• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Computers in 2023

Frontiers in Robotics and Electromechanics by
Soft Computing for Problem Solving: Proceedings of the Socpros 2022 by
Computer Aided Constellation Management and Communication Satellites: Proceedings of the International Conference on Small Satellites, Icss 2022 by
Recent Advances in Data and Algorithms for E-Government by
Advances in Geospatial Technology in Mining and Earth Sciences: Selected Papers of the 2nd International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Ea by
Inventive Computation and Information Technologies: Proceedings of Icicit 2022 by
Collaborative Knowledge Management Through Product Lifecycle: A Computational Perspective by Peng, Gongzhuang, Wang, Hongwei
Embracing Machines and Humanity Through Cognitive Computing and Iot by
Computational Physiology: Simula Summer School 2022 - Student Reports by
Advances in Non-Invasive Biomedical Signal Sensing and Processing with Machine Learning by
Introduction to Natural Language Processing - A Practical Guide for Beginners by Ansari, Sakil
Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail: Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop at the Recommender Systems Conference (2022) by
Thinking Data Science: A Data Science Practitioner's Guide by Sarang, Poornachandra
Advances in Information and Communication: Proceedings of the 2023 Future of Information and Communication Conference (Ficc), Volume 2 by
Intelligent Data Engineering and Analytics: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Frontiers in Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applicat by
Intelligent Data Communication Technologies and Internet of Things: Proceedings of ICICI 2021 by
Towards Industry 5.0: Selected Papers from Ispr2022, October 6-8, 2022, Antalya by
Smart Innovation in Agriculture by
Built-In Fault-Tolerant Computing Paradigm for Resilient Large-Scale Chip Design: A Self-Test, Self-Diagnosis, and Self-Repair-Based Approach by Li, Xiaowei, Liu, Cheng, Yan, Guihai
Enabling Technologies for Effective Planning and Management in Sustainable Smart Cities by
Novel Financial Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning: Algorithms, Product Modeling, and Applications by
Computer Vision - Accv 2022: 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Macao, China, December 4-8, 2022, Proceedings, Part III by
Computer Vision - Accv 2022: 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Macao, China, December 4-8, 2022, Proceedings, Part IV by
Converged Radio, Youth and Urbanity in Africa: Emerging Trends and Perspectives by
Towards Responsible Machine Translation: Ethical and Legal Considerations in Machine Translation by
Space and Astrophysical Plasma Simulation: Methods, Algorithms, and Applications by
Interaktive Einkaufserlebnisse in Innenstädten: Digitale Dienstleistungen Mit Der Smartmarket²-Plattform by
Break Out of Boredom: Low-Tech Solutions for Highly Engaging Zoom Events by Samuels, Robbie
Biased Algorithms in Law Enforcement Agencies. A Case Study of the LA Police Department by Schoenemeyer, Julian
GuíaBurros: Linkedin: Todo lo que necesitas saber para sacarle partido a esta red social profesional by Díaz Robisco, David
Gender in AI and Robotics: The Gender Challenges from an Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Artificial Intelligence for Business Analytics: Algorithms, Platforms and Application Scenarios by Weber, Felix
Advances in Computers: Volume 130 by
AI and Education in China: Imagining the Future, Excavating the Past by Knox, Jeremy
Overcoming Challenges in Online Learning: Perspectives from Asia and Africa by
Search for Exotic Higgs Boson Decays to Merged Diphotons: A Novel CMS Analysis Using End-To-End Deep Learning by Andrews, Michael
Landslides: Detection, Prediction and Monitoring: Technological Developments by
Computer Verstehen: Ein Streifzug Durch Das Innenleben Eines Computers by Nehmer, Jürgen
Varieties of Cooperation: Mutually Making the Conditions of Mutual Making by
Computational Intelligence in Oncology: Applications in Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapeutics of Cancers by
Blockchain Based Internet of Things by
Formal Methods: 25th International Symposium, FM 2023, Lübeck, Germany, March 6-10, 2023, Proceedings by
Handbook of Research on Quantum Computing for Smart Environments by
A Study on Flow Shop Scheduling Through Soft Computing Techniques by Giri, Shailendra
The Role of Social Media in IT and ITES Talent Acquisition by Tanvi, Singh
Mastering PHP Dependency Management with Composer: Efficient Development of Modern PHP Applications by Avinda, W. G. T.
