• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2023

Research Challenges in Information Science: Information Science and the Connected World: 17th International Conference, Rcis 2023, Corfu, Greece, May by
Grundkurs Wirtschaftsinformatik: Eine Kompakte Und Praxisorientierte Einführung by Kaufmann, Jens, Mülder, Wilhelm
Digital Energetics by Cooper, Zane Griffin Talley, Pasek, Anne, Lin, Cindy Kaiying
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 20th International Conference, Cpaior 2023, Nice, France, May by
Beyond the Buzz-Adopting Blockchain Technology in SME Restaurants: A Practical Guide to Improving Supply Chain Management and Efficiency by Strange, Herman
Decentralized Governance and 51% Attack Mitigation in Blockchain Networks: Mastering Prevention by S J Matthews
Advanced Techniques for Detecting and Preventing 51% Attacks on Proof-of-Work Blockchains: Advanced Techniques for Defense by S J Matthews
Beyond the Decentralized Dream-Navigating the Pitfalls of Blockchain Adoption in Supply Chain: Lessons Learned from Real-World Implementations by Strange, Herman
Beyond the Coin: The Rise, Fall, and Evolution of Cryptocurrencies by Strange, Herman
Data Analytics for Starters: World's Most Prospective Skill Simplified by Lee, Micheal
Internet of Behaviors (Iob) by
From Zero to Hero: Your Journey to Becoming a Data Scientist by Webb, William
Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications: Approaches to Responsible AI by Hall, Patrick, Curtis, James, Pandey, Parul
Precisely: Working with Precision Systems in a World of Data by Want, Madeleine, Tumin, Zachary
Writing and Editing for Digital Media by Carroll, Brian
Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything (Large Print Edition) by Kaku, Michio
Human Factors in Engineering: Manufacturing Systems, Automation, and Interactions by
Docker: Up & Running: Shipping Reliable Containers in Production by Matthias, Karl, Kane, Sean P.
Fancy Bear Goes Phishing: The Dark History of the Information Age, in Five Extraordinary Hacks by Shapiro, Scott J.
AI and the Bomb: Nuclear Strategy and Risk in the Digital Age by Johnson, James
Paradigms of Smart and Intelligent Communication, 5g and Beyond by
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (Ic2it 2023) by
Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing: Proceeding of the 18th Iih-Msp 2022 Kitakyushu, Japan, Volume 2 by
Advances in Signal Processing, Embedded Systems and Iot: Proceedings of Seventh Icmeet- 2022 by
Innovation of Digital Economy: Cases from China by
Algorithms for Constructing Computably Enumerable Sets by Supowit, Kenneth J.
Cognitive Computation and Systems: First International Conference, Icccs 2022, Beijing, China, December 17-18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Msp430 Microcontroller Lab Manual by Kretzschmar, James, Anderson, Jeffrey, Barrett, Steven F.
