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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2016

Rise of the Machines: A Cybernetic History by Rid, Thomas
Getting Started with Processing.Py: Making Interactive Graphics with Processing's Python Mode by Reas, Casey, Parrish, Allison, Fry, Ben
Automated Software and Service Composition: A Survey and Evaluating Review by Mohr, Felix
Industry 4.0: The Industrial Internet of Things by Gilchrist, Alasdair
Turing Computability: Theory and Applications by Soare, Robert I.
Arduino: A Technical Reference: A Handbook for Technicians, Engineers, and Makers by Hughes, J. M.
3D Printing Designs: Fun and Functional Projects by Larson, Joe
Introduction to the History of Computing: A Computing History Primer by O'Regan, Gerard
A Novel Ontology and Machine Learning Driven Hybrid Clinical Decision Support Framework for Cardiovascular Preventative Care by Farooq, Kamran
Tools for Design Using AutoCAD 2017 and Autodesk Inventor 2017 by Shih, Randy
Mastering Cloud Development using Microsoft Azure by Freato, Roberto, Parenzan, Marco
ROS Robotics By Example: This is an easy-to-follow guide with hands-on examples of ROS robots, both real and in simulation. by Fairchild, Carol, Harman, Thomas L.
AutoCAD 2017 (R1): Advanced - Mixed Units: Autodesk Authorized Publisher by Ascent -. Center for Technical Knowledge
Mastering Scala Machine Learning by Kozlov, Alex
Mastering Magento 2 - Second Edition: Maximize the power of Magento 2 to create productive online stores by Williams, Bret, Bownds, Jonathan
Practical Internet of Things Security: Beat IoT security threats by strengthening your security strategy and posture against IoT vulnerabilities by Russell, Brian, Van Duren, Drew
Estimation and Testing Under Sparsity: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XLV - 2015 by Van de Geer, Sara
Handbook of Research on Human-Computer Interfaces, Developments, and Applications by
Transform: A rebel's guide for digital transformation by McGovern, Gerry
Web Engineering: 16th International Conference, Icwe 2016, Lugano, Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016. Proceedings by
Reversible Computation: 8th International Conference, Rc 2016, Bologna, Italy, July 7-8, 2016, Proceedings by
Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: 22nd International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Iccs 2016, Annecy, France, July 5-7, 2016, Proceedin by
Human Centered Computing: Second International Conference, Hcc 2016, Colombo, Sri Lanka, January 7-9, 2016, Revised Selected Papers by
Datenbasierte Zustandsüberwachung in Personenkraftfahrzeugen Mit Anwendung an Einem Drei-Wege-Katalysator by Louen, Chris Jan
Mastering Python Data Analysis by Martins, Luiz Felipe, Persson, Magnus Vilhelm
Advances in Human Factors, Software, and Systems Engineering: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors, Software, and Sy by
Mobile Device Exploitation Cookbook by Verma, Prashant, Dixit, Akshay
iOS Application Development with OpenCV 3 by Howse, Joseph
Autodesk Revit 2017 (R1) Architecture: Conceptual Design & Visualization: Imperial - Autodesk Authorized Author by Ascent -. Center for Technical Knowledge
SharePoint 2016 Search Explained: SharePoint 2016 and Office 365 Search On-Premises, Cloud and Hybrid for Search Managers and Decision Makers by Molnar, Agnes
Continuous Integration with Bamboo by Watson, Paul
Simulation for Data Science with R: Effective Data-driven Decision Making by Templ, Matthias
Mastering Unreal Engine 4.X: Master the art of building AAA games with Unreal Engine by A. Moniem, Muhammad
Learning ArcGIS Runtime SDK for .NET by Vincent, Ron
The Zynq Book (Chinese Version): Embedded Processing with the ARM Cortex-A9 on the Xilinx Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC by Crockett, Louise H., Elliot, Ross A., Enderwitz, Martin A.
