• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Drama in 2010

Der Entwicklungsgang Des Deutschen Schauspiels by Hoffmann, Wilhelm Rudolf
Gynaceum, Eine Gallerie Satyrischer Gemalde by Feuerlein, F. G. W.
Leben Moralischer Character Und Schriftstellerischer Werth Des Jungen Plinius by Gierig, Gottlieb Erdmann
Die Thebanischen Tragodien Des Sophokles ALS Einzeldramen Asthetisch Gewurdigt by Mller, Johann, Muller, Johann
Telephon, Mikrophon Und Radiophon: Mit Besonderer Rucksicht Auf Ihre Anwendung in Der Praxis Bearbeitet by Schwartze, Theodor
Uber Eine Methode Zur Behandlung Unsymmetrischer Kabelsysteme Unter Berucksichtigung Des Konzentrischen Mit Bleimantel Umpressten Zwei-Leiter-Kabels A by Geldermann, Arthur
Das Attische Buhnenwesen by Muller, Albert, Mller, Albert
Faust Auf Der Buhne by Kilian, Eugen
Der Schwarze Kavalier: Ein Deutsches Spiel in Drei Akten. Olympias, Ein Griechisches Spiel in Drei Akten by Lilienfein, Heinrich
Register Zur Geschichte Des Neueren Dramas, Volumes 1-3 by Creizenach, Wilhelm Michael Anton
Das Volksschauspiel Vom Doctor Faust by Kralik, Richard
Don Sanche D'aragon: Comédie Héroique by Hémon, Félix, Corneille, Pierre
Geschichte Des Hollandischen Theaters by Anonymous
Die Sitte: Schauspiel in Funf Akten Von Hans Von Reinfels [Pseud.] by Von Januszkiewicz, Hans
Der Diamant: Eine Komodie in Funf Acten by Hebbel, Friedrich
Der Diamant: Eine Komodie in Funf Acten by Hebbel, Friedrich
Moliere's Amphitryon Im Verhaltnis Zu Seinen Vorgangern ... by Bock, Nathan
Praktisches Handbuch Der Drahtlosen Telegraphie Und Telephonie by Heinicke, Hermann, Zacharias, Johannes
Ludwig Der Baier: Schauspiel in Funf Akten by Heyse, Paul
Der Anfang Des Cevennenkriegs: Ein Trauerspiel in Funf Aufzugen by Von Sinclair, Isaak
Ein Puppenheim: Schauspiel in Drei Akten ... by Ibsen, Henrik Johan
Stein Unter Steinen: Schauspiel in 4 Akten by Sudermann, Hermann
Reading the Plays of Wendy Wasserstein by Balakian, Jan
Die Schauspielthatigkeit Der Schuler Und Studenten Wiens [Nebst Beitragen Zur Geschichte Der Jesuiten- Und Piaristenkomodie]. by Zeidler, Jakob
Shaking the Money Tree: The Art of Getting Grants and Donations for Film and Video Projects by Warshawski, Morrie
Diegenes; Szenen Einer Komodie in Versen by Hartleben, Otto Erich
Die Entstehung Der Oper: Ein Vortrag Gehalten Am 21. Februar 1872 by Schletterer, Hans Michel
275 Acting Games! Connected: A Comprehensive Workbook of Theatre Games for Developing Acting Skills by Levy, Gavin
Acting: The First Six Lessons: Documents from the American Laboratory Theatre by Boleslavsky, Richard
The Works of Shakespear: In Six Volumes, Volume 5 by Pope, Alexander, Rowe, Nicholas
The Works of Shakespear: Historical Plays: King Lear. King John. King Richard Ii. King Henry Iv, Pt. I-Ii. King Henry V by Pope, Alexander, Rowe, Nicholas
Lustspiele, Zweite Auflage by Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim
Dramaturgie Des Schauspiels: Grillparzer, Hebbel, Ludwig, Gutzkow, Laube. 8. Aufl by Bulthaupt, Heinrich Alfred
Kabale Und Liebe: Ein Burgerliches Trauerspiel by Anonymous
The Works of Shakespear: King Henry IV, PT. I-II. King Henry V. King Henry VI, PT. I by Pope, Alexander, Shakespeare, William
Ruckschau in Das Theaterleben Wiens Seit Den Letzten Funfzig Jahren by Seyfried, Ferdinand
E. H. A. Hallenstein's Volks-Theater in Frankfurter Mundart, Erster Band by Hallenstein, E. H. a.
The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, with Notes, Explanatory, and Critical, Volume 8 by Shakespeare, William, Gravelot, Hubert Franois, Theobald, Hubert Franois
Im Foyer: Essays Und Skizzen by Karpeles, Gustav
The Works of Shakespeare: Much ADO about Nothing. the Merchant of Venice. Love's Labour's Lost. as You Like It. Taming the Shrew by Shakespeare, William, Gravelot, Hubert Franois, Theobald, Hubert Franois
Dew Point by Beber, Neena
Performance as Art and Power by Umar-Buratai, Mohammed Inuwa
Angels in the Wings by Speake M. B. E., Barbara M.
