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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1988

Facts and Fads in Beginning Reading: A Cross-Language Perspective by Feitelson, Dina
Facts and Fads in Beginning Reading: A Cross-Language Perspective by Feitelson, Dina
Friendship Development Among Children in School by Rizzo, Thomas a.
Creativity and Liberal Learning: Problems and Possibilities in American Education by Tuerck, David G.
Higher Learning by Bok, Derek
Advances in Infancy Research, Volume 5 by
Questioning and Discussion: A Multidisciplinary Study by Dillon, J., Dillon, Jt
Policies for America's Public Schools: Teacher, Equity and Indicators by Haskins, Ron, MacRae, Duncan, Jr.
Questioning and Discussion: A Multidisciplinary Study by Dillon, J. T.
Advances in Writing Research, Volume 1: Children's Early Writing Development by Farr, Marcia
Dialogue Journal Communication: Classroom, Linguistic, Social, and Cognitive Views by Staton, Jana, Shuy, Roger W., Peyton, Joy Kreeft
Public Access to Government Information: Issues, Trends and Strategies by Hernon, Peter, McClure, Charles R.
Schulwandbilder ALS Spiegel Des Zeitgeistes Zwischen 1880 Und 1980 by Stach, Reinhard
Don't Accept Me as I Am by Feuerstein, Reuven, Rand, Rynders, John E.
Schülerinteresse Am Computer: Ergebnisse Aus Forschung Und PRAXIS by
The Policy Impact of Universities in Developing Regions by Lazin, Frederick A.
Culture and Government: The Emergence of Literary Education by Hunter, Ian
Mathematik Und Subjekt: Eine Studie Über Pädagogisch-Didaktische Grundkategorien Und Lernprozesse Im Unterricht by Bauer, Ludwig Albert
The Grants Register 1989-1991 by
Illustration Index VI: 1982-1986 by Appel, Marsha C.
The Thinking Game: A Guide to Effective Study by Meehan, Eugene J.
Louts and Legends: Male youth culture in an inner-city school by Walker, J. C.
Test Construction: A Bibliography of Selected Resources by O'Brien, Nancy P.
Codes, Gitter, Quadratische Formen by Koch, Helmut
Refereed and Nonrefereed Economic Journals: A Guide to Publishing Opportunities by Punsalan, Victoria, Miller, A. Carolyn
North American Elders: United States and Canadian Perspectives by
Maria Montessori: A Biography by Kramer, Rita
The American College and the Culture of Aspiration, 1915-1940 by Levine, David O.
The Self-Managing School by Caldwell, Brian J., Spinks, Jim M.
Second Language Classrooms: Research on Teaching and Learning by Chaudron, Craig
The Collected Works of L. S. Vygotsky: Problems of General Psychology, Including the Volume Thinking and Speech by Vygotsky, L. S.
The Managerial Imperative and the Practice of Leadership in Schools by Cuban, Larry
Chinese Students in America: Policies, Issues, and Numbers by Policy and Global Affairs, Office of International Affairs, National Academy of Sciences
Understanding Agriculture: New Directions for Education by Board on Agriculture, Committee on Agricultural Education in Secondary Schools, National Research Council
Improving Indicators of the Quality of Science and Mathematics Education in Grades K-12 by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Amoeba and the Student: University and Research: A State of Emergency / L'Amibe et l'Étudiant: Université et recherche: l'état d'urgence by Devaquet, Alain
Die Idee Der Universität: Versuch Einer Standortbestimmung by Habermas, Jürgen, Gadamer, Hans-Georg, Eigen, Manfred
Speicherprogrammierte Steuerungen Sps: Verknüpfungs- Und Ablaufsteuerungen Von Der Steuerungsaufgabe Zum Steuerprogramm by Wellenreuther, Günter, Zastrow, Dieter
Index to International Public Opinion, 1986-1987 by
Educational Achievement in Japan by Lynn, Richard
Personal Sociology by
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in a College Context by
Threats of Quotas in International Trade: Their Effect on the Exporting Country by Stockhausen, Gerard Lawrence
Socialist Authority: The Hungarian Experience by Toma, Peter
Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity by
Instruction Design for Microcomputing Software by
Organising a School's Response by Hackney, Ann, Postlethwaite, Keith
Deutsche Hochschullehrer als Elite by
The At-Risk Student: Answers for Educators by Ogden, Evelyn Hunt, Germinario, Vito
Bowles And Gintis Revisited: Correspondence And Contradiction In Educational Theory by
Regional Planning: Introduction and Explanation by Branch, Melville
Regional Planning: Introduction and Explanation by Branch, Melville C., Branch, Melville Campbell
Socioeconomic Aspects of Renewable Energy Technologies by
Multinational Risk Assessment and Management: Strategies for Investment and Marketing Decisions by Ting, Wenlee
Observation in the Language Classroom by Allwright, Dick
Educating Reason by Siegel, Harvey
Fundamentos Para El Educador Evangélico by Martin, William C.