Artificial intelligence in every day social life by Katta, Mohan Kumar
Liken oder Teilen? Clickbaiting in sozialen Netzwerken und sein Einfluss auf die Weiterverbreitung von Nachrichten by Geiger, Katharina, Kandler, Julia, Dürr, Oliver
Smart City 360°: First Eai International Summit, Smart City 360°, Bratislava, Slovakia and Toronto, Canada, October 13-16, 2015. Revised Selected Pape by
Situational Project Management: The Dynamics of Success and Failure by Lehmann, Oliver F.
Computational Methods and Clinical Applications for Spine Imaging: Third International Workshop and Challenge, Csi 2015, Held in Conjunction with Micc by
Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2016: 16th International Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part IV by
Digital Libraries on the Move: 11th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, Ircdl 2015, Bolzano, Italy, January 29-30, 2015, Revised Select by
Power Query by Nakanishi, Hiroshi, Gieen, Saskia
Digital Humanities and Digital Media by
Image Analysis and Recognition: 13th International Conference, Iciar 2016, in Memory of Mohamed Kamel, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, July 13-15, 2016, Pr by
We Are Big Data: The Future of the Information Society by Klous, Sander, Wielaard, Nart
Differential Equations: Applied Mathematical Modeling, Nonlinear Analysis, and Computer Simulation in Engineering and Science. by Serrano, Sergio E.
Big Data: Grundlagen, Systeme Und Nutzungspotenziale by
Advances in Communications, Computing, Electronics, Networks, Robotics and Security Volume 12 by Dowland, Paul
Proceedings of First International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems: Volume 1 by
Data Mining and Machine Learning in Building Energy Analysis by Magoules, Frédéric, Zhao, Hai-Xiang
AI: Its Nature and Future by Boden, Margaret A.
The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds, and the Laws of Physics by Penrose, Roger
Advances in Neural Networks - Isnn 2016: 13th International Symposium on Neural Networks, Isnn 2016, St. Petersburg, Russia, July 6-8, 2016, Proceedin by
Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, Eurohaptics 2016, London, Uk, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Par by
Advances in Safety Management and Human Factors: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Safety Management and Human Factors, July 27 by
Advances in Human Factors in Robots and Unmanned Systems: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Robots and Unmanne by
Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXX: 30th Annual Ifip Wg 11.3 Conference, Dbsec 2016, Trento, Italy, July 18-20, 2016. Proceedings by
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healt by
Advances in Cross-Cultural Decision Making: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Cross-Cultural Decision Making (CCDM), July 27-31 by
Internet Connected World by Mostofizadeh, Kambiz
Special Edition Data Science Interview Questions Solved in Python and Spark: with Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning bonus topics in Keras by Gulli, Antonio
Data-Driven Leaders Always Win: The Essential Guide For Leaders In The Age of Data by Zaidi, Jay
Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects: 9th International Conference, Amdo 2016, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings by
Trust Management X: 10th Ifip Wg 11.11 International Conference, Ifiptm 2016, Darmstadt, Germany, July 18-22, 2016, Proceedings by
Solving Large Scale Learning Tasks. Challenges and Algorithms: Essays Dedicated to Katharina Morik on the Occasion of Her 60th Birthday by
Advances in Affective and Pleasurable Design: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Affective and Pleasurable Design, July 27-31, 2 by
SQL Server 2016 Database Design by Toth M. a. M. Phil, Kalman
Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications: 10th International Conference, Eurohaptics 2016, London, Uk, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Par by
An Overview of Quantum Computing: " The State of The Art In Computers " by Kisak, Paul F.
