• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2016

Medical Informatics, E-Health: Fundamentals and Applications by
Formal Languages and Compilation by Crespi Reghizzi, Stefano, Breveglieri, Luca, Morzenti, Angelo
Solid Modeling and Applications: Rapid Prototyping, CAD and CAE Theory by Um, Dugan
Theory of Fuzzy Computation by Syropoulos, Apostolos
Modeling and Optimization: Theory and Applications: Selected Contributions from the Mopta 2012 Conference by
Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling by
Coherent States, Wavelets, and Their Generalizations by Gazeau, Jean-Pierre, Ali, Syed Twareque, Antoine, Jean-Pierre
Towards an Intelligent Learning Management System Under Blended Learning: Trends, Profiles and Modeling Perspectives by Hadjileontiadis, Leontios J., Dias, Sofia B., Diniz, José a.
Practical Applications of Evolutionary Computation to Financial Engineering: Robust Techniques for Forecasting, Trading and Hedging by Iba, Hitoshi, Aranha, Claus C.
Theories and Simulations of Complex Social Systems by
Topological Signal Processing by Robinson, Michael
Modern Cryptography Primer: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Applications by Kurkowski, Miroslaw, Srebrny, Marian, Kościelny, Czeslaw
Atomic Layer Deposition for Semiconductors by
Synthetic Worlds: Emerging Technologies in Education and Economics by
Online Collective Action: Dynamics of the Crowd in Social Media by
Security and Privacy Preserving in Social Networks by
New Trends in Interaction, Virtual Reality and Modeling by
Multiword Expressions Acquisition: A Generic and Open Framework by Ramisch, Carlos
Physically Unclonable Functions: Constructions, Properties and Applications by Maes, Roel
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering: Reflections on Architectures, Methodologies, Languages, and Frameworks by
Enterprise Content Management in Information Systems Research: Foundations, Methods and Cases by
Model-Driven Dependability Assessment of Software Systems by Bernardi, Simona, Merseguer, José, Petriu, Dorina Corina
Building Sustainable Information Systems by
Advances in Research Methods for Information Systems Research: Data Mining, Data Envelopment Analysis, Value Focused Thinking by
Oracle Database Cloud Cookbook with Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Cloud Control by Havewala, Porus Homi
Cage-Based Performance Capture by Savoye, Yann
Source-Synchronous Networks-On-Chip: Circuit and Architectural Interconnect Modeling by Khatri, Sunil P., Mandal, Ayan, Mahapatra, Rabi
Evolutionary Constrained Optimization by
Uncertainty in Biology: A Computational Modeling Approach by
Personalized Task Recommendation in Crowdsourcing Systems by Geiger, David
Intelligent Agents in Data-Intensive Computing by
Computational Intelligence Paradigms in Economic and Financial Decision Making by Resta, Marina
Sustained Simulation Performance 2015: Proceedings of the Joint Workshop on Sustained Simulation Performance, University of Stuttgart (Hlrs) and Tohok by
Natural Language Dialog Systems and Intelligent Assistants by
Mutative Media: Communication Technologies and Power Relations in the Past, Present, and Futures by Sweeney, John A., Yee, Aubrey M., Dator, James A.
Towards a Spin-Ensemble Quantum Memory for Superconducting Qubits: Design and Implementation of the Write, Read and Reset Steps by Grèzes, Cécile
The Cognitive Foundations of Group Attitudes and Social Interaction by
Operations Research and Big Data: Io2015-XVII Congress of Portuguese Association of Operational Research (Apdio) by
Context Aware Human-Robot and Human-Agent Interaction by
The Future Home Is Wise, Not Smart: A Human-Centric Perspective on Next Generation Domestic Technologies by Leitner, Gerhard
Anticipation Across Disciplines by
Cyber Denial, Deception and Counter Deception: A Framework for Supporting Active Cyber Defense by Thomas, Roshan K., Heckman, Kristin E., Stech, Frank J.
Cognitive Phase Transitions in the Cerebral Cortex: Enhancing the Neuron Doctrine by Modeling Neural Fields by Kozma, Robert, Freeman, Walter J.
