• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2016

Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Derivatives, Integrals and Models by Peterson, James K.
NFC based platforms in gaming. Reverse engineering Nintendos "Amiibo" by Petereder, Thomas
AWS Administration - The Definitive Guide by Wadia, Yohan
Software ERP: Análisis y Consultoría de Software Empresarial. 2a Edición by Nunez Burgos, Roberto
Techniques for Building Timing-Predictable Embedded Systems by Guan, Nan
Artificial Neural Network Modelling by
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications: 10th International Joint Conference, Visigrapp 2015, Berlin, Germany, March 11 by
Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm: Methodology and Implementation by
Opportunistic Mobile Networks: Advances and Applications by Saha, Barun Kumar, Pal, Sujata, Misra, Sudip
Image Analysis for Ophthalmological Diagnosis: Image Processing of Corvis(r) St Images Using Matlab(r) by Koprowski, Robert
Machine Learning Techniques for Gait Biometric Recognition: Using the Ground Reaction Force by Traoré, Issa, Mason, James Eric, Woungang, Isaac
UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics by
Information Retrieval: Implementing and Evaluating Search Engines by Buttcher, Stefan, Clarke, Charles L. a., Cormack, Gordon V.
Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design by Kraut, Robert E., Resnick, Paul
Podcasting Pro Basics: A Beginner's Guide To Producing, Editing, and Publishing A Podcast by Rios, Orlando
Simulation-Driven Modeling and Optimization: Asdom, Reykjavik, August 2014 by
Computer Forensics by Engelbach, Jerold
Intelligent Systems for Computer Modelling: Proceedings of the 1st European-Middle Asian Conference on Computer Modelling 2015, Emacom 2015 by
Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: Second International Conference, Caldam 2016, Thiruvananthapuram, India, February 18-20, 2016, Proceeding by
Il Manuale Pratico Della Videosorveglianza by Pozzo, Roberto Ezio
The Debian Administrator's Handbook, Debian Jessie from Discovery to Mastery (Japanese version) by Hertzog, Raphaël, Mas, Roland
Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Guide - Second Edition: Master the advanced concepts of PL/SQL for professional-level certification and learn the n by Gupta, Saurabh
Learning Python Design Patterns Second Edition by Giridhar, Chetan
How To Organize Your Digital Life by Greenwald, Janet, Greenwald, Laura
Microservices Architecture: Make the architecture of a software as simple as possible by Cambell, Edward
Preserving Electronic Evidence for Trial: A Team Approach to the Litigation Hold, Data Collection, and Evidence Preservation by Zeigler, Ann D., Rojas, Ernesto F.
Bittersweet Social Media: How to Get the Best and Contain the Risks by Cirella, Valerio
TechnoLogic: How to Set Logical Technology Boundaries and Stop the Zombie Apocalypse by Binz, Lee
Alpha Project Managers: What the Top 2% Know That Everyone Else Does Not by Crowe, Andy
12 Fantastic Microsoft Excel Tricks by Kontur, Jeffrey
Optimierung Von Nested Queries Unter Verwendung Der Nf2-Algebra by Hölsch, Jürgen
Konzeption und Entwicklung eines Event/Action-Mechanismus zur Kommunikation mit mobilen Endgeräten by Göbel, Stefan
Posthumanism and the Massive Open Online Course: Contaminating the Subject of Global Education by Knox, Jeremy
Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structure in Robot Control by
Techniques and Environments for Big Data Analysis: Parallel, Cloud, and Grid Computing by
Programming Machine Ethics by Saptawijaya, Ari, Moniz Pereira, Luís
Innovative Issues in Intelligent Systems by
Building Dialogue Pomdps from Expert Dialogues: An End-To-End Approach by Chinaei, Hamidreza, Chaib-Draa, Brahim
Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Higher Order Models and Their Analysis by Peterson, James K.
Communications in Interference Limited Networks by
New Prospects of Integrating Low Substrate Temperatures with Scaling-Sustained Device Architectural Innovation by Ashraf, Nabil Shovon, Alam, Shawon, Alam, Mohaiminul
Woman in the Mirror by Rap, John
Fully Implicit, Coupled Procedures in Computational Fluid Dynamics: An Engineer's Resource Book by Mazhar, Zeka
Angebotsbeschreibungen für Online-Einkaufsportale zur automatischen Klassifizierung und Informationsextraktion mittels Rekursiver Transitionsnetzwerke by Klein, Anja
Misunderstanding the Internet by Fenton, Natalie, Freedman, Des, Curran, James
Formales Sql-Tuning Für Oracle-Datenbanken: Praktische Effizienz - Effiziente PRAXIS by Ernst, Hanno, Chupis, Victor, Nossov, Leonid
Robot Operating System (Ros): The Complete Reference (Volume 1) by
Your Digital Afterlives: Computational Theories of Life After Death by Steinhart, E.