Social Media in the Classroom by
Big Crisis Data: Social Media in Disasters and Time-Critical Situations by Castillo, Carlos
It-Entwicklungen Im Gesundheitswesen: Herausforderungen Und Chancen by
Git - Version Control System: Beginner's Guide by Watson, Paul
Fysos: The Graphical User Interface by Lunt, Benjamin David
Digitising the Industry - Internet of Things Connecting the Physical, Digital and Virtual Worlds by
Metadata for Content Management: Designing taxonomy, metadata, policy and workflow to make digital content systems better for users. by Diamond, David
Advances in Communications, Electronics, Networks, Robotics and Security Volume 13 by Dowland, Paul
MCS-023 Introduction To Database Management Systems by Saini, A. K., Verma, Dinesh
Practical D3.Js by Stamboliyska, Rayna, Amr, Tarek
Spin and Charge Ordering in the Quantum Hall Regime by Frieß, Benedikt
Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: 11th International Conference, Aaim 2016, Bergamo, Italy, July 18-20, 2016, Proceedings by
Ultracold Atoms for Foundational Tests of Quantum Mechanics by Lewis-Swan, Robert J.
Probability and Statistics with Reliability, Queuing, and Computer Science Applications by Trivedi, Kishor S.
Co-Production in the Public Sector: Experiences and Challenges by
Theory and Applications of Applied Electromagnetics: Appeic 2015 by
Junk Box Arduino: Ten Projects in Upcycled Electronics by Strickland, James R.
Innovative Research and Applications in Next-Generation High Performance Computing by
Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Technologies for High Performance Instrumentation by
iPad at Work in Easy Steps by Vandome, Nick
Privatsphäre: Gedanken zu einem verlorenen Gut by Sauer, Daniel B.
Cryptology Transmitted Message Protection: From Deterministic Chaos Up to Optical Vortices by Poizner, Boris, Romanov, Ilia, Izmailov, Igor
Real Time Modeling, Simulation and Control of Dynamical Systems by Mughal, Asif Mahmood
Intelligent Decision-Making Models for Production and Retail Operations by Guo, Zhaoxia
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference, Icchp 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, Part I by
Computers Helping People with Special Needs: 15th International Conference, Icchp 2016, Linz, Austria, July 13-15, 2016, Proceedings, Part II by
Implementation and Application of Automata: 21st International Conference, Ciaa 2016, Seoul, South Korea, July 19-22, 2016, Proceedings by
Mathematical Software - Icms 2016: 5th International Conference, Berlin, Germany, July 11-14, 2016, Proceedings by
Advances in Human Factors and Sustainable Infrastructure: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and Sustainable Infra by
Advances in Applied Digital Human Modeling and Simulation: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Digital Human Modeling and Simulat by
A Beginners Guide to Use Social Media for Profit by Osborne, Anna
Get I.T. Right: The ultimate small-business owner's guide for finding a professional, competent, honest, considerate, on-time, fairly- by Lydford, Jason
The Colossal Computer Cartoon Book: Enhanced Edition by Ahl, David H.
Advances in Computers: Volume 102 by
Whole-Body Impedance Control of Wheeled Humanoid Robots by Dietrich, Alexander
Privacy and Identity Management. Time for a Revolution?: 10th Ifip Wg 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6/Sig 9.2.2 International Summer School, Edinburgh, by
Wireless World in 2050 and Beyond: A Window Into the Future! by
Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineer by
Beginning SQL Queries: From Novice to Professional by Churcher, Clare
Principles of Noology: Toward a Theory and Science of Intelligence by Ho, Seng-Beng
Mathematische Algorithmen Und Computer-Performance Kompakt by Osterhage, Wolfgang W.
Designing for Life: A Human Perspective on Technology Development by Cañas, José J., Leikas, Jaana, Saariluoma, Pertti
Automatic Processing of Natural-Language Electronic Texts with Nooj: 9th International Conference, Nooj 2015, Minsk, Belarus, June 11-13, 2015, Revise by
Advances in Design for Inclusion: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Design for Inclusion, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World(r by
Achteruitkijken, vooruitdenken!: IT Architectuur de dagelijkse praktijk by Mardjan, Maikel J.
Oracle Financials Cloud: Payables Essentials by Hall, J., Kaur, S.
