• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2023

Applied Statistical Learning: With Case Studies in Stata by Schonlau, Matthias
OpTic Gaming by H3cz
Sustainable Smart Healthcare: Lessons Learned from the Covid-19 Pandemic by Chen, Tin-Chih Toly
Autodesk Inventor 2024: Sheet Metal Design (Mixed Units) by Ascent - Center for Technical Knowledge
De Zéro à Héro du Dropshipping avec Oberlo: : Maîtriser Oberlo étape par étape by Julliard-Besson, Sébastien
Empowering Minds: ChatGPT and the Future of Education by Salars, Randal
Affective Computing in Healthcare: Applications based on biosignals and artificial intelligence by
How to Be Fine by Greenberg, Jolenta
Intelligent Healthcare Systems by
Efficient Go by Holmes, Joel
The Cutting Edge of Quantum Computing: Decoding the Puzzle by Jackson, Grace
Advances in Data-Driven Computing and Intelligent Systems: Selected Papers from Adcis 2022, Volume 1 by
Marketing & Innovation 2023: Future Shopping - Der Handel in Der (Nach-)Coronazeit by
Designing Mobile Robot Interfaces with 16-Bit Microchip Microcontrollers by Bindal, Ahmet
Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development: 9th International Conference, Modelsward 2021, Virtual Event, February 8-10, 2021, and 10th Interna by
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: 34th Joint Benelux Conference, Bnaic/Benelearn 2022, Mechelen, Belgium, November 7-9, 2022, Revised Sele by
Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues by
Recommender Systems: Legal and Ethical Issues by
5G, Artificial Intelligence, and Next Generation Internet of Things: Digital Innovation for Green and Sustainable Economies by
5G, Artificial Intelligence, and Next Generation Internet of Things: Digital Innovation for Green and Sustainable Economies by
Artificial Intelligence - Notes by Basu, Rahul
MRI and Ultrasound Region of Interest by Thampi, Lilly
Cloud Secure Model Medical Data in Healthcare by Kumar, Kishan
Syndrome Detection Distinctive Medical Images by Raghavendra, C.
Perspectives on Social Welfare Applications' Optimization and Enhanced Computer Applications by
Perspectives on Social Welfare Applications' Optimization and Enhanced Computer Applications by
Handbook of Research on Thrust Technologies' Effect on Image Processing by
Python How-To by Cui, Yong
Liquid Cooling Mastery: High-Performance Systems by Brown, Amelia
The Golden Age of Video Games: History, Impact, and Nostalgia by Parker, Harry
Mastering Raspberry Pi: DIY Projects and Ideas by Cross, Godfrey
Augmented Reality: The Next Leap in Immersive Experiences by Jackson, Megan
The Digital Nomad's Survival Guide: Work and Travel with Ease by Cox, Louis
Beyond Gaming: How Virtual Reality Is Transforming Industries by Morgan, Clifford
Mars Colonization: The Red Planet's Uncertain Future by Upton, Amelia
Understanding Data Science: From Theory to Application by Carter, Grace
The Cyborg Age: How Bionic Implants Are Changing Lives by Vega, Zoe
In the Mind of Neural Networks: Getting Deeper Into AI by Dickinson, Helen
Understanding Solid State Drives: The Future of Storage by Underwood, Bertram
Podcasting Essentials: Start, Record, and Monetize Your Way to Stardom by Russell, Louisa
Guitar Pedal Mastery: Tone Secrets and Effect Chain Techniques Revealed by Sharp, Stephen
The Electric Skateboard Revolution: Tips, Tech, and Buying Guides by Campbell, Kate
The Birth of Hybrid AI: Combining Machine and Human Intelligence by James, Jonas
How to Fully Prepare for the CompTIA A+ Exam by Farrior, Anthony
Rainwater Harvesting: A Sustainable Solution for Water Management by Walsh, Rupert
Climbing Mountaineering: Tackling the World's Most Challenging Peaks by Clark, John
Smart Cities: Combining Technology and Sustainability by Cox, Bertram
The Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence for High Schoolers by Wilmott, Paul
ChatGPT for Business the Best Artificial Intelligence Applications, Marketing and Tools to Boost Your Income by Kent, Jake L.
Essentials of Arduino(tm) Boards Programming: Step-By-Step Guide to Master Arduino Boards Hardware and Software by Asadi, Farzin
Cryptology for Beginners #1 Guide for Security, Encryption, Crypto, Algorithms and Python by Mills, Jake T.
