• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2022

Administración Estratégica y Gobierno de Tecnologías de Información by Alanis, Macedonio
Computers from Then to Now by Smibert, Angie
Client Attractor: Attract High-Paying Clients You Love & Keep Them Coming Back by Ratliff, Jacob
Modeling of Road Traffic Events by Kisilowski, Jerzy, Zalewski, Jaroslaw
Revit 2022 Home Design by Prathima, K.
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 17th Eai International Conference, Collaboratecom 2021, Virtual Event, October 16-1 by
Collaborative Computing: Networking, Applications and Worksharing: 17th Eai International Conference, Collaboratecom 2021, Virtual Event, October 16-1 by
A Concise Introduction to Scientific Visualization: Past, Present, and Future by Pang, Alex, Hollister, Brad Eric
Getting Started with Secure Embedded Systems: Developing Iot Systems for Micro: Bit and Raspberry Pi Pico Using Rust and Tock by Radovici, Alexandru, Culic, Ioana
TurboCAD 2021 For Beginners by Books, Tutorial
The Digital Nature of Man: On the limits between organic and digital lives by Perez, Charles
Broadband Communications, Networks, and Systems: 12th Eai International Conference, Broadnets 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Advances of Science and Technology: 9th Eai International Conference, Icast 2021, Hybrid Event, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, August 27-29, 2021, Proceedings, by
Advances of Science and Technology: 9th Eai International Conference, Icast 2021, Hybrid Event, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, August 27-29, 2021, Proceedings, by
Digital Distractions in the College Classroom by
Python: Data Science by Mula, Rahul
Robots: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Husbands, Phil
Mediensozialisation. Welchen Einfluss haben soziale Medien auf Jugendliche?: Eine rezipientenorientierte Analyse des Einflusses am Beispiel von TikTok by Ivos, Tea
Optimization and Decision Science: Ods, Virtual Conference, November 19, 2020 by
Large-Scale Group Decision-Making: State-To-The-Art Clustering and Consensus Paths by Du, Zhi-Jiao, Yu, Su-Min
Nature of Computation and Communication: 7th Eai International Conference, Ictcc 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Data Science and Digital Transformation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution by
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities: 15th International Conference, Nooj 2021, Besançon, by
Geospatial Data Analytics and Urban Applications by
Signal Integrity: Applied Electromagnetics and Professional Practice by Russ, Samuel H.
Reinforcement Learning Algorithms: Analysis and Applications by
Supercomputing: 7th Russian Supercomputing Days, Ruscdays 2021, Moscow, Russia, September 27-28, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Present Approach to Traffic Flow Theory and Research in Civil and Transportation Engineering by
Techniques for Searching, Parsing, and Matching by Pettorossi, Alberto
Enterprise Architecture Function: A Pattern Language for Planning, Design and Execution by Arnold, Ingo
Advances in Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial Intellig by
Cambridge International as Level Information Technology Skills Workbook: Hodder Education Group by Brown, Graham
The Elements of Hawkes Processes by Laub, Patrick J., Lee, Young, Taimre, Thomas
Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications by
Mastering the Lightning Network: A Second Layer Blockchain Protocol for Instant Bitcoin Payments by Antonopoulos, Andreas M., Osuntokun, Olaoluwa, Pickhardt, Rene
GIS Jump Start for Health Professionals by Kurland, Kristen S.
