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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1987

Verity Bargate Plays 1986 by
Becoming Literate in English as a Second Language by Trueba, Henry T., Goldman, Susan R.
The Robots Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence by
Metacognition and Reading Comprehension by Garner, Ruth
Public Schools in Hard Times: The Great Depression and Recent Years the Great Depression and Recent Years by Hansot, Elisabeth, Tyack, David B., Lowe, Robert
Current Topics in Early Childhood Education, Volume 7 by
Mirrors of Minds: Patterns of Experience in Educational Computing by Pea, Roy D., Sheingold, Karen
Schooling in Social Context: Qualitative Studies by Noblit, George W., Pink, William T.
Evaluation Von Berufswahlvorbereitung: Fallstudie Zur Responsiven Evaluation by Beywl, Wolfgang
Beschäftigung, Ausbildung Und Arbeitslosigkeit Weiblicher Jugendlicher in Nordrhein-Westfalen: - Entwicklung Und Arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen Unte by Scholten, Udo
Deutschland Nach Hitler: Zukunftspläne Im Exil Und Aus Der Besatzungszeit 1939-1949 by
Das Politische System Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Eine Einführung by Rudzio, Wolfgang
Bibliographie Georg Kerschensteiner: Band I: Im Druck Erschienene Schriften, Reden Und Nachgelassene Manuskripte by Dreis, Gabriele
Nordrhein-Westfälische Initiativen Für Chancengleichheit Im Bildungswesen Im Spiegel Empirischer Forschung by Hitpass, Josef
Computerunterstützter Unterricht: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen by
Literatur Verstehen. Eine Empirische Studie by Meutsch, Dietrich
Education and Social Change in Egypt and Turkey: A Study in Historical Sociology by Williamson, Bill
Recht Der Kreditsicherheiten: 60 Praktische Fälle Mit Lösungen by Weimar, Wilhelm, Lehnhoff, Jochen
Instructional Technology: Foundations by
Creative Writing Ideas, Grade 2 - 4 Teacher Resource by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Toxic and Hazardous Materials: A Sourcebook and Guide to Information Sources by Webster, Carol, Webster, James K.
Alexander-Von-Humboldt-Ehrung in Der DDR: Festakt Und Wissenschaftliche Konferenz Aus Anlaß Des 125. Todestages Alexander Von Humboldts 3. Und 4. Mai by
Karl Marx and Prophetic Politics by Riemer, Neal
Estranged Twins: Education and Society in the Two Germanys by Fishman, Sterling, Martin, Lathar
Reverse Licensing: International Technology Transfer to the United States by Shahrokhi, Manucheh
Military Assistance in Recent Wars: The Dominance of the Superpowers by Neuman, Stephanie G., Unknown
Nuclear Weapons, Policies, and the Test Ban Issue by Van Cleave, William R., Cohen, S. T., Unknown
Social Work: Search for Identity by Leighninger, Leslie
Government Information: Education and Research, 1928-1986 by Richardson, John, Cochran, Larry
State-Owned Enterprises in High Technology Industries: Studies in India and Brazil by Ramamurti, Rami, Ramaurti, Ravi, Ramamurti, Ravi
Victorian Plays: A Record of Significant Productions on the London Stage, 1837-1901 by Mullin, Donald C.
Philosophers on Education by Wilsond, John
Econometric Modeling in Economic Education Research by
Education and Learning to Think by Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on Research in Mathematics Science and Technology, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Shakespeare and the Popular Tradition in the Theater: Studies in the Social Dimension of Dramatic Form and Function by Weimann, Robert
Tax Credits and Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations. by Maxwell, James Ackley, Unknown
Social Security After Fifty: Successes and Failures by
Improving Student Behavior: Essays on Classroom Management and Motivation by McDaniel, Thomas R.
Effective Education: A Minority Policy Perspective by Willie, Charles V.
Two Hundred Years of American Educational Thought by Perkinson, Henry J.