Blank Arcade 2016 by Grace, Lindsay, Reed, Emilie
How To Make Your Own Video Game: Quick Start Guide by Htebooks
Artificial Intelligence and Problem Solving by Pileggi, Christopher, Ungar, David, Kopec, Danny
Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications 4: Results from the 4th International Conference on Robot Intelligence Technology and Applications by
Intelligent Systems and Applications: Extended and Selected Results from the Sai Intelligent Systems Conference (Intellisys) 2015 by
21 1/2 Things to Know Before Self-publishing a Book: 2016 by Swedenberg, Mike
vtiger CRM v6.5.0 - User and Administration Manual by Piepiorra, Frank
The New Frontier in Web API Programming by Mac Gillis, Rick
Vtiger CRM v6.5.0 - Nutzer und Administrator Handbuch by Piepiorra, Frank
Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 27-31, 2016, by
Advances in Human Factors in Sports and Outdoor Recreation: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors in Sports and Outdo by
Advances in Human Factors and System Interactions: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Factors and System Interactions, Jul by
Advances in Ergonomics of Manufacturing: Managing the Enterprise of the Future: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human Aspects by
Brief Guide to Assumptions, Constraints, and Risks: Brief Guide Series for the IT Professional, Vol. 3 by Abernethy, Kenneth
Generalized Connectivity of Graphs by Li, Xueliang, Mao, Yaping
Emerging Resistive Switching Memories by Ouyang, Jianyong
The Fundamentals of Computational Intelligence: System Approach by Zaychenko, Yuriy P., Zgurovsky, Mikhail Z.
Automatic Methods for the Refinement of System Models: From the Specification to the Implementation by Drechsler, Rolf, Seiter, Julia, Wille, Robert
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol. 3: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol. 4: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol. 6: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol.1: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol. 5: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
Descrierea Limbilor Naturale in Sistemul Graalan Vol. 2: Softwin by Diaconescu, Stefan Stelian
ITCS 16 7th Innovations in Theortical Computer Science by Itcs 16 Conference Committee
Social and Cultural Aspects of Vcr Use by Dobrow, Julie
Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 1 by
Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 2 by
Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, VOL 3 by
Excel: Tips & Tricks - Over 100 ways to crash with Calc Spreadsheet by Iannello, Francesco
Excel: The Bible Excel by Iannello, Francesco
Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2016: 16th International Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part II by
Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 12th International Conference, ICIC 2016, Lanzhou, China, August 2-5, 2016, Proceedings, Part I by
Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 12th International Conference, ICIC 2016, Lanzhou, China, August 2-5, 2016, Proceedings, Part II by
Intelligent Computing Methodologies: 12th International Conference, ICIC 2016, Lanzhou, China, August 2-5, 2016, Proceedings, Part III by
Computational Social Networks: 5th International Conference, Csonet 2016, Ho CHI Minh City, Vietnam, August 2-4, 2016, Proceedings by
Learning Technology for Education in Cloud - The Changing Face of Education: 5th International Workshop, Ltec 2016, Hagen, Germany, July 25-28, 2016, by
On the Perception of Dynamic Emotional Expressions: A Cross-Cultural Comparison by Riviello, Maria Teresa, Esposito, Anna
Hcna Networking Study Guide by
E-Business: Eine Übersicht Für Erfolgreiches B2B Und B2c by Aichele, Christian, Schönberger, Marius
Seminal Contributions to Modelling and Simulation: 30 Years of the European Council of Modelling and Simulation by
Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems: 5th International Conference, Living Machines 2016, Edinburgh, Uk, July 19-22, 2016. Proceedings by
Controlled Natural Language: 5th International Workshop, Cnl 2016, Aberdeen, Uk, July 25-27, 2016, Proceedings by