Embedded System Design with Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers: Applications with C, C++ and Micropython by Ünsalan, Cem, Gürhan, Hüseyin Deniz, Yücel, Mehmet Erkin
Infoxicación. Cómo gestionar la sobrecarga informativa by Ramos, Juanjo
Your Life In The Metaverse by Burrows, Gideon
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Selbstwert, sozialem Vergleich und "fear of missing out" von Social Media Nutzern by Vogel, Lena
Der Einfluss von Sozialen Medien auf die Identitätsbildung im Jugendalter by Schneider, Luisa
Basics of Virtual Reality: From the Discovery of Perspective to VR Glasses by Grasnick, Armin
AI and Iot for Smart City Applications by
Preference-Based Spatial Co-Location Pattern Mining by Zhou, Lihua, Wang, Lizhen, Fang, Yuan
11th International Conference on Theory and Application of Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions and Artificial Intelligence - Icsccw-2 by
Environmental Issues of Blasting: Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques by Azizi, Aydin, Bhatawdekar, Ramesh M., Armaghani, Danial Jahed
Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Selected Papers of Worlds4 2021, Volume 1 by
Simulation and Gaming for Social Design by
Proceedings of Third International Conference on Sustainable Computing: Suscom 2021 by
Quantitative Biology: A Practical Introduction by Kimura, Akatsuki
Enhancing Effective Instruction and Learning Using Assessment Data by
The Definitive Guide to Modernizing Applications on Google Cloud: The what, why, and how of application modernization on Google Cloud by Panyam, Dheeraj, Marston, Jason, Sangapu, Steve (Satish)
The Tactile Internet by
Change Detection and Image Time-Series Analysis 1: Unervised Methods by
Advances in Computer Science and Ubiquitous Computing: Csa-Cute 2019 by
90 Solved Cases on Time Intelligence in DAX by Amador, Ramón Javier Castro
Automating Cities: Design, Construction, Operation and Future Impact by
Society 5.0: Cyberspace for Advanced Human-Centered Society by
AC Electrical Circuit Analysis: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions by Rahmani-Andebili, Mehdi
Technology-Augmented Perception and Cognition by
Archiving Strategies for Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms by Schütze, Oliver, Hernández, Carlos
G20 Entrepreneurship Services Report by Su, Qing, Gao, Jian, Jia, Ruitao
Interdisciplinary Evolution of the Machine Brain: Vision, Touch & Mind by Deng, Xiangyang, Wang, Wenfeng, Cai, Hengjin
Dynamics in Microwave Chemistry by Zhu, Huacheng, Huang, Kama, Yang, Xiaoqing
Iot with Smart Systems: Proceedings of Ictis 2021, Volume 2 by
Multiple-Criteria Decision Making by
Geometry of Deep Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective by Ye, Jong Chul
Metaverse Investing Beginners Guide: Buying Virtual Land, NFTs, VR, And Other Digital Arts Of The Future by Damon Berry
Metaverse Investing Beginners Guide: Buying Virtual Land, NFTs, VR, And Other Digital Arts Of The Future by Damon Berry
Data Science Interview: Prep for SQL, Panda, Python, R Language, Machine Learning, DBMS and RDBMS - And More - The Full Data Scientist Intervi by Ace Prep, Dsi
Teach Yourself Visually Windows 11 by McFedries, Paul
Is AI Good for the Planet? by Brevini, Benedetta
Design Innovative Robots with LEGO SPIKE Prime: Seven creative STEM robotic designs to challenge your mind by Maurer, Aaron
IoT Applications Computing by
Cybersecurity Leadership Demystified: A comprehensive guide to becoming a world-class modern cybersecurity leader and global CISO by Ozkaya, Erdal
Designing Hexagonal Architecture with Java: An architect's guide to building maintainable and change-tolerant applications with Java and Quarkus by Vieira, Davi
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Certification and Beyond: Simplified cloud concepts and core Azure fundamentals for absolute beginners to pass the AZ-900 by Miles, Steve
Practical Guide to Life Science Databases by
Hybrid Quantum Systems by
Kompatibilitätsverfahren Für Profinet-Hardware Mit Ethernet Time Sensitive Networks by Schriegel, Sebastian
Frontiers in Software Engineering: First International Conference, Icfse 2021, Innopolis, Russia, June 17-18, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Context-Aware Systems and Applications: 10th Eai International Conference, Iccasa 2021, Virtual Event, October 28-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Artificial General Intelligence: 14th International Conference, Agi 2021, Palo Alto, Ca, Usa, October 15-18, 2021, Proceedings by
Assistive Technology Intervention in Healthcare by
Chasing Likes: The Unflattering Reality of Being an Influencer by Krtolica, Carlee
Anisotropy Across Fields and Scales by
ASIC Design and Synthesis: Rtl Design Using Verilog by Taraate, Vaibbhav
The Sandbox Coin: The SAND ERC-20 Utility Token on the Ethereum Blockchain by Taylor, Thomas J.
