• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Drama in 1996

Everything about Theatre by Lee, Robert L.
Performance and Cultural Politics by Diamond, Elin
Step Right Up by McNamara, Brooks
Berlin Cabaret by Jelavich, Peter
The Roman Theatre and Its Audience by Beacham, Richard C.
Edward Bond: Letters 2 by
Edward Bond: Letters 2 by
Aleksandr Vampilov: The Major Plays by
Performing Twentieth-Century Music: A Handbook for Conductors and Instrumentalists by Weisberg, Arthur
Shakespeare and the Mannerist Tradition by Maquerlot, Jean-Pierre
The Politics of Cultural Performance by
The Politics of Cultural Performance by
Women in Theatre 2£3 by Pascal, Julia
The Dreamers by Davis, Jack
Plays by African Americans: The Recent Period 1935-Today by Shine, Ted
Clit Notes: A Sapphic Sampler by Hughes, Holly
The Search for Thomas F: Of Frederick Delius. Tunisia, and Turkey by Gillespie, Don C.
The Papers of Will Rogers: The Early Years, November 1879-April 1904 by Rogers, Will
A Chekhov Quartet by Gottlieb, Vera
Theatralia Judaica II by
Theatre Profiles 12: The Illustrated Guide to America's Nonprofit Professional Theatres by
Seen That, Now What?: The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Video You Really Want to Watch by Shaw, Andrea
An Evening at the Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle by Simpson, Roger, Paulson, Don
Cities of the Dead: Circum-Atlantic Performance by Roach, Joseph
Shakespeare's Tragic Cosmos by McAlindon, T., McAlindon, Thomas
Marsha Norman: A Casebook by
A Man for All Seasons by Bolt, Robert
Radio Programming: Tactics and Strategy by Norberg, Eric
Aufführung Und Schrift in Mittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit: Dfg-Symposion 1994 by
Art & Science of Music Therapy: A Handbook by
Moving Words: Re-Writing Dance by
Moving Words: Re-Writing Dance by
A Generative Theory of Tonal Music, reissue, with a new preface by Jackendoff, Ray S., Lerdahl, Fred
Theatrical Design in the Twentieth Century: An Index to Photographic Reproductions of Scenic Designs by Atkinson, Patrick, Atkinson, W. Patrick
Split Britches: Lesbian Practice/Feminist Performance by
Music from the House of Hammer: Music in the Hammer Horror Films, 1950-1980 by Larson, Randall D.
The Cambridge Paperback Guide to Theatre by
Blueprints for a Black Federal Theatre by Fraden, Rean, Fraden, Rena
The Intercultural Performance Reader by
The Intercultural Performance Reader by
French Noel: With an Anthology of 1725 Arranged for Flute Duet by Mather, Betty Bang, Gavin, Gail
Wilde: Salome by Tydeman, William Comp, Price, Steven
Wilde: Salome by Tydeman, William Comp, Wilde, Oscar
Sir Arthur Sullivan: A Resource Book by Dillard, Philip H.
Women in Dramatic Place and Time: Contemporary Female Characters on Stage by Cousin, Geraldine
Women in Dramatic Place and Time: Contemporary Female Characters on Stage by Cousin, Geraldine
American Labor on Stage: Dramatic Interpretations of the Steel and Textile Industries in the 1930s by Duffy, Susan
The Dramatic Works in the Beaumont and Fletcher Canon by Fletcher, John, Beaumont, Francis
Kitsch and Art by Kulka, Thomas
David Mamet's Glengarry Glen Ross: Text and Performance by
The Shoe-Horn Sonata by Misto, John
Women in Russian Theatre: The Actress in the Silver Age by Schuler, Catherine
Women In Russian Theatre: The Actress in the Silver Age by Schuler, Catherine
Metzler Kabarett Lexikon: In Verbindung Mit Dem Deutschen Kabarettarchiv by Hippen, Reinhard, Budzinski, Klaus
Performance Research V1 Issu 2 by
In Contact with the Gods?: Directors Talk Theatre by Heritage, P. P., Delgado, Maria M.
August Strindberg: Selected Essays by Strindberg, August
The Victorian Music Hall: Culture, Class and Conflict by Dagmar, Kift, Kift, Dagmar
Roger Ebert's Book of Film: From Tolstoy to Tarantino, the Finest Writing from a Century of Film by
Contemporary British Theatre by
A Sourcebook on Feminist Theatre and Performance: On and Beyond the Stage by
West End Women: Women and the London Stage 1918 - 1962 by Gale, Maggie
West End Women: Women and the London Stage 1918 - 1962 by Gale, Maggie