Me and my AI: Why AI is Getting So Popular and Where it Will Lead the Human Race by Marais, Mauzette
Die Entwicklung des World Wide Web. Webdesign und -ergonomie by Anonymous
Dark Technologies by Crowley, Lucian
Advances in Reliability and Safety Assessment for Critical Systems: Proceedings of the 5th National Conference on Reliability and Safety (Ncrs 2022) by
Intelligent Computing and Networking: Proceedings of IC-Icn 2023 by
Multi-Modal Hash Learning: Efficient Multimedia Retrieval and Recommendations by Zhu, Lei, Li, Jingjing, Guan, Weili
Advanced Debugger Techniques: Mastering Breakpoints, Tracing, and More by Taylor, Judah
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Management and Machine Intelligence: ICIMMI 2021 by
Big Data in the Govtech System by
Text, Speech, and Dialogue: 26th International Conference, Tsd 2023, Pilsen, Czech Republic, September 4-6, 2023, Proceedings by
Artificial Intelligence, Game Theory and Mechanism Design in Politics by Marwala, Tshilidzi
Optical Components Intelligent Network by S, Ponmalar
Wireless Communication Investigations by L, Saravanan
Framework Bio Medical Applications by H, Kareemullah
Body Sensor Network in Medical Applications by Devi, Anusuya
Intelligent Patterns Largedatabase Frequent by Yousuf, Sheik
Intelligent Dynamic System Controller by S, Rajendran
The Technopolitics by Pawar, Rahul, Singh, Ishwar
The Evolution of Communication and Information Technologies by Johnson, Calvin
Algoritmos iluminados (Cuarta parte): Algoritmos para problemas NP-complejos by Roughgarden, Tim
Visualizing Windows 11: A Seniors' Handbook with Step-by-Step Illustrations by Alejo, Isaac
CAD CAM in Medical Prosthesis by Kumar, Vajvinder
Cosmic Encounters: The Science of Black Holes and Wormholes by Armstrong, Britney
The Singularity: The Inevitable Intersection of Man and Machine by Johnson, Mabel
The Science of Brain-Computer Interfaces: Melding Mind and Machine by Rose, Barbara
From Idea to Market: A Guide to DIY Electronics Entrepreneurship by Lawrence, Paul
Quantum Leap: Understanding How Quantum Teleportation Works by Upton, David
Mastering Recursion: Unlocking the Power of Advanced Coding by Hawkins, Matthew
Dynamic Programming Demystified: Optimizing Code and Mind by Watson, Judy
Diving Deep into Data Structures: From Simple Arrays to Advanced Trees by Walsh, Rupert
Garbage Collection Algorithms: Optimizing Memory Management by Chapman, Phoebe
Git Academy: Master Advanced Version Control Techniques by Upton, Sebastian
The Reactive Manifesto: The Art of Asynchronous Programming by Baker, Nigel
Implementing Linked Lists: Solving Complex Coding Challenges by Phillips, Samantha
Category Theory in Programming: From Math to Code by Jackson, Keith
Deep Dive into Orthogonal Persistence: From Theory to Practice by Owens, Tracy
Binary Trees Unleashed: An In-Depth Study of Tree Structures by Carter, Beth
Functional Reactive Programming: Modernizing the Paradigm by Gilbert, Raymond
CQRS and Event Sourcing: Master the Powerful Design Patterns by Lloyd, Bruce
Quantum Computing and Code: Principles for the Next Great Leap by Mayer, Benjamin
Non-deterministic Finite Automata: Translating Theory to Code by Tucker, Louisa
Reinforced Learning in Content-Based Recommender Systems by McDonald, Sheila
C++ and Rust: Building High-Security, High-Performance Systems by Johnson, Roger
Advanced JMeter: From Load Testing to Performance Engineering by Sharp, Susan
Building CI/CD Pipelines: Accelerating the Code-Review-Deploy Cycle by Vega, Frank
Effective Code Reviews: Tips for Detecting and Preventing Bugs by Roberts, Zoe
Bin Packing Algorithms for Modern Applications by Nelson, Sebastian
Achieving Immutability Patterns in JavaScript by Lewis, Judah
Eradicating Singleton Anti-Patterns: Ensuring Efficient and Scalable Code by Cox, Charles
Safe Memory Management in Rust: Concurrency without Data Races by Cox, Raymond
Compiler Construction: Explore Parser Generation and Abstract Syntax Trees by Mayer, Angelina
Azure Pipelines: Master Automated Deployment in Modern Web Applications by Patel, Edmund
Stoic Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence: Navigating the Ethical Landscape by Davies, Angelina
