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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2011

Programmation OpenOffice.org et LibreOffice: Macros OOoBASIC et API by Marcelly, Bernard, Godard, Laurent
Access 2010 utilisateur by Picot, Yvan, Moreau, Philippe
Word 2010 avancé: Image, communication et influence à la portée de tous by Moreau, Philippe
VBA pour Access 2007 & 2010: Fermes classiques, fermes légères by David, Daniel-Jean
PowerPoint 2010: Fermes classiques, fermes légères by Monjauze, Catherine, David, Daniel-Jean
Get On Google Front Page by Matthews, Jason
Programmation linéaire avec Excel: 55 problèmes d'optimisation modélisés pas à pas et résolus avec Excel by Sevaux, Marc, Prins, Christian
Spectral Clustering, Ordering and Ranking: Statistical Learning with Matrix Factorizations by Ding, Chris, Zha, Hongyuan
Build Your Own Website the Right Way Using HTML & CSS by Lloyd, Ian
The Technology of Policing: Crime Mapping, Information Technology, and the Rationality of Crime Control by Manning, Peter K.
The Design and Implementation of Multimedia Software with Examples in Java by Bernstein, David
Tweet This Book: The 1,400 Greatest Quotes of All Time in 140 Characters or Less by
Enterprise Model Patterns: Describing the World (UML Version) by Hay, David
Some Assembly Required - Third Edition by Singer, Thom
Visualization of Interface Metaphor for Software: An Engineering Approach by Katre, Dinesh S.
Is the Internet Changing the Way You Think?: The Net's Impact on Our Minds and Future by Brockman, John
Software Quality: Theory and Management (3rd edition) by Gillies, Alan
Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency IV by
Learning Classifier Systems: 11th International Workshop, Iwlcs 2008, Atlanta, Ga, Usa, July 13, 2008, and 12th International Workshop, Iwlcs 2009, by
Generative and Transformational Techniques in Software Engineering III by
The Social Media Management Ha by Zhou, Catherine, Wollan, Robert, Smith, Nick
Musical Performance: A Comprehensive Approach: Theory, Analytical Tools, and Case Studies by Mazzola, Guerino
Transactions on Computational Science XI: Special Issue on Security in Computing, Part II by
Recognizing Patterns in Signals, Speech, Images, and Videos: Icpr 2010 Contents, Istanbul, Turkey, August 23-26, 2010, Contest Reports by
Provenance and Annotation of Data and Process: Third International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, Ipaw 2010, Troy, Ny, Usa, June 15-16, 2010, Rev by
Formal Methods for Components and Objects by
Praxishandbuch Web Dynpro ABAP by Gellert, Ulrich, Cristea, Ana Daniela
Transactions on Computational Science X: Special Issue on Security in Computing, Part I by
Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning by
Neural Information Processing: Models and Applications by
Neural Information Processing. Theory and Algorithms: 17th International Conference, Iconip 2010, Sydney, Australia, November 21-25, 2010, Proceedings by
Internet and Network Economics: 6th International Workshop, Wine 2010, Stanford, Ca, Usa, December 13-17, 2010, Proceedings by
Speech Enhancement in the Karhunen-Loeve Expansion Domain by Benesty, Jacob, Chen, Jingdong, Huang, Yiteng
Applications of Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks by Ma, Yide, Zhan, Kun, Wang, Zhaobin
Understanding Etl and Data Warehousing: Issues, Challenges and Importance by Singh, Jaiteg
Pragmatic Guide to Subversion by Mason, Mike
Wie Google unser Leben verändert by Schotte, Niko
Actin-Monomer-Binding Proteins by
Automatic Digital Document Processing and Management: Problems, Algorithms and Techniques by Ferilli, Stefano
Distributed Video Sensor Networks by
Haskell-Intensivkurs: Ein Kompakter Einstieg in Die Funktionale Programmierung by Neumann, Adrian, Block, Marco
Vlsi-Soc: Advanced Topics on Systems on a Chip: A Selection of Extended Versions of the Best Papers of the Fourteenth International Conference on Very by
Portfolio Management with Heuristic Optimization by Maringer, Dietmar G.
Evolutionary Statistical Procedures: An Evolutionary Computation Approach to Statistical Procedures Designs and Applications by Poli, Irene, Baragona, Roberto, Battaglia, Francesco
The Multimedia Internet by Weinstein, Stephen
Theoretical Aspects of Distributed Computing in Sensor Networks by
An Introduction to Error Correcting Codes with Applications by Van Oorschot, Paul C., Vanstone, Scott A.