JavaScript glossary on demand by Giammarchi, Andrea
Post-Quantum Cryptography: 7th International Workshop, Pqcrypto 2016, Fukuoka, Japan, February 24-26, 2016, Proceedings by
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2016: 19th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-9, 2 by
The Truthful Art: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication by Cairo, Alberto
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow: Comprehensive, Loose-Leaf Version by Morley, Deborah, Parker, Charles
Enhancing Enterprise Intelligence: Leveraging Erp, Crm, Scm, Plm, Bpm, and Bi by Kale, Vivek
Applied Mechanics, Mechatronics and Intelligent Systems - Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference (Ammis2015) by
Mapping Biological Systems to Network Systems by Rathore, Heena
Portfolio Optimization Using Fundamental Indicators Based on Multi-Objective EA by Silva, Antonio Daniel, Neves, Rui Ferreira, Horta, Nuno
Bioinformation Processing: A Primer on Computational Cognitive Science by Peterson, James K.
Calculus for Cognitive Scientists: Partial Differential Equation Models by Peterson, James
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIII: Selected Papers from Fdse 2014 by
Intelligent Computing Systems: Emerging Application Areas by
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XXIV: Special Issue on Database- And Expert-Systems Applications by
Practical Excel 2010 by Holt, Justin
Self Learning of Data Science for Free: Skill Development for Data Science Jobs by Roy, Ajit Kumar
Turing's Nightmares: Multiple Scenarios of The Singularity by Thomas, John Charles
Data Management Technologies and Applications: 4th International Conference, Data 2015, Colmar, France, July 20-22, 2015, Revised Selected Papers by
Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 28th International Workshop, Lcpc 2015, Raleigh, Nc, Usa, September 9-11, 2015, Revised Selected Paper by
Computer-Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy: Second International Workshop, Care 2015, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2015, Munich, Germany, October 5, 2 by
Combinatorial Algorithms: 26th International Workshop, Iwoca 2015, Verona, Italy, October 5-7, 2015, Revised Selected Papers by
Advances in Mechanical Engineering: Selected Contributions from the Conference "Modern Engineering: Science and Education", Saint Petersburg, Russia, by
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of the Third Icicse, 2015 by
Computational Linguistics: 14th International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics, Pacling 2015, Bali, Indonesia, by
Machine Learning for Cyber Physical Systems: Selected Papers from the International Conference Ml4cps 2015 by
Digital Libraries in Theory and Practices by Liu, Yan Quan
Search Engine Optimization: 20 Search Engine Optimization Tricks to Get Your Website to the Top of Search Results by Fishner, Erik
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Cryptography by Fraser, Kenneth
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Hacking by Fraser, Kenneth
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Open Source by Fraser, Kenneth
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Raspberry Pi 2 by Fraser, Kenneth
Search Engine Optimization: 20 Search Engine Optimization Tricks to Get Your Website to the Top of Search Results by Fishner, Erik
Circuit Engineering + Cryptography + Human-Computer Interaction by Tech, Solis
Computer-Hardware Evaluation of Mathematical Functions by Omondi, Amos R.
Sicherheitsaspekte Von Mobiltelefonen: Erkennung Und Visualisierung Von Angriffsvektoren by Gewald, Peter
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Malware by Fraser, Kenneth
Robotics + Human-Computer Interaction + Quality Assurance by Fraser, Kenneth
Walcom: Algorithms and Computation: 10th International Workshop, Walcom 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal, March 29-31, 2016, Proceedings by
Compound Semiconductor Materials and Devices by Liu, Zhaojun, Huang, Tongde, Li, Qiang
Online Health and Safety: From Cyberbullying to Internet Addiction by Schell, Bernadette
Systems Analysis and Synthesis: Bridging Computer Science and Information Technology by Dwyer, Barry
Organizational Design for Knowledge Management by Ben Chouikha, Mona
Computer Aided Surgery by
Coding in Style by Ionel, Dragos
Cute Pets Website by Feiler F., Tanja
MS Word Legal -- *Awareness Explosion* Volume 2: Articles That Increase Your MS Word Knowledge Base by Ellman, Louis
Creative Truth: Start & Build a Profitable Design Business by Weaver, Brad
More Math Into Latex by Grätzer, George
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Big Data and Cloud Computing Challenges (Isbcc - 16') by
Public-Key Cryptography - Pkc 2016: 19th Iacr International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public-Key Cryptography, Taipei, Taiwan, March 6-9, 2 by
Schwachstellenanalyse der Informationssicherheit by Wagner, Ulrike
Technische Grundlagen des Linux-Betriebssystems.Ein Überblick by Lewis, Robin
Software-Ergonomie. Grundlagen der optimalen Ausgestaltung von Computersystemen für die Benutzer by Martin Navas, Benjamin
Metaheuristics for Logistics by Deroussi, Laurent
Metaheuristics for Vehicle Routing Problems by LaBadie, Nacima, Prins, Christian, Prodhon, Caroline
3D CAD with Autodesk 123D: Designing for 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, and Personal Fabrication by Au, Jesse Harrington, Gertz, Emily
Programming the Auto-Robot Unit1 Mark5 Rover by Reynolds, Zachary M.