Computers and Games: International Conference, CG 2022, Virtual Event, November 22-24, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
ChatGPT Künstliche Intelligenz - Revolution im Beruf - Online Geld verdienen - so einfach wie noch nie! by Fleed, Kenneth
Making Wise Decisions in a Smart World: Responsible Leadership in an Era of Artificial Intelligence (Student Edition) by Verhezen, Peter
Cloud Data Warehousing Volume I by Devlin, Barry
Machines that Think-History of Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Ethical, Societal, and Technical Dimensions of AI Development by Strange, Herman
Adicción a los Videojuegos: Cómo Acabar con el Ciclo de Adicción a los Videojuegos y Desarrollar Habilidades Sociales Esenciales by Glover, Lawrence
Trucs et astuces WhatsApp: Ces outils indispensables pour maîtriser l'application by Pineda, Léo Raphaël
Foundation Models for Natural Language Processing: Pre-Trained Language Models Integrating Media by Giesselbach, Sven, Paaß, Gerhard
Iot in Healthcare Systems: Applications, Benefits, Challenges, and Case Studies by
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural by Torres Marques, Bruno, Torres Marques, Leonardo
MongoDB Data Modeling and Schema Design by Coupal, Daniel, Desmarets, Pascal, Hoberman, Steve
Perils of Progress-Navigating Dark Sides of AI: Examining Ethical and Societal Challenges of Autonomous Systems and Intelligent Machines by Strange, Herman
AI Factory: Theories, Applications and Case Studies by Kumar, Uday, Galar, Diego, Karim, Ramin
Foundation Models for Natural Language Processing: Pre-Trained Language Models Integrating Media by Paaß, Gerhard, Giesselbach, Sven
AI Investing: Unleashing the Power of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Markets by Newton, Barclay
Cloud Connector for SAP by Zeilinger, Siegfried, Koch, Martin
Transportation Management with SAP S/4hana by Lauterbach, Bernd, Helwig, Meike, Gottlieb, Jens
Neo4j Data Modeling by Hoberman, Steve, Fauth, David
HTML and CSS: The Comprehensive Guide by Wolf, Jürgen
Earmarked for Collision: A Highly Biased Tour of Collage Animation by Robinson, Chris
The Rhetoric of Outrage: Why Social Media Is Making Us Angry by Rice, Jeff
The Rhetoric of Outrage: Why Social Media Is Making Us Angry by Rice, Jeff
Machine Intelligence and Smart Systems: Proceedings of Miss 2021 by
Artificial Intelligence for Innovative Healthcare Informatics by
Tendencias de la Tecnología Educativa en la Sociedad del Conocimiento by Duarte Gastélum, Jesús Ernesto, Hurtado Carmona, Dougglas
Advances in Engineering and Information Science Toward Smart City and Beyond by
Artificial General Intelligence: 16th International Conference, Agi 2023, Stockholm, Sweden, June 16-19, 2023, Proceedings by
Mobile Wireless Middleware, Operating Systems and Applications: 11th Eai International Conference, Mobilware 2022, Virtual Event, December 28-29, 2022 by
Truth and Fake in the Post-Factual Digital Age: Distinctions in the Humanities and It Sciences by
Artificial Intelligence and legal-Balancing Efficiency, Fairness, and Accountability: Strategies for Implementing AI in Legal Settings by Strange, Herman
AI Revolution in Law-Opportunities and Challenges: From Legal Research to Predictive Analytics and Beyond by Strange, Herman
Crime in Cyberspace an Analytical Study by Rajni, Bagga
The Philosopher of Palo Alto: Mark Weiser, Xerox Parc, and the Original Internet of Things by Tinnell, John
Inteligência Artificial, será o fim?: Ia by Tozzo, Luiz
This Robot Brain Gets Life (Making AI Pseudo-Conscious): Design Alignment In, Design Hallucination Out by Blakelaw, Carter
Super Joint Venture All Secrets: Discover all secrets about joint venture Tips for the best collaboration by Winkler, Sasha
The best ways to price your product: How to Price Your Product or Service Competitively by Winkler, Sasha
Cash Building Strategies: How to Earn a Solid Income Online by Winkler, Sasha
How to Set a Competitive Price: Putting a Value on Your Offering Your Product's Ideal Pricing Methods by Winkler, Sasha
How to Determine the Right Price for Your Product or Service: The Best Pricing Strategies for Your Product by Winkler, Sasha
Strategies for Cash Building: How to make a good living online by Winkler, Sasha
The Rhetoric of Outrage: Why Social Media Is Making Us Angry by Rice, Jeff
Post-Shrinkage Strategies in Statistical and Machine Learning for High Dimensional Data by Ahmed, Syed Ejaz, Ahmed, Feryaal, Yüzbaşı, Bahadir
Gobernados Por Una Inteligencia Artificial by Sandua, David