The Schools We Deserve by
On Edge: International Banking and Country Risk by Haendel, Dan, Goldberg, Ellen S.
The Social Organization of Schools: New Conceptualizations of the Learning Process by
Mudpies to Magnets: A Preschool Science Curriculum by Sherwood, Elizabeth, Williams, Robert, Rockwell, Robert
The Education of a Teacher by Wolf, Howard R.
The Problem Isn't Age: Work and Older Americans by
Prospects for Change in Socialist Systems: Challenges and Responses by Cichock, Mark, Bukowski, Charles
Change in Schools: Facilitating the Process by
The Idea of a Christian College by Holmes, Arthur F.
Monetary Policy and Rational Expectations by Macesich, George
B.F. Skinner: Consensus And Controversy by
Multicultural Educ - Arora by Arora
Wally's Stories by Paley, Vivian Gussin
Managing Interest Rate Risk by Unknown, Grumball, Clive
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume III by
Education and Civilization by Feibleman, J. K.
The Sociologist as Consultant by Iutcovich, Mark, Iutcovich, Joyce
Even More Mathematical Activities by Bolt, Brian, Holt, Brian
Low-Cost Marketing Strategies: Field-Tested Techniques for Tight Budgets by Deran, Elizabet
Power and Pluralism in American Cities: Researching the Urban Laboratory by Waste, Robert J.
Marketing Megaworks: The Top 150 Books and Articles by Robinson, Larry M., Adler, Roy D.
Regional Long Waves, Uneven Growth, and the Cooperative Alternative. by Booth, Douglas E.
Critical Teaching and Everyday Life by Shor, Ira
Twenty Teachers by Macrorie, Ken
Human Consciousness and Its Evolution: A Multidimensional View by Coan, Richard W.
Index to International Public Opinion, 1985-1986 by Unknown
Handbook on Crime and Delinquency Prevention by
Successful Corporate Turnarounds: A Guide for Board Members, Financial Managers, Financial Institutions, and Other Creditors by Finkin, Eugene F.
Unequal Educational Provision in England and Wales: The Nineteenth-century Roots by Marsden, W. E.
Education and the employment problem in developing countries by Blaug, Mark
Movements and Issues in World Religions: A Sourcebook and Analysis of Developments Since 1945: Religion, Ideology, and Politics by
Western Kentucky University by Harrison, Lowell H.
Productivity and Value: The Political Economy of Measuring Progress by Unknown
Academic Freedom and Catholic Higher Education by Annarelli, James
Getting To Know Schools In A Democracy: The Politics And Process Of Evaluation by Simons, Helen
Southern Africa: An American Enigma by Ali, Sheikh Rustum, Ali, Sheikh R., Ali, Nazma
Secrets of the Threshold: (Cw 147) by Steiner, Rudolf
Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Organizations by Cortada, James W.
The Meaning of Grief: A Dramaturgical Approach to Understanding Emotion by Cochran, Larry, Claspell, Emily
Preserving Ecological Systems: The Agenda for Long-Term Research and Development by
Occupational Stress and Organizational Effectiveness by Unknown
Religious Sociology: Interfaces and Boundaries by Jr, William H. Swatos
Homicide: A Bibliography by Abel, Ernest L.
Marketing and the Quality-Of-Life Interface by
Effective Writing by Withrow, Jean
The Lawn: A Guide to Jefferson's University by Hogan, Pendleton
Historical Foundations of Educational Psychology by
Great Ideas Teacher's Manual: Listening and Speaking Activities for Students of American English by Leo, Jones, Jones, Leo, Kimbrough, Victoria F.
