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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1996

The Future of Germanistik in the USA: Changing Our Prospects by
Making Teaching Community Property: A Menu for Peer Collaboration and Peer Review by Hutchings, Pat
Encouraging Learning by Nixon, Robin
Resources for Early Learning: Children, Adults and Stuff by Gura, Pat
New Yardsticks to Measure Financial Distress by Chaboter, Kent John, Honan, James P.
Off the Tenure Track: Six Models for Full-Time, Nontenurable Appointments by
Roadmap to Resources: Sources and Tools for Cqi Implementation by
Educational Psychology Casework: A Practical Guide by Beaver, Rick
Helping with Homework: A Parent's Guide to Information Problem-Solving by Eisenberg, Michael B., Berkowitz, Robert E.
Personal Construct Therapy: A Handbook by Viney, Linda L.
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 3 by Wilson, Mark, Engelhard, George
Assessing Public Library Planning Process by Stephens, Annabel K., Unknown
Reinventing the University: A Radical Proposal for a Problem-Focused University by Sinnott, Jan D., Johnson, Lynn, Unknown
Reinventing the University: A Radical Proposal for a Problem-Focused University by Sinnott, Jan D., Johnson, Lynn, Unknown
Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective by Unknown
Fostering the Growth of High Ability: European Perspective by
The Structure of Learning Processes by Valsiner, Jaan
The Structure of Learning Processes by Voss, Hans-Georg, Valsiner, Jaan
Mentors and Mentoring: A Special Issue of the peabody Journal of Education by
Praktische Oberflächentechnik: Vorbehandeln - Beschichten - Prüfen by Müller, Klaus-Peter
Umweltleistungen Der Landwirtschaft: Konzepte Zur Honorierung by Rauh, Rudolf, Heissenhuber, Alois
Design Center ‒ PSPICE Unter Windows: Ein Leitfaden Für Den Schnelleinstieg by Lüdtke, Royd, Stratmann, Stefan
Motorradtechnik: Grundlagen Und Konzepte Von Motor, Antrieb Und Fahrwerk by Stoffregen, Jürgen
Vorlesungen Über Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie by Schmitz, Norbert
Nachmärz: Der Ursprung Der Ästhetischen Moderne in Einer Nachrevolutionären Konstellation by
Autism: Professional Perspectives and Practice by Ravelli, A. J., Bobbink, A. F., Van Bommel, M. J. E.
Contemporary Issues in the Sociology of Death, Dying and Disposal by Jupp, Peter C.
The Grants Register 1997 by
Theory and Practice of Community Education. A Comparative Study of Nordic, British, Canadian and Ghanaian Experiments by Amedzro, Albert D. K.
Transforming High Schools: A Constructivist Agenda by Jenkins, John M.
Music in Cultural Context: Eight Views on World Music Education by
Input Processing and Grammar Instruction in Second Language Acquisition by Van Patten, Bill
Politics and Policy-Making in Israel's Education System by Gaziel, Haim
Credit Smart: Improve Your Credit in 60 Days by Baker, Mike, Vairo, Doug
Breaking Free by
Classic Chemistry Demonstrations by Lister, Ted
Teaching Translation from Spanish to English: Worlds Beyond Words by Beeby-Lonsdale, Allison
Music, Politics, and the Academy by Van Den Toorn, Pieter C.
Celebrating the Humanities: A Half-Century of the Search Course at Rhodes College by Nelson, Michael
Win/Win or Else: Collective Bargaining in an Age of Public Discontent by Keane, William G.
Parents Are Lifesavers: A Handbook for Parent Involvement in Schools by Batey, Carol S.
Working Effectively with Graduate Assistants by Nyquist, Jody D.
An Apple for the Teacher: Computers and Work in Elementary Schools by
Learning Through Real-World Problem Solving: The Power of Integrative Teaching by Nagel, Nancy G.
Teachers for the New Millennium: Aligning Teacher Development, National Goals, and High Standards for All Students by
Transforming Curriculum for a Culturally Diverse Society by Hollins, Etta R.
Challenging Minds: Thinking Skills and Enrichment Activities by Kelly, Lynne, Stonequist, Susan
It's Alive!: Math Like You've Never Known It Before (Grades 4-8) by Kleiman, Asa, Washington, David, Ford Washington, Mary
It's Alive! and Kicking!: Math the Way It Ought to Be - Tough, Fun, and a Little Weird! (Grades 4-8) by Washington, David, Kleiman, Asa, Ford Washington, Mary
Managing the Literacy Curriculum by Reed, Malcolm, Webster, Alec, Beveridge, Michael
The Origins of Composition Studies in the American College, 1875-1925: A Documentary History by
Science/Technology/Society as Reform in Science Education by
Distributed Leadership: School Improvement Through Collaboration by
Rethinking Liberal Education by
Quizzes for 220 Great Children's Books: The Quest Motivational Reading Program by Wickstrom, Polly Jeanne
Glues Brews and Goos by Marks, Diana F.
Guide to Information Resources in Ethnic Museum, Library, and Archival Collections in the United States by Buttlar, Lois J., Wynar, Lubomyr R.
