• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1993

Women Activists: Challenging the Abuse of Power by Garland, Anne Witte
Lone Voyagers: Academic Women in Coeducational Institutions, 1870-1937 by
From the Free Academy to CUNY: Illustrating Public Higher Education in Nyc, 1847-1997 by Roff, Sandra, Cucchiara, Anthony M.
Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning by
Individual Differences and Cognition by Detterman, Douglas K.
Minority Education: Anthropological Perspectives by Jacob, Evelyn, Jordan, Cathie
Information Policy: A Framework for Evaluation and Policy Research by Burger, Robert H.
Second Language Reading and Vocabulary Learning by
Literacy, Gender, and Work: In Families and in School by Solsken, Judith W.
Understanding and Recognizing Creativity: The Emergence of a Discipline by Firestien, Roger L., Isaksen, Scott G., Murdock, Mary C.
Understanding and Recognizing Creativity: The Emergence of a Discipline by Murdock, Mary C., Firestien, Roger L., Isaksen, Scott G.
Schooling Cultures: Universes of Meaning in Private School by Henry, Mary E.
Genius Revisited: High IQ Children Grown Up by Summers, Ellen, Wasser, Alan, Kassan, Lee
Information Policy: A Framework for Evalution and Policy Research by Burger, Robert
Transfer on Trial: Intelligence, Cognition and Instruction by Sternberg, Robert J., Detterman, Douglas K.
Coming Home to Preschool: The Sociocultural Context of Early Education by
Literacy, Gender, and Work: In Families and in School by Solsken, Judith W., Unknown
Genius Revisited: High IQ Children Grown Up by Subotnik, Rena, Summers, Ellen, Kassan, Lee
Competences for School Managers by Esp, Derek
Systematisches Programmieren: Eine Einführung by
Das Wertpapiergeschäft: Basiswissen Für Auszubildende Und Einsteiger by Krettek, Gert
Reforming Open and Distance Education: Critical Reflections from Practice by
Optische Signalübertragung Mit Lichtwellenleitern: Einführung in Die Physikalischen Grundlagen by Lühe, Friedrich
Energie- Und Co2-Bilanzierung Nachwachsender Rohstoffe: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Fallstudie Raps by Reinhardt, Guido A.
Zerspantechnik: Mit 35 Tabellen by Paucksch, Eberhard
Dem Leser Auf Der Spur: Literarisches Lesen ALS Forschen Und Entdecken. Zur Sozialpsychologie Des Literarischen Verstehens by Halász, László
Maschinenelemente Berechnen Mit Einer Tabellenkalkulation: Einführung -- Anwendung -- Software by
Algorithmen in Der Computergraphik by
Objektorientierte Programmierung by Eirund, Helmut
Rechenübungen Zur Angewandten Elektronik: Mit 92 Aufgaben Und Lösungen, Zum Teil Mit Basic-Programmen by Böhmer, Erwin
Software-Ergonomie '93: Von Der Benutzungsoberfläche Zur Arbeitsgestaltung by
Total Quality Management and the Schoolaa by Murgatroyd, Murgatroyd, Stephen J.
Hochbaukonstruktion: Die Bauteile Und Das Baugefüge Grundlagen Des Heutigen Bauens by Schmitt, Heinrich
Technische Strömungslehre: Lehr- Und Übungsbuch by Böswirth, Leopold
Einführung in Die Halbleitertechnologie by Münch, Waldemar
Telekommunikation Mit Dem PC: Ein Praxisorientierter Leitfaden Für Den Einsatz Des Personal-Computers in Modernen Telekommunikationsnetzen by Darimont, Albrecht
Multiblock Grid Generation: Results of the Ec/Brite-Euram Project Euromesh, 1990-1992 by
Nurturing and Developing Creativity: The Emergence of a Discipline by
Transfer on Trial: Intelligence, Cognition and Instruction by Detterman, Douglas, Sternberg, Robert
Minority Education: Anthropological Perspectives by Jordan, Cathie, Jacob, Evelyn
Rational Numbers: An Integration of Research by
Professional Standards for the Superintendency by Hoyle, John R., The Aasa Commission on Standards for the
Politik, Bürokratie Und Staatliche Ausbildungsbeihilfen in Deutschland by Schweisfurth, Tilmann
Bildungshandeln Im Soziokulturellen Kontext: Studienfachwahl Und Studiengestaltung Unter Dem Einfluß Familialer Ressourcen by Apel, Helmut
The Phoenix Award of the Children's Literature Association, 1995-1999 by Perkins, Agnes, Helbig, Alethea
Lone Voyagers: Academic Women in Coeducational Institutions, 1870-1937 by
Theater and Politics: An International Anthology by
How to Conduct Collaborative Action Research by Sagor, Richard
The Voice of Young Burma by Kyaw, Aye
City Schools: Leading the Way by
Computers: Literacy and Learning: A Primer for Administrators by
Teacher as Decision Maker: Real Life Cases to Hone Your People Skills by Brubaker, Dale L.