High-Performance Computing for Structural Mechanics and Earthquake/Tsunami Engineering by
Intelligent Distributed Computing IX: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing - Idc'2015, Guimarães, Portu by
Multicomponent and Multiscale Systems: Theory, Methods, and Applications in Engineering by Geiser, Juergen
Enterprise Software Sourcing Performance: The Impact Logic of On-Demand, On-Premises, and In-House Software on Dynamic Fit and Process-Level Performan by Nöhren, Marko
A Controlled Phase Gate Between a Single Atom and an Optical Photon by Reiserer, Andreas
Robots and Sensor Clouds by
IP Cores Design from Specifications to Production: Modeling, Verification, Optimization, and Protection by Mohamed, Khaled Salah
Medical Robotics by Ernst, Floris, Schweikard, Achim
Cognitive Infocommunications (Coginfocom) by Sallai, Gyula, Baranyi, Péter, Csapo, Adam
Deconstructing Ethnography: Towards a Social Methodology for Ubiquitous Computing and Interactive Systems Design by Crabtree, Andy, Rouncefield, Mark, Button, Graham
On-Chip High-Voltage Generator Design: Design Methodology for Charge Pumps by Tanzawa, Toru
Computational Inference and Control of Quality in Multimedia Services by Menkovski, Vlado
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, Volume 5 by
A Practical Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Using LISP by Argüelles Mendez, Luis
Social Networking and Education: Global Perspectives by
Fireworks Algorithm: A Novel Swarm Intelligence Optimization Method by Tan, Ying
Petri Net Synthesis by Darondeau, Philippe, Badouel, Eric, Bernardinello, Luca
Computer and Information Science 2015 by
Knowledge Management and Information Tools for Building Maintenance and Facility Management by Talamo, Cinzia, Bonanomi, Marcella
Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm: And Its Engineering Applications by Rao, R. Venkata
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing 2015 by
Reversible Logic Synthesis Methodologies with Application to Quantum Computing by Ridha Taha, Saleem Mohammed
Mathematical Modeling and Optimization of Complex Structures by
Design for Manufacturability with Advanced Lithography by Pan, David Z., Yu, Bei
Tacit Engagement: Beyond Interaction by Gill, Satinder P.
Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications: Icdea, Wuhan, China, July 21-25, 2014 by
Operational Research: IO 2013 - XVI Congress of Apdio, Bragança, Portugal, June 3-5, 2013 by
Resilient Routing in Communication Networks by Rak, Jacek
State Estimation and Coordinated Control for Distributed Electric Vehicles by Chu, Wenbo
Formalizing Data-Centric Web Services by Saleh, Iman
Fuzzy Technology: Present Applications and Future Challenges by
Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation by Pacchierotti, Claudio
Carl Adam Petri: Life and Science by Smith, Einar
Engineering Computation of Structures: The Finite Element Method by Neto, Maria Augusta, Amaro, Ana, Roseiro, Luis
Complexity Management with the K-Method: Price Structures, It and Controlling for Procurement of Packaging Materials by Kossmann, Daniel, Kossmann, Donald
Quantum Biological Information Theory by Djordjevic, Ivan B.
Temporal Quantum Correlations and Hidden Variable Models by Budroni, Costantino
Proceedings of the 2015 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume 1 by
Higher-Order Computability by Longley, John, Normann, Dag
Personality in Speech: Assessment and Automatic Classification by Polzehl, Tim
Semantic Web: Implications for Technologies and Business Practices by
Introduction to Data Mining and Its Applications by Sumathi, S., Sivanandam, S. N.
Advances in Fuzzy Decision Making: Theory and Practice by Rębiasz, Bogdan, Gawel, Bartlomiej, Skalna, Iwona
A Practical Guide to Averaging Functions by Bustince Sola, Humberto, Calvo, Tomasa, Beliakov, Gleb
Robust Simulation for Mega-Risks: The Path from Single-Solution to Competitive, Multi-Solution Methods for Mega-Risk Management by Taylor, Craig E.
Natural Computing Algorithms by Brabazon, Anthony, O'Neill, Michael, McGarraghy, Seán
Recent Trends in Fracture and Damage Mechanics by
Adaptive Biometric Systems: Recent Advances and Challenges by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Technologies and Engineering Systems (Icites2014) by
Social Network-Based Recommender Systems by Schall, Daniel
Functional Verification of Dynamically Reconfigurable Fpga-Based Systems by Gong, Lingkan, Diessel, Oliver
The Boundary-Scan Handbook by Parker, Kenneth P.