Fliegen Lernen: Flugsimulation Mit Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Aeroflyfs Und Flightgear by Donick, Mario
Handbook of Research on AI Methods and Applications in Computer Engineering by
The Usage and Impact of Icts During the Covid-19 Pandemic by
CAD Projects with Tinkercad 3D Models Part 1: Learn how to create advanced 3D objects with Tinkercad in an easy way by Wild, M. Eng Johannes
Python Para Principiantes (v2) by Marin, Pol
Innovative Technologies for Printing and Packaging by
Advancements in Urban Environmental Studies: Application of Geospatial Technology and Artificial Intelligence in Urban Studies by
Technological Trends in the AI Economy: International Review and Ways of Adaptation by
Computer Vision - Accv 2022: 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Macao, China, December 4-8, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by
Advances in Self-Healing Systems Monitoring and Data Processing by
Maxon Cinema 4D 2023: Modeling Essentials by Mamgain, Pradeep
A Study on the Social Media Marketing Strategies of Political Parties by Saxena, Shubham
2d Multiresolution Wavelet-based Bone Fracture Detection by Jayantibhai, Patel Anand
Internet: c'est foutu: Et alors by Cestia, Henri
Computational Life Sciences: Data Engineering and Data Mining for Life Sciences by
Computational Intelligence in Machine Learning: Select Proceedings of ICCIML 2021 by
A System Engineering Approach to Disaster Resilience: Select Proceedings of Vcdrr 2021 by
Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 5: The Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Smart City Applications by
Formal Verification of Floating-Point Hardware Design: A Mathematical Approach by Russinoff, David M.
Should Oscar Pistorius be allowed to compete in the Olympic Games? (Large Print Edition) by Davidson, Terence
Excel 2023 - Los Mejores 40+ Trucos Y Atajos Excel Para Aumentar Tu Productividad by David, Andrea
Warum Sie eine De-Domain für Ihre Webseite verwenden sollten by Oswald, Hans-Peter
Seriation in Combinatorial and Statistical Data Analysis by Leredde, Henri, Lerman, Israël César
New Technology for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth: Perception, Challenges and Opportunities by
Swing básico by Alfaro García, Juan Ramón
Data Sharing. Potenziale, Herausforderungen und begünstigende Faktoren by Anonymous
A Quantum Computation Workbook by Choi, Mahn-Soo
Category Theory: Invariances and Symmetries in Computer Science by Majkic, Zoran
Loss Data Analysis: The Maximum Entropy Approach by Mayoral, Silvia, Gomes-Gonçalves, Erika, Gzyl, Henryk
Bitcoin: A Game-Theoretic Analysis by Warren, Micah
Design und Entwicklung eines integrierten Event-Messaging-Systems by Hassan, Khaleed, Anannya, Tasmiah Tamzid, Haque, Muhammad Shafiqul
Coloring the Future: Robot Concept by Showcase, Midnight
Adversarial Machine Learning: Attack Surfaces, Defence Mechanisms, Learning Theories in Artificial Intelligence by Liu, Bo, Sreevallabh Chivukula, Aneesh, Yang, Xinghao
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference of Transportation Research Group of India: 5th Ctrg Volume 2 by
Supporting Self-Regulated Learning and Student Success in Online Courses by
Energy Systems Design for Low-Power Computing by
Energy Systems Design for Low-Power Computing by
Progetti CAD con Tinkercad Modelli 3D Parte 1: Impara a creare oggetti 3D avanzati in modo ludico con Tinkercad by Wild, M. Eng Johannes
Logic and Language Models for Computer Science (Fourth Edition) by Richards, Dana, Hamburger, Henry
No-Code Artificial Intelligence: The new way to build AI powered applications (English Edition) by Agrawal, Ambuj
iPad for Seniors in Easy Steps: Covers All Models with Ipados 16 by Vandome, Nick
Proyectos CAD con Tinkercad Modelos 3D Parte 1: Aprende a crear objetos 3D avanzados con Tinkercad de forma divertida by Wild, M. Eng Johannes
Swarm Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation: Theory, Advances and Applications in Machine Learning and Deep Learning by
Supporting Self-Regulated Learning and Student Success in Online Courses by
The Exponential Age: How Accelerating Technology Is Transforming Business, Politics and Society by Azhar, Azeem
Universal Principles of UX: 100 Timeless Strategies to Create Positive Interactions Between People and Technology by Pereyra, Irene
Blockchain for Real World Applications by Garg, Rishabh
Manual de Limpeza de Dados: Passo a Passo de Como Realizar uma Boa Limpeza dos Dados by S. Barros, Alex S.
The Shortcut: Why Intelligent Machines Do Not Think Like Us by Cristianini, Nello
Renewable Energy Optimization, Planning and Control: Proceedings of Icrte 2022 by
Relational and Algebraic Methods in Computer Science: 20th International Conference, Ramics 2023, Augsburg, Germany, April 3-6, 2023, Proceedings by
Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybersecurity, Situational Awareness and Social Media: Cyber Science 2022; 20-21 June; Wales by
Capturing Reality in the Fascinating World of Photogrammetry by Scholtens, A.