Theatre of the Oppressed by Boal, Augusto
Gender and Ethnicity in Schools: Ethnographic Accounts by
Design and Technology in the Primary School: Case Studies for Teachers by Makiya, Hind, Rogers, Margaret
Diversification in Modern Language Teaching: Choice and the National Curriculum by Filmer-Sankey, Caroline, Phillips, David
Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research by LeCompte, Margaret Diane, Preissle Goetz, Judith
How to Be Brilliant at Making Books by Yates, I.
Coping Skills Interventions for Children and Adolescents by Forman, Susan G.
Greenfield on Educational Administration: Towards a Humane Craft by
Adult Learners On Campus by Pelton, Mary Helen, Fuller, Mary Lou, Slotnick, H. B.
Adult Learners On Campus by Pelton, Mary Helen, Fuller, Mary Lou, Slotnick, H. B.
Greenfield on Educational Administration: Towards a Humane Craft by
From the Heart: Books and Activities about Friends by Currie, Roberta H., Irving, Jan, Currie, Robin
College Admissions: A Selected Annotated Bibliography by Sparks, Linda
Multicultural Teaching in the University by
Four Neotropical Rainforests by Gentry, Alwyn H.
Literacy in the United States: Readers and Reading Since 1880 by Damon-Moore, Helen, Stedman, Lawrence C., Kaestle, Carl F.
Mathematics Programs: A Guide to Evaluation by Bright, George W., Uprichard, A. Edward, Jetton, Janice H.
Literature and Language Teaching: A Guide for Teachers and Trainers by Lazar, Gillian
A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 4, 1870-1990 by Brooke, Christopher N. L.
Achievement and Motivation: A Social-Developmental Perspective by
Social Stratification and Socioeconomic Inequality: Volume 1: A Comparative Biosocial Analysis by
Jugend VOR Der Moderne: Soziologische Und Psychologische Theorien Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Abels, Heinz
Schüler Und Politik: Eine Vergleichende Untersuchung Bayrischer Und Hessischer Gymnasialschüler by Rothe, Klaus
The Collected Works of L.S. Vygotsky: The Fundamentals of Defectology (Abnormal Psychology and Learning Disabilities) by Vygotsky, L. S.
Effective Teaching of Mathematics by Simmons, Malcolm
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge by Beissner, Katherine, Jonassen, David H., Yacci, Michael
Structural Knowledge: Techniques for Representing, Conveying, and Acquiring Structural Knowledge by Beissner, Katherine, Jonassen, David H., Yacci, Michael
The Art of Hiring in America's Colleges and Universities by
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Messer, David J., Turner, Geoffrey J.
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Turner, Geoffrey J., Messer, David J.
History of Universities: 1992 by
Math Through Children's Literature by Braddon, Kathryn L., Hall, Nancy J., Taylor, Dale B.
The Drama Of Leadership by Starratt, Robert J.
The Drama Of Leadership by Starratt, Robert J.