The Social Media Survival Guide: Strategies, Tactics, and Tools for Succeeding in the Social Web [With CDROM] by Hay, Deltina
Windows 7: In Unternehmensnetzen Mit Service Pack 1, Ipv4, Ipv6 by Grotegut, Martin
Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook by Litster, Colin
Fundamentals of Real-Time Distributed Simulation by Nicol, John
Moodle as a Curriculum and Information Management System by Hollowell, Jason
Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age by Fuchs, Christian
Designing Interfaces in Public Settings: Understanding the Role of the Spectator in Human-Computer Interaction by Reeves, Stuart
Rigorous Software Development: An Introduction to Program Verification by Frade, Maria João, Pinto, Jorge Sousa, Almeida, José Bacelar
Customized agile development process for embedded software development by Juhola, Tomi
Impact of Ict4d Project by Ashraf, Mahfuz
Web 2.0 - Was kommt danach....?: Aktuelle und zukünftige Entwicklungen des World Wide Web by Spomer, Waldemar
Electronic Value Exchange: Origins of the Visa Electronic Payment System by Stearns, David L.
Advances in Theory and Applications of Stereo Vision by
Virtual Reality by
Kritische Betrachtung der Sicherheit von Online-Auktionen: ECommerce - Beispiel eBay by Lorz, Stefan
Virtual Body Language by Ventrella, Jeffrey
ActionScript 2: Ein Lehr- Und Übungsbuch by Kohl, Arno
Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and Design by
Building Data Warehouse by Zodge, Milind D.
Social Media for Veterinary Professionals by Tassava, Cvpm Cvj
Cloud Computing Bible by Sosinsky, Barrie
Information Systems Evolution by
Information Security Applications by
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 12th International Conference, Vmcai 2011, Austin, Tx, Usa, January 23-25, 2011 Proceedings by
Sofsem 2011: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 37th Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Nový Smokovec, Slo by
Algorithms Unplugged by
X-Ray Computed Tomography in Biomedical Engineering by Cierniak, Robert
Architecture and Design for the Future Internet: 4WARD Project by
IP Address Management by Rooney, Timothy
Tyranny of E-mail: The Four-Thousand-Year Journey to Your Inbox by Freeman, John
Excel for Creative Minds: Getting the best from Microsoft Excel by Alo, Ojo a.
Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.0 on OS X Snow Leopard by McCarty Jr, Ronald
E-Procurement: Strategische Beschaffung auf elektronischen Marktplätzen by Koschitzki, Lukas
"Your new Boss looks like this": Can you Trust them? by James, Larry D.
Online Marketing Help: How to Promote Your Online Business Using Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and Other Social Networks. by Amerland, David
Image Fusion by
Der neue Personalausweis abseits des E-Governments: Anwendungsbereiche in der privaten Wirtschaft by Offer, Patrick
Führen Von It-Service-Unternehmen: Zukunft Erfolgreich Gestalten by Hradilak, Kay P.
Biological Functions for Information and Communication Technologies: Theory and Inspiration by
Nanoscale Memory Repair by Horiguchi, Masashi, Itoh, Kiyoo
Konzeption Eines Systems Zur Überbetrieblichen Sammlung Und Nutzung Von Quantitativen Daten Über Informationssicherheitsvorfälle by Nowey, Thomas
Analysis and Correctness of Algebraic Graph and Model Transformations by Golas, Ulrike
Rapid One-Of-A-Kind Product Development: Strategies, Algorithms and Tools by Tu, Yiliu, Xie
Industrielle Bildverarbeitung: Wie Optische Qualitätskontrolle Wirklich Funktioniert by Demant, Christian, Streicher-Abel, Bernd, Springhoff, Axel
Berechenbarkeit: Logik, Argumentation, Rechner Und Assembler, Unendlichkeit, Grenzen Der Automatisierbarkeit Lehrbuch Für Unterricht Und Selbststudium by Hromkovic, Juraj
Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology: 13th International Conference, Amast 2010, Lac-Beauport, Qc, Canada, June 23-25, 2010, Revised Selected by
Computers and Games: 7th International Conference, CG 2010, Kanazawa, Japan, September 24-26, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Algorithms and Models for the Web-Graph: 7th International Workshop, Waw 2010, Stanford, Ca, Usa, December 13-14, 2010, Proceedings by
Formal Verification of Object-Oriented Software: International Conference, Foveoos 2010, Paris, France, June 28-30, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Membrane Computing: 11th International Conference, CMC 2010, Jena, Germany, August 24-27, 2010. Revised Selected Papers by
Towards Autonomous, Adaptive, and Context-Aware Multimodal Interfaces: Theoretical and Practical Issues: Third Cost 2102 International Training School by
Transactions on Rough Sets XIII by
