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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1995

The Disciplines Speak I: Rewarding the Scholarly, Professional, and Creative Work of Faculty by
Discipline and Power: The University, History, and the Making of an English Elite, 1870-1930 by Soffer, Reba N.
Developmental Planning for School Improvement by Hopkins, David
Guiding Clinical Experiences: Effective Supervision in Teacher Education by Shippy, Virginia, Garland, Colden
Academic Writing in a Second Language: Essays on Research and Pedagogy by Braine, George, Belcher, Diane
Why Fly?: A Philosophy of Creativity by Torrance, E. Paul
Constructivism in Education by
Testing African American Students by Hilliard, Asa G.
Educational Administration by
Making the Case for Professional Service by Lynton, Ernest A.
Guiding Clinical Experiences: Effective Supervision in Teacher Education by Garland, Colden, Shippy, Virginia
Advances in Organizational Development, Volume 3 by
Knowledge and Pedagogy: The Sociology of Basil Bernstein by Sadovnik, Alan R.
Perspectives on Cognitive Science, Volume 1: Theories, Experiments, and Foundations by Slezak, Peter, Caelli, Terry, Clark, Richard
Social Reconstruction Through Education: The Philosophy, History, and Curricula of a Radical Idea by James, Michael E.
Assessment, Testing and Evaluation in Teacher Education by Soled, Suzanne Wegener
Assessment, Testing and Evalution in Teacher Education by Soled, Suzanne Wegener
Why Fly? A Philosophy of Creativity by Torrance, E. Paul
Talks with Teachers of Young Children: A Collection by Katz, Lilian
Developing Educational Hypermedia: Coordination and Reuse by Rada, R., Rada, Roy
Social Reconstruction Through Education: The Philosophy, History, and Curricula of a Radical Idea by James, Michael E.
Universities in the Twenty-First Century by
Implementing Change from Within in Universities and Colleges: Ten Personal Accounts from Middle Managers by
Assess Your Own Teaching Quality by Brown, Sally, Race, Phil
Research, Teaching and Learning in Higher Education by
Register of Congregations, 1505-17, Vol I by
"Der Rückblick Auf Die Vergangenheit Wird Sich Nicht Vermeiden Lassen": Zur Pädagogischen Verarbeitung Des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland (1945-19 by
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften by Mertmann, Matthias
Qualitätsmanagement: Eine Projektorientierte Einführung by Tautenhahn, Frank, Schmidt, Günter
Parallelrechner: Architekturen -- Systeme -- Werkzeuge by Bode, Arndt, Brüning, Ulrich
Modelle Der Parallelverarbeitung: Eine Einführung by Worsch, Thomas
Schwingungen in Rotierenden Maschinen III: Referate Der Tagung an Der Universität Kaiserslautern by Irretier, Horst
Informal Assessment and Instruction in Written Language: A Practitioner's Guide for Students with Learning Disabilities by Mather, Nancy, Roberts, Rhia
Kooperatives Lernen Im Mathematikunterricht Der Primarstufe: Entwicklung Und Evaluation Eines Fachdidaktischen Konzepts Zur Förderung Der Kooperations by Röhr, Martina
Steuerungstechnik Für Maschinenbauer by Brouër, Berend
Software Engineering Im Unterricht Der Hochschulen Seuh '95: Workshop Des German Chapter of the ACM Und Der Gesellschaft Für Informatik (Gi) Am 23. Un by
Numerik Partieller Differentialgleichungen Für Ingenieure by Segal, A.
Knowledge and Pedagogy: The Sociology of Basil Bernstein by Sadovnik, Alan
Academic Writing in a Second Language: Essays on Research and Pedagogy by Braine, George, Belcher, Diane
Talks with Teachers of Young Children: A Collection by Katz, Lilian
Conceptual Foundations for Multidisciplinary Thinking by Kline, Stephen Jay
An Appalachian Curriculum: 1995 by Glenn, Catherine, Honeycutt, Phyllis, Gibson, Lisa
Constructivism in Education by
Investitionsplanung: Methoden - Modelle - Anwendungen by Betge, Peter
Aspekte Sozialökologischer Lebenswelterkundung: Umweltbezogene Wahrnehmungsprozesse Und Ihre Relevanz Für Bildungsprozesse by Baacke, Dieter
Relativism and Religion by Lewis, Charles M.
