Intelligence, Volume 6 by Anonymous
Internet Income: A realistic how to guide to developing a source of income from the internet. by Berg, Daniel
Scientific Software Development in Fortran by McCormack, Drew
Future Trends and Challenges for Ict Standardization by
Who Are You Online?: Why It Matters and What You Can Do About It! by Francesconi Mba, Aaron
A Year on Facebook by Carlaftes, Peter
Researching IT in Education: Theory, Practice and Future Directions by
Assoziationsanalyse - Eine Einführung by Mann, Manfred
Traité Complet D'arithmétique a L'usage De L'ecole Militaire De La Compagnie Des Chevaux-Légers De La Garde Ordinaire Du Roi ... by Trincano, Didier Grégoire
School Calendar and Handbook of Examinations and Open Scholarships by Anonymous
Enterprise Architectures and Integration Using Soa by Umar, Amjad
Self-Service IT: Just Plug In v.1: Cartoons & Commentary by Tinsley, Thomas A.
Programming Objective-C 2.0: An Introduction to the Language of the iPhone and Mac OS X by Clair, Robert
The YouTube Reader by Vonderau, Patrick
A Confidential Agent, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Annales Télégraphiques by Anonymous
Annales Télégraphiques by Anonymous
Les Malheurs De L'amour by Anonymous
iPhone Design Award-Winning Projects by Dannen, Chris
Content-based Image Retrieval Based On Emergence Index by Deb, Sagarmay
A First Book of Composition for High Schools, Book 1 by Briggs, Thomas Henry, McKinney, Isabel
SOA Modeling Patterns by Bell, Michael
Foes by &. Brothers, Harper, Johnston, Mary
Parameterized and Exact Computation by
Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming I by
Programmierung auf 64-Bit und Multicore CPU Architekturen by Dziedzic, Peter
Analyse von E-Payment Systemen am Beispiel von PayClever by Schmitt, Sven
Treatise On Natural Philosophy, Volume 1, Part 1 by Tait, Peter Guthrie, Darwin, George Howard
Path Problems in Networks by Baras, John, Theodorakopoulos, George
Proceedings of the 8th Python in Science Conference by Varoquaux, Gaël, Millman, K. Jarrod, Van Der Walt, Stéfan
Computerlinguistik: Grundprinzipien der Spracherkennung by Mager, Tino
Amazon Cloud Computing With Java by Yadav, Aditya
Annales Télégraphiques by Anonymous
A Brief History of the Great War, Part 521 by Hayes, Carlton Joseph Huntley
Utah by Anonymous
Sharepoint 2007 Tips, Tricks and Techniques by Younas, Sadia, Shafiq, Saifullah
Introduction to Databases: From Biological to Spatio-Temporal by Revesz, Peter
Publish Today! a Helpful Guide to Book Publishing for Authors and Self Publishers by Webb, Celia, Webb, Mack H.
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science by
Systementwurf Mechatronischer Systeme: Methoden - Modelle - Konzepte by Janschek, Klaus
Semantic Role Labeling by Xue, Nianwen, Palmer, Martha, Gildea, Daniel
Team and Media Competencies in Information Systems by Figl, Kathrin
Cyber Warriors at War by Hyacinthe, Berg P.
Lösung des Traveling-Salesman-Problems mittels eines Genetischen Algorithmus auf einem HPC-Cluster by Kraßnitzer, Kevin
Modern Achievement, Volume 2 by Anonymous
A History of Crustacea by Stebbing, Thomas Roscoe Rede
Luchana by Galdos, Benito Perez
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts, Volume 1 by Dupin, Charles
Modelling Enterprise Architectures by Holt, Jon, Perry, Simon
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, Snow Leopard Edition by Pogue, David
Biomedical Simulation: 5th International Symposium, Isbms 2010, Phoenix, Az, Usa, January 23-24, 2010. Proceedings by
Membrane Computing by
Agents and Peer-To-Peer Computing: 6th International Workshop, Ap2pc 2007, Honululu, Hawaii, Usa, May 14-18, 2007, Revised and Invited Papers by
Cyber Warriors at War by Hyacinthe, Berg P.
Microsoft Office 2007 Power Point: A Training Book for Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 by Mills, W. R.