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2022 Black Book by Weber, Matt, Verma, Gaurav
SolidWorks Flow Simulation 2022 Black Book (Colored) by Verma, Gaurav, Weber, Matt
State Machines Using VHDL: FPGA Implementation of Serial Communication and Display Protocols by Gazi, Orhan, Arlı, A. Ça&#287r&#305
Metaverse Crypto For Beginners by Wilson, Adidas
Observation and Control of Magnetic Order Dynamics by Terahertz Magnetic Nearfield by Kurihara, Takayuki
Number Theory Meets Wireless Communications by
Data Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics: Proceedings of ICDICI 2020 by
والدین حقیقی ، فرزندان م&#1580 by Monshizadeh, Mohammad
Toward a Holistic Intelligence: Life on the Other Side of the Digital Barrier by Lesch, Lyn
Toward a Holistic Intelligence: Life on the Other Side of the Digital Barrier by Lesch, Lyn
90 Casos Resueltos de Time Intelligence en DAX by Amador, Ramón Javier Castro
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Optimization Tools for Smart Cities: Designing for Sustainability by
Image and Video Forensics by
Bulletproof TLS and PKI, Second Edition: Understanding and Deploying SSL/TLS and PKI to Secure Servers and Web Applications by Ristic, Ivan
Grenzen und Risiken der IT-Sicherheit in Unternehmen by Fischer, Sophia
Green Computing in Network Security: Energy Efficient Solutions for Business and Home by
Rhythmic Advantages in Big Data and Machine Learning by
Geospatial Technology for Landscape and Environmental Management: Sustainable Assessment and Planning by
Design Automation for Field-Coupled Nanotechnologies by Sill Torres, Frank, Walter, Marcel, Wille, Robert
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Machine Learning, Iot, Smart Cities and Applications: Icmisc 2021 by
International Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence by
Mastering Apache Pulsar: Cloud Native Event Streaming at Scale by Joseph, Jowanza
Solidworks CAM 2022 by Engelke, Hans-J
Life and Death Design: What Life-Saving Technology Can Teach Everyday UX Designers by Swindler, Katie
Diskriminierung und die Reproduktion von Vorurteilen auf Tik-Tok by Schneider, Luisa
Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management with Python: Algorithms for Modeling Risk by Karasan, Abdullah
AWS Cookbook: Recipes for Success on AWS by Culkin, John, Zazon, Mike
Fuzzy Systems: Theory and Applications by
Advances in the Convergence of Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence by
Artificial Intelligence-Based Internet of Things Systems by
Cognitive Systems and Information Processing: 6th International Conference, Iccsip 2021, Suzhou, China, November 20-21, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Adobe After Effects Classroom in a Book (2022 Release) by Gyncild, Brie, Fridsma, Lisa
Ludics: Play as Humanistic Inquiry by
Multimedia Security: Algorithm Development, Analysis and Applications by
Natürliche Kognition Technologisch Begreifen: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Der KI Forschung by Haun, Matthias
Betriebliche Anwendungssysteme: Modelle, Integration Und Betrieb by Weber, Rainer
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 24th International Symposium, Padl 2022, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa, January 17-18, 2022, Proceedings by
Distributed Artificial Intelligence: Third International Conference, Dai 2021, Shanghai, China, December 17-18, 2021, Proceedings by
Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies: Proceedings of Icicct 2021 by
Proceedings of the 7th China High Resolution Earth Observation Conference (Chreoc 2020): A Decade of Integrated Aerospace Exploration by
Research and Education in Urban History in the Age of Digital Libraries: Second International Workshop, UHDL 2019, Dresden, Germany, October 10-11, 20 by
New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications: 5th International Conference, Ntict 2021, Baghdad, Iraq, November 17-18, 2021, P by
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Bnaic/Benelearn 2021, Esch-Sur-Alzette, Luxembourg, by
Advances in Quantitative Ethnography: Third International Conference, Icqe 2021, Virtual Event, November 6-11, 2021, Proceedings by
Modelling and Machine Learning Methods for Bioinformatics and Data Science Applications by
SolidWorks Simulation 2022 Black Book by Weber, Matt, Verma, Gaurav
SolidWorks Simulation 2022 Black Book (Colored) by Verma, Gaurav, Weber, Matt
Google Cloud Certified Professional Cloud Network Engineer Guide: Design, implement, manage, and secure a network architecture in Google Cloud by Ipsale, Maurizio, Gilioli, Mirko
State of the Art in Ethiopian Church Forests and Restoration Options by
Virtual and Augmented Reality (Vr/Ar): Foundations and Methods of Extended Realities (Xr) by
Emerging Information Security and Applications: Second International Symposium, EISA 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, November 12-13, 2021, Revised Selected by
Advances in Information, Communication and Cybersecurity: Proceedings of Ici2c'21 by
Online Family Dispute Resolution: Evidence for Creating the Ideal People and Technology Interface by Wilson-Evered, Elisabeth, Zeleznikow, John
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear: Ffw 2020, August 26-27 2020 by
Computing and Data Science: Third International Conference, Conf-CDs 2021, Virtual Event, August 12-17, 2021, Proceedings by
Statistical Methods for Annotation Analysis by Artstein, Ron, Poesio, Massimo, Paun, Silviu
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 12th International Conference by