Bank on Your Smart Device 2026 by Svigals, Jerome
Invent with Inventor by Garbrah-Aidoo, Yoofi
Compressed Air Propulsion System to Power the Car of the Future by Richey, Robert J.
Robocup 2015: Robot World Cup XIX by
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Isa by
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Isa by
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Isa by
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 36th International Conference on Information Systems Architecture and Technology - Isa by
Logbuch (Internet Organizer und Passwortbuch (Red Hot Data)): Red Hot Data Passwortbuch - Das Buch zur Verwaltung von Zugangsdaten und Passworten by Turing, Alan
Statistical Methods for Recommender Systems by Agarwal, Deepak K., Chen, Bee-Chung
Anforderungskatalog für die Wahl eines ERP-Systems in international operierenden, kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen in China by Hillen, Thomas
Die Entwicklung und die Zukunft des Hörspiels by Müller, Thomas
Entwicklung einer Software-Schnittstelle vom Workflowprogramm PowerWork 4 zu einer SQL- Datenbank by Hiller, Andre
Corpus-based studies on language varieties by
Unreal Engine 4 Game Development Essentials: Master the basics of Unreal Engine 4 to build stunning video games by Pv, Satheesh
Enterprise 2.0. Potenziale und organisationale Herausforderungen für das Wissensmanagement: Eine empirische Untersuchung by Dembski, Sven
Complete Book of E-mails by Blank Books, Lazaros'
Photoshop for Beginners: Everything You Will Need to Know in One Book to Master Photoshop Like a Pro! Create Memories That Will Last a Lifetime by Donaldson, Kevin
Church Technology Simplified: Audio, Video and Lighting Setup, Operation and Repair by Davis, Robert J., II
Channel Coding Methods for Non-Volatile Memories by Dolecek, Lara, Sala, Frederic
Bichitra: The Making of an Online Tagore Variorum by
Advanced Methodologies for Bayesian Networks: Second International Workshop, Ambn 2015, Yokohama, Japan, November 16-18, 2015. Proceedings by
Computational Methods for Solids and Fluids: Multiscale Analysis, Probability Aspects and Model Reduction by
Image and Video Technology - Psivt 2015 Workshops: RV 2015, Gpid 2013, Vg 2015, Eo4as 2015, McBmiia 2015, and Vsws 2015, Auckland, New Zealand, Novemb by
Suchmaschinen im Internet. Entwicklung und Bedeutung von Google by Ghoniem, Suher
How To Create A Blog - Blogging For Beginners: Blogger Versus WordPress Blogs by Jazevox
Aufbau eines Anwendungssystems zur Erstellung Dynamischer Websites by Fahrenbruch, Natalia
Implementing Digital Forensic Readiness: From Reactive to Proactive Process by Sachowski, Jason
Magento 2 Development Essentials by Miguel, Fernando J.
Musica Elettronica e Sound Design - Teoria e Pratica con Max 7 - Volume 1 (Terza Edizione) by Giri, Maurizio, Cipriani, Alessandro
Microsoft Exchange Server PowerShell Essentials by Banerjee, Biswanath
Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing: First International Workshop, Algocloud 2015, Patras, Greece, September 14-15, 2015. Revised Selected Papers by
Proceedings of International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development: Ict4sd 2015 Volume 2 by
Logic and Algebraic Structures in Quantum Computing by
Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends, Advances and Solutions: Selected Papers from Kicss'2013 - 8th International Conf by
E-Retailing Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Marketplace by
Bounded Rationality Theory. Die Theorie der begrenzten Rationalität nach Herbert A. Simon. by Lang, Boris, Müller, Martina
AutoCAD 2016: Beginning and Intermediate by Hamad, Munir
AutoCAD 2016: 3D Modeling by Hamad, Munir
Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms by Van Steen, Maarten, Tanenbaum, Andrew S.
