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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Design in 2010

Japanese Fashion: A Cultural History by Slade, Toby
Japanese Fashion by Slade, Toby
Universal Principles of Design, Revised and Updated: 125 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decision by Lidwell, William, Holden, Kritina, Butler, Jill
The Printing of Books: Including an Introductory Essay by William Morris by Jackson, Holbrook
Atlas of World Interior Design by
Travels with a Thin Skin: From New York to Paris, Greece, India, Last Stop the French Alps by Willard, Nedd
Ruedi Baur Integral: Anticipating, Questioning, Inscribing, Distinguishing, Irritating, Orienting, Translating by
The Eighteen Nineties: A Review Of Art And Ideas At The Close Of The Nineteenth Century (1914) by Jackson, Holbrook
The Craft Reader by Adamson, Glenn
China Fashion: Conversations with Designers by Tsui, Christine
Nouvelles Recherches Sur Un Bas-Relief De Medynet-Abou (1820) by Chez Delaunat Publisher
Le Maroc Pittoresque, Part 1-2 (1905) by Du Taillis, Jean
L'Art De Fumer: Ou La Pipe Et Le Cigare (1844) by Barthélemy, Auguste Marseille
Catalogue Des Tableaux, Statues Bas-Reliefs Et Objets D'Art (1891) by Breynat Publisher
Bibliographie Des Ouvrages Illustres Du XIX Siecle (1883) by Brivois, Jules
Quelques Mots Sur La Theorie De La Peinture Sur Verre (1852) by de Lasteyrie, Ferdinand
Catalog Der Erlaucht Graflich Harrach'ischen Bildergallerie (1889) by Gemalde-Galerie, Graflich Harrachsche
Monographie De Saint-Front (1871) by Carles, M.
Proces-Verbaux De L'Academie Royale V1: De Peinture Et De Sculpture, 1648-1792 (1875) by Baur Publisher
Iconologia Ovvero Immagini V1: Di Tutte Le Cose Principali A Cui L'Umano Talento Ha Finto Un Corpo (1819) by Pistrucci, Filippo
Storia Della Pittura In Italia Dal Secolo II Al Secolo XVI V2 (1885) by Cavalcaselle, Giovanni Battista, Crowe, Joseph Archer
Observations Sur Le Classement Actuel Des Tableaux Du Louvre (1850) by Tarral, Claudius
Historie De L'Art Grec Avant Pericles (1870) by Beule, M.
La Gravure Sur Pierre (1887) by Bureau Du Journal Publisher
Notice Sur La Vie Et Les Oeuvres De Francois Girardon (1850) by De Breban, Corrard
Visual Culture in the Built Environment: A Global Perspective by Winchip, Susan
Data Flow 2: Design Graphique Et Visualisation d'Informations by
Design History by Fallan, Kjetil
Design History: Understanding Theory and Method by Fallan, Kjetil
The State of the Interior Design Profession by Martin, Caren S., Guerin, Denise a.
Design trifft Kunst: Wie sich zeitgenössisches Design von seinem Begriff emanzipiert by Gehrke, Christine
Careers in Interior Design by Asay, Nancy, Patton, Marciann
Fashion Since 1900 by Mendes, Valerie, de la Haye, Amy
Strategy by Design: A Process of Strategy Innovation by Carlopio, J.
Strategy by Design: A Process of Strategy Innovation by Carlopio, J.
Anweisung Zur Oel-Malerei, Zur Aquarell, Fresco, Miniatur Und Holz-Malerei (1879) by Dietrich, Friedrich
Collection De M. E: Antiquites Grecques Et Romaines, Vases Peints, Terres Bronzes, Marbres Etc. (1904) by M E
Description Of An Improved Method Of Delineating Estates: With A Sketch Of The Progress Of Lansdcape Gradening In England (1815) by Hornor, Thomas
Dei Vasi Greci: Comunemente Chiamati Etruschi Delle Lor Forme E Dipinture Dei Nomi Ed Usi Loro In Generale (1823) by Dalla Reale Stamperia Publisher
Boletin Del Centro Artistico De Granada (1892) by Hospital de Santa Ana Publisher
Arte De Nadar: Compendiado Del Que Escribio En Italiano (1807) by Bernardi, Oronzio
Chronick Der Gesellschaft Der Mahler, 1721-1722 (1887) by Vetter, Theodor
Fashion in the Time of Jane Austen by Downing, Sarah Jane
Global Design: International Perspectives and Individual Concepts by
Dutch Design Jaarboek/Dutch Design Yearbook by
Understanding Aesthetics for the Merchandising and Design Professional by Fiore, Ann Marie
Medieval Clothing and Textiles, Volume 6 by
Fashion Illustration 1920-1950: Techniques and Examples by Foster, Walter T.