Artificial Intelligence and Smart Environment: Icaise'2022 by
Understanding Search Engines by Lewandowski, Dirk
Soft Computing and Its Engineering Applications: 4th International Conference, Icsoftcomp 2022, Changa, Anand, India, December 9-10, 2022, Proceedings by
Innovative Product Development by Additive Manufacturing 2022 by
Dynamic Network Representation Based on Latent Factorization of Tensors by Wu, Hao, Luo, Xin, Wu, Xuke
Principles of Contemporary Chinese Landscape Design Practice by Yifan, Sun
Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education in Zimbabwe: Research, Policy and Practice by
The Shortcut: Why Intelligent Machines Do Not Think Like Us by Cristianini, Nello
Teach Yourself Visually Photoshop Elements 2023 by Bucki, Lisa A.
Github for Dummies by Guthals, Sarah
Python Basics by Jagirdar, Srinivas
Development of Classical and Modern Geodetic Reference Systems of Albania by Nurçe, Bilbil
Smart Agriculture for Developing Nations: Status, Perspectives and Challenges by
An Artificial Wicksell--Keynes Macroeconomy: Integrating Business Cycle and Cumulative Process by Takahashi, Ichiro
Medienrecht: Urheberrecht - Markenrecht - Internetrecht by Bühler, Peter, Schlaich, Patrick, Sinner, Dominik
The Ultimate Modern Guide to Cloud Computing: Everything from cloud adoption to business value creation by Haque, Enamul
Computer Vision - Accv 2022 Workshops: 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Macao, China, December 4-8, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Sequence Analysis and Modern C++: The Creation of the Seqan3 Bioinformatics Library by Hauswedell, Hannes
Tourism Analytics Before and After Covid-19: Case Studies from Asia and Europe by
Advanced Manufacturing and Automation XI by
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 8th International Conference, Lod 2022, Certosa Di Pontignano, Italy, September 18-22, 2022, Revised by
E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training: 8th Eai International Conference, Eleot 2022, Harbin, China, July 9-10, 2022, Proceedings, Part II by
E-Learning, E-Education, and Online Training: 8th Eai International Conference, Eleot 2022, Harbin, China, July 9-10, 2022, Proceedings, Part I by
Cyber Deception: Techniques, Strategies, and Human Aspects by
Political, Economic and Legal Effects of Artificial Intelligence: Governance, Digital Economy and Society by Zekos, Georgios I.
Recommender Systems in Fashion and Retail: Proceedings of the Third Workshop at the Recommender Systems Conference (2021) by
Social Media Trends: Technology Trends 2023 by Kasu, Jyothsna
Deconstructing Socio-Political Dynamics by Ankit, Kashyap
Confidentiality, Integrity and Authentication (Cia) for Internet-Of-Drones (Iod) Technology by Jan, Saeed Ullah
The Ultimate Modern Guide to Artificial Intelligence: Including Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IoT, Data Science, Robotics, The Future of Jobs, Requ by Haque, Enamul
What Is ChatGPT Doing ... and Why Does It Work? by Wolfram, Stephen
Artificial Intelligence: A Simple Guide to Boosting Business Profits by Desta, Daniel
Cardano ADA: Network and Web 3.0 by Starr, Gt
Design and Implementation of a Database by Mate, Landry
Data Science in Applications by
Passive and Active Measurement: 24th International Conference, Pam 2023, Virtual Event, March 21-23, 2023, Proceedings by
Sampled-Data Control of Logical Networks by Sun, Liangjie, Liu, Yang, Lu, Jianquan
Digital Multimedia Communications: 19th International Forum, Iftc 2022, Shanghai, China, December 8-9, 2022, Revised Selected Papers by
Machine Learning in Microservices: Productionizing microservices architecture for machine learning solutions by Ahmed, Omar, Abouahmed, Mohamed
Artificial Intelligence for Health 4.0: Challenges and Applications by
Adobe Acrobat Ninja: A productivity guide with tips and proven techniques for business professionals using Adobe Acrobat by Witherell, Urszula
Blockchain and Its Applications in Industry 4.0 by
Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity: 18th International Conference, Iconference 2023, Virtual Event, March by
Machine Learning, Optimization, and Data Science: 8th International Conference, Lod 2022, Certosa Di Pontignano, Italy, September 18-22, 2022, Revised by
Mathematics Education in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: How Artificial Intelligence Can Serve Mathematical Human Learning by
AI for Disease Surveillance and Pandemic Intelligence: Intelligent Disease Detection in Action by
Grand Research Challenges in Games and Entertainment Computing in Brazil - Grandgamesbr 2020-2030: First Forum, Grandgamesbr 2020, Recife, Brazil, Nov by
Property Testing: Problems and Techniques by Yoshida, Yuichi, Bhattacharyya, Arnab
Behavioral Game Theory Analysis of Cybersecurity With Deception and Ids by Aggarwal, Palvi