Yemin Moshe: The Story of a Jerusalem Neighborhood by Jaffe, Eliezer
Innovation Processes in Medical Schools. by Bussigel, Margaret, Grenholm, Gary, Barzansky, Barbara M.
Effective Teaching in Higher Education by Brown, George, Atkins, Madeleine
The Judaic State: A Study in Rabbinic Political Theory by Sicker, Martin
The Psychology of Conflict and Combat by Shalit, Ben
Promoting Democracy: Opportunities and Issues by
New Perspectives on Social Class and Socioeconomic Development in the Periphery by Keith, Nelson, Keith, Novella
Rethinking the Nineteenth Century: Contradictions and Movements by Ramirez, Francisc
Textiles in Transition: Technology, Wages, and Industry Relocation in the U.S. Textile Industry, 1880-1930 by Kane, Nancy Frances
Toward Black Undergraduate Student Equality in American Higher Education by
Revolution and Rescue in Grenada: An Account of the U.S.-Caribbean Invasion by Burrowes, Reynold A.
Hector: Heterogeneous Computers Together. a Joint Project of IBM and the University of Karlsruhe, Volume I: New Ways in Education and Research by
Cognition and Instruction by
The Routledge Compendium of Primary Education by Campbell, R. J.
Cultural Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know by Hirsch, E. D.
The Learning Child by Cohen, Dorothy
Another Sort of Learning by Schall, James V.
Urban State Universities: An Unfinished National Agenda by Grobman, Arnold B.
Campus Life: Undergraduate Cultures from the End of the Eighteenth Century to the Present by Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz
Loyalists and Revolutionaries: Political Leaders Compared by Rejai, Mostafa, Phillips, Kay
An Audit of the Case Study Method by Masoner, Michael
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume IV by
Teacher Education Evaluation by
Teaching Terrific Twos and Other Toddlers by Graham, Terry Lynne
Women and Higher Education in American History by
Bausteine Syntaktischen Wissens: Ein Lehrbuch Der Generativen Grammatik by Stechow, Arnim, Sternefeld, Wolfgang
A Lay Minister's Guide to the Book of Common Prayer by Atkinson, Clifford W.
Suicide: Prevention, Intervention, Postvention by Grollman, Earl A.
Productivity and Quality Through Science and Technology by
Science in the Primary School by Garson, Yvonne
Handbook of Money and Capital Markets by Gart, Alan
The Information Society: An International Perspective by Katz, Raul Luciano
Historical Dictionary of North American Archaeology by
The Men and Women of Yeshiva: Higher Education, Orthodoxy, and American Judaism by Gurock, Jeffrey S.
Union Maids Not Wanted: Organizing Domestic Workers 1870-1940 by Van Raaphorst, D. L.
How to Write for the Professional Journals: A Guide for Technically Trained Managers by Miller, Ryle L.
Teach English Trainer's Handbook: A Training Course for Teachers by Doff, Adrian
Basic Montessori: Learning Activities for Under-Fives by Gettman, David
Teacher Politics: The Influence of Unions by Berube, Maurice R.
Saints and Scholars: Twenty-Five Medieval Portraits by Knowles, David, Unknown
Intermediate Workbook, the New Oxford Picture Dictionary by Schimpff, Jill Wagner
Composition Research: Empirical Designs by Lauer, Janice M.
School and Society: Learning Content Through Culture by
Public Relations and Community: A Reconstructed Theory by Starck, Kenneth, Kruckeberg, Dean
Abroad and Beyond: Patterns in American Overseas Education by Goodwin, Craufurd
Teaching Critical Thinking by Grant, Grace E.