Personennahe Dienstleistungen Der Zukunft: Beiträge Aus Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Robotics, Control and Computer Vision: Select Proceedings of Icrccv 2022 by
Pan-African Conference on Artificial Intelligence: First Conference, Panafricon AI 2022, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 4-5, 2022, Revised Selected Pa by
Learning Technologies and Systems: 21st International Conference on Web-Based Learning, Icwl 2022, and 7th International Symposium on Emerging Technol by
Recent Trends in Communication and Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Icrtcis 2021 by
Decolonizing Data: Algorithms and Society by
Google Cloud for Developers: Write, migrate, and extend your code by leveraging Google Cloud by Martinez, Hector Parra
Geospatial Technologies for Resources Planning and Management by
Science and Global Challenges of the 21st Century - Innovations and Technologies in Interdisciplinary Applications by
Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing: 7th International Symposium, Algocloud 2022, Potsdam, Germany, September 6, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities by
Application and Adoption of Robotic Process Automation for Smart Cities by
Handbook of Research on Cybersecurity Risk in Contemporary Business Systems by
Building Secure Business Models Through Blockchain Technology: Tactics, Methods, Limitations, and Performance by
Building Secure Business Models Through Blockchain Technology: Tactics, Methods, Limitations, and Performance by
Effective Test Management: A Guide For Aspiring Test Managers by It, Script
From Zero to Viral: An Influencer's Journey by Sterling, Olivia
Complete Guide to Building an Information Security Program by Rauschendorfer, David
Excel 2023: La guía completa para convertirse en un experto en Excel con el método Todo en Uno by LoMonaco, Leonardo
The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics by Eyal, Gil, Medvetz, Thomas
Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning: Proceedings of 1st International Conference (Rammml-22), Volume 1 by
3D Physical and Virtual Models in Fetal Medicine: Applications and Procedures by Werner, Heron, Lopes, Jorge, Tonni, Gabriele
Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Advances in Computing Research (Acr'23) by
Wie Halten Sie Ihre Gabel?: Von Mentaler Programmierung Zu Innerer Freiheit by Wende, Gundolf R.
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pakdd 2023, Osaka, Japan, May 25 by
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pakdd 2023, Osaka, Japan, May 25 by
Modeling and Simulation of Social-Behavioral Phenomena in Creative Societies: Second International Conference, Msbc 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania, Septembe by
Optimization and Learning: 6th International Conference, Ola 2023, Malaga, Spain, May 3-5, 2023, Proceedings by
Advances in Enterprise Engineering XVI: 12th Enterprise Engineering Working Conference, Eewc 2022, Leusden, the Netherlands, November 2-3, 2022, Revis by
Applied Machine Learning and Data Analytics: 5th International Conference, Amlda 2022, Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, December 22-23, 2022, Revised Sele by
Machine Learning and Non-Volatile Memories by
Computer Science - Cacic 2022: 28th Argentine Congress, Cacic 2022, La Rioja, Argentina, October 3-6, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applied Mathematics in Engineering: Icaiame 2022 by
AutoCAD 2024: A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users by Dogra, Sandeep, Willis, John, Cadartifex
SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2023: A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users: Colored by Willis, John, Cadartifex, Dogra, Sandeep
Beginning Photo Retouching and Restoration Using Gimp: Learn to Retouch and Restore Your Photos Like a Pro by Whitt, Phillip
Remote Delivery: A Guide to Software Delivery through Collaboration between Distributed Teams by Qu, Zhengping
Business Process Management: Analysis, Modelling, Optimisation and Controlling of Processes by Gadatsch, Andreas
Advances in Tourism, Technology and Systems: Selected Papers from Icotts 2021, Volume 2 by
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Pakdd 2023, Osaka, Japan, May 25 by
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 44th International Conference, Petri Nets 2023, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-30, 2023, Proceedings by
Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Applications 2023: Proceedings of 17th Kes International Conference, Kes-Amsta 2023, June 2023 by