Advances in Social Science Methodology by
New Ideas in Therapy: Introduction to an Interdisciplinary Approach by
Talk and Social Organisation by
Hazardous Waste: Confronting the Challenge by Want, William L., Ward, Morris A., Harris, Christopher
Public Policy Opinion and the Elderly, 1952-1978: A Kaleidoscope of Culture by Tropman, John E., Morningstar, Gershom
Quantitative Models in Accounting: A Procedural Guide for Professionals by Belkaoui, Ahmed, Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed
The Spanish Plays of Neoclassical England. by Unknown, Loftis, John Clyde
Satellitenmeteorologie: Satelliten Beobachten Das Wetter by Zwatz-Meise, Veronika
National Literacy Campaigns: Historical and Comparative Perspectives by Arnove, R. F., Graff, H. J.
Literacy: Reading the Word and the World by Freire, Paulo, Macedo, Donaldo P.
Thinking: The Second International Conference by
Instructional Theories in Action: Lessons Illustrating Selected Theories and Models by
Historical Guide to Children's Theatre in America by McCaslin, Nellie, Unknown
Government Infostructures: A Guide to the Networks of Information Resources and Technologies at Federal, State, and Local Levels by
Textual Practice by
Neither Confirm Nor Deny: The Nuclear Ships Dispute Between New Zealand and the United States by McMillan, Stuart
Ordered Liberty and the Constitutional Framework: The Political Thought of Friedrich A. Hayek by Rowland, Barbara Mehl
Voter Mobilization and the Politics of Race: The South and Universal Suffrage, 1952-1984 by Stanley, Harold W.
Re-Biographing and Deviance: Psychotherapeutic Narrativism and the Midrash by Rotenberg, Mordechai
Housing Markets and Policies Under Fiscal Austerity by Vliet, Willem Van
Historical Dictionary of Data Processing: Biographies by Cortada, James W.
Neighborhood Justice in Capitalist Society: The Expansion of the Informal State by Hofrichter, Richard
International Handbook of Psychology by
New Dir. In Education Psycholo by
The Legal Handbook of Business Transactions: A Guide for Managers and Entrepreneurs by Lashbrooke, Elvin, Lashbrooke, E. C., Swygert, Michael I.
The Pursuit of the White House: A Handbook of Presidential Election Statistics and History by Thomas, G. Scott
Strengthening the United Nations: A Bibliography on U.N. Reform and World Federalism by Baratta, Joseph Preston
Student Loans: Risks and Realities by Cronin, Joseph Marr, Simmons, Sylvia Quarles
The Psychology of Learning Mathematics: Expanded American Edition by Skemp, Richard R.
Refugees: Extended Exile by Unknown
Soviet Submarine Operations in Swedish Waters: 1980-1986 by Unknown
Recapturing Marxism: An Appraisal of Recent Trends in Sociological Theory by Unknown
Early Education and Psychological Development by Biber, Barbara
Interpreting the Money Supply: Human and Institutional Factors by Graziano, Loretta
Soviet Politics from Brezhnev to Gorbachev by Kelley, Donald
Managing Your Renovation or Move to New Offices. by Weber, Robert E.
The Nature of Information by Young, Paul
Conversation by Maley, Alan, Nolasco, Rob, Arthur, Lois
World Socialism at the Crossroads: An Insider's View by Brucan, Silviu
Children and Television: A Challenge for Education by
Effective College Management: The Outcome Approach by Tuckman, Bruce W., Johnson, F. Craig
Activism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973 by Stielow, Fred
International Handbook on Race and Race Relations by
Education Under Siege: The Conservative, Liberal and Radical Debate over Schooling by Aronowitz, Stanley, Giroux, Henry A.
Office Systems Integration: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Systems Planning and Implementation by Fischer, Barbara S., Unknown
The University of the Future: The Yugoslav Experience by Pecujlic, Miroslav
Urban Shelter and Services: Public Policies and Management Approaches by Cheema, Shabbir, Cheema, G. Shabbir
The Marketer's Guide to Media Vehicles, Methods, and Options: A Sourcebook in Advertising and Promotion by Grossman, Ann, Brewer, Ann
Embracing Contraries: Explorations in Learning and Teaching by Elbow, Peter
Issues in the History of International Relations: The Role of Issues in the Evolution of the State System by Rapp, Carol, Randle, Robert F.
