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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2023

Information Theory in 80 Pages by Stone, James V.
Navigation by
Progress in Cryptology - Indocrypt 2022: 23rd International Conference on Cryptology in India, Kolkata, India, December 11-14, 2022, Proceedings by
Making Presentation Math Computable: A Context-Sensitive Approach for Translating Latex to Computer Algebra Systems by Greiner-Petter, André
Mis, Loose-Leaf Version by Bidgoli, Hossein
Numerical Methods Using Kotlin: For Data Science, Analysis, and Engineering by Li Phd, Haksun
E-Learning and Knowledge Sharing: Tools and Applications by Wang, Fu, Ma, Alexis
Teaching with Microsoft Teams: Student Engagement Strategies by Tietz, Wendy M.
Cobol, avec exemples de diagrammes et de programmes: Eléments de cours Mainframe by Grossel, Maurice
Information Theory in 80 Pages by Stone, James V.
Approximate Degree in Classical and Quantum Computing by Thaler, Justin, Bun, Mark
MIS by Bidgoli, Hossein
Pro Deep Learning with Tensorflow 2.0: A Mathematical Approach to Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Python by Pattanayak, Santanu
Kartographie: Visualisierung Georäumlicher Daten by Schiewe, Jochen
Knowledge Management for Regional Policymaking by
Human-Centered Data Discovery by Gregory, Kathleen, Koesten, Laura
Advanced Solutions and Practical Applications in Road Traffic Engineering by
Springer Handbook of Augmented Reality by
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: 14th International Joint Conference, Biostec 2021, Virtual Event, February 11-13, 2021, Revised Selec by
Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom: International Joint Conference, Ijtcs-Faw 2022, Hong Kong, China, August 15-19, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Internet of Things: 5th the Global Iot Summit, Giots 2022, Dublin, Ireland, June 20-23, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Computer Und Gesellschaft: Roboter Und KI ALS Soziale Herausforderung - Grundlagen Der Technikethik Band 3 by Funk, Michael
Trends in Functional Programming: 23rd International Symposium, Tfp 2022, Virtual Event, March 17-18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Model-Driven Development of Akoma Ntoso Application Profiles: A Conceptual Framework for Model-Based Generation of XML Subschemas by Langner, Arne, Leps, Olof, Flatt, Amelie
Cloud Computing and Services Science: 11th International Conference, Closer 2021, Virtual Event, April 28-30, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Computational Theory of Mind for Human-Machine Teams: First International Symposium, Tom for Teams 2021, Virtual Event, November 4-6, 2021, Revised Se by
Verbessertes Virtuelles Prototyping: Mit Risc-V-Fallstudien by Große, Daniel, Drechsler, Rolf, Herdt, Vladimir
Computing, Communication and Learning: First International Conference, Cocole 2022, Warangal, India, October 27-29, 2022, Proceedings by
The Evolution of Pervasive Information Systems by
Countering Cyberterrorism: The Confluence of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Forensics and Digital Policing in Us and UK National Cybersecurity by Montasari, Reza
Computing and Combinatorics: 28th International Conference, Cocoon 2022, Shenzhen, China, October 22-24, 2022, Proceedings by
Playing with the Past: Into the Future by Champion, Erik
Measuring Ontologies for Value Enhancement: Aligning Computing Productivity with Human Creativity for Societal Adaptation: First International Worksho by
It-Sicherheit Bei Kreditinstituten in Deutschland: Analyse Und Ausblick Zur Risikosituation Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Von Bcbs 239 by Kreiterling, Christoph
Secure It Systems: 27th Nordic Conference, Nordsec 2022, Reykjavic, Iceland, November 30-December 2, 2022, Proceedings by