Monatshefte Fuer Kunstwissenschaft V1, 1908, Book 1-6 (1908) by Klinkhardt Und Biermann Publisher
Die Altgermanische Thierornamentik (1904) by Salin, Bernhard
Die Griechische Skulptur (1906) by Stradonitz, Reinhard Kekule Von
Die Dekorative Kunst Des Altertums (1914) by Poulsen, Frederik
Die Bildene Kunst Der Afrikaner (1897) by Frobenius, Leo
El Garbanzo: Cuadros Historicos Contemporaneos Tomados Del Natural (1875) by De Palacio, Eduardo
Die Erziehung Des Volkes Auf Den Gebieten Der Kunst Und Wissenschaft (1900) by Carl Henmanns Verlag Publisher
L'Ateneo Veneto: Rivista Mensile Di Scienze, Lettere Ed Arti (1891) by Gambari, L., De Kiriaki, A. S.
Die Emancipation Der Kunst: Drei Briefe An Einen Freund (1898) by Duboc, Julius
Revue Moderne, 12 Annee-Second Periode V55 (1869) by De Keratry, C. E.
Die Anfange Der Kunst In Griechenland: Studien (1883) by Milchhoefer, Arthur
Supreme by Jebbia, James
Designing Things: A Critical Introduction to the Culture of Objects by Boradkar, Prasad
Designing Things A Critical Introduction to the Culture of Objects by Boradkar, Prasad
Yuki Basketry by Kelly, Isabel T.
How To Draw Portraits by Wood, Charles
The Art of Drawing in Perspective: From Mathematical Principles (1805) by Douglass, George
Catalogue Des Tableaux: Aquarelles, Pastels Et Dessins (1907) by Chevallier, Paul, Jeune, Bernheim
How To Draw In Pen And Ink by Salwey, Jasper
Treatise on Topographical Drawing (1837) by Eastman, Seth
The Art of Figure Drawing: Containing Practical Instructions for a Course of Study in This Branch of Art (1852) by Weigall, Charles Harvey
Drawing in Charcoal and Crayon: For the Use of Students and Schools (1885) by Fowler, Frank
Walter Gropius by Fitch, James Marston
Linear Perspective Simplified: For the Use of Schools, Photographers, and Students in Art (1861) by Holt, John
The Watson Drawing Book by Watson, Aldren A., Watson, Ernest W.
Printing Types V2: Their History, Forms, And Use, A Study In Survivals (1922) by Updike, Daniel Berkeley
The Life And Works Of Thomas Sully, 1783-1872 (1921) by Fielding, Mantle, Biddle, Edward
Why Design Now?: National Design Triennial by
Networks of Design: Proceedings of the 2008 Annual International Conference of the Design History Society (UK) University College Falmouth by
Wood-Block Printing: A Description Of The Craft Of Woodcutting And Colour Printing Based On The Japanese Practice by Fletcher, Frank Morley
Wood-Block Printing: A Description of the Craft of Woodcutting and Colour Printing Based on the Japanese Practice by Fletcher, Frank Morley
Women Illustrators of the Golden Age by
Chicago's Fashion History: 1865-1945 by Klatt, Mary Beth
Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion by Eicher, Joanne B.
Design Research: Synergies from Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Small Structures by
A Mirror of Japanese Ornament: 600 Traditional Designs by Dover Publications Inc
The Berg Companion to Fashion by
Formwork for Concrete Structures by
A History of Seating, 3000 BC to 2000 Ad: Function Versus Aesthetics by Higgs, Joy, Pynt, Jenny
Memorie Aneddote Per Servire Un Giorno Alla Vita Del Signor Giovanbattista Bodoni (1804) by Passerini, V.