Information Security and Digital Forensics: First International Conference, ISDF 2009 London, United Kingdom, September 7-9, 2009 Revised Selected Pap by
Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime: First International Icst Conference, Icdf2c 2009, Albany, Ny, Usa, September 30 - October 2, 2009, Revised Selected by
Beginning Smartphone Web Development: Building Javascript, Css, HTML and Ajax-Based Applications for Iphone, Android, Palm Pre, Blackberry, Windows Mo by Lal, Rajesh, Frederick, Gail
Arts and Technology: First International Conference, Artsit 2009, Yi-Lan, Taiwan, September 24-25, 2009, Revised Selected Papers by
Words of a Wolf - Poetry of a Veteran: Poetry of a veteran by Sunkmanitu, Villayat Snowmoon Wolf
PIC-Microcontroller by Schmitt, Günter
Sensor Systems and Software: First International ICST Conference, S-Cube 2009 Pisa, Italy, September 7-9, 2009 Revised Selected Papers by
Digital Business: First International Icst Conference, Digibiz 2009, London, Uk, June 17-19, 2009, Revised Selected Papers by
Autonomic Computing and Communications Systems: Third International ICST Conference, Autonomics 2009 Limassol, Cyprus, September 9-11, 2009 Revised Se by
Security in Emerging Wireless Communication and Networking Systems: First International ICST Workshop, SEWCN 2009, Athens, Greece, September 14, 2009, by
Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation - Proceedings of Wivace 2008 by
Web 2.0 Tools by Rienhuber, Nora
Konzeption und Realisierung eines Editors für gesundheitsökonomische Markov-Modelle: Erstellung eines Eclipse-basierten Editors unter Verwendung des G by Konrad, Rebecca
Sensor-Actuator Supported Implicit Interaction in Driver Assistance Systems by Riener, Andreas
Sdlc 3.0: Beyond a Tacit Understanding of Agile: Towards the Next Generation of Software Engineering by Kennaley, Mark
Statistical Machine Translation by Koehn, Philipp
Pro-Activity: Save Costs & Optimize Profit by Potargent, Paul
Die persuasive Wirkung prominenter Testimonials via Twitter by Stubert, Paul
Fonaments de Programaci. Problemes Resolts En C++ by Franch Martnez, Xavier, Marco Gomez, Jordi, Xhafa, Fatos
"Ich weiß was, was du nicht weißt..." Von der Wissenskluft zum Digital Divide: Setzt sich soziale Stratifizierung im Internet fort? by Grupe, Rebekka
Product Information Management (PIM) als Basis für die Produktkommunikation im e-Business by Dirnhofer, Manuel
Victims Symptom by Peraica, Ana
Dynamische Contentanpassung bei Massive Multiplayer Online Games by Fohringer, Joachim, Fritsch, Tobias
A Guide to Artificial Intelligence with Visual PROLOG by Scott, Randall
Sofsem 2010: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 36th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Spindleruv Mlýn, C by
On and Off-Chip Crosstalk Avoidance in VLSI Design by Lameres, Brock J., Duan, Chunjie
Transactions on Rough Sets XI by
Transactions on Edutainment III by
WALCOM: Algorithms and Computation by
Rigorous Methods for Software Construction and Analysis: Essays Dedicated to Egon Börger on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday by
High Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers by
Interacting with Information by Attfield, Simon, Blandford, Ann
Lean Modeling for Engineers: Dlr Associates Series by Ryan, Dan
Win Over Windows, XP Home & Professional: A Consumers Guide to Understanding, Upgrading, and Repairing Your Own PC by Kearney, Chazz
Designstudie zum Screencapturing für ein Autorentool zur Erstellung von Lerninhalten auf Mobilgeräten: Evaluation von Screencapturingtools und Machbar by Frydyada De Piotrowski, Arkadiusz M.
Inside System Storage: Volume II (Paperback) by Pearson, Tony
Genderforschung zu E-Learning by Kohlhaas, Jochen
The Art of Business Process Modeling: The Business Analyst's Guide to Process Modeling with UML & Bpmn by Schedlbauer, Martin
Oracle 11g Streams Implementer's Guide by McKinnell, Ann, Yen, Eric
Power Analysis Side Channel Attacks by Ambrose, Jude, Ignjatovic, Alexandar, Parameswaran, Sri
Next Generation Society: Technological and Legal Issues: Third International Conference, e-Democracy 2009 Athens, Greece, September 23-25, 2009 Revise by
The Challenges of Non-linear Parameters and Variables in Automatic Loop Parallelisation by Größlinger, Armin
Diskrete Mathematik by Hower, Walter
Grid Resource Management: On-Demand Provisioning, Advance Reservation, and Capacity Planning of Grid Resources by Fahringer, Thomas, Siddiqui, Mumtaz
Design of Enterprise Systems: Theory, Architecture, and Methods by Giachetti, Ronald E.
