• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Eastern Religions in 2025

SUN TZU The Art of War Psychosocial Commentaries: A Wayfaring Sojourner's Rendering of The Way of Warfaring by Vespe, Raymond Bart
The Essential Yoga Sutra: Ancient Wisdom for Your Yoga by Roach, Geshe Michael
Laozi's DAO de Jing: A New Interpretation for a Transformative Time by Laozi, Liu, Ken
Hymn to the Earth: From the Old Indian Atharvaveda by Beckh, Hermann
The Mother of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram: Co-Creator of the Integral Yoga by Beldio, Patrick
IKIGAI e Filosofia Giapponese: 10 Libri in 1: Scopri il tuo scopo nella vita, raggiungi la felicità e la longevità grazie ai segreti della cultura gi by Takumi, Haru, Institute, Kizentai
Autobiografia di uno Yogi (Autobiography of a Yogi Italian) by Paramahansa, Paramahansa
Stuti Chintamani of Bhima Bhoi by Das, Dinabandhu
Demystifying American Yoga: Embodied Movement for Individual and Collective Transformation by Hentges, Sarah
Art of War by Tzu, Sun
The Philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore: Thinking Across Cultures by Jahanbegloo, Ramin
Chinese Philosophy in Transcultural Contexts: Comparative Approaches and the Method of Sublation by Rosker, Jana S.
Myth and Identity in the Martial Arts: Creating the Dragon by McLeod, Alexus
Indian Philosophy and Yoga in Germany by Ware, Owen
求真之路:心学如何改变世界: The Path to Truth: How Oriental Philosophy C by 天心, Tian Xin
缔造美国梦: Create The American Dream by Shenghan Gao, 高胜寒
How to Increase Your Magnetism by Yogananda, Paramhansa
Relations and Roles in China's Internationalism: Rediscovering Confucianism in a Pluriversal World by Shih, Chih-Yu
The Whirlpool That Produced China: Stag Hunting on the Central Plain by Zhao, Tingyang
The Sāṃkhya System: Accounting for the Real by
Exploring the Yoga Sutras by Sutton, Nicholas
Insights Into Chinese Culture by Lang, Ye, Liangzhi, Zhu
Compendium of All Philosophies: The Sarvadarśanasaṃgraha Translated by
Cosmologías de India / Cosmologies of India: Védica, Sãmkhya Y Budista / Vedic, Sãmkhya and Buddhist by Arnau, Juan
The Catalogue of Books of 'Abdisho' Bar Brikha: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by M. Stadel, Seth
The Complete Writings by Fraser, Chris, Zhuangzi
The Light of Asia: A History of Western Fascination with the East by Harding, Christopher
The Kingdom of the Heart: Meditations from the Christian East by Harb, Alexander
The Shogun's Scroll: Wield Power and Control Your Destiny by Kaufman, Stephen F.
Maimonides's Guide on Obstacles to Knowledge, Being, and Action by Parens, Joshua
Hanshan Deqing, Wang Fuzhi, and Lin Yunming on Zhuangzi: Impressions of Carefree Wandering by Williams, John R.
Aristotle in Japan: Reception, Interpretation and Application by
Japanese Proverbs: 200 Gems of Traditional Wit and Wisdom by Galef, David
Clement of Alexandria's Paedagogus by Hrůsová, Veronika, Gyurkovics, Miklós, Van Den Hoek, Annewies
Buddhist-Confucian Polemics in Seventeenth-Century Japan: The Critics of Hayashi Razan by Boot, W. J.
Essentials of Chinese Humanism: Confucianism, Daoism, and Buddhism by Xu, Xiaoyue
Moltmann in China: Reception and Dialogue by Thurston, Naomi
A Cure for Chaos by Mencius
Dictionary of Chinese Cultural Knowledge by
Yogalands: In Search of Practice on the Mat and in the World by Bramadat, Paul
An Academic History of China's Han Dynasty: Volume II Brilliant Academic Achievements by Xiong, Tieji
The Original I Ching: A Landmark Translation of the Book of Changes Based on Recent Discoveries by Pearson, Margaret J.
A Lamp Unto Yourself: A Beginner's Guide to Asian Spiritual Practices, from Advaita and Buddhism to Yoga and Zen by Salguero, C. Pierce
Mushin / Mushin: Zen Y Sabiduría Samurái Para La Vida Cotidiana / Zen and Samurai Wisdom for Everyday Life by Racionero, Alexis
Gary Snyder: Essential Prose (Loa #391) by Snyder, Gary
The Philosopher Li Zehou: His Thought and His Legacy by
In Quest of God by Ramdas, Swami
Doing Metaphysics in a Diverse World: How We Make Sense of Things Across Cultures by
Doing Metaphysics in a Diverse World: How We Make Sense of Things Across Cultures by
The Routledge Companion to Jewish Philosophy by
Samkhya Karika: A Yoga Practitioner's Guide to Overcoming the Three Causes of Suffering by Ramaswami, Srivatsa
The Heritage State: Religion and Preservation in Contemporary Qatar by Rico, Trinidad
Essays of a Recluse: A Complete Translation of the Qianfulun by Wang, Fu
Essays of a Recluse: A Complete Translation of the Qianfulun by Wang, Fu
Merleau-Ponty and Utpaladeva: A Radically Phenomenal View of Embodiment by Lorandou, Eleni
Self-Cultivation in Chinese and Greek Philosophy: Nourishing the Heart/Mind and Playing Roles by Machek, David
Dionysius Bar Ṣalībī Guardian of the Syriac Orthodox Tradition by
The Art of War: The Classic Text on the Conduct of Warfare by Tzu, Sun
Transforming Relationships: The Art of Conscious Relating and Human Design by Jordan, Brandy, Corbett, Richard
Divine Participation: A Reconstruction of St Cyril of Alexandria's and Fr Matta Al-Miskīn's Commentaries on the Gospel of St John by Samir, Wagdy
The Ontology of Confucius Jen (Humanity) by Chen, Lai
Tao Te Ching by Tzu, Lao
The Tibetan Book of the Dead by Baldock, John
Confucian Literature of the Tang and Song Dynasties: An Annotated Anthology 唐宋儒家詩文譯注 by Chen, Zu-Yan
Confucian Literature of the Tang and Song Dynasties: An Annotated Anthology 唐宋儒家詩文譯注 by Chen, Zu-Yan
Understanding Salafism: Seeking the Path of the Pious Predecessors by Qadhi, Yasir
Provincialising Pluralism: Difference and Diversity in South Asian Traditions by
Foundations of Confucian Ethics: Virtues, Roles, and Exemplars by Connolly, Timothy
The Essence of Muay Thai: A Warrior's Guide to the Tradition and Its Spiritual Heart by Aru, Nuakai