Essai Sur L'Ideal Dans Ses Applications Pratiques: Aux Oeuvres De L'Imitation Propre Des Arts Du Dessin (1837) by De Quincy, Quatremere
The Practice Of Typography: Correct Composition (1901) by de Vinne, Theodore Low
Memoire Sur Les Peintures Murales Du Departement De La Haute Loire Du XII Au XV Siecle (1884) by Giron, Leon
Histoire Et Critique (1877) by Du Camp, Maxime
L'Encre De Chine Son Histoire Et Sa Fabrication (1882) by
Eastlake Leaflets (1890) by Eastlake Club
Abhandlung Uber Zwei Gemmen: Der Kaiserlich-Koniglichen Sammlung Zu Wien (1810) by Kohler, Heinrich Karl Ernst Von
The Order Of Nature: An Essay (1917) by Henderson, Lawrence Joseph
Die Deutschen Maler Radirer Peintres Graveurs V5 (1869) by Andresen, Andreas
The Painter's Encyclopedia: Containing Definitions Of All Important Words In The Art Of Plain And Artistic Painting by Gardner, Franklin B.
The Significance Of Beauty In Nature And Art by Cory, Herbert Ellsworth
Six Lectures On Painting: Delivered To The Students Of The Royal Academy Of Arts In London, January 1904 (1906) by Clausen, George
Evolution In Art: As Illustrated By The Life-Histories Of Designs by Haddon, Alfred C.
Monographie Du Coffret De M. Le Duc De Blacas, Et Suite De La Monographie Du Coffret De M. Le Duc De Blacas (1852) by Mignard, Prosper
The Roman Toga by Wilson, Lillian May
The Designing and Construction of Storage Reservoirs (1897) by Jacob, Arthur
The Story of Eames Furniture by Neuhart, Marilyn, Neuhart, John
Foundation Design Studio by
Future Beauty: 30 Years of Japanese Fashion by Frankel, Susannah, Fukai, Akiko, Vinken, Barbara
Fundamental Networking in Java by Pitt, Esmond
Hyperactivitypography from A to Z by 3. Studio
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings V: The Small-Scale History Paintings by
Nominalism and Its Aftermath: The Philosophy of Nelson Goodman by Shottenkirk, Dena
Signs of God Religious Stained Glass Patterns: 35 Designs - 22 Pieces or Less! by Williams, James A.
A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings V: The Small-Scale History Paintings by
Lab: Creativity and Culture by Edwards, David
Collecting Design by Lindemann, Adam
Design as Politics by Fry, Tony
Interior Design: A Critical Introduction by Edwards, Clive
Design as Politics by Fry, Tony
Interior Design: A Critical Introduction by Edwards, Clive
The Art of Invention: The Creative Process of Discovery and Design by Paley, Steven J.
Elementary Wrought Iron by Bollinger, J. W.
Home Craft Course - Pennsylvania German - Wrought Ironwork - Volume 10 by Savage, Robert H.
Old French Ironwork - The Craftsman And His Art by Frank, Edgar B.
Como editar seu próprio livro 2.0: um manual básico para quem quer publicar ou ser publicado by Müller, Leandro
Elementary Wrought Iron by Bollinger, J. W.
Old French Ironwork - The Craftsman And His Art by Frank, Edgar B.
Telecommunications Planning: Innovations in Pricing, Network Design and Management by
Fashion Design by Bye, Elizabeth
Fashion Design by Bye, Elizabeth
Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills by Sherwin, David
Aesthetics and Economics by Mossetto, Gianfranco
Science and Art: The Red Book of `Einstein Meets Magritte' by
Clients From Hell: A collection of anonymously-contributed client horror stories from designers by
The Historical Foundations of the Law Relating to Trademarks. by Schechter, Frank I.
Edgar Brandt: Art Deco Ironwork by Kahr, Joan
CAD Monkeys, Dinosaur Babies, and T-Shaped People: Inside the World of Design Thinking and How It Can Spark Creativity and Innovati on by Berger, Warren