Differential Equations for Studies in Computational Electrophysiology by Tveito, Aslak, Horgmo Jæger, Karoline
Mobile Networks and Management: 12th Eai International Conference, Monami 2022, Virtual Event, October 29-31, 2022, Proceedings by
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Smart Computing and Cyber Security: Strategic Foresight, Security Challenges and Innovation (Smartcyber by
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 21st International Conference, Acns 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 19-22, 2023, Proceedings, Part II by
Data Management, Analytics and Innovation: Proceedings of Icdmai 2023 by
Speech and Language Technologies for Low-Resource Languages: First International Conference, Spelll 2022, Kalavakkam, India, November 23-25, 2022, Pro by
Intelligent Control and Smart Energy Management: Renewable Resources and Transportation by
Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction: 7th Ifip Wg 5.15 International Conference, Itdrr 2022, Kristiansand, Norway, October 12-14, 2022, R by
Variable Neighborhood Search: 9th International Conference, Icvns 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, October 25-28, 2022, Revised Selected Paper by
Applied Cryptography and Network Security: 21st International Conference, Acns 2023, Kyoto, Japan, June 19-22, 2023, Proceedings, Part I by
Financial Econometrics: Bayesian Analysis, Quantum Uncertainty, and Related Topics by
Mathematical Modeling and Intelligent Optimization in Green Manufacturing & Logistics by
Lte Cellular Narrowband Internet of Things (Nb-Iot): Practical Projects for the Cloud and Data Visualization by Fattah, Hossam
L'ABC de l'IA: Décoder les mystères de l'intelligence artificielle by Allard, Philippe
The ABCs of Artificial Intelligence: "Things You Need to Know!" by Emrick, Kelly
Relationship Satisfaction and Social Networking by Lee Rice, E.
Food as Communication / Communication as Food by
Intelligent Machines in the Classroom: Unlocking the Potential of AI in K12 Education by Smith, Adam
Gaming Overdose by Turcotte, Jamesp
Food as Communication / Communication as Food by
Applications of 5g and Beyond in Smart Cities by
Machine Learning with R - Fourth Edition: Learn techniques for building and improving machine learning models, from data preparation to model tuning, by Lantz, Brett
Microsoft Power BI Query Editor and DAX Programming by Hutchinson, Jeff
Comptia Security+ All-In-One Exam Guide, Sixth Edition (Exam Sy0-601) by White, Greg, Conklin, Wm Arthur
Cissp All-In-One Exam Guide, Ninth Edition by Harris, Shon, Maymi, Fernando
Die Neuerfindung Der Logistik: Wie Sich Die Logistikindustrie Für Das Zeitalter Der Volatilität Rüstet by
Intelligent Systems and Sustainable Computing: Proceedings of Icissc 2021 by
Enhancing Surrogate-Based Optimization Through Parallelization by Rehbach, Frederik
Large-Eddy Simulation Based on the Lattice Boltzmann Method for Built Environment Problems by Han, Mengtao, Ooka, Ryozo
Distributional Reinforcement Learning by Bellemare, Marc G., Dabney, Will, Rowland, Mark
Descriptional Complexity of Formal Systems: 25th Ifip Wg 1.02 International Conference, Dcfs 2023, Potsdam, Germany, July 4-6, 2023, Proceedings by
Intelligent Decision Technologies: Proceedings of the 15th Kes-Idt 2023 Conference by
Smart Cities and Smart Communities: Empowering Citizens Through Intelligent Technologies by
Advanced Boolean Techniques: Selected Papers from the 15th International Workshop on Boolean Problems by
Sustainable Energy for Smart Cities: 4th Eai International Conference, Sesc 2022, Braga, Portugal, November 16-18, 2022, Proceedings by
Knowledge Management in Organisations: 17th International Conference, Kmo 2023, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24-27, 2023, Proceedings by
Frontiers in Fake Media Generation and Detection by
Mitosis Domain Generalization and Diabetic Retinopathy Analysis: Miccai Challenges Midog 2022 and Drac 2022, Held in Conjunction with Miccai 2022, Sin by
Smart Education and E-Learning - Smart Pedagogy by
New Metropolitan Perspectives: Transition with Resilience for Evolutionary Development by
Digital Transformation in Industry: Sustainability in Uncertain Dynamics by
Digitalisierung Und Smart Building: Ein Kritischer Erfolgsfaktor Für Nachhaltige Entwicklung by Bosch, Michael, Deckert, Ronald
Building Productive Scrum Teams: Fostering Collaboration in Scrum Teams by Grey, Raziela
Social Impact of Mobile Phones in the Digital Age by Kumar, C. P.
