• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Eastern Religions in 2012

Am I-I Am by Renz, Karl
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Iyer, Raghavan
Reform, Identity and Narratives of Belonging: The Heraka Movement in Northeast India by Longkumer, Arkotong
The Seon Way for a Purposeful Life by Mun, Suroso
The Problem of Two Truths in Buddhism and Vedānta by Sprung, G. M. C.
Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #27; A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings by Aseshananda, Hixon, Lex
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
Dignaga on the Interpretation of Signs by Hayes, R. P.
The Art of War by Tzu, Sun
Blaming Japhy Rider: Memoir of a Dharma Bum Who Survived by Bralich Ph. D., Philip A.
Blaming Japhy Rider: Memoir of a Dharma Bum Who Survived by Bralich Ph. D., Philip A.
The Original Wisdom of the DAO DE JING: A New Translation and Commentary by Laska, Pj
The Symbolism of the Tarot by Ouspensky, P. D.
The Cult of Emptiness. the Western Discovery of Buddhist Thought and the Invention of Oriental Philosophy by App, Urs
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
El Libro Tibetano de Los Muertos by Sambhava, Padma
Non-Contradiction by Powers, Lawrence H.
Fragments of Philo Judaeus by Philo of Alexandria
Siddhartha: An Indian Tale by Hesse, Hermann
The Ten Original Systems of Yoga by Wood, Ernest
Readings of the Platform Sutra by
Readings of the Platform Sutra by
The Oceanic Feeling: The Origins of Religious Sentiment in Ancient India by Masson, J. M.
Tradition and Argument in Classical Indian Linguistics: The Bahiraṅga-Paribhāṣā In the Paribhāṣenduśekhara by Bronkhorst, Johannes
The Religion of the Samurai by Nukariya, Kaiten
Ontology of Production: Three Essays by
The Analects by Confucius
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
Gnani Yoga or Development of Wisdom by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Happiness Across Cultures: Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures by
Teaching Africa: Towards a Transgressive Pedagogy by Sefa Dei, George J.
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West: Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society by Jeffery-Street, Isobel
Ibn 'Arabi and the Contemporary West: Beshara and the Ibn 'Arabi Society by Jeffery-Street, Isobel
Living Authentically: Daoist Contributions to Modern Psychology by Kohn, Livia
Sikhism by Jakobsh, Doris
The Upanishads: Tr. Into English, Volume 1... by Anonymous
Substantive Perspectivism: An Essay on Philosophical Concern with Truth by Mou, Bo
German-Jewish Thought Between Religion and Politics: Festschrift in Honor of Paul Mendes-Flohr on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday by
Essential Huainanzi: Liu An, King of Huainan by Li King of Huainan, An
The Essential Huainanzi by Li King of Huainan, An
Srinatha: The Poet Who Made Gods and Kings by Rao, Velcheru Narayana, Shulman, David
Unto Thee I Grant the Economy of Life by Unknown
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
The I Ching: A Biography by Smith, Richard J.
Ritual and the Moral Life: Reclaiming the Tradition by
Chinese Philosophy by Wen, Haiming
Notes of the Heart by Griffin, Marian Rhea
Samkhya Karika: with Gaudapadacarya Bhasya by Bawra, Brahmrishi Vishvatma
Happiness and the Art of Being: An introduction to the philosophy and practice of the spiritual teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana (Second Edition) by James, Michael
Sagehood: The Contemporary Significance of Neo-Confucian Philosophy by Angle, Stephen C.
Thomas Jefferson: Lessons from a Secret Buddha by Dhand, Suneel
Tattvabodhaḥ by Saraswati, Swami Dayananda
Sun Tzu - The Art of War - The Illustrated Edition by Tzu, Sun
Sun Tzu - The Art of War - The Illustrated Edition by Tzu, Sun
The Yogi Science of Breath by Ramacharaka
Kapila's Samkhya Patanjali's Yoga: Revised Edition by Bawra, Brahmrishi Vishvatma
Discovering the Obvious by Morrison, Marvin L.
Ten Thousand Things: Nurturing Life in Contemporary Beijing by Farquhar, Judith, Zhang, Qicheng
Myths of Light: Eastern Metaphors of the Eternal by Campbell, Joseph
Six Pillars: Introductions to the Works of Sri Aurobindo by Sri Aurobindo
Sanctity and Self-Inflicted Violence in Chinese Religions, 1500-1700 by Yu, Jimmy
The Essentials of Eastern Philosophy: Being Two Addresses Delivered in the University of Toronto at the Philosophical Conference, 1922 by Shastri, Prabhu Dutt
The Song Divine, or Bhagavad-Gita: A Metrical Rendering (with Annotations) (English-Only Edition) by Caleb, C. C.