Texts Of Desire: Essays Of Fiction, Femininity And Schooling by
Conceptualising Reflection In Teacher Development by
Schooling Reform In Hard Times by Linguard, Bob, Porter, Paige, Knight, John
Disaffection And Diversity: Overcoming Barriers For Adult Learners by
Schooling Reform In Hard Times by Linguard, Bob, Knight, John, Porter, Paige
Storytelling Made Easy with Puppets by Vanschuyver, Jan
Freedom's Plow: Teaching in the Multicultural Classroom by
Raising Curtains on Education: Drama as a Site for Critical Pedagogy by Doyle, Clar
Severe Personality Disorders: Psychotherapeutic Strategies by Kernberg, Otto
The European and American University Since 1800 by
Self-Regulation Theory: How Optimal Adjustment Maximizes Gain by Mithaug, Dennis E.
A New History of Educational Philosophy by Kaminsky, James S.
The Retreat from Race: Asian-American Admissions and Racial Politics by Takagi, Dana Y.
After the Demise of Empiricism: The Problem of Judging Social and Educational Inquiry by Smith, John K.
Blacks at Harvard by
HP48 Machine Language: A Journey to the Center of the HP48 s/sx by Lalande, Sébastien, Courbis, Paul
Planning and Conducting Formative Evaluations by Tessmer, Martin
The Geometric Supposer: What Is It A Case Of? by
The Private Schooling of Girls: Past and Present by Walford, Geoffrey
Blacks at Harvard: A Documentary History of African-American Experience at Harvard and Radcliffe by
Politics of Educational Innovations in Developing Countries: An Analysis of Knowledge and Power by Basile, Michael L., Stromquist, Nelly P.
Visions of Reality by Menendez, Albert J.
We Must Take Charge: Our Schools and Our Future by Finn Jr, Chester E.
Living and Learning with Blind Children: A Guide for Parents and Teachers of Visually Impaired Children by Harrison, Felicity, Crow, Mary
Education Reform in Japan: A Case of Immobilist Politics by Schoppa, Leonard James
The Case for Change: Rethinking the Preparation of Educators by Sarason, Seymour B.
Teaching for Understanding: Challenges for Policy and Practice by Cohen, David K., McLaughlin, Milbrey W., Talbert, Joan E.
Olly's Prison by Bond, Edward
Investigating Science with Dinosaurs by Munsart, Craig A.
Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers by Barchers, Suzanne
Critical Influences on Child Language Acquisition and Development by Turner, Geoffrey J., Messer, David J.
Restructuring Schooling by Murphy, Joseph, Hallinger, Philip
Restructuring Schooling: Learning from Ongoing Efforts by Murphy, Joseph, Hallinger, Philip
Critical Literacy: Politics, Praxis, and the Postmodern by
Problem Based Methodology: Research for the Improvement of Practice by Robinson, Viviane M. J.
Publication Peer Review: An Annotated Bibliography by Speck, Bruce
The Multicultural Dimension Of The National Curriculum by
The Multicultural Dimension Of The National Curriculum by
Raising Curtains on Education: Drama as a Site for Critical Pedagogy by Doyle, Clar
Colleges and Universities in World War II by Cardozier, V. R.
Visions for the 21st Century by
Toward a Critical Politics of Teacher Thinking: Mapping the Postmodern by Kincheloe, Joe L.
Children Talking Television: The Making Of Television Literacy by
Is There A Desk With My Name On It?: The Politics Of Integration by
Children Talking Television: The Making Of Television Literacy by
Surviving Child Sexual Abuse: A Handbook For Helping Women Challenge Their Past by Lloyd, Siobhan, Hall, Liz
Design Methodology and Relationships with Science by
Using Learning Contracts in Higher Education by
Movement Activities for Children with Learning Difficulties by Pointer, Bren
Adolescence, Careers and Cultures by
A Walking Tour of the University at Buffalo by Rupley, Frances
Restructuring Schools: An International Perspective On The Movement To Transform The Control And performance of schools by Lowe Boyd, W.
Literature: New York Public Library Book of Answers by Ochoa, George, Corey, Melinda
Approaches to Literature Through Authors by Wildberger, Elizabeth, Wildberger, Mary Elizabeth
Changing Schools: Progressive Education Theory and Practice, 1930-1960 by Zilversmit, Arthur
Decentralization School Improvement by Carnoy, Martin, Hannaway, Jane
The Return Of The Mentor: Strategies For Workplace Learning by Carter, Earl M. a., Caldwell, Brian J.