Same Time, Another Year by Slade, Bernard
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, Volume 6 by Shakespeare, William, Van Der Gucht, Gerard, Theobald, William
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, Volume 7 by Shakespeare, William, Theobald, William
INTERNET PIMPIN The Ultimate Online Dating Guide For Men by Faal, Jack
Anne & Gilbert by Hochhauser, Jeff, Johnston, Bob
The Neutral Mask by Arrighi, Gillian
Decision, or Religion Must Be All, or Is Nothing by Kennedy, Grace
La Télégraphie Sans Fil, La Téléphonie Sans Fil by Petit, Gaston Emile
Rudimentos Da Arte Dramatica by Da Costa, Luiz
The Broadway by Anonymous
Bahamas Trilogy: Miss Ruby, Matt Lowe, Mariah Brown, a Collection of Historical Solo Dramas by Riley, Sandra
The Works of Shakespear: As You Like It. the Taming of the Shrew. All's Well, That Ends Well. Twelfth-Night: Or, What You Will by Pope, Alexander, Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Shakespeare, William, Wright, William Aldis, Clark, William George
Théatre de Clara Gazul: Comédienne Espagnole, Suivi de la Jacquerie, Scènes Féodales, Et de la Famille Carvajal by Merimee, Prosper
Ganz schön spannend by Pruys, Guido Marc
The Song of Songs by Assersohn, Ian
November by Mamet, David
Devil Boys from Beyond by Thomas, Buddy, Elliot, Kenneth
Sweat and Tears by Leone, Lucia
Exceptional Monologues for Men & Women Volume 1 by Disavino, Katherine, Heinze-Bradshaw, Roxane
Lottery Post 2009 Lottery Results Almanac, United States Edition by Northrop, Todd
One Act Plays by Ziffer, Arthur
Senza odio by Sperelli, Elia
Tales from the Script: 50 Hollywood Screenwriters Share Their Stories by Hanson, Peter, Herman, Paul Robert
Burlesque Humor Revisited by Poston, Dick
Five Finger Exercise by Shaffer, Peter
The Little Country Theater (1922) by Arvold, Alfred Gilmeiden
The Judsons Entertain: A Comedy In Three Acts (1922) by Ellis, Edith
The Far-Away Princess: A Comedy In One Act (1909) by Sudermann, Hermann
The Shield V9: A Magazine Published Quarterly In The Interests Of Theta Delta Chi (1893) by
The Gaberlunzie: A Scottish Comedy, In Three Acts (1839) by Black, Laurence
Tony, The Convict: A Comedy In Five Acts (1893) by Townsend, Charles
The Kiss: A Comedy, In Five Acts (1811) by Clarke, Stephen
The Discarded Daughter: A Comedy, In Five Acts (1832) by Pirsson, Joseph P.
Rural Felicity: An Operatic Comedy In Two Acts (1834) by Buckstone, John Baldwin
Two Lectures: Colley Cibber's Apology And The Art And Status Of The Actor (1904) by Irving, Henry Brodribb
The New Comedy (1897) by Oppe, Adolf Paul
The Man With The Nose: A Comedy For Boys In Two Acts (1910) by Knox, Edward Prentiss
The Marriage Promise: A Comedy In Five Acts (1803) by Allingham, John Till
The Parasite Or The Art To Make One's Fortune: A Comedy In Five Acts (1856) by Schiller, Friedrich
Wilfrid And Mary Or Father And Daughter: A Domestic Comedy Illustrative Of American Slave Life (1861) by St Bo', Theodore
The Systematic Or Imaginary Philosopher: A Comedy, In Five Acts (1800) by Buckeridge, Joseph, Loewy, Benno
The Lackey's Carnival: A Comedy In Four Acts (1900) by Jones, Henry Arthur
The Minister And The Mercer: A Comedy, In Five Acts (1834) by Bunn, Alfred
The Rogue's Comedy: A Play In Three Acts (1896) by Jones, Henry Arthur
The Model Vaudeville Theatre: How To Construct And Operate It (1909) by Schneider, Norman Hugh
Theatrical Sketches: Here And There With Prominent Actors (1894) by Margaret
The Planning And Construction Of American Theatres (1896) by Birkmire, William Harvey
The Stage And The Company V3: A Novel (1858) by Hubback
The Pope And The Actor V1: A Historical Novel (1842) by Wolfensberger, Madame, Burdon, Hannah D.