Ambient Intelligence--Software and Applications--13th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence by
Cognition and Recognition: 8th International Conference, Iccr 2021, Mandya, India, December 30-31, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Artificial Intelligence: First International Symposium, Isai 2022, Haldia, India, February 17-22, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Machine Learning Algorithm for Fatigue Fields in Additive Manufacturing by Mamduh Mustafa Awd, Mustafa
ICT Innovations 2022. Reshaping the Future Towards a New Normal: 14th International Conference, ICT Innovations 2022, Skopje, Macedonia, September 29 by
Erfolgsfaktoren Von Plattform-Geschäftsmodellen: Exemplarische Analyse Des Geschäftsmodells Der Livestreaming-Plattform Twitch by Schammer, Britta, Boßlau, Mario, Hess, Claudia
Man-Made Women: The Sexual Politics of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots by
Digitaltechnik: Grundlagen, Vhdl, Fpgas, Mikrocontroller by Gehrke, Winfried, Winzker, Marco
Technology and Innovation in Learning, Teaching and Education: Third International Conference, Tech-Edu 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, August 31-September 2, by
Ethics of Driving Automation: Artificial Agency and Human Values by Fossa, Fabio
Advances in Optimization and Applications: 13th International Conference, Optima 2022, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 26-30, 2022, Revised Selected P by
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint Iapr International Workshops, S+sspr 2022, Montreal, Qc, Canada, August 26-27, 2022, by
Cryptography, Codes and Cyber Security: First International Conference, I4cs 2022, Casablanca, Morocco, October 27-28, 2022, Proceedings by
Distributed Computer and Communication Networks: Control, Computation, Communications: 25th International Conference, Dccn 2022, Moscow, Russia, Septe by
Optimization, Learning Algorithms and Applications: Second International Conference, Ol2a 2022, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, October 24-25, 2022, Procee by
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 17th Annual Conference, Tamc 2022, Tianjin, China, September 16-18, 2022, Proceedings by
Advances in Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing: International Workshops of Esocc 2022, Wittenberg, Germany, March 22-24, 2022, Revised Selected Pape by
Formalizing Natural Languages: Applications to Natural Language Processing and Digital Humanities: 16th International Conference, Nooj 2022, Rosario, by
Machine Learning Applications in Electronic Design Automation by
The Authoring Problem: Challenges in Supporting Authoring for Interactive Digital Narratives by
Advances in Computer Graphics: 39th Computer Graphics International Conference, CGI 2022, Virtual Event, September 12-16, 2022, Proceedings by
Smart Applications and Data Analysis: 4th International Conference, Sadasc 2022, Marrakesh, Morocco, September 22-24, 2022, Proceedings by
Internet of Things - Iciot 2022: 7th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2022, Honolulu, Hi, Usa, Decemb by
Artificial Intelligence: Second Caai International Conference, Cicai 2022, Beijing, China, August 27-28, 2022, Revised Selected Papers, Part II by
Cognitive Computing - ICCC 2022: 6th International Conference, Held as Part of the Services Conference Federation, Scf 2022, Honolulu, Hi, Usa, Decemb by
Combinatorial Image Analysis: 21st International Workshop, Iwcia 2022, Messina, Italy, July 13-15, 2022, Proceedings by
A Theory of Tutelary Relationships by Castelfranchi, Cristiano
Gestaltung Und Management Von It-Verträgen: Eine Anleitung Für Praktiker by Erben, Meinhard, Günther, Wolf G. H.