Body Matters: Essays On The Sociology Of The Body by
Body Matters: Essays On The Sociology Of The Body by
Partnership In Maths: Parents And Schools: The Impact Project by
Building Communities of Difference: Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century by Tierney, William G.
Assessment in Higher Education: Politics, Pedagogy, and Portfolios by McInerney, Kathleen, Courts, Patrick
Assessment in Higher Education: Politics, Pedagogy, and Portfolios by McInerney, Kathleen H., Courts, Patrick L.
Visions for the 21st Century by Unknown
Designing Coherent Education Policy: Improving the System by Fuhrman, Susan H.
Building Communities of Difference: Higher Education in the Twenty-First Century by Tierney, William
Cross-Cultural Approaches to Literacy by
Street Mathematics and School Mathematics by Nunes, Terezinha
Cross-Cultural Approaches to Literacy by
Youth and Inequality by Bates
Using Literature to Teach Middle Grades about War by Kennemer, Phyllis K.
Literacy and Language Analysis by
Through the Schoolhouse Door: Working Papers by Goodson, Ivor, Anstead, Christopher
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching, Learning, and Living by Fox, Mem
Confessions in the Courtroom by Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Kassin, Saul
Confessions in the Courtroom by Kassin, Saul, Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Restructuring Schools: Doing It Right by
Educating Professionals: Responding to New Expectations for Competence and Accountability by Curry, Lynn, Wergin, Jon F.
Parents, Gender and Education Reform by David, Miriam E.
Radical Reflections: Passionate Opinions on Teaching, Learning, and Living by Fox, Mem
The Teaching of Drama in the Primary School by Woolland, Brian George
Academic Freedom by Russell, Conrad
Bilingualism in the Primary School: A Handbook for Teachers by
Music Through Children's Literature by Levene, Donna B.
Self-Directed Learning: A Practical Guide to Design, Development, and Implementation by Piskurich, George M.
Promoting Active Learning: Strategies for the College Classroom by Meyers, Chet, Jones, Thomas B.
Pluralizing Journalism Education: A Multicultural Handbook by
Cultural Perspectives in Student Affairs Work by Kuh, George D.
School-Based Management and School Effectiveness by
School-Based Management and School Effectiveness by
Loose Canons: Notes on the Culture Wars by Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
Women in Administration: Facilitators for Change by Restine, L. Nan
Writing Science: Literacy And Discursive Power by Martin, J. R., Halliday, M. a. K.
To Know as We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education by Palmer, Parker J.
Handbook for the College and University Career Center by Garis, Jeffrey W., Rayman, Jack R., Herr, Edwin L.
International Encyclopedia of Learned Societies and Academies by
Craftways: On the Organization of Scholarly Work by Wildavsky, Aaron
Labor Law by
Computers As Cognitive Tools by
Complexities of Higher Education Administration: Case Studies and Issues by Higgerson, Mary Lou, Rehwaldt, Susan S.
A Guide To Grammar and Usage for Psychology and Related Fields by Bellquist, John Eric
Ability Development from Age Zero by Nagata, Mary Louise, Suzuki, Shinichi
Personnel Selection and Assessment: Individual and Organizational Perspectives by
Integrating the Curricula: A Collections by Fogarty, Robin J., Stoehr, Judy
If the Shoe Fits . . .: How to Develop Multiple Intelligences in the Classroom by
The Learning of Liberty: The Educational Ideas of the American Founders by Pangle, Lorraine Smith, Pangle, Thomas L.
Adult Education and the State: Towards a Politics of Adult Education by Jarvis, Peter
Primary Teaching Skills by Wragg, E. C.
A Socially Critical View Of The Self-Managing School by
Breakthroughs in Statistics: Foundations and Basic Theory by
People and Education in the Third World by Gould, W. T. S.
When Your Library Budget Is Almost Zero by Farmer, Lesley
The Poet's Pen: Writing Poetry with Middle and High School Students by Lies, Betty Bonham
Skinheads Shaved for Battle: A Cultural History of American Skinheads by Moore, Jack
See More