Pädagogik Und Nationalsozialismus: Bibliographie Pädagogischer Hochschulschriften Und Abhandlungen Zur Ns-Vergangenheit in Der Brd Und DDR 1945-1990 by Dudek, Peter
Qualifikationspolitik: Betriebliche Weiterbildung in Industrieverwaltungen by Zimmermann, Doris A.
The Professoriate: Challenges and Promises: The Third Yearbook of the National Council of Professors of Educational Administration by
Windows on the World: Multicultural Festivals for Schools and Libraries by Heath, Alan
Library Collection Development Policies: A Reference and Writers' Handbook by Wood, Richard J., Hoffmann, Frank
In Search of More Solutions: More Ideas for Problem Solving Activities by
Democracy, Chaos, and the New School Order by Maxcy, Spencer J.
Harvard: A Living Portrait by McCord, David
Emerging Trends in Teacher Preparation: The Future of Field Experiences by
Accelerated Schools in Action: Lessons from the Field by
Professionalism and Community: Perspectives on Reforming Urban Schools by Louis, Karen Seashore
Learning Together: A Manual for Multiage Grouping by Bacharach, Nancy
Mastering Coaching and Supervision by
A Child in the Principal's Office by Lodish, Richard
Home Schooling: Parents as Educators by Mayberry, Maralee
High-Performance Learning Communities by Estes, Nolan, Castle, Dian K.
Becoming Better Leaders: The Challenge of Improving Student Learning by Donaldson, Gordon A.
Improving Education Through Action Research: A Guide for Administrators and Teachers by McLean, James
Making School a Place of Peace by Bey, Theresa M.
Mapping Educational Success: Strategic Thinking and Planning for School Administrators by Kaufman, Roger A.
No Bullying Starts Today: A Resource Book For Preventive Work by Maines, Barbara, Robinson, George, Sleigh, Jane
Developing Circle Time: Taking Circle Time Much Further by Maines, Barbara, Bliss, Teresa, Robinson, George
The Adventures of Dr. Alphabet: 104 Unusual Ways to Write Poetry in the Classroom and the Community by Morice, Dave
Debating P.C.: The Controversy Over Political Correctness on College Campuses by
Museum, Media, Message by
The Quest for Quality by Goodlad, Sinclair, Goodlad
Software Goes to School: Teaching for Understanding with New Technology by
Looking Into Primary Headship: A Research Based Interpretation by Southworth, Geoff
Hope, Intolerance, and Greed: A Reality Check for Teachers by Anderson, Debra J.
Educating Teachers for Leadership and Change: Teacher Education Yearbook III by O'Hair, Mary John, Odell, Sandra J.
Classrooms Under the Influence: Addicted Families/Addicted Students by Kottler, Jeffrey A., Powell, Richard C., Zehm, Stanley J.
Multimedia and Megachange: New Roles for Educational Computing by Burton, John K., Reed, W. Michael
Textual Politics: Discourse And Social Dynamics by Lemke, Jay L.
Textual Politics: Discourse And Social Dynamics by Lemke, Jay L.
Educating Teachers for Leadership and Change by Odell, Sandra J., O'Hair, Mary John
Children Learning To Read: International Concerns: Volume 1 by Pumfrey, Peter
Children Learning To Read: International Concerns: Volume 1 by Pumfrey, Peter
Children Learning To Read: International Concerns: Volume 2 by Owen, Pamela
Educating Hearts and Minds: Reflections on Japanese Preschool and Elementary Education by Lewis, Catherine C.
Measuring the Mind by Wooldridge, Adrian
Education and the Postmodern Condition by Peters, Michael
Making the Grade: The Academic Side of College Life by
The Higher Learning in America: A Memorandum on the Conduct of Universities by Business Men by Hutchins, Robert Maynard
The Academic Man: A Study in the Sociology of a Profession by Wilson, Logan
Advances in Learning and Behavioural Disabilities by
More Books Kids Will Sit Still For: A Read-Aloud Guide by Freeman, Judy
Social Agency: Dilemmas and Education by Gasparski, Wojciech W.
Ecology of World Vegetation by Archibold, O. W.
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Administration:: The Case of Problem-Based Learning by
Intelligence Policy: Its Impact on College Admissions and Other Social Policies by Browne Miller, Angela, Browne-Mille
Future of the Humanities: Teaching Art, Religion, Philosophy, Literature and History by Kaufmann, Walter
Racism and Antiracism in Real Schoolsa by Gillborn, David
Directions in Staff Development by Brew
Autobiography, Politics and Sexuality: Essays in Curriculum Theory, 1972-1992 by Pinar, William F.