Uncertain Multi-Criteria Optimization Problems by
Metadata by Zeng, Marcia Lei, Qin, Jian
Intelligent Workloads at the Edge: Deliver cyber-physical outcomes with data and machine learning using AWS IoT Greengrass by Burke, Ryan, Mitra, Indraneel
90 Gelöste Fälle zu Zeitintelligenz in der DAX-Sprache by Amador, Ramón Javier Castro
Artificial Intelligence, Business and Civilization: Our Fate Made in Machines by Kaplan, Andreas
Isogeometric Analysis and Applications 2018 by
Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation: 23rd International Conference, Vmcai 2022, Philadelphia, Pa, Usa, January 16-18, 2022, Proc by
Developments in Design Research and Practice: Best Papers from 10th Senses and Sensibility 2019: Lost in (G)Localization by
Recent Advances in Biological Network Analysis: Comparative Network Analysis and Network Module Detection by
Mathematical Modelling and Computational Intelligence Techniques: Icmmcit-2021, Gandhigram, India February 10-12 by
Pattern Recognition: 43rd Dagm German Conference, Dagm Gcpr 2021, Bonn, Germany, September 28 - October 1, 2021, Proceedings by
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications: 25th Iberoamerican Congress, Ciarp 2021, Porto, Portugal, May 10-1 by
Network and Parallel Computing: 18th Ifip Wg 10.3 International Conference, Npc 2021, Paris, France, November 3-5, 2021, Proceedings by
Der Glaube an Big Data: Eine Analyse Gesellschaftlicher Überzeugungen Von Erkenntnis- Und Nutzengewinnen Aus Digitalen Daten by Lünich, Marco
Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication: 4th International Workshop, Etaa 2021, Darmstadt, Germany, October 8, 2021, Revised Select by
Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Security and Social Implications by
Software Defined Internet of Everything by
Advances in Big Data Analytics: Theory, Algorithms and Practices by Shi, Yong
Artificial Intelligence for Cloud and Edge Computing by
Algorithms as a Basis of Modern Applied Mathematics by
Adobe Animate 2022 for Creative Professionals - Second Edition: Implement professional techniques and create vivid animated and interactive content wi by Labrecque, Joseph
Game Data Science by Canossa, Alessandro, Nguyen, Truong-Huy D., El-Nasr, Magy Seif
Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart. Multi-Disease, Multi-View, and Multi-Center Right Ventricular Segmentation in Cardiac MRI C by
Big Data: 9th Ccf Conference, Bigdata 2021, Guangzhou, China, January 8-10, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: 13th Tpc Technology Conference, Tpctc 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 20, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Military Behavioral Health Staff Perspectives on Telehealth Following the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic by Hepner, Kimberly A., Sousa, Jessica L., Hummer, Justin
Deep Learning for Remote Sensing Images with Open Source Software by Cresson, Rémi
Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XXII: 22nd International Workshop, Mabs 2021, Virtual Event, May 3-7, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communication: Icwicom 2021 by
Proceedings of International Conference on Recent Trends in Computing: Icrtc 2021 by
Robotics, Ai, and Humanity: Science, Ethics, and Policy by
Computational Intelligence and Mathematics for Tackling Complex Problems 2 by
Digital engineer, Traditional engineer by Van Baar, Ernst
Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics: 8th International Conference, Caldam 2022, Puducherry, India, February 10-12, 2022, Proceedings by
Machine Learning for Intelligent Multimedia Analytics: Techniques and Applications by
Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization with Applications by
Learning Embedded Systems with MSP432 microcontrollers: MSP432P401R with Code Composer Studio by Hur, Byul
Fundamentals of Data Science Part II: Statistical Modeling by Maruskin, Jared M.
Solutions Architect's Handbook - Second Edition: Kick-start your career as a solutions architect by learning architecture design principles and strate by Shrivastava, Saurabh, Srivastav, Neelanjali
Configuring SAP Fiori Launchpad by Saxena, Setu, Burgaard, Claus
High-Performance Computing Systems and Technologies in Scientific Research, Automation of Control and Production: 11th International Conference, Hpcst by
Digital Science: Dsic 2021 by
Mobile Networks and Management: 11th Eai International Conference, Monami 2021, Virtual Event, October 27-29, 2021, Proceedings by
Iot for Elderly, Aging and Ehealth: Quality of Life and Independent Living for the Elderly by
Crypto Trading Bots; Auto-pilot your Crypto Wallet Investments, Cryptocurrency Trading, Staking in Bitcoin, Altcoins, Ethereum & Stablecoins: Algorith by Moon-King, Crypto-Bot
Anomaly Detection and Complex Event Processing Over Iot Data Streams: With Application to Ehealth and Patient Data Monitoring by Schneider, Patrick, Xhafa, Fatos
Simulation Modeling by
Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications and Management by Galitsky, Boris, Goldberg, Saveli
Enigma Unscrambled by Bauer, Philip
Conflicts, Crimes and Regulations in Cyberspace by
Quantitative Genetics by Xu, Shizhong
Pipeline as Code: Continuous Delivery with Jenkins, Kubernetes, and Terraform by Labouardy, Mohamed
Advanced Hybrid Information Processing: 5th Eai International Conference, Adhip 2021, Virtual Event, October 22-24, 2021, Proceedings, Part I by
Big Data Intelligence for Smart Applications by
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