Human Centered Computing: 7th International Conference, Hcc 2021, Virtual Event, December 9-11, 2021, Revised Selected Papers by
Transactions on Computational Science XXXIX by
Information Theory and Selected Applications by Ben-Naim, Arieh
Education, Research and Business Technologies: Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Informatics in Economy (Ie 2022) by
Repatriation Management and Competency Transfer in a Culturally Dynamic World by Nag, Manmeet Bali, Ahmad Malik, Firdous
Science of Cyber Security - Scisec 2022 Workshops: Ai-Cryptosec, Ta-Bc-Nft, and Mathsci-Qsafe 2022, Matsue, Japan, August 10-12, 2022, Revised Selecte by
Synthetic Data for Deep Learning: Generate Synthetic Data for Decision Making and Applications with Python and R by Çelik, Sadullah, Birişçi, Esma, Gürsakal, Necmi
Artificial Intelligence in Education Technologies: New Development and Innovative Practices: Proceedings of 2022 3rd International Conference on Artif by
Sustainability Analytics Toolkit for Practitioners: Creating Value in the 21st Century by Siew, Renard
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive and Intelligent Computing: ICCIC 2021, Volume 2 by
Apply Data Science: Introduction, Applications and Projects by
Smart Technologies in Data Science and Communication: Proceedings of Smart-Dsc 2022 by
Comfort and Perception in Architecture by Jakubiec, J. Alstan
Intelligent Sustainable Systems: Selected Papers of Worlds4 2022, Volume 1 by
Computer Vision and Machine Intelligence Paradigms for Sdgs: Select Proceedings of Icrtac-Cvmip 2021 by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (Ucami 2022) by
Software Engineering Application in Systems Design: Proceedings of 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022, Volume 1 by
Trusted Cellular Iot Devices: Design Ingredients and Concepts by Heins, Kersten
Models for Research and Understanding: Exploring Dynamic Systems, Unconventional Approaches, and Applications by Raczynski, Stanislaw
Machine Learning and Its Application to Reacting Flows: ML and Combustion by
Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resources and Built Infrastructure Management by
Die Perfekte Produktion: Manufacturing Excellence in Der Smart Factory by Kletti, Jürgen, Rieger, Jürgen
Machine Learning, Image Processing, Network Security and Data Sciences: Select Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Mind 2021 by
Capacity Building in Local Authorities for Sustainable Transport Planning by
A Perspective on Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing by Alexopoulos, Kosmas, Arkouli, Zoi, Chryssolouris, George
Bioinformatics Research and Applications: 18th International Symposium, Isbra 2022, Haifa, Israel, November 14-17, 2022, Proceedings by
Transactions on Rough Sets XXIII by
Smart Applications with Advanced Machine Learning and Human-Centred Problem Design by Watada, Junzo, Hemanth, D. Jude, Kose, Utku
Coherence: In Signal Processing and Machine Learning by Ramírez, David, Santamaría, Ignacio, Scharf, Louis
Machine Learning and Its Application to Reacting Flows: ML and Combustion by
A Different Look at Artificial Intelligence: On Tour with Bergson, Proust and Nabokov by Barthelmeß, Ulrike, Furbach, Ulrich
The History of the Gpu - Eras and Environment by Peddie, Jon
Responsible AI in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities by
Hyperparameter Tuning for Machine and Deep Learning with R: A Practical Guide by
The History of the Gpu - Steps to Invention by Peddie, Jon
Simple Type Theory: A Practical Logic for Expressing and Reasoning about Mathematical Ideas by Farmer, William M.
De Camino al Metaverso by Henz, Patrick
Modeling of Road Traffic Events by Kisilowski, Jerzy, Zalewski, Jaroslaw
Computational Techniques for Intelligence Analysis: A Cognitive Approach by Orciuoli, Francesco, Gaeta, Angelo, Loia, Vincenzo
Immersive Education: Designing for Learning by
Concise Guide to Numerical Algorithmics: The Foundations and Spirit of Scientific Computing by Nazareth, John Lawrence
Digital Transformation in Policing: The Promise, Perils and Solutions by
Trends of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data for E-Health by
Cybersecurity in the Age of Smart Societies: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Global Security, Safety and Sustainability, London, S by
Fourier Optics and Computational Imaging by Rajora, Sunaina, Khare, Kedar, Butola, Mansi
Top Cyber Security Tips: Securing Your Business, Personal Life, and Family by Bookstore, Cybersecurity
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Satellite Data Processing and Services: Proceedings of the International Conference on Small Satellite by
Smart Small Satellites: Design, Modelling and Development: Proceedings of the International Conference on Small Satellites, Icss 2022 by
Scaling Python with Ray: Adventures in Cloud and Serverless Patterns by Karau, Holden, Lublinsky, Boris
Innovative Techs Your Life-Changer: Navigate to Create your Digital Image and Profile by Dann, Leon
Blockchain in Healthcare: From Disruption to Integration by
Handbook of Research on Advanced Practical Approaches to Deepfake Detection and Applications by
OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems by Lucas, Michael W.
OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems by Lucas, Michael W.
Rewiring Education: How Technology Can Unlock Every Student's Potential by Couch, John D.
The History of the Gpu - New Developments by Peddie, Jon
The Art of Virtual Lego Design: Design Lego Models Using Studio 2.0 by Agarwal, Vishnu
Data Science and Algorithms in Systems: Proceedings of 6th Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2022, Vol. 2 by
Ontology of Communication: Agent-Based Data-Driven or Sign-Based Substitution-Driven? by Hausser, Roland
Decision Making Under Uncertainty and Constraints: A Why-Book by
Emerging Information Security and Applications: Third International Conference, EISA 2022, Wuhan, China, October 29-30, 2022, Proceedings by
High Performance Computing. Isc High Performance 2022 International Workshops: Hamburg, Germany, May 29 - June 2, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Complex Networks and Their Applications XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications: Complex N by
Pipeline Inspection and Health Monitoring Technology: The Key to Integrity Management by Iseley, Tom, Lu, Hongfang, Xu, Zhao-Dong
Machine Learning in Bioinformatics of Protein Sequences: Algorithms, Databases and Resources for Modern Protein Bioinformatics by
Quantum Computers: Theory and Algorithms by Baaquie, Belal Ehsan, Kwek, Leong-Chuan
Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: A Survey by Broekens, Joost, Plaat, Aske, Moerland, Thomas M.
Clipchamp Video Editor Made Easy: Creating Memories Like a Pro by Bernstein, James
Pinterest Marketing: How to Use Pinterest for Business Awesomeness (A Complate Step by Step Beginner's Guide to Pinterest Marketing) by White, Alberta
Getting started with Cloud Computing and Google Cloud: A Definitive Handbook by Balani, Navveen
Advanced Testing of Systems-Of-Systems, Volume 2: Practical Aspects by Homès, Bernard
The Elements of Hawkes Processes by Lee, Young, Taimre, Thomas, Laub, Patrick J.
Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing by
Techniques for Searching, Parsing, and Matching by Pettorossi, Alberto
Present Approach to Traffic Flow Theory and Research in Civil and Transportation Engineering by
Screenografie Kompakt: Der Immersive Bildraum Grafischer Benutzeroberflächen by Moritz, Thomas
Geospatial Data Analytics and Urban Applications by
Large-Scale Group Decision-Making: State-To-The-Art Clustering and Consensus Paths by Du, Zhi-Jiao, Yu, Su-Min
Optimization and Decision Science: Ods, Virtual Conference, November 19, 2020 by
Monitoring of Desert Locust in Africa and Asia by Huang, Wenjiang, Dong, Yingying, Zhao, Longlong
Convergence: Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Social, Economic, and Policy Impacts by
Tales of Electrologica: Computers, Software and People by
It Controlling: From It Cost and Activity Allocation to Smart Controlling by Gadatsch, Andreas
Embedded System Design with Arm Cortex-M Microcontrollers: Applications with C, C++ and Micropython by Ünsalan, Cem, Gürhan, Hüseyin Deniz, Yücel, Mehmet Erkin
Signal Integrity: Applied Electromagnetics and Professional Practice by Russ, Samuel H.
Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications by
Microsoft Cybersecurity Architect Exam Ref SC-100: Get certified with ease while learning how to develop highly effective cybersecurity strategies by Natwick, Dwayne
Hindi Computrikaran by Dr Ahtisham Aziz
The Ins and Outs of Azure VMware Solution: Deploy, configure, and manage an Azure VMware Solution environment by Jellow, D. H. L. (H C) Kevin
A Beginner's Guide To DATA SCIENCE: How to dive into the data ocean without drowning by Haque, Enamul
Semantic Knowledge Modelling Via Open Linked Ontologies: Ontologies in E-Governance by Tsihrintzis, George A., Theocharis, Stamatios
Simulation and Gaming for Social Design by
AI and Iot for Smart City Applications by
Preference-Based Spatial Co-Location Pattern Mining by Zhou, Lihua, Wang, Lizhen, Fang, Yuan
Schalten über WLAN mit ESP8266 by Bischof, Jörg
AWS Certified Solutions Architect #1 Audio Crash Course Guide To Master Exams, Practice Test Questions, Cloud Practitioner and Security by Murphy, Jamie
Strategies and Opportunities for Technology in the Metaverse World by
Strategies and Opportunities for Technology in the Metaverse World by
Metaverse Applications for New Business Models and Disruptive Innovation by
Metaverse Applications for New Business Models and Disruptive Innovation by
Intelligent Solutions for Optimizing Agriculture and Tackling Climate Change: Current and Future Dimensions by
Intelligent Solutions for Optimizing Agriculture and Tackling Climate Change: Current and Future Dimensions by
SolidWorks Electrical 2023 Black Book by Verma, Gaurav, Weber, Matt
SolidWorks Electrical 2023 Black Book by Weber, Matt, Verma, Gaurav
Cyber Fashion: Portraits Vol.1 by Bartet, Juan R.
Exploring Apple iPad - iPadOS 16 Edition: The Illustrated, Practical Guide to Using your iPad by Wilson, Kevin
Become a Podmaster by Baird, Hendrik
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Szeliski, Richard
Cambridge Primary Computing Teacher's Guide Stage 5 with Boost Subscription: Hodder Education Group by Aqui, Lynton, Augier-Gill, Cathy
Ex Machina: Coevolving Machines and the Origins of the Social Universe by Miller, John H.
How to win the lottery with AI by Spiteri, Thomas
G20 Entrepreneurship Services Report by Su, Qing, Gao, Jian, Jia, Ruitao
Iot with Smart Systems: Proceedings of Ictis 2021, Volume 2 by
Social Media Marketing: 2 in 1: Become an Influencer & Build an Evergreen Brand using Facebook ADS, Twitter, YouTube Pinterest & Instagram by Mastery, Income
Role of Social Media in Predictive Analytics by Singh, Prabhsimran
Geometry of Deep Learning: A Signal Processing Perspective by Ye, Jong Chul
Embedded Systems Design Using the Msp430fr2355 Launchpad(tm) by Lameres, Brock J.
Practical Guide to Life Science Databases by
Electronic Participation: 14th Ifip Wg 8.5 International Conference, Epart 2022, Linköping, Sweden, September 6-8, 2022, Proceedings by
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 25th International Symposium, Padl 2023, Boston, Ma, Usa, January 16-17, 2023, Proceedings by
Hybrid Quantum Systems by
Game Theory for Networks: 11th International Eai Conference, Gamenets 2022, Virtual Event, July 7-8, 2022, Proceedings by
Distributed Computing and Intelligent Technology: 19th International Conference, Icdcit 2023, Bhubaneswar, India, January 18-22, 2023, Proceedings by
Blockchain and Applications, 4th International Congress by
The Streamer's Guide to Monetization by DeLeon, Antoni
Distributed Systems by Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Van Steen, Maarten
Cómo me Hice Rica con el Criptoarte: Y Cómo Cualquier Artista Puede Ganar Dinero con NFTs by Vital, Susana
Cybernetic Architectures: Informational Thinking and Digital Design by Cifuentes Quin, Camilo Andrés
Making Information Systems Work: Critical Skills for Managing Technology in Organizations by Alanis, Macedonio
Learning-Based Visual Compression by Ji, Ruolei, Karam, Lina J.
Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Complex Financial Applications by
Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms for Complex Financial Applications by
Empirical Studies of Translation and Interpreting: The Post-Structuralist Approach by
Modified Theories of Gravity and Cosmological Applications by
Handbook on Networked Multipoint Multimedia Conferencing and Multistream Immersive Telepresence Using Sip: Scalable Distributed Applications and Media by Ranjan Roy, Radhika
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