Digital Watermarking: 9th International Workshop, Iwdw 2010, Seoul, Korea, October 1-3, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Computing, Communication and Control: International Conference, ICAC3 2011, Mumbai, India, January 28-29, 2011, Proceedings by
Graph Drawing: 18th International Symposium, GD 2010, Konstanz, Germany, September 21-24, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
High Speed VCSELs for Optical Interconnects by Mutig, Alex
Soft Computing in Economics and Finance by Dymowa, Ludmila
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XI by
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming: 16th International Conference, DNA 16, Hong Kong, China, June 14-17, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Knowledge Representation for Health-Care by
Agents for Games and Simulations II: Trends in Techniques, Concepts and Design by
Proofs and Algorithms: An Introduction to Logic and Computability by Dowek, Gilles
Numerical Methods and Applications: 7th International Conference, NMA 2010 Borovets, Bulgaria, August 20-24, 2010 Revised Papers by
Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography: 5th Conference, Tqc 2010, Leeds, Uk, April 13-15, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Reinforcement Learning by
Human-Computer Interaction, Tourism and Cultural Heritage: First International Workshop, HCITOCH 2010, Brescello, Italy, September 7-8, 2010, Revised by
Vagueness in Communication: International Workshop, ViC 2009, Held as Part of ESSLLI 2009, Bordeaux, France, July 20-24, 2009, Revised Selected Papers by
Green Economics: Confronting the Ecological Crisis by Hahnel, Robin
Fuzzy-Like Multiple Objective Decision Making by Xu, Jiuping, Zhou, Xiaoyang
Camera Models and Fundamental Concepts Used in Geometric Computer Vision by Gasparini, Simone, Sturm, Peter, Ramalingam, Srikumar
Systems Analysis and Design: People, Processes, and Projects by Hardgrave, Bill C., Siau, Keng, Chiang, Roger
The Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker 2011 by Pedersen, Tana L.
The Companion Guide to Family Tree Maker 2011 by Pedersen, Tana L.
Agent-Based Approaches in Economic and Social Complex Systems VI: Post-Proceedings of the Aescs International Workshop 2009 by
Simulation and Verification of Electronic and Biological Systems by
Nvivo 9 Essentials by Edhlund, Bengt
Methods of Cut-Elimination by Baaz, Matthias, Leitsch, Alexander
Evaluating Learning Algorithms: A Classification Perspective by Japkowicz, Nathalie, Shah, Mohak
Introduction to Discrete Event Simulation and Agent-Based Modeling: Voting Systems, Health Care, Military, and Manufacturing by Allen, Theodore T.
MATLAB Software for Chemical and Petroleum Engineering (Part Four) by Saadi Ibrahem, Ahmmed
Canvas Pocket Reference: Scripted Graphics for HTML5 by Flanagan, David
Algorithmik by Schöning, Uwe
Mediale Gewalt - Die Neuen Medien im Fokus der Wirkungsdiskussion by Horak, Jan
Gewalt in Counter-Strike - Darstellungsweise, Kontext und Legitimation by Horak, Jan
Getting Started in Transmedia Storytelling: A Practical Guide for Beginners by Pratten, Robert
Microsoft Dynamics Crm 2011: Dashboards Cookbook by Aucoin, Mark, Aucoin, M.
Liferay Portal Systems Development by X. Yuan, Jonas
New Directions in Web Data Management 1 by
Intelligent Video Event Analysis and Understanding by
Exoskeletons in Rehabilitation Robotics: Tremor Suppression by Pons, José L., Rocon, Eduardo
Mobile Hybrid Intrusion Detection: The MOVICAB-IDS System by
Modelling and Control for Intelligent Industrial Systems: Adaptive Algorithms in Robotics and Industrial Engineering by Rigatos, Gerasimos
Advances in Intelligent Web Mastering - 3: Proceedings of the 7th Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference, Awic 2011, Fribourg, Switzerland, January, 201 by
Knowledge Seeker - Ontology Modelling for Information Search and Management: A Compendium by Lee, Raymond S. T., Lim, Edward H. y., Liu, James N. K.
Evolving Fuzzy Systems - Methodologies, Advanced Concepts and Applications by Lughofer, Edwin
Computational Science and High Performance Computing IV by
Handbook of Swarm Intelligence: Concepts, Principles and Applications by
New Developments and Applications in Sensing Technology by
Swarm Stability and Optimization by Passino, Kevin M., Gazi, Veysel
Iad Production Beginner's Guide by Collier, Ben
Axure Rp 6 Prototyping Essentials by Schwartz, Ezra
IOS 5 Essentials by F. Daniel, Steven, Daniel, Steven
Interactive Quantum Mechanics: Quantum Experiments on the Computer by Stroh, T., Brandt, Siegmund, Dahmen, Hans Dieter
Modelling Written Communication: A New Systems Approach to Modelling in the Social Sciences by Pratt, Deirdre
Musikvideokultur im Web 2.0 by Horak, Jan
Internetkommunikation im Zeitalter des Web 2.0 by Horak, Jan
Practical Applications of Data Mining by Suh, Sang C.