Discover the Power of your iPhone 14: A Comprehensive Guide for Users of All Levels- Simplifying Technology for a Better Experience with Large Print a (Large Print Edition) by Behrman, Ron
The Rise of AI: The Artificial Intelligence Revolution by Savage, Aubrey
Timori e preoccupazioni per i pregiudizi nell'intelligenza artificiale by Galamali, Mohammad Kaleem
The Insane ChatGPT Millionaire Guide by Edmiston, C.
Towards an AI-Infused Revolution in K12 Education by Smith, Adam
Unleashing AI in the Classroom: Strategies for Implementing Intelligent Technologies in K-12 Education by Smith, Adam
Social Impact of Mobile Phones in the Digital Age by Kumar, C. P.
Exploring the Possibilities: A Guide to Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education by Smith, Adam
The Future of Learning: Artificial Intelligence in K12 Education by Smith, Adam
Unleashing the Potential of Artificial Intelligence in K-12 Education: Reimagining How Learning Happens by Smith, Adam
Making Sense of AI in K12 Education: A Guide for Teachers, Administrators, and Parents by Smith, Adam
Data Alchemy: Transforming Information Into Business Gold by N. Phillips, Fred
Neural Text-To-Speech Synthesis by Tan, Xu
Building and Delivering Microservices on AWS: Master software architecture patterns to develop and deliver microservices to AWS Cloud by Singh, Amar Deep
Build Stunning Real-time VFX with Unreal Engine 5: Start your journey into Unreal particle systems to create realistic visual effects using Niagara by Andurlekar, Hrishikesh
Faith and Fake News: A Guide to Consuming Information Wisely by Wightman, Rachel I.
New Technologies, Development and Application VI: Volume 2 by
Cybersecurity for Entrepreneurs by D'Anna, Gloria, Collier, Zachary A.
Modeling and Simulation in Python: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers by Downey, Allen B.
The Private Is Political: Networked Privacy and Social Media by Marwick, Alice E.
Optimization Techniques in Engineering: Advances and Applications by
Pro Games Story Book Dinosaurs by Rodolfo, Vagner
Virtual Reality and Virtual Environments: A Tool for Improving Occupational Safety and Health by Grabowski, Andrzej
Enterprise Wireless Local Area Network Architectures and Technologies by Zhou, Xia, Wu, Rihai, Yang, Xun
Cloud Data Center Network Architectures and Technologies by Chen, Le, Zhang, Lei
Disinformation and Manipulation in Digital Media: Information Pathologies by Suiter, Jane, Culloty, Eileen
The Economics of Digital Transformation: The Disruption of Markets, Production, Consumption, and Work by Śledziewska, Katarzyna, Wloch, Renata
Management, Organisations and Artificial Intelligence: Where Theory Meets Practice by Bula, Piotr, Niedzielski, Bartosz
Smartphone Communication: Interactions in the App Ecosystem by Yus, Francisco
Software-Defined Wide Area Network Architectures and Technologies by Sun, Qi, Sheng, Cheng, Bai, Jie
Campus Network Architectures and Technologies by Huang, Mingxiang, Shen, Ningguo, Yu, Bin
Modulation Theory by Alencar, Marcelo Sampaio de
Mathematical Modelling of System Resilience by Das, Kanchan, Ram, Mangey
Cyber Resilience by Petrenko, Sergei
Algorithms and Applications for Academic Search, Recommendation and Quantitative Association Rule Mining by Amolochitis, Emmanouil
Social Media and Everyday Life in South Africa by Bosch, Tanja E.
Management and Information Technology after Digital Transformation by
Vegetation Fires and Pollution in Asia by
Machine Intelligence Techniques for Data Analysis and Signal Processing: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Misp 2022, Volume 1 by
Changes and Innovations in the Education Institutions: From Regulation to Empowerment by Fan, Guorui
Reimagining Education: Studies and Stories for Effective Learning in an Evolving Digital Environment by
Sustainable Approaches in Textiles and Fashion: Consumerism, Global Textiles and Supply Chain by
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