Blogging Brilliantly For Your Business: 30 Days to Dominate Your Market by Tremoulet, Christine
Language and Automata Theory and Applications: 10th International Conference, Lata 2016, Prague, Czech Republic, March 14-18, 2016, Proceedings by
Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXII by
Dictation: Dictate Your Writing - Write Over 1,000,000 Words A Year Without Breaking A Sweat! (Writing Habits, Write Faster, Prod by Gise, Kevin
Development of Actuated Tangible User Interfaces: New Interaction Concepts and Evaluation Methods by Riedenklau, Eckard
Algorithm Challenges, paperback by Puryear, Martin
Why Agile Works by de La Maza, Michael, Benz, David
3D Printing Designs: Octopus Pencil Holder by Larson, Joe
Building Apple Watch Projects by Grimshaw, Stuart
Mastering Puppet - Second Edition by Narrabilis, Thomas
Real-Time Big Data Analytics by Saxena, Shilpi, Gupta, Sumit
Elasticsearch Server Third Edition by Kuc, Rafal, Rogoziński, Marek
Unity 5.x Shaders and Effects Cookbook: Master the art of Shader programming to bring life to your Unity projects by Zucconi, Alan, Lammers, Kenneth
Ceph Cookbook by Singh, Karan
Nagios Core Administration cookbook (Second Edition) by Ryder, Tom
From Light into the Abyss: Swindling, Web-cams, College Youth Behaving Badly by Jacobs, Jim
From Light into the Abyss: Swindling, Web-cams, College Youth Behaving Badly by Jacobs, Jim
Energie- Und Paritätsgewinnbedingungen Auf Spielstrukturen by Schlachter, Uli
OAuth 2.0: Introduction to API Security with OAuth 2.0 by Moore, Joseph
On the Existence of Digital Objects: Volume 48 by Hui, Yuk
Regression Analysis with Python: Learn the art of regression analysis with Python by Massaron, Luca, Boschetti, Alberto
Metaphor: A Computational Perspective by Klebanov, Beata Beigman, Veale, Tony, Shutova, Ekaterina
The Digital Revolution by Merritt, Bob
Revolutionizing Education through Web-Based Instruction by
Composing Music for Games: The Art, Technology and Business of Video Game Scoring by Thomas, Chance
Projektmanagement 2.0. Herausforderung virtuelles Team by Schleich, Manuel
Attack Of The 50 Foot Helen: Helen, Sweetheart of the Internet #1 by Zale, Peter
Drahtlose Smart-Home-Systeme für Privathaushalte zur Steuerung von elektrischen Verbrauchern. Systemevaluierung und Wirtschaftlichkeitsanalyse by Lasch, Etienne
Blender 3D Incredible Machines: Design, model, and texture complex mechanical objects in Blender by Kuhn, Christopher
High-Speed 3D Imaging with Digital Fringe Projection Techniques by Zhang, Song
Bitcoin for Nonmathematicians: Exploring the Foundations of Crypto Payments by Gomzin, Slava
Engineering Trustworthy Software Systems: First International School, Setss 2014, Chongqing, China, September 8-13, 2014. Tutorial Lectures by
The Spectrum of Adventure: A Brief History of Interactive Fiction on the Sinclair ZX Spectrum by Christie, Thomas A.
Switching to the Mac: The Missing Manual, El Capitan Edition by Pogue, David
Understanding Industrial Design: Principles for UX and Interaction Design by King, Simon, Chang, Kuen
Logic Design and Verification Using SystemVerilog (Revised) by Thomas, Donald
New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies by
iOS in the Classroom: A Guide for Teaching Students with Visual Impairments by Lewis, Larry L., Jr.
Privacy and Capitalism in the Age of Social Media by Sevignani, Sebastian
Graphically Illustrated Kindle Fire 8 Guide: For non-computer generations by Padgett, Pam, Boney, Joan
Advances in Face Image Analysis: Theory and applications by Dornaika, Fadi
The Blogger's Simple Guide to Taxes: A Guide to Saving Time and Money by Korhnak, Sarah
Intelligent Web Data Management: Software Architectures and Emerging Technologies by Ma, Kun, Yang, Bo, Abraham, Ajith
Image Feature Detectors and Descriptors: Foundations and Applications by
E-Business and Telecommunications: 12th International Joint Conference, Icete 2015, Colmar, France, July 20-22, 2015, Revised Selected Papers by
Hierarchical Modular Granular Neural Networks with Fuzzy Aggregation by Melin, Patricia, Sanchez, Daniela
The Drivers of Wearable Device Usage: Practice and Perspectives by
Smart Systems Integration and Simulation by
Working Around Disruptions of Network Infrastructures: Mobile Ad-Hoc Systems for Resilient Communication in Disasters by Al-Akkad, Amro
Index-Aware Model Order Reduction Methods: Applications to Differential-Algebraic Equations by Schilders, Wil H. a., Banagaaya, N., Alì, Giuseppe
Digitale Führung: Wie Die Neuen Technologien Unsere Zusammenarbeit Wertvoller Machen by Ciesielski, Martin A., Schutz, Thomas
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- And Knowledge-Centered Systems XXV by
Boolean Functions and Their Applications in Cryptography by Wu, Chuan-Kun, Feng, Dengguo
WikiHooks. Eine protoypenhafte Webhook Extension für MediaWiki by Zeschke, Robert
New Advances in Information Systems and Technologies: Volume 2 by
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