Blackwell Handbook of Education by Farrell, Michael, Kerry, Carolle, Kerry, Trevor
Theoretische Informatik: Grundlagen Und Praktische Anwendungen by
Discourse Comprehension: Essays in Honor of Walter Kintsch by
No Easy Answer: The Learning Disabled Child at Home and at School by Smith, Sally
Mentoring Student Teachers: The Growth of Professional Knowledge by Maynard, Trisha, Furlong, John
Mentoring Student Teachers: The Growth of Professional Knowledge by Furlong, John, Maynard, Trisha
Learning To Teach Science: Activities For Student Teachers And Mentors by Dillon, Justin
School To Work: Research On Programs In The United States by Stone, James R., Stern, David, Finkelstein, Neal
Outcomes, Learning And The Curriculum: Implications For Nvqs, Gnvqs And Other Qualifications by
School To Work: Research On Programs In The United States by Stone, James R., Stern, David, Finkelstein, Neal
Learning To Teach Science: Activities For Student Teachers And Mentors by Dillon, Justin
Planning and Managing Death Issues in the Schools: A Handbook by Deaton, Bob, Deaton, Robert L., Berkan, William A.
Blocks on the Road to Instructional Design Prescriptions: A Methodology for I.D. Research Exemplified by Elen, Jan
Chances Are: Hands-on Activities in Probability and Statistics, Grades 37 by Dolgowich, Sheila, Lounsbury, Helen, Muldoon, Barry
Effective School District Leadership: Transforming Politics into Education by
Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Settings by Hatch, John Amos
Critical Multiculturalism: Uncommon Voices in a Common Struggle by
Head Start and Beyond: A National Plan for Extended Childhood Intervention by
College for Appalachia by Searles, P. David
Public Education: An Autopsy by Lieberman, Myron
Simulieren Mit PSPICE: Eine Einführung in Die Analoge Und Digitale Schaltkreissimulation by Schulte, Jürgen, Ehrhardt, Dietmar
Understanding Communication in Second Language Classrooms by Johnson, Karen, Karen E., Johnson
Critical Multiculturalism: Uncommon Voices in a Common Struggle by McLaren, Peter, Kanpol, Barry
Not by Schools Alone: Sharing Responsibility for America's Education Reform by Waddock, Sandra A.
Integrating Information Technology Into Education by
The Political Dimension In Teacher Education: Comparative Perspectives On Policy Formation, Socialization And Society by Ginsburg, Mark B., Lindsay, Beverly
Teachers' Stories: From Personal Narrative to Professional Insight by Jalongo, Mary Renck, Isenberg, Joan P.
Pronunciation by Dalton, Christiane, Seidlhofer, Barbara
Leadership Within the School Library and Beyond by Farmer, Lesley S. J.
Transforming Schools by
Thinking and Literacy: The Mind at Work by
Educational Reform in International Perspective by
Failing at Fairness: How America's Schools Cheat Girls by Sadker, Myra, Sadker, David
Thinking and Literacy: The Mind at Work by
Images of Schools: Structures and Roles in Organizational Behavior by
Best Ideas from America's Blue Ribbon Schools: What Award-Winning Elementary and Middle School Principals Do by Naesp, Naesp
Teach for Transfer by
Literature-Based Science: Children's Books and Activities to Enrich the K-5 Curriculum by Hefner, Christine, Lewis, Kathryn
How to Be Brilliant at Recording in Science by Burton, N.
Guided Construction Knowledge: Talk Amongst Teachers and Learners by Mercer, Neil
Rethinking Instructional Supervision: Notes On Its Language And Culture by Waite, Duncan
Decentring Leisure: Rethinking Leisure Theory by Rojek, Chris
Social Theory and Education: A Critique of Theories of Social and Cultural Reproduction by Torres, Carlos Alberto, Morrow, Raymond Allen
Equity In Mathematics Education: Influences Of Feminism And Culture by Kaiser, Gabriele
Passionate Enquiry & School by Dadds, Marion
Passionate Enquiry and School Development: A Story about Teacher Action Research by Dadds, Marion
Getting a Job: A Study of Contacts and Careers by Granovetter, Mark
Catholic Schools and the Common Good by Lee, Valerie E., Holland, Peter B., Bryk, Anthony S.
