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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1982

State, Education, and Social Class in Mexico, 1880-1928 by Vaughn, Mary Kay
Current Topics in Early Childhood Education, Volume 4 by Unknown
Differentielle Prognostizierbarkeit Von Schulleistung by Rosemann, Bernhard
Konstruktiver Funktionalismus: Die Wissenschaftstheoretische Basis Einer Empirischen Theorie Der Literatur by Finke, Peter
Technikphilosophie in Der Diskussion: Ergebnisse Des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Symposiums in Bad Homburg (W. Reimers-Stiftung) 7.-11. April 1981 by
Die Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung Der Psychologen II: Die Diskussion in Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by
Didaktik Des Mathematikunterrichts in Der Sekundarstufe II by Tietze, Uwe-Peter
Weiterbildung Von Sozialarbeitern Und Sozialpädagogen: Theoretische, Empirische Und Curriculare Konzepte by Klusemann, Hans-Werner
Zeit Für Veränderungen: Zur Bedeutung Des Zeitfaktors Bei Geplanten Veränderungen Im Staatlichen Schulsystem by Briese, Volker, Heitmeyer, Wilhelm
Interaktions- Und Leistungstypen Im Literaturunterricht: Eine Handlungstheoretische Feldstudie Unterrichtlicher Komplexität by Grzesik, Jürgen
Orientierungen Bei Oberstufenschülern by Sturzebecher, Klaus
Erarbeitung Physikalischer Größen Und Gesetze Im Physikunterricht Der Sekundarstufe I Unter Einsatz Von Schülerexperimenten by Bormann, Manfred
Die Tätigkeit Des Musiklehrers an Allgemeinbildenden Schulen Unter Dem Gesichtspunkt Der Langzeitplanung (1920 - 1980): Empirische Untersuchungen Zur by Linke, Norbert
Elementare Soziologie by Streeck, Wolfgang, Conrad, Wolfgang
Einführung in Die Deutsche Literatur Des 12. Bis 16. Jahrhunderts: Patriziat Und Landesherrschaft - 13.-15. Jahrhundert by Frey, Winfried, Raitz, Walter
World List of Universities / Liste Mondiale Des Universites by International Association of Universities
Curriculum Sozialarbeit/Sozialpädagogik in Nordrhein-Westfalen: Analyse Des Hochschulstudiums Für Das Sozialwesen in NW by Krisam, Raymund
Self-Concept, Achievement and Multicultural Education by
How and How Much Can Intellegence Be Increased by Detterman, Douglas K., Sternberg, Robert J., Unknown
The Secret of Childhood by Montessori, Maria
The Last Trek: A Study of the Boer People and the Afrikaner Nation by Patterson, Sheila, Unknown
The Pragmatic Imagination: A History of the Wharton School, 1881-1981 by Sass, Steven A.
Learning from Experience: Evaluating Early Childhood Demonstration Programs by Panel on Outcome Measurement in Early Childhood Demonstratio, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Placing Children in Special Education: A Strategy for Equity by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Mathematical and Physical Sciences by Social Science Research Council, National Research Council, American Council on Education
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Humanities by Committee on an Assessment of Quality Related Characteristic
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Engineering by Committee on an Assessment of Quality-Related Characteristic
An Assessment of Research-Doctorate Programs in the United States: Biological Sciences by Social Science Research Council, National Research Council, American Council on Education
Perception by Price, H.
Literature and the Arts in Twentieth Century China by Unknown, Scott, A. C.
The White Umbrella: Indian Political Thought from Manu to Gandhi by Unknown, Brown, D. MacKenzie, Brown, Donald MacKenzie
Islam: Essays in the Nature and Growth of a Cultural Tradition by Von Grunebaum, Gustave E., Unknown, Grunebaum, Gustave E. Von
The Social Desirability Variable in Personality Assessment and Research by Edwards, Allen Louis, Unknown
Collective Choice in Education by Bowman, M. J.
Science, Curriculum, and Liberal Education: Selected Essays by Schwab, Joseph J.
Making the Difference: Schools, Families and Social Division by Connell, Rw
Foxfire 7 by Foxfire Fund, Inc
Plant Location in Theory and in Practice: The Economics of Space by Greenhut, Melvin L., Unknown
Fifteen Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and Their Effects on Children by Rutter, Michael
Mathematical Activities by Bolt, Brian
Mental Patients and Social Networks by Perrucci, Robert, Targ, Dena B.
Handlungsorientierte Medienerziehung in Der Schule: Grundlagen Und Handreichung by Fröhlich, Arnold
The University of Exeter: A History by Clapp, B. W.
Thinking: An Experimental and Social Study by Unknown
International Business Policy by Robinson, Richard D.
A History of Education in Antiquity by Marrou, H. I.
The Research Universities & Their Patrons by Turlington, Barbara, Rosenzweig, Robert M.