The Meadowsweet Comedy (1887) by Pinkerton, Thomas A.
The Birmingham Theatres: A Local Retrospect (1890) by Pemberton, Thomas Edgar
The Lady From Oklahoma: A Comedy In Four Acts (1911) by Jordan, Elizabeth Garver
The Maniacs: Or Fantasia Of Bos Bibens (1824) by West Indian
The Colonel's Maid, A Comedy In Three Acts; The Land Of Night, A Fairy Comedy For Young Folks; The Time Of His Life, A Comedy In Three Acts (1910) by Dalrymple, C. Leona
The Safety Of Theater Audiences And Of The Stage Personnel Against Danger From Fire And Panic (1899) by Gerhard, William Paul
Three Hats: A Farcical Comedy, In Three Acts (1889) by Hennequin, Alfred Neocles, Shirley, Arthur
The Affected Young Ladies: A Comedy In One Act (1915) by Moliere
The Prude's Progress: A Comedy, In Three Acts (1895) by Jerome, Jerome Klapka, Phillpotts, Eden
The Bacteriologist, An Original Comedy, In Five Acts: My Friend Isaac, An Original Comedietta, In One Act (1897) by Ford, Daniel K.
Theatres And Motion Picture Houses: A Practical Treatise On The Proper Planning And Construction Of Such Buildings (1916) by Meloy, Arthur Sherman
The Stage Struggles Of A Bad Actor (1904) by Laceby, Arthur
Three To One: A Comedy, In Two Acts (1850) by Elliot, John Lettsom
The Life And Theatrical Excursions Of William Robert Grossmith: The Juvenile Actor, Not Yet Nine Years Of Age (1827) by Grossmith, William Robert
The Good-Natured Man: A Comedy (1884) by Goldsmith, Oliver
Talma On The Actor's Art (1883) by Talma, Francois Joseph
The Woman-Hater: A Farcical Comedy In Four Acts (1907) by Lloyd, David Demarest
The Firescreen: A Comedy In Four Acts (1912) by Sutro, Alfred
The Sons Of Erin Or Modern Sentiments: A Comedy, In Five Acts (1812) by Lefanu, Alicia
Succession: A Comedy Of The Generations (1913) by Sidgwick, Ethel
The Works Of Moliere V5 (1748) by Moliere
Theatre De Calderon V3 (1891) by Barca, Pedro Calderon de La, Hinard, M. Damas
The Tatler And The Guardian (1876) by Addison, Joseph
Vaudeville (1914) by Caffin, Caroline
The Bohemians: A Comedy In Three Acts (1896) by Cowley, E. J.
Why The World Laughs (1912) by Johnston, Charles
The Ladies' Battle, or a Duel in Love: A Comedy in Three Acts (1883) by Scribe, Eugene, Legouv, Ernest
The Haunted Chamber: A Romantic Comedy, In One Act (1921) by Griswold, Grace
Southern Gothic Novel: The Aberdeen, Mississippi Sex-Slave Incident by Blocker, Frank
Alan Ayckbourn in Chekhov's Footsteps. A Study of Chekhovian Character Traits in Ayckbourn Drama. by Kirca, Mustafa
Shakespeare's Sonnets and Poems by Shakespeare, William
The Scene Study Book: Roadmap to Success by Miller, Bruce
More Than Meets the Eye by Carmichael, Fred
Moose Murders by Bicknell, Arthur
The Works of Shakespeare: Preface, Life, Etc. the Two Gentlemen of Verona. Love's Labour's Lost. the Comedy of Errors. Romeo and Juliet. the Tam by Dalziel, George, Gilbert, John, Dalziel, Edward
Tragaldabas: Komische Oper in Vier Aufzugen by Vacquerie, Auguste, Lothar, Rudolph, Albert, Eugen D'
Titus Maccius Plautus Lustspiele, Volumes 5-9 (Large Print Edition) by Binder, Wilhelm
The Works of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Recently Discovered Portfolio of 1632, Containing Early Manuscript Emendations; With a Histo by Collier, John Payne, Shakespeare, William
Off Off Broadway Festival Plays, 34th Series by #N/A
Fubar by Gajdusek, Karl
Subculture by Yockey, Steve
Kindness by Rapp, Adam
Musiktheater Winterhagel: Wer ist das gute Opfer? Wer ist das böse Opfer? Wer ist der gute Täter? Wer ist der böse Täter? by Avramidis, Michalis
Ulrichi Ab Hutten Equitis Germani Opera Quae Extant Omnia, Zweiter Theil by Von Hutten, Ulrich, Münch, Ernst Hermann Joseph
Pillars of Society by Ibsen, Henrik
Carry Me Kate by Musgrove, Rachel
The Metamorphosis by Thomalen, E.