Technology Transformed: How Jesus Would Navigate the Digital World by Poole, Sandy
The Buddha of Silicon Valley: Mindfulness in Tech Startups by Wright, Melinda
Jesus and the Internet of Things: Connectedness in a World of Devices by Smith, Kelsey
Superconductivity and AI: Synthesis of Potential to New Frontiers by Smarty, King
Solitude in a Sea of Stars: Awe-Inspiring Stargazing Sites by Vega, Rupert
The Buddha's Guide to Producing Electronic Music by Kennedy, Benedict
Blockchain Scalability and Its Foundations in Distributed Systems by Gramoli, Vincent
China Internet Development Report 2020: Blue Book for World Internet Conference by Chinese Academy of Cyberspace Studies
Beginning Prompt Engineering: Learning to communicate with Large Language Models by Jordan, Chris
Cyber-Savvy Parenting: Protecting Your Children Online by Vega, Walter
Handling Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence by Chaki, Jyotismita
Computer Supported Education: 14th International Conference, Csedu 2022, Virtual Event, April 22-24, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Analyzing New Forms of Social Disorders in Modern Virtual Environments by
Analyzing New Forms of Social Disorders in Modern Virtual Environments by
Cyber-Physical System Solutions for Smart Cities by
Machines of Tomorrow: Embracing Manufacturing 4-5 by E, Elio
Computer Intelligence Against Pandemics: Tools and Methods to Face New Strains of Covid-19 by
Personalized Human-Computer Interaction by
AI and Mental Health: Transforming Therapy and Counseling by Quinn, Hillary
Influences of Social Media on Consumer Decision-Making Processes in the Food and Grocery Industry by
AI in Politics: Election Forecasting, Campaign Strategies, and Governance by Sharp, Simon
Machine Learning in Meteorology and Climate Science by Adams, Zoe
AWS Step Functions: Retrying Failed Steps by Todd, Tom
A Guide to ECR Repository Cleanup by Cox, Bruce
Troubleshooting AWS Glue Job Failures by Quinn, Harry
Resolving CloudFormation Stack Creation Failure by Tucker, Christina
ECS Task Execution: Common Troubleshooting Steps by Turner, Judy
A Dive into DynamoDB Consistent Read Issues by Clark, Joyce
Plato's Prisoners by Paddock, Silvia, Buervenich, Thomas J.
Artificial Intelligence for Environmental Conservation: Tackling Climate Change by Harper, Desmond
AI in the Automotive Industry: Transforming Cars and Transportation by Brock, Felicity
AI in Human Resources: Insights, Automation, and Personalization by Watson, Samantha
AI and the Future of Retail: Virtual Shopping Experiences and Predictive Analytics by Alexander, Horace
Resolving CloudFormation Change Set Failures by Harris, Natalie
AI and the Future of Healthcare: Revolutionizing Diagnosis and Treatment by Kent, Yvonne
35 Steps to Make Your Pet Internet Famous: The Pet Influencer Handbook by Satin, Melody
AI for Wildlife Management and Conservation: Tools and Techniques by Lucas, Barbara
Smart Agriculture: How AI is Transforming Farming and Food Production by Griffin, Beth
Biometrics and AI: Enhancing Security and Personal Privacy by Atkins, Angelina
AI in Medicine: Personalized Care and Optimal Outcomes by Moore, Felicity
Auditoría Informática by Chavez, Alejandro
AI and Big Data: Unraveling Insights Hidden in Massive Data Sets by Bailey, Joyce
AI and E-commerce: Personalization, Inventory Management, and Logistics by Kennedy, Edgar
AI in HR: Enhancing Talent Acquisition and Employee Satisfaction by Underwood, Amelia
Machine Learning for Predictive Maintenance: AI in Industrial Operations by Hawkins, Jacqueline
Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Computing: Next-Generation Technologies by Adams, Samantha
AI and the News Industry: Challenges and Opportunities for Journalism by Patel, Diane
AI-Enabled Emergency Response: Enhancing Preparedness and Recovery Efforts by Harris, Ruth
AI-Driven Gaming: How Artificial Intelligence is Shaping Video Games by Morris, Reginald
Artificial Intelligence in Pet Care: Solutions for Pets and Their Owners by Owens, Diane
AI for Disaster Recovery: Planning, Mitigation, and Response by Booth, Roger
The Art of Romance Writing with ChatGPT A Step-by-Step Guide by Reid, L. R.