Budismo Moderno (Modern Buddhism): El Camino de la Compasión Y La Sabiduría by Gyatso, Gueshe Kelsang
Qigong Meets Quantum Physics by Bock-Möbius, Imke
The Eight Immortals' Revolving Sword of Pure Yang by Baolin, Wu
Reconstructionist Confucianism: Rethinking Morality After the West by Fan, Ruiping
The Cambridge History of Jewish Philosophy: The Modern Era by
A Search in Secret India by Brunton, Paul
Exploring the Yogasutra: Philosophy and Translation by Raveh, Daniel
Exploring the Yogasutra: Philosophy and Translation by Raveh, Daniel
Autobiographie D'Un Yogi by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Lao Tzu and Anthroposophy: A Translation of the Tao Te Ching with Commentary and a Lao Tzu Document "The Great One Excretes Water" by Sit, Kwan-Yuk Claire
Brains, Buddhas, and Believing: The Problem of Intentionality in Classical Buddhist and Cognitive-Scientific Philosophy of Mind by Arnold, Dan
Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai by Tsunetomo, Yamamoto
The Book of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
Beyond Immortality: Complete texts, original translations, word by word transliteration, philosophical commentary, mythological analysis a by Simonelli, Pasquale J.
Beyond Immortality: Complete texts, translations, word transliteration, philosophical commentary, mythological analysis and notes of Ganap by Simonelli, Pasquale J.
WB Companion to African Religi by
Chinese Blue by Chan, Weyman
Religionswissenschaft by
Art of War: Centenniel Anthology Edition with Translations by Zieger and Giles by Tzu, Sun
Passion, Death, and Spirituality: The Philosophy of Robert C. Solomon by
Art of War: Centennial Anthology Edition with Translations by Zieger and Giles by Tzu, Sun
Confucius Et Mencius. Les Quatre Livres de Philosophie Morale Et Politique de la Chine (Éd.1852) by Confucius
Thorns for a Seeker by Bala
Bhagavadgita: The Celestial Song by
The Two Hands Of God: The Myths Of Polarity by Watts, Alan W.
Women in Islam: Reflections on Historical and Contemporary Research by
The Ocean of Theosophy by Judge, William Q.
Primal Way and the Pathology of Civilization by Robinson, Walter
Blaming Japhy Rider: The Email Chronicles by Bralich Ph. D., Philip A.
Calm, Clear, and Loving: Soothing the Distressed Mind, Healing the Wounded Heart by Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
Calm, Clear, and Loving: Soothing the Distressed Mind, Healing the Wounded Heart by Ginsberg, Mitchell D.
Primal Way and the Pathology of Civilization by Robinson, Walter
Learning to Emulate the Wise: The Genesis of Chinese Philosophy as an Academic Discipline in Twentieth-Century China by
Das Dasein als Lust, Leid und Liebe by Hübbe-Schleiden, Wilhelm
Medieval Arabic Thought: Essays in Honour of Fritz Zimmermann by
The Threefold Pathway of Fire by Raphael, (Āśram Vidyā Order)
An Introduction To Yoga by Besant, Annie
Major Aspects of Chinese Religion and Philosophy: DAO of Inner Saint and Outer King by Shan, Chun
Vivekacudamani, The Crest Jewel of Discernment by Śaṅkara
Shizi: China's First Syncretist by
Autobiography of a Yogi by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Ancient Wisdom for a New Age: A Practical Guide for Spiritual Growth by Benedict, Paul, Hunt, Terry
The Refutation and Analysis of Falun Gong by Cheng-Wu, Lao
The Refutation and Analysis of Falun Gong by Cheng-Wu, Lao
A Hindu Critique of Buddhist Epistemology: Kumarila on Perception: The 'Determination of Perception' Chapter of Kumarila Bhatta's Slokavarttika - Tran by Taber, John
The Illustrated Art of War by Sun Tzu
A Guide to Asian Philosophy Classics by Li, Puqun
The Bon Landscape of Dolpo: Pilgrimages, Monasteries, Biographies and the Emergence of Bon by
The Art of War: The Oldest Military Treatise in the World by Tzu, Sun
Desire and Motivation in Indian Philosophy by Framarin, Christopher G.
Yijing (I Ching) Chinese/English Dictionary with Concordance and Translation by Bernardo, Daniel Claudio
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
Ming Prince and Daoism: Institutional Patronage of an Elite by Wang, Richard G.
Autobiografia Unui Yoghih - Romanian by Yogananda, Paramahansa
The Yogini's Eye: Comprehensive Introduction to Buddhist Tantra by Verrill, Wayne
Autobiography of a Yogi - Traditional Chinese by Yogananda, Paramahansa
The Yogini's Eye: Comprehensive Introduction to Buddhist Tantra by Verrill, Wayne
Reincarnation and the Law of Karma by Atkinson, William Walker
Buddhist Logic and Epistemology: Studies in the Buddhist Analysis of Inference and Language by
YiJing (I Ching) Diccionario de caracteres chinos con concordancia y traducción by Bernardo, Daniel Claudio
A Short Introduction to the Philosophy of Santarakshita by Friquegnon, Marie-Louise
Karma-Yoga by Vivekananda, Swami
How to Reach Enlightenment: Teach Yourself by Campbell, Polly
Nothing to Grasp by Tollifson, Joan
Bhakti-Yoga by Vivekananda, Swami
The Way of Powerlessness - Advaita and the 12 Steps of Recovery by Liquorman, Wayne
The Way Of Powerlessness - Advaita and the 12 Steps Of Recovery by Liquorman, Wayne
The Essence of Shinto: Japan's Spiritual Heart by Yamakage, Motohisa
Introduccio al pensament de l'Asia oriental: a traves dels textos originals xinesos by Ward, Alan
DAO Companion to the Philosophy of Han Fei by
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
Premopasana of Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Krishna by Lakshminarayana, J. S. S.