Handbook of Genetic Programming Applications by
The Design of Requirements Modelling Languages: How to Make Formalisms for Problem Solving in Requirements Engineering by Jureta, Ivan
High-Performance Big-Data Analytics: Computing Systems and Approaches by Nagaraj, Dhivya, Raj, Pethuru, Raman, Anupama
Applications of Soft Computing in Time Series Forecasting: Simulation and Modeling Techniques by Singh, Pritpal
User Community Discovery by
Data Management in Pervasive Systems by
Evacuation Modeling Trends by
Visual Cryptography for Image Processing and Security: Theory, Methods, and Applications by Yan, Wei Qi, Liu, Feng
Quality Function Deployment for Buildable and Sustainable Construction by Teo, Evelyn a. L., Low, Sui Pheng, Natee, Singhaputtangkul
Microrna Cancer Regulation: Advanced Concepts, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Tools by
Intelligent Scheduling of Robotic Flexible Assembly Cells by Abd, Khalid Karam
Pillars of Computing: A Compendium of Select, Pivotal Technology Firms by O'Regan, Gerard
Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations Icosahom 2014: Selected Papers from the Icosahom Conference, June 23-27, 2014, Salt by
Physical Biology of Proteins and Peptides: Theory, Experiment, and Simulation by
Rule Based Systems for Big Data: A Machine Learning Approach by Gegov, Alexander, Cocea, Mihaela, Liu, Han
Transferring Human Impedance Regulation Skills to Robots by Ajoudani, Arash
Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems: The 19th Asia Pacific Symposium, Ies 2015, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2015, Proceedings by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Modeling and Simulation, Plus Econophysics Colloquium 2014 by
Machine Vision: Automated Visual Inspection: Theory, Practice and Applications by Frese, Christian, Beyerer, Jürgen, Puente León, Fernando
Computer Simulation Tools for X-Ray Analysis: Scattering and Diffraction Methods by Morelhão, Sérgio Luiz
Analytic Number Theory: In Honor of Helmut Maier's 60th Birthday by
Enabling Manufacturing Competitiveness and Economic Sustainability: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurab by
Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics: 11th International Conference, Icinco 2014 Vienna, Austria, September 2-4, 2014 Revised Selected Pape by
Intelligent Decision Technology Support in Practice by
Intelligent Decision Making in Quality Management: Theory and Applications by
Cryptography Made Simple by Smart, Nigel
Information Sciences and Systems 2015: 30th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (Iscis 2015) by
Pro Java ME MMAPI: Mobile Media API for Java Micro Edition by Goyal, Vikram
An Introduction to Modern Mathematical Computing: With Mathematica(r) by Borwein, Jonathan M., Skerritt, Matthew P.
Multi-Net Optimization of VLSI Interconnect by Moiseev, Konstantin, Kolodny, Avinoam, Wimer, Shmuel
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Advanced Materials and Structures by
Deterministic Abelian Sandpile Models and Patterns by Paoletti, Guglielmo
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management: Volume 4 by
Singular Phenomena and Scaling in Mathematical Models by
Automation, Communication and Cybernetics in Science and Engineering 2013/2014 by
Empirical Inference: Festschrift in Honor of Vladimir N. Vapnik by
Visual Analytics of Movement by Bak, Peter, Andrienko, Gennady, Andrienko, Natalia
Advanced Models of Neural Networks: Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochasticity in Biological Neurons by Rigatos, Gerasimos G.
Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Fluid Dynamics by
From Robot to Human Grasping Simulation by Sancho-Bru, Joaquín, León, Beatriz, Morales, Antonio
Advance Trends in Soft Computing: Proceedings of Wcsc 2013, December 16-18, San Antonio, Texas, USA by
Towards the Internet of Services: The Theseus Research Program by
Massively Parallel Evolutionary Computation on Gpgpus by
Contemporary Evolution Strategies by Bäck, Thomas, Foussette, Christophe, Krause, Peter
Time and Petri Nets by Popova-Zeugmann, Louchka
Intelligent Multimedia Surveillance: Current Trends and Research by
Advanced Computational Approaches to Biomedical Engineering by
Registration and Recognition in Images and Videos by
Natural Language Processing of Semitic Languages by
Nonlinear Optimization Applications Using the Gams Technology by Andrei, Neculai
Neural Networks with Discontinuous/Impact Activations by Akhmet, Marat, Yılmaz, Enes
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Engineering and Applications (Iea) 2012: Volume 2 by
Information Systems Development: Reflections, Challenges and New Directions by
Emerging Memory Technologies: Design, Architecture, and Applications by
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM): A Practical Introduction and Survival Guide by Pianykh, Oleg S.