Developing Student Autonomy in Learning by
Regionalism and Regional Devolution in Comparative Perspective. by Rousseau, Mark, Zariski, Raphael
Issues in International Trade and Development Policy by Mulloch, Theodore
Out and About: A Teacher's Guide to Safe Practice Out of School by O'Connor, Maureen
Referendum Voting: Social Status and Policy Preferences by Hahn, Harlan, Kamienicki, S.
Asbestos in the Schools: A Guide for School Administrators, Teachers and Parents by Harvey, Carolyn, Rollinson, Mark
International Space Policy: Legal, Economic, and Strategic Options for the Twentieth Century and Beyond by
Piece of My Mind by Nichols, Peter
Miseducation: Preschoolers at Risk by Elkind, David
Organizational Capital: The Path to Higher Productivity and Well-Being by Tomer, John
Politics Through a Looking-Glass: Understanding Political Cultures Through a Structuralist Interpretation of Narratives by Buker, Eloise A.
Inquiry and Accounting: Alternate Methods and Research Perspectives by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed, Belkaoui, Ahmed
The Human Rights Movement: Western Values and Theological Perspectives by Holleman, Warren
West Germany's Foreign Policy: The Impact of the Social Democrats and the Greens by Rosolowsky, Diane
International Banking and World Economic Growth: The Outlook for the Late 1980's by Pace University, Conference on International Banking, Kaushik, Surendra K.
Public Utilities and the Poor: Rights and Responsibilities by Sweet, David C., Hexter, Katheryn W., Hexter, Kathryn Wertheim
Funding for Research, Study and Travel: Latin America and the Caribbean by Cantrell, Karen, Wallen, Denise
Textual Practice by
Telecommunications Management for the Data Processing Executive: A Decision-Maker's Guide to Systems Planning and Implementation by Unknown, Smith, Milburn D.
Latin American Inflation: Theoretical Interpretations and Empirical Results by Cole, Julio
The Open Covenant: Social Change in Contemporary Society by Bates Doob, Chris
Physical Education in Nursery and Infant Schools by Wetton, Pauline
Land Use Regulation: The Impacts of Alternative Land Use Rights by Garrett, Martin A.
Urban Illusions: New Approaches to Inner City Unemployment by Bernick, Michael
Supercomputers: A Key to U.S. Scientific, Technological, and Industrial Preeminence by Unknown
U.S. Policy on Jerusalem by Feintuch, Yossi
Irish Research: A Guide to Collections in North America, Ireland, and Great Britain by Lester, Doris, Lester, Deegee
How to Focus an Evaluation by Davis, Alan, Stecher, Brian M.
How to Design a Program Evaluation Volume 3 by Morris, Lynn Lyons, Fitz-Gibbon, Carol Taylor
How to Communicate Evaluation Findings by Fitz-Gibbon, Carol T., Freeman, Marie E., Morris, Lynn Lyons
Managing Risk in Mortgage Portfolios by Williams, Alex O.
Policy Evaluation for Local Government by
Literature for Children about Asians and Asian Americans: Analysis and Annotated Bibliography, with Additional Readings for Adults by Jenkins, Esther C., Austin, Mary C.
The Political Economy of International Debt: What, Who, How Much, and Why? by Bouchet, Michel Henri, Bouchet, Michael H.
Housing and Neighborhoods: Theoretical and Empirical Contributions by Michelson, William, Choldin, Harvey
The Organization-Society Nexus: A Critical Review of Models and Metaphors by Corwin, Ronald G.
Literacy: Reading the Word and the World by Macedo, Donaldo, Freire, Paulo
Let All of Them Take Heed: Mexican Americans and the Campaign for Educational Equality in Texas, 1910-1981 by San Miguel, Guadalupe