Organizations and Ethical Individualism by Kolenda, Pauline
Education Incorporated: School-Business Cooperation for Economic Growth by Edited by the Northeast-Midwest Institut, Northeast-Midwest, Institute, Northeast-Midwest Institute
Methodist Education in Peru: Social Gospel, Politics, and American Ideological Andeconomic Penetration, 1888-1930 by Bruno-Jofré, Rosa del Carmen
American College Regalia: A Handbook by Sparks, Linda, Emerton, Bruce
The Professionals' Guide to Fund Raising, Corporate Giving, and Philanthropy: People Give to People by Adams Chau, Linda, Adams-Chau, Lynda Lee
Higher Education in American Life, 1636-1986: A Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Young, Arthur P.
Professional Accounting Practice Management: A Complete Operating Manual by Kastantin, Joseph T.
The Teacher Evaluation Handbook: Step-By-Step Techniques and Forms for Improving Instruction by Manning, Renfro C.
Counseling Students: Lessons from Northfield . . . Echoes from Fountain Valley by Munter, Preston K., King, Stanley H., Blaine, Graham B.
Evaluation in Decision Making: The Case of School Administration by Glasman, Naftaly S., Nevo, David
Learning Strategies and Learning Styles by
Chekhov Plays: The Seagull; Uncle Vanya; Three Sisters; The Cherry Orchard by Chekhov, Anton
Pursuing a Just and Durable Peace: John Foster Dulles and International Organization by Arend, Anthony C.
Insurance in Socialist East Europe by Rogers, Paul, Schronfelder, Bruno
Urban Housing and Neighborhood Revitalization: Turning a Federal Program Into Local Projects by Rosenthal, Donald B.
The Suppression of the Automobile: Skulduggery at the Crossroads by Beasley, David
Moral Reasoning and Statecraft: Essays Presented to Kenneth W. Thompson by Davis, Reed M.
Social Workers and Labor Unions by Karger, Howard Jacob
Rexford G. Tugwell: A Biography by Namorato, Michael
Minority Education: From Shame to Struggle by
Research Projects for College Students: What to Write Across the Curriculum by Lutzker, Marilyn
The Japanese Educational Challenge: A Commitment to Children by White, Merry
Perforated Sovereignties and International Relations: Trans-Sovereign Contacts of Subnational Governments by
The Enquiring Teacher: Supporting And Sustaining Teacher Research by
Instant Vocabulary by Ehrlich, Ida
Reducing Labor Turnover in Financial Institutions by Creery, Katherine W., Creery, Presley T.
Voluntary Corporate Liquidations by Kudla, Ronald J.
The Political Economy of Romanian Socialism by Crowther, William
Small Business in a Regulated Economy: Issues and Policy Implications by
Improved Business Planning Using Competitive Intelligence by Vella, Carolyn M., McGonagle, John J.
Museum Collections and Today's Computers by Vance, David, Chenhall, Robert G.
World Population Trends and Their Impact on Economic Development by Salvatore, Dominick
Jimmy Higgins: The Mental World of the American Rank-And-File Communist, 1930-1958 by Kraditor, Aileen S.
Grace, Talent, and Merit by La Vopa, Anthony J.
Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning by Giroux, Henry A.
Teachers as Intellectuals: Toward a Critical Pedagogy of Learning by Giroux, Henry A.
Technology in Education: Looking Toward 2020 by
Technology in Education: Looking Toward 2020 by
Web of Leadership: Presidency in Higher Education by
The University Means Business by Buchbinder, Howard, Newson, Janice
The United Synod of the South: The Southern New School Presbyterian Church by Parker, Harold M.
Interpersonal Communication for Technically Trained Managers: A Guide to Skills and Techniques by Jackson, Dale E.
Qualitative Approaches to Evaluation in Education: The Silent Scientific Revolution by Fetterman, David
Pascal Programming for Libraries: Illustrative Examples for Information Specialists by Lundeen, Gerald W., Shaw, Debora, Davis, Charles Hargis
The Investment Side of Corporate Cash Management by March, Robert T.
The New Environment in International Accounting: Issues and Practices by Riahi-Belkaoui, Ahmed, Belkaoui, Ahmed
Contradictions of Control: School Structure and School Knowledge by McNeil, Linda M.
Education of Blacks in the South, 1860-1935 by Anderson, James D.
Achieving Quality in Financial Service Organizations: How to Identify and Satisfy Customer Expectations by Grasing, Robert E., Hessick, Michael H.