The Sage Handbook of Human-Machine Communication by
Quantum-Safe Cryptography Algorithms and Approaches: Impacts of Quantum Computing on Cybersecurity by
Data Money: Inside Cryptocurrencies, Their Communities, Markets, and Blockchains by Caliskan, Koray
Introduction to the Theory of Smart Electromechanical Systems by Gorodetskiy, Andrey E., Tarasova, Irina L.
Machine Learning for Civil and Environmental Engineers: A Practical Approach to Data-Driven Analysis, Explainability, and Causality by Naser, M. Z.
Real-Life Decision-Making by Danielson, Mats, Ekenberg, Love
Real-Life Decision-Making by Danielson, Mats, Ekenberg, Love
Computational Approaches to Conscious Artificial Intelligence by
Reinforcement Learning Explained - A Step-by-Step Guide to Reward-Driven AI by Djordjevic, Lazar, Nikolic, Luka
Computing Science, Communication and Security: 4th International Conference, Coms2 2023, Mehsana, Gujarat, India, February 6-7, 2023, Revised Selected by
Openmp: Advanced Task-Based, Device and Compiler Programming: 19th International Workshop on Openmp, Iwomp 2023, Bristol, Uk, September 13-15, 2023, P by
Data Money: Inside Cryptocurrencies, Their Communities, Markets, and Blockchains by Caliskan, Koray
Safety in the Digital Age: Sociotechnical Perspectives on Algorithms and Machine Learning by
Our Family Social Media Plan: Together with your kids, create the framework for a safer, happier life online. by Brice, August, Brice, Jadian
Vaccine Communication Online: Counteracting Misinformation, Rumors and Lies by
Quantum Quandaries by Maharaj, Lab
From Data to Disruption: How AI is Changing Business Forever by Ruscscak
Artificial Intelligence: Rise of the Lightspeed Learners by Jennings, Charles
Robotics, Vision and Control: Fundamental Algorithms in Matlab(r) by Jachimczyk, Witold, Pillat, Remo, Corke, Peter
The Quiet Crypto Revolution: How Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Are Changing Our Lives by Jung, Klaas
Quantum Artificial Intelligence: Shaping the Future of Intelligent Machines by Rukh, Shah
Unleashing the Millionaire Power of ChatGPT: Make More Money as a Beginner, Entrepreneur, or Business Owner with AI Chatbots & Custom Prompts - Boost by Futurefront
Ethical Considerations in Robotics and AI A Beginner's Guide.version-2 by E, Elio
Fëdor Khitruk: A Look at Soviet Animation Through the Work of One Master by Pontieri, Laura
Mastering AWS Config Rule Compliance Troubleshooting by Ingram, Blaise
Auto Scaling Group Desynchronization: Prevention & Resolutions by Miller, Rupert
Unlocking Hidden Compute Savings Plan Opportunities by Hawkins, Freddie
Troubleshooting SFTP Connection Issues in AWS by Francis, Natalie
DynamoDB Hot Key Troubleshooting by Stevens, Godfrey
A Comprehensive Guide to AWS Security Hub by Lawrence, John
Curbing EC2 Instance Credit Balance Exhaustion by Harris, Beryl
Logging and Monitoring Challenges with AWS Fargate by Martin, Rupert
AWS AppConfig Deployment Challenges by Alexander, Keith
AWS PrivateLink Traffic Flow Troubleshooting by Bailey, Edgar
CloudTrail Event Handling: Common Missteps by Schmidt, Bruce
Fixing Issues with S3 Event Notifications by Fox, Britney
Unraveling the Mysteries of AWS Glue Timeout Errors by Bell, Samantha
AWS Organizations SCP Enforcement Troubleshooting by King, Reginald
Auto Scaling Cooldown: Configuration and Challenges by Fox, Felicity
Pinpointing Issues with AWS Certificate Manager by Phillips, Louis
AWS Organizations: Hierarchical Structure Challenges by Fox, Natalie
Managing Disruptions in AWS Serverless Application Repository by Kent, Josephine
Bridging the Gap: Mindful Intergenerational Connections by Andersen, Yvonne
Applicazioni dell'intelligenza artificiale in agricoltura by Sajjan, Sumeet, Sharma, Ankit, Singh, Brijendra
See More