The Religion of the Samurai by Nukariya, Kaiten
Indian Philosophy of Language: Studies in Selected Issues by Siderits, Mark
Phenomenology: East and West: Essays in Honor of J.N. Mohanty by
Yinyang by Wang, Robin R.
Yinyang by Wang, Robin
Nirvana Upside Down by Dhiravamsa
The New Space: Genesis and Background: Between Vertical Liberty and Horizontal Respect by Bazargani, Bahman
The New Space: Genesis and Background: Between Vertical Liberty and Horizontal Respect by Bazargani, Bahman
Studia Philonica Annual XXIV, 2012 by
The Art of War: The oldest military treatise in the world by Van Geloven, Sander, Tzu, Sun
Logic at the Crossroads (Set): Proof, Computation and Agency Games, Norms and Reasons by
The Kybalion: The Seven Ancient Principles by Initiates, The Three
Drawing on Tradition: Manga, Anime, and Religion in Contemporary Japan by Thomas, Jolyon Baraka
Always In Tao by Taylor, Brian P.
Reason, Life, Culture: Part I Phenomenology in the Baltics by
Analects by Confucius
Perceiving Reality by Coseru
The Improvement of Human Reason by Tufail, Ibn
Light On The Path: and Through the Gates of Gold by Collins, Mabel
Sandalwood and Carrion: Smell in Indian Religion and Culture by McHugh, James
The Meaning of Nouns: Semantic Theory in Classical and Medieval India by Deshpande, M. M.
Animal and Shaman: Ancient Religions of Central Asia by Baldick, Julian
Philosophie Asiatique/Asian Philosophy by
threads of yoga: a remix of patanjali-s sutra-s, with commentary and reverie by Remski, Matthew S.
Language of Disenchantment: Protestant Literalism and Colonial Discourse in British India by Yelle, Robert A.
Bhagavad Gita by Smith, Paul
Bhakti-Yoga by Vivekananda, Swami
A Series Of Lessons in Gnani Yoga by Ramacharaka, Yogi
Laozi: Quest for the Ultimate Reality by Lau, Yeow-Kok, Jingwei
Journal of the American Oriental Society, V48 by
Religions Of Ancient China by Giles, Herbert A.
A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China's Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future by Qing, Jiang
The Managerial Ideas from the East by Taguchi, Yoshifumi
China on the Mind by Bollas, Christopher
Karma-Yoga by Vivekananda, Swami
Embodied Moral Psychology and Confucian Philosophy by Seok, Bongrae
The Regal Way to Realization: Yogadarsana by Patañjali
Kriya Yoga: Continuing the Lineage of Enlightenment by Kurczak, Ryan
Gandhi and the Stoics: Modern Experiments on Ancient Values. by Richard Sorabji by Sorabji, Richard
Art of Life and Death: Lessons in Budo from a Ninja Master by Fletcher, Daniel, Azizi, Sleiman
Hunger Mountain: A Field Guide to Mind and Landscape by Hinton, David
The Book of Five Rings: A Graphic Novel by Musashi, Miyamoto
The Discipline of Philosophy and the Invention of Modern Jewish Thought by Goetschel, Willi
The Book of Tea by Okakura, Kakuzo
Understanding Schopenhauer Through the Prism of Indian Culture: Philosophy, Religion and Sanskrit Literature by
I of the Sun by Arthur, Richard
The Dhammapada: The Gospel of the Buddha by Buddha, Gautama
Nectar of Nondual Truth #28; A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosphical Teachings by Kindler, Babaji Bob, Shapiro, Rami, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche
Falun Gong: The End of Days by Chang, Maria Hsia
Joogi Autobiograafia (Autobiography of a Yogi - Estonian) by Yogananda, Paramahansa
Ghazali's Politics in Context by Said, Yazeed
Ancient Wisdom for a New Age: A Practical Guide for Spiritual Growth by Benedict, Paul, Hunt, Terry
Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism: History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions by Wedemeyer, Christian
Chitra by Tagore, Rabindranath
The Yoga Revolution: Bridging the Gap Between Spiritualism and Materialism by James, Rohan
New Perspectives on the Research of Chinese Culture by
The Book of Five Rings by Musashi, Miyamoto
The Book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi
Gifts to a Magus: Indo-Iranian Studies Honoring Firoze Kotwal by
The Book of Five Rings: The Way of Miyamoto Musashi by Musashi, Miyamoto
Spirits Without Borders: Vietnamese Spirit Mediums in a Transnational Age by Fjelstad, K., Hien, N.
Always In Tao Companion Book by Taylor, Brian
Confucian Prophet: Political Thought in Du Fu's Poetry (752-757) by Schneider, David K.