The Call of Bytes: Tales of Digital Horror by Sigmund, Dominik
Edit Like a Pro with iMovie: Leverage Apple's free editor for iOS, iPadOS 3.0.1, and macOS 10.3.5 and enrich videos with Keynote animations by Regit
Bayesian Scientific Computing by Calvetti, Daniela, Somersalo, Erkki
Managing It Projects: How to Pragmatically Deliver Projects for External Customers by Dąbrowski, Marcin
Knowledge Management and AI in Society 5.0 by Scuotto, Veronica, Papa, Armando, del Giudice, Manlio
Salesforce End-to-End Implementation Handbook: A practitioner's guide for setting up programs and projects to deliver superior business outcomes by Jørgensen, Kristian Margaryan
Information for a Better World: Normality, Virtuality, Physicality, Inclusivity: 18th International Conference, Iconference 2023, Virtual Event, March by
From Narratology to Computational Story Composition and Back: An Exploratory Study in Generative Modeling by Berov, Leonid
AI4 Authors: Build Your Publishing Empire While Saving Time and Money With The Power of AI by Culican, Jamie, Melkumian, Melle
Security and Privacy in Federated Learning by Cui, Lei, Yu, Shui
Improving Consistency in Performance Measurement System Design: The Case of the Colombian Public Schools by Salazar Rua, Robinson
Recent Innovations in Computing: Proceedings of Icric 2021, Volume 1 by
Exact and Heuristic Methods in Combinatorial Optimization: A Study on the Linear Ordering and the Maximum Diversity Problem by Martí, Rafael, Reinelt, Gerhard
Computer Vision - Accv 2022: 16th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Macao, China, December 4-8, 2022, Proceedings, Part VII by
Aixia 2022 - Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Xxist International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, Aixia 2022, U by
Fortigate: Fortinet SD-WAN Administration Guide 7.2.0 SDWAN NSE 4 NSE 5 NSE 6 NSE 7 by Berrison, Jhason
inductive nihilism by Melamedoff, Damian
ChatGPT on Physics: Exploring the Foundations and Applications of Physics and Prompt Engineering by Thornton, Kaylin
Nse 7: Fortinet: Fortigate Firewall: Fortinet Network Security Architect: Enterprise Firewall by Almoguera, Marilou
Perfecting Prompts for GPT: 14 steps for harnessing the power of questions by Huck, Mark
Advances in Cybersecurity, Cybercrimes, and Smart Emerging Technologies by
KI Für Das Gute: Künstliche Intelligenz Und Ethik by
Geospatial Data Science in Healthcare for Society 5.0 by
Third Congress on Intelligent Systems: Proceedings of Cis 2022, Volume 1 by
Domain-Specific Conceptual Modeling: Concepts, Methods and Adoxx Tools by
Timing Jitter in Time-Of-Flight Range Imaging Cameras by Anthonys, Gehan
Logic and Algorithms in Computational Linguistics 2021 (Lacompling2021) by
Genetic Programming Theory and Practice XIX by
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Applications: From Big Data to Small Data by
Linguistic Methods Under Fuzzy Information in System Safety and Reliability Analysis by
Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science: Selected Articles from Iccee 2021, Malaysia by
The Power of Data: Driving Climate Change with Data Science and Artificial Intelligence Innovations by
Social Media Einkommen: Wie Solo-Unternehmer und kleine Unternehmen auf Instagram und anderen Social-Media-Plattformen Geld verdienen können ( by Oberg, Chris
Aws: Aws Amazon Web Services for Beginners: Get Started with Aws by Kihpehers, Ronald
Physical Geodesy: A Theoretical Introduction by Guo, Jun-Yi
Die Bedeutung von NoSQL-Datenbanken. Merkmale und Entstehungshintergründe by Schnabel, Fabian
Impossible Torah: The Complete AI Torah Commentary by Creditor, Menachem
Animating SwiftUI Applications: Create visually stunning and engaging animations for iOS with SwiftUI by DeStefano, Stephen
On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley by
ChatGPT by Kamalakannan, Rahul
Applications of Machine Learning and Deep Learning on Biological Data by
Social Networks Manipulation by Ka, Asamod
Decision Support System: Tools and Techniques by Bandyopadhyay, Susmita
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Fracture, Fatigue and Wear: Ffw 2021, August 2-3, Ghent University, Belgium by
Cyber Security in Intelligent Computing and Communications by
On Spatio-Temporal Data Modelling and Uncertainty Quantification Using Machine Learning and Information Theory by Guignard, Fabian
German Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics by
Essential Software Development Career + Technical Guide by Appjungle Net LLC
The Phantom CISO: Time to step out of the shadow by Khan, Mishaal, Zahid, Hisham
Data Journey by Parate, Vivek Ramesh
Sicherheit im Internet der Dinge (IoT) by N, Rajapraveen K.
Internet das coisas (IoT) Segurança by N, Rajapraveen K.
See More