Fundamentals of Software Engineering by
The Locater: The Story of a Super Computer by Doherty, James J.
Multiscale Face Recognition by Masood, Mudassir
The Locater: The Story of a Super Computer by Doherty, James J.
Handbook of Natural Language Processing by
Joomla! 1.5 Multimedia by Walker, Allan
Typo3 4.3 Multimedia Cookbook by Osipov, Dan
Constructing Ambient Intelligence by
Trust Modeling and Management in Digital Environments: From Social Concept to System Development by
E-Commerce Adoption and Small Business in the Global Marketplace: Tools for Optimization by
Integrating Usability Engineering for Designing the Web Experience: Methodologies and Principles by
Model Driven Architecture for Reverse Engineering Technologies: Strategic Directions and System Evolution by Favre, Liliana
Affective, Interactive and Cognitive Methods for E-Learning Design: Creating an Optimal Education Experience by
Particle Swarm Optimization and Intelligence: Advances and Applications by Vrahatis, Michael N., Parsopoulos, Konstantinos E.
Web Services Security Development and Architecture: Theoretical and Practical Issues by
Quality of Service Architectures for Wireless Networks: Performance Metrics and Management by
Integrating Adult Learning and Technologies for Effective Education: Strategic Approaches by
Computer Synthesized Speech Technologies: Tools for Aiding Impairment by
E-Collaborative Knowledge Construction: Learning from Computer-Supported and Virtual Environments by
Interaction in Communication Technologies and Virtual Learning Environments: Human Factors by
Handbook of Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision (4th Edition) by
Professional Financial Computi [With CDROM] by Wong, Michael C. S., Lai, Donny C. F., Tung, Humphrey K. K.
Statistical Methods for Disease Clustering by Tango, Toshiro
Oracle Database 11g PL/SQL Programming Workbook by Harper, John M., McLaughlin, Michael
Remote Research by Bolt, Tony, Bolt, Nate
Informationsextraktion von Webseiten via RoadRunner by Broda, Pawel
Lehr- und Lernplattformen: Kriterien zur Bewertung am Beispiel COSE by Frydyada De Piotrowski, Arkadiusz
Digital Video by
Programming and Customizing the Multicore Propeller Microcontroller: The Official Guide by Parallax
Application of Machine Learning by
New Achievements in Evolutionary Computation by
Pattern Recognition: Recent Advances by
How to Do Everything Palm Pre by Broida, Rick, Johnson, Dave
VMware vSphere 4 Implementation by Laverick, Mike
HTML & Css: The Complete Reference, Fifth Edition by Powell, Thomas a.
Computer-Assisted Language Learning for Deaf Children: A Natural Language Interface System by Ward, Robert
Stand der Technik und Anwendung von Superkondensatoren by Jammal, Mustapha
Front-end Design And Development For Systems Applications. by Sofroniou, Andreas
A Second Manual of Composition by Lewis, Edwin Herbert
A Political History of Modern Europe from the Reformation to the Present Day, Part 209 by Schevill, Ferdinand
A Compendious History of the Reformation in France, Volume 3 by Laval, Stephen Abel
Géométrie Et Méchanique Des Arts Et Métiers Et Des Beaux-Arts, Volume 1 (Large Print Edition) by Dupin, Charles
A History of the English Church, Volume 7 by Anonymous
Tradition, Volume 1, issue 2 by
A Collection of State Papers: Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying On by Great-Britain and the Several Other European Powers, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 21; volumes 1876-1877 by
Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of London, Volume 15; Volumes 1870-1871 by
Annales Télégraphiques by Anonymous
Social Persuasion by Block, Robbin
Examination Papers for Science Schools and Classes by
Advances in Machine Learning I: Dedicated to the Memory of Professor Ryszard S. Michalski by
ICT Innovations 2009 by
Foundations of Reasoning Under Uncertainty by
Design Rules for Actuators in Active Mechanical Systems by Gomis-Bellmunt, Oriol, Campanile, Lucio Flavio
Internet der Dinge In der Intralogistik by
Fuzzy Mathematics: Approximation Theory by Anastassiou, George A.
Advancing Computing, Communication, Control and Management by
From Motor Learning to Interaction Learning in Robots by
See More