Mac Programming for Absolute Beginners by Wang, Wallace
Semantic Agent Systems: Foundations and Applications by
Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Social Media für unternehmerisches Innovationsmanagement by Pätzold, Thomas
Modeling, Programming and Simulations Using LabVIEW(TM) Software by
Self Organizing Maps: Applications and Novel Algorithm Design by
New Fundamental Technologies in Data Mining by
Knowledge-Oriented Applications in Data Mining by
Gestaltung einer Powerpoint-Präsentation mit dem elektrotechnischen Thema "Spannung" unter Einbindung von Verknüpfungen by Bußmann, Trinus
Broadband Society and Generational Changes by
Urheberrechtsverletzungen in der Musikindustrie im Internet by Metzinger, Joschka
An Introduction to Digital Video Data Compression in Java by June, Fore
Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance by Gates, Kelly
Integrated Risk and Vulnerability Management Assisted by Decision Support Systems: Relevance and Impact on Governance by
Ecscw 2005: Proceedings of the Ninth European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, 18-22 September 2005, Paris, Fran by
Our Biometric Future: Facial Recognition Technology and the Culture of Surveillance by Gates, Kelly
Cancel Cable: How Internet Pirates Get Free Stuff by Fehily, Chris
Web Services in the Enterprise: Concepts, Standards, Solutions, and Management by Sahai, Akhil, Graupner, Sven
Identitätsdiebstahl Und Identitätsmissbrauch Im Internet: Rechtliche Und Technische Aspekte by Stuckenberg, Carl-Friedrich, Borges, Georg, Schwenk, Jörg
Information Security: 13th International Conference, Isc 2010, Boca Raton, Fl, Usa, October 25-28, 2010, Revised Selected Papers by
Approximation and Online Algorithms: 8th International Workshop, Waoa 2010, Liverpool, Uk, September 9-10, 2010, Revised Papers by
Evaluations of Process Modeling Grammars: Ontological, Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses Using the Example of Bpmn by Recker, Jan
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Understanding Media and Adapting to the User: 7th International Workshop, AMR 2009, Madrid, Spain, September 24-25, 200 by
Topics in Cryptology -- Ct-Rsa 2011: The Cryptographers' Track at the Rsa Conference 2011, San Francisco, Ca, Usa, February 14-18, 2011, Proceedings by
Learning the IOS 4 SDK for JavaScript Programmers: Create Native Apps with Objective-C and Xcode by Goodman, Danny
Distributed Computing and Internet Technology: 7th International Conference, ICDCIT 2011, Bhubaneshwar, India, February 9-12, 2011, Proceedings by
Hardware Interfacing with Robotbasic by Mishal, Samuel, Blankenship, John
Medical Computer Vision: Recognition Techniques and Applications in Medical Imaging by
Learning XNA 4.0: Game Development for the Pc, Xbox 360, and Windows Phone 7 by Reed, Aaron
ISO14001 Step by Step: A Practical Guide by Sadiq, Naeem, Hayat Khan, Asif
Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Administration Cookbook by Serzo, Peter
Der elektronische Personalausweis: Auswirkungen auf das Identitätsmanagement by Rascher, Franziska
Stability Analysis of Fuzzy-Model-Based Control Systems: Linear-Matrix-Inequality Approach by Lam, Hak-Keung, Leung, Allen
Clio Wired: The Future of the Past in the Digital Age by Rosenzweig, Roy
Design of Digital Systems and Devices by
Mixed Reality and Human-Robot Interaction by
Multimedia Applications by Steinmetz, Ralf, Nahrstedt, Klara
Bezahlsysteme Für Mobile Software-Agenten: Eine an Der Doppischen Rechnungstheorie Orientierte Gestaltungsempfehlung by Anhalt, Christian
Mathematical Morphology: 40 Years on: Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, April 18-20, 2005 by
Eine Einführung in zeit-diskrete homogene Markov-Ketten by Schulz, Daniel
Clio Wired: The Future of the Past in the Digital Age by Rosenzweig, Roy
Adaptierung und Einführung eines Vorgehensmodells für IT-Projekte: Verbindung der Spannungsfelder Technik, Organisation und Mensch by Kammermeier, Markus
Software Product Line Engineering: Foundations, Principles and Techniques by Pohl, Klaus, Böckle, Günter, Van Der Linden, Frank J.
Beginning iPhone 4 Development: Exploring the IOS SDK by Nutting, Jack, Mark, David, LaMarche, Jeff
Trends und Ansprüche für Barrierefreiheit von Webinhalten: Die Relevanz von WAI-ARIA und WCAG 2.0 by Gundermann, Jens
Soft Computing for Reservoir Characterization and Modeling by
Learning Your Computer Through Pictures by Ray, Elaine
See More