Sva: The Power of Assertions in Systemverilog by Havlicek, John, Cerny, Eduard, Dudani, Surrendra
Geoinformatics for Intelligent Transportation by
Meta-Learning in Decision Tree Induction by Grąbczewski, Krzysztof
Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2012 by
Access to Justice in Transnational B2c E-Commerce: A Multidimensional Analysis of Consumer Protection Mechanisms by Yuthayotin, Sutatip
The Impact of Econveyancing on Title Registration: A Risk Assessment by Brennan, Gabriel
Knowledge Representations for Planning Manipulation Tasks by Zacharias, Franziska
Nano-Photonics in III-V Semiconductors for Integrated Quantum Optical Circuits by Wasley, Nicholas Andrew
Games-To-Teach or Games-To-Learn: Unlocking the Power of Digital Game-Based Learning Through Performance by Chee, Yam San
Towards Solid-State Quantum Repeaters: Ultrafast, Coherent Optical Control and Spin-Photon Entanglement in Charged Inas Quantum Dots by De Greve, Kristiaan
Application of Geometric Algebra to Electromagnetic Scattering: The Clifford-Cauchy-Dirac Technique by Seagar, Andrew
Recent Progress in Brain and Cognitive Engineering by
Hybrid Soft Computing Approaches: Research and Applications by
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics: Icacni 2015, Volume 1 by
Emerging Research in Computing, Information, Communication and Applications: Ercica 2015, Volume 2 by
Modeling and Simulation in Scilab/Scicos with Scicoslab 4.4 by Campbell, Stephen L., Chancelier, Jean-Philippe, Nikoukhah, Ramine
Graphics of Large Datasets: Visualizing a Million by Unwin, Antony, Theus, Martin, Hofmann, Heike
It's a Nonlinear World by Enns, Richard H.
Computational Biology by
From Brains to Systems: Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems 2010 by
Network Biology: Methods and Applications by
Pro Apache Ant by Moodie, Matthew
Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms by Featherstone, Roy
Foundation 3ds Max 8 Architectural Visualization: by Smith, Brian L.
Atlas of Non-Invasive Coronary Angiography by Multidetector Computed Tomography by
Pro Nagios 2.0 by Turnbull, James
Processing: Creative Coding and Computational Art by Greenberg, Ira
Beginning DB2: From Novice to Professional by Allen, Grant
The Definitive Guide to Imagemagick by Still, Michael
The Definitive Guide to Apache Mod_rewrite by Bowen, Rich
Geometric Algebra: An Algebraic System for Computer Games and Animation by Vince, John A.
Iterative Learning Control: An Optimization Paradigm by Owens, David H.
3D Video Coding for Embedded Devices: Energy Efficient Algorithms and Architectures by Bampi, Sergio, Zatt, Bruno, Shafique, Muhammad
Flip-Flop Design in Nanometer CMOS: From High Speed to Low Energy by Consoli, Elio, Palumbo, Gaetano, Alioto, Massimo
Advanced Computing by
Reactive Kripke Semantics by Gabbay, Dov M.
Modeling and Simulation: An Application-Oriented Introduction by Bungartz, Hans-Joachim, Zimmer, Stefan, Buchholz, Martin
Theory and Principled Methods for the Design of Metaheuristics by
Tracking and Sensor Data Fusion: Methodological Framework and Selected Applications by Koch, Wolfgang
Social Networks: Analysis and Case Studies by
Computational Structural Analysis and Finite Element Methods by Kaveh, A.
Computing in Research and Development in Africa: Benefits, Trends, Challenges and Solutions by
Engaging 21st Century Writers with Social Media by
Multi-Core Computer Vision and Image Processing for Intelligent Applications by
Computational Fluid Dynamics for Sport Simulation by
Forensic GIS: The Role of Geospatial Technologies for Investigating Crime and Providing Evidence by
International Handbook of Metacognition and Learning Technologies by
Handbook of Data Visualization by
Pro SQL Server 2008 Service Broker by Aschenbrenner, Klaus
120 Ways To Market Your Business Hyper Locally: Tried and True Tips and Techniques by Ellson, Sue
See More