Women as Educational Leaders: Opening Windows, Pushing Ceilings by Ragland, Joyce C., Hill, Marie Somers
Subject Learning in the Primary Curriculum: Issues in English, Science and Maths by
Once Upon a Campus: Lessons for Improving Quality and Productivity in Higher Education by Seymour, Daniel
Multiculturalism in the College Curriculum: A Handbook of Strategies and Resources for Faculty by Lutzker, Marilyn
Where in the World to Learn: A Guide to Library and Information Science for International Education Advisers by Riedinger, Edward
Buddy Reading: Cross-Age Tutoring in a Multicultural School by Davies Samway, Katharine, Whang, Gail, Pippitt, Mary
A Handbook for Teacher Leaders by Anderson, Lorin W., Pellicer, Leonard O.
Automating Instructional Design: Computer-Based Development and Delivery Tools by
Working Theory: Critical Composition Studies for Students and Teachers by Goleman, Judith
Working Theory: Critical Composition Studies for Students and Teachers by Goleman, Judith
Class, Culture, and Race in American Schools: A Handbook by Rothstein, Stanley
Molding the Good Citizen: The Politics of High School History Texts by Lerner, Robert, Nagai, Althea K., Rothman, Stanley
School Leadership: Beyond Education Management by Grace, Gerald, Grace, Professor Gerald
School Leadership: Beyond Education Management: An Essay in Policy Scholarship by Grace, Gerald
Games and Great Ideas: A Guide for Elementary School Physical Educators and Classroom Teachers by
Graphen Algorithmen Netze: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen in Der Nachrichtentechnik by Poguntke, Werner, Kaderali, Firoz
Aandoeningen Van Het Bewegingsapparaat: In de Algemene Praktijk by Mens, J. M. a., de Wolf, A. N.
Decentring Leisure: Rethinking Leisure Theory by Rojek, Chris
Measuring Up: Standards, Assessment, and School Reform by Rothman, Robert
International Perspectives On Educational Reform And Policy Implementation by
Case Studies In Educational Change: An International Perspective by
Case Studies In Educational Change: An International Perspective by
Divide And School: Gender And Class Dynamics In Comprehensive Education by John Abraham Lecturer, Department Of Soc
A Time to Lose: Representing Kansas in Brown V. Board of Education by Wilson, Paul E.
Critical Theory and Educational Research by
Habits of Mind: Struggling Over Values in America's Classrooms by Fine, Melinda
Partner Schools: Centers for Educational Renewal by Harris, R. Carl, Harris, Melanie Fox, Osguthorpe, Russell T.
Textual Practice: Volume 9 Issue 1 by
German Influences on Education in the United States to 1917 by
Quality Mentoring for Student Teachers: A Principled Approach to Practice by Fish, Della
Epochen Moderner Literatur: Ein Systemtheoretischer Entwurf by Plumpe, Gerhard
The Dyslexic Scholar: Helping Your Child Achieve Academic Success by Nosek, Kathleen
Block Scheduling: A Catalyst for Change in High Schools by Rettig, Michael D., Canady, Robert Lynn
Excellence by Gardner, John William
New Voices in the Field: The Work Lives of First-Year Assistant Principals by Hartzell, Gary
Education and Democracy: Principles and Practices by Kelly, A. Vic
Seed Quality: Basic Mechanisms and Agricultural Implications by Gough, Robert E.
The Maroon Within Us: Selected Essays on African American Community Socialization by Hilliard, Asa G.
The Art of Case Study Research by Stake, Robert E.
History of Universities: 1994 by
The Study Of Educational Politics: The 1994 Commemorative Yearbook Of The Politics Of Education Association 1969-1994 by
Life History and Narrative by
Life History and Narrative by
Homegrown Lessons: Innovative Programs Linking School and Work by Pauly, Edward, Kopp, Hilary, Haimson, Joshua
Wake Turbulence Training Aid by Administration, Federal Aviation
Creative Strategies for School Problems by Durrant, Michael
Readers and Reading by Bennett, Andrew
Academic Libraries: Their Rationale and Role in American Higher Education by
School-Based Evaluation: A Dialogue for School Improvement by Nevo, David
Schooling in a Total Institution: Critical Perspectives on Prison Education by Davidson, Howard
Literacy, Language and Community Publishing: Essays in Adult Education by
Symbols and Meanings in School Mathematics by Pimm, David
See More