An Agent-Based Approach for Selecting and Negotiating with Suppliers in Purchasing Management by Chen, Yee Ming, Huang, Pei-Ni, Kuan, Meng-Jong
24th ACM/SIGADA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays by Fpga 16 Conference Committee
SIGCSE 2016 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education by Sigsce 16 Conference Committee
ICPE 16 7th ACM/SPEC International Conference on Performance Engineering by Icpe 16 Conference Committee
ANCS 16 12th ACM/IEEE Symposium on Architectures for Networking and Communications Systems by Ancs 16 Conference Committee
WSDM 16 9th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining by Wsdm 16 Conference Committee
Tessellation of Trimmed NURBS Surfaces using Multipass Shader Algorithms on the GPU by Geiger, Mark
Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2016) by Clarke, Nathan, Furnell, Steven
Intelligent Computer Mathematics: 9th International Conference, CICM 2016, Bialystok, Poland, July 25-29, 2016, Proceedings by
CHIIR 16 ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval by Chiir 16 Conference Committee
HotMobile 16 17th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications by Hot Mobile 16 Conference Committee
Data Analytics with Hadoop: An Introduction for Data Scientists by Kim, Jenny, Bengfort, Benjamin
Information Warfare by Ventre, Daniel
Pressed for Time: The Acceleration of Life in Digital Capitalism by Wajcman, Judy
Advances in Ergonomics Modeling, Usability & Special Populations: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Ergonomics Modeling, Usabil by
Technology Across the Curriculum: Half-Year Edition: Word, Excel, and HTML by Debruin, Danny a.
Creacion de juegos directo a la accion by Daza, Humberto
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 - A book: On Sales Process (updated for R3) by Popescu, Marius
Information, Freedom and Property: The Philosophy of Law Meets the Philosophy of Technology by
Mb6-892: Microsoft Dynamics AX Distribution and Trade Study Guide: Microsoft Dynamics AX Certification Exam Study Guide by Fife, Murray
Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Applications in Higher Education Settings by
Emerging Technologies and Applications for Cloud-Based Gaming by
Collaborative Filtering Using Data Mining and Analysis by
Harnessing Social Media as a Knowledge Management Tool by
Intelligent Analysis of Multimedia Information by
Shielding. Zur mobilen Mediennutzung in Transport- und Wartesituationen by Anonym
I Had a Dream that IBM Could Be # 1 Again: Big Blue's Job Is To Be # 1! by Kelly, Brian W.
Computational Science and Its Applications - Iccsa 2016: 16th International Conference, Beijing, China, July 4-7, 2016, Proceedings, Part V by
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems XI: Coin 2015 International Workshops, Coin@aamas, Istanbul, Turkey, May 4, 2015 by
Trends in Applied Knowledge-Based Systems and Data Science: 29th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied by
Advances in Ergonomics in Design: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Ergonomics in Design, July 27-31, 2016, Walt Disney World(r by
Big Data and Data Science Initiative in India- Upcoming Job Opportunities: Big Data Job Opportunities in India by Roy, Ajit Kumar
Building a world class Fuzzer Codenamed Fractal Zoom (Fz) by Obrzut, Alexander
Addressing Challenges Latinos/as Encounter with the LIBRE Problem-Solving Model: Listen-Identify-Brainstorm-Reality-test-Encourage by Guerra, Norma S.
Lilienfueße in China: Aschenputtels Erbe by Neumann, Cilia
Chip Wars: Written in 2005 with Some Updates-Still the Defining Book on Chip Technology for Programmers, Analysts, It Directors, by Kelly, Brian W.
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: Pakdd 2016 Workshops, Bdm, Mlsda, Pacc, Wdmbf, Auckland, New Zealand, April 19, 2016, by
Advances in Human Factors in Energy: Oil, Gas, Nuclear and Electric Power Industries: Proceedings of the Ahfe 2016 International Conference on Human F by
Abstract Methods in Information Theory (Second Edition) by Kakihara, Yuichiro
The Multi-Agent Transport Simulation MATSim by
Technology Across the Curriculum: Microsoft Excel by Debruin, Danny a.
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