The Sounds of Language: An Inquiry into the Role of Genetic Factors in the Development of Sound Systems by Brosnahan, Leonard
Strategic Studies: A Critical Assessment by Gray, Colin S.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1980-1981 by Survey
Political Culture, Foreign Policy, and Conflict: The Palestine Area Conflict System by Meibar, Basheer
The Politics of Wilderness Preservation. by Allin, Craig W.
Toward Reunion in Philosophy by Unknown
Scientists in Industry: Conflict and Accommodation by Kornhauser, William
Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology by Bott, Raoul, Tu, Loring W.
The Logic of Culture: Advances in Structural Theory and Methods by Rossi, Ino
The Nature of Syntactic Representation by
The Nature of Syntactic Representation by
Political Awakening in the Belgian Congo. by Lemarchand, Rene, Unknown
Neo-Marxism: The Meanings of Modern Radicalism by Gorman, Robert a.
Public Debt and Future Generations by Ferguson, James M., Unknown
Reference Handbook on the Deserts of North America by Bender, Gordon Lawrence
Quality of Work Life Assessment: A Survey-Based Approach by Buono, Anthony F., Bowditch, James L.
Southern Anglicanism: The Church of England in Colonial South Carolina by Bolton, S. Charles
Trends in Information Transfer by Unknown
Politics, Character, and Culture: Perspectives from Hans Gerth by Bensman, Marilyn, Gerth, Nobuko
Work, Youth, and Schooling: Historical Perspectives on Vocationalism in American Education by
The Government of Japan. by Burks, Ardath W., Unknown
Lawyers v. Educators: Black Colleges and Desegregation in Public Higher Education by Preer, Jean
The Solzhenitsyn-Sakharov Dialogue: Politics, Society, and the Future by Kelley, Donald R.
Towards a More General Theory of Value by Unknown, Chamberlin, Edward
Briefe aus den Jahren 1805 bis 1807 (Nr. 1066-1336) by
Schriften von 1811 bis 1815 by
Latin Via Ovid: A First Course by Goldman, Norma W., Nyenhuis, Jacob E.
Prediction and Optimal Decision: Philosophical Issues of a Science of Values by Churchman, Charles West
The Naturalistic Tradition in Indian Thought by Riepe, Dale Maurice, Unknown
Linguistics for Language Learners by Hartley, A. F.
The Italian Labor Movement: Problems and Prospects by Lapalombara, Joseph, Unknown
American Collegiate Populations: A Test of the Traditional View by Burke, Colin
Writing: The Nature, Development, and Teaching of Written Communication by Whiteman, M. Farr
Personality and Persuasibility by Janis, Irving L., Unknown
The Negro Professional Class by Unknown, Edwards, G. Franklin, Edwards, Gilbert Franklin
Southern Enterprize: The Work of National Evangelical Societies in the Antebellum South by Kuykendall, John W.
Financing Higher Education: The Public Investment by Unknown
The Conscience of the University, and Other Essays by Ransom, Harry Huntt
Kierkegaard: Resources and Results by
Moscow and the Communist Party of India: A Study in the Postwar Evolution of International Communist Strategy by Kautsky, John H., Unknown
The Troubled Partnership: A Re-Appraisal of the Atlantic Alliance by Kissinger, Henry a.
Liberalism in an Illiberal Age: New Culture Liberals in Republican China, 1919-1937 by Unknown, Lubot, Eugene
Special Issues Index: Specialized Contents of Business, Industrial, and Consumer Journals by Prichard, Doris, Sicignano, Robert
Railroads: The Free Enterprise Alternative by Overbey, Daniel L.
Statistics in Psychology and Education by Garrett, Henry Edward, Unknown
Handbook of Educational Drama and Theatre by Landy, Robert J.
Early Childhood Education: An International Perspective by Nir-Janiv, Nechama, Yaniv-Nir, Nehama
Distance Learning: On the Design of an Open University by Crombag, H. F. M., Van Der Drift, K. D. J. M., Chang, C. M.
The Schools of Ontario, 1876-1976 by Stamp, Robert M.
Nineteenth-Century Theatrical Memoirs. by Johnson, Claudia Durst, Johnson, Vernon
International Handbook of Political Science by Andrews, William
Third World Policies of Industrialized Nations by
Philippine-American Relations: A Guide to Manuscript Sources in the United States by
UNESCO Yearbook on Peace and Conflict Studies 1981. by United Nations Educational Scientific an, Lsi
Education Under Mao: Class and Competition in Canton Schools, 1960-1980 by Unger, Jonathan
Labour and Politics, 1900-1906: A History of the Labour Representation Committee by Pelling, Henry, Bealey, Frank
Letters to Vernon Watkins. by Unknown, Thomas, Dylan
Not Quite Jerusalem by Kember, Paul
Wachstumstendenzen Und Entwicklungseriordernisse Des Forschungspotentials Der DDR by Kröber, Günter