Liberalization and the Turkish Economy by Odekon, Mehmet, Nas, Tevfik
British Social Trends Since 1900: A Guide to the Changing Social Structure of Britain by
The Organization and Planning of Adult Education by Kowalski, Theodore J.
Teacher Teaching & Control by
Inevitability: Determinism, Fatalism, and Destiny by Doob, Leonard William
Library and Information Science in China: An Annotated Bibliography by Wei, Karen T.
British Social Trends Since 1900: A Guide to the Changing Social Structure of Britain by
Public Policy and Private Education in Japan by Benjamin, Gail R., James, Estelle
Mothers Alone: Strategies for a Time of Change by Kahn, Alfred J., Kamerman, Sheila B.
Creativity and Innovation: Towards a European Network: Report of the First European Conference on Creativity and Innovation, 'Network in Action', Orga by
Absolutism and the Eighteenth-Century Origins of Compulsory Schooling in Prussia and Austria by Melton, James Van Horn
The Learner-Centred Curriculum: A Study in Second Language Teaching by Nunan, David, David, Nunan
Teaching and Learning Computer Programming: Multiple Research Perspectives by
Homeschooling for Excellence by Colfax, David, Colfax, Micki
Innovative Informations-Infrastrukturen: Ergebnisse Einer Kooperation Der Universität Des Saarlandes Und Der Siemens AG by
Managing Public Lands in the Public Interest by Dysart, Benjamin C.
High Performance and Human Costs: A Public-Sector Model of Organizational Development by Kiepper, Alan, Golembiewski, Robert T.
The Academic Intrapreneur: Strategy, Innovation, and Management in Higher Education by Perlman, Baron, Gueths, James, Weber, Donald A.
Treaty Conflict and Political Contradiction: The Dialectic of Duplicity by Binder, Guyora, Binder, Guyota
Hispanic Elderly in Transition: Theory, Research, Policy and Practice by
Strategic Minerals: The Geopolitical Problems for the United States by Anderson, Ewan W.
Trotskyism and the Dilemma of Socialism by Tabor, Ronald D., Hobson, Christopher Z.
Handbook of Political Theory and Policy Science by
Psychological Profiles of Conjoined Twins: Heredity, Environment, and Identity by Smith, J. David
Effective Continuing Education by Cervero, Ronald M., Knox, Alan B.
Lethal Frontiers: A Soviet View of Nuclear Strategy, Weapons, and Negotiations by Arbatov, Alexei G., Arbatov, Aleksei Georgievich
Broken Promises: Reading Instruction in Twentieth-Century America by Shannon, Patrick
Dr. Montessori's Own Handbook by Montessori, Maria
Montessori: A Modern Approach by Lillard, Paula Polk
Teachers on Trial: Values, Standards, and Equity in Judging Conduct and Competence by Gross, James A.
Philanthropy: Voluntary Action for the Public Good by Payton, Robert L.
Phases of Burnout: Developments in Concepts and Applications by Munzenrider, Robert F., Golembiewski, Robert T.
Social Goals and Educational Reform: American Schools in the Twentieth Century by
Latin America, 1983-1987: A Social Science Bibliography by Delorme, Robert
Music, Mind and Education by Swanwick, Keith
Rural Sociology and the Environment by Jr, William R. Burch, Field, Donald R.
Hearing Children Read by Campbell, Robin
Developments and Dilemmas in Science Education by Peter Fensham Monash University, Australia
State Water Policies: A Study of Six States by Smerdon, Ernest T., Clarkson, Judith, Schmandt, Jurgen
Urban Homesteading: Programs and Policies by Chandler, Mittie Olion
Writing for the Computer Screen by Reilly, Susan Smith, Smith Reilly, Susan, Goodall, Hilary
United States Naval Power in a Changing World by Hooper, Edwin Bickford, Hooper, Bickford
Welfare Dependence and Welfare Policy: A Statistical Study by Albert, Vicky N.
The Psychodynamics of Culture: Abram Kardiner and Neo-Freudian Anthropology by Manson, William C.
New Directions in MIS Management: A Guide for the 1990s by Thierauf, Robert J.
Max Weber: A Bio-Bibliography by Swatos, William H., Jr., Kivisto, Peter
Off School, in Court: An Experimental and Psychiatric Investigation of Severe School Attendance Problems by Hullin, Roy, Berg, Ian, Brown, Imogen
The Rest of the Dream: The Black Odyssey of Lyman Johnson by Hall, Wade
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