Daddy Long-Legs by Webster, Jean
Fences by Wilson, August
Watchmen as Literature: A Critical Study of the Graphic Novel by Van Ness, Sara J.
Honesty the Best Policy: And Other Dramas for Parlor Pastime by Anonymous
The Playmaking Way: Using Dramatic Arts to Support Young Readers and Writers by Nickens, Rabin
Lottery Post 2009 Lottery Results Almanac, Canada Edition by Northrop, Todd
Annabel: Or the (Sexual) Adventures of a Good Girl by Roick, Brigitte
Bone-Chiller! by Ferris, Monk
Noises Off by Frayn, Michael
A Raisin in the Sun by Hansberry, Lorraine
Die Todten Seelen: Ein Satyrisch-Komisches Zeitgemaelde by Anonymous
Opera Quae Supersunt, Volume 2 by Tacitus, Cornelius
You've Got Hate Mail by Van Zandt, Billy, Milmore, Jane, Van Zandt, William
Oohrah! by Brunstetter, Bekah
Red, White and Tuna by Howard, Ed, Williams, Jaston, Sears, Joe
I signori restano a cena by Zeffiro, Daniela
Letters of an Actress by Anonymous
Die Alteste Deutsche Ubersetzung Molierescher Lustspiele by Eloesser, Arthur
Vergeltung: Ein Schauspiel in Funf Aufzugen by Kind, Friedrich
Les Caractères de la Tragédie by De La Bruyere, Jean
The Works of Shakespear: The Comedy of Errors. the Winter's Tale. the Life and Death of King John. King Richard II by Pope, Alexander, Shakespeare, William
Othello, the Moore of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Shakespeare, William
Media Borders, Multimodality and Intermediality by
Murder Room by Sharkey, Jack
Othello, the Moore of Venice by Shakespeare, William
The Odd Couple by Simon, Neil
The Odd Couple (Female Version) by Simon, Neil
Behind the Laughter, Hidden Tears by Richards, Sal
Lebendige Form: Rhythmus Und Freiheit in Gymnastik Sport Und Tanz by Winther, Fritz
The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes, Volume 8 by Theobald, Theobald, William, Shakespeare, William
Hospitality Suite by Rueff, Roger
The Works of Shakespeare: In Eight Volumes; Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected by Shakespeare, William, Theobald, Van Der Gucht, Gerard
The Works of Shakespear: King Lear. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Macbeth by Shakespeare, William, Pope, Alexander
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, Volume 3 by Theobald, Van Der Gucht, Gerard, Shakespeare, William
The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and Corrected, Volume 2 by Shakespeare, William, Theobald
Rumors by Simon, Neil
The Gypsy Queen: A Romantic Play (1903) by Halidom, M. Y.
The Planning And Construction Of American Theatres (1896) by Birkmire, William Harvey
Otto Ludwigs Gesammelte Schriften V3: Dramen (1891) by Ludwig, Otto
The Works Of William Shakespeare, Complete (1859) by Shakespeare, William
Shakespeare As Put Forth In 1623 Part 1 (1864) by Shakespeare, William
The Stage And The Company V3: A Novel (1858) by Hubback
Visite di cortesia by Marinelli, Elisabetta, Zeffiro, Daniela
Fayettenam Plays and London Works by Myers, Macky Levaughn
Fayettenam Plays and London Works by Myers, Macky Levaughn
Arpeggios, Rhythms, and Scales by Laird, Mike
Timster's World: So What Makes You So Special? by Boykin, Timothy
International Radio Telegraph Convention of Berlin: 1906: And Propositions for the International Radio Telegraph Conference of London by
The Works of Shakespeare: The Text Regulated by the Recently Discovered Portfolio of 1632, Containing Early Manuscript Emendations; With a Histo by Shakespeare, William, Collier, John Payne
Das Epigramm: A Comedy In Four Acts (1849) by Kotzebue, August Von
Der Narr In Christo Emanuel Quint (1910) by Hauptmann, Gerhart
Das Komische Bei Moliere (1901) by Oettinger, Wilhelm
Der Lahme Hans: Ein Drama (1905) by Schlaikjer, Erich
Das Ewig-Weibliche: Ein Heiteres Phantasiespiel In 4 Aufzugen (1902) by Misch, Robert
Iphigenie En Tauride (1874) by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Ultra Montes: Roman (1903) by Wedekind, Donald
Cinq No: Drames Lyriques Japonais (1921) by Peri, Noel
Barbara: Tragicomedia En Cuatro Actos (1905) by Galdos, Benito Perez
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