Métodos de Enseñanza (Nueva Edición) by Walker, Luisa Jeter De
Personalizing Professional Growth: Staff Development That Works by Marczely, Bernadette
Who Will Save Our Schools?: Teachers as Constructivist Leaders by Lambert, Linda
Children In Families: Research And Policy by O'Brien, Margaret, Brannen, Julia
History in Higher Education: New Directions in Teaching and Learning by
Children In Families: Research And Policy by O'Brien, Margaret, Brannen, Julia
Parents And Teachers: Power And Participation by Vincent, Carol
Parents And Teachers: Power And Participation by Vincent, Carol
Speak Softly & Carry Your Own Gym Key: A Female High School Principal's Guide to Survival by Hicks, Anna T.
Challenging Macho Values by Salisbury, Jonathan
English in America: A Radical View of the Profession by Ohmann, Richard
Education and Identity in Rural France: The Politics of Schooling by Reed-Danahay, Deborah, Deborah, Reed-Danahay
Public Education in a Multicultural Society: Policy, Theory, Critique by Fullinwider, Robert K.
Contrastive Rhetoric: Cross-Cultural Aspects of Second Language Writing by Connor, Ulla, Ulla M., Connor
Contrastive Rhetoric by Connor, Ulla
The Geology of Fluvial Deposits: Sedimentary Facies, Basin Analysis, and Petroleum Geology by Miall, Andrew D.
Living In A Learning Society: Life-Histories, Identities And Education by Houtsonen, Jarmo, Kauppila, Juha, Antikainen, Ari
Living In A Learning Society: Life-Histories, Identities And Education by Antikainen, Ari, Houtsonen, Jarmo, Kauppila, Juha
Montessori Today: A Comprehensive Approach to Education from Birth to Adulthood by Lillard, Paula Polk
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research: Volume XI by
Materials for Optoelectronics by
Spotlight-Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Signal Processing Approach: A Signal Processing Approach by Wahl, Daniel E., Eichel, Paul H., Jakowatz, Charles V. J.
International Perspectives on the Design of Technology-supported Learning Environments by
Effective Primary Teaching: Research-based Classroom Strategies by Croll, Paul, Hastings, Nigel
The New Teacher: An Introduction to Teaching in Comprehensive Education by Tubbs, N.
Education for the New Europe by
China's Universities, 1895-1995: A Century of Cultural Conflict by Hayhoe, Ruth
Home-School Work in Britain: Review, Reflection, and Development by Wolfendale, Sheila, Bastiani, John
Education and Training 14-19: Chaos or Coherence? by Halsall, Rob, Cockett, Michael
Parent-School Collaboration: Feminist Organizational Structures and School Leadership by Gardiner, Mary E.
The Role of Higher Education in Initial Teacher Training by
"Mommy Where Do Black People Come From?" by Hurst, John, Coleman-Abdulrahim, Jan
Building Parent-Teacher Communication: An Educator's Guide by Christopher, Cindy J.
A Free and Ordered Space: The Real World of the University by Giamatti, A. Bartlett
Three Decades of Peace Education around the World: An Anthology by Burns, Robin J., Aspeslagh, Robert
Literacy Goes to School: The Parents' Role in Young Children's Literacy Learning by Garber, Jo
Benchmarking: A Guide for Educators by Tucker, Sue
James S. Coleman by
James S. Coleman by
Learning to Heal: The Development of American Medical Education by Ludmerer, Kenneth M.
Wise Moves in Hard Times: Creating & Managing Resilient Colleges & Universities by Leslie, David W., Fretwell Jr, E. K.
Curriculum Related Assessment: Cummins and Bilingual Children by
Elektronische Schaltungen 1: Grundlagen, Analyse, Aufbau by Wupper, Horst, Niemeyer, Ulf
Elektronische Schaltungen 2: Operationsverstärker, Digitalschaltungen, Verbindungsleitungen by Wupper, Horst, Niemeyer, Ulf
The Rhetoric of Reason: Writing and the Attractions of Argument by Crosswhite, James R.
The World's Regions and Weather: Linking Fiction to Nonfiction by Perry, Phyllis J.
Great Moments in Science: Experiments and Readers Theatre by Haven, Kendall
The Chalk Dust Collection: Thoughts and Reflections on Teaching in Colleges & Universities by Fisch, Linc
Entrepreneurial Librarianship: The Key to Effective Information Services Management by St Clair, Guy
Proposal Savvy: Creating Successful Proposals for Media Projects by Parsigian, Elise K.
Teaching and Learning in Japan by
The Competent Head: A Job Analysis Of Headteachers' Tasks And Personality Factors by Lyons, Geoffrey, Jirasinghe, Dilum
Voices from the Language Classroom: Qualitative Research in Second Language Education by
Teacher Learning in Language Teaching by
Teaching Grammar in Context by Weaver, Constance
Contaminants and the Soil Environment in the Australasia-Pacific Region: Proceedings of the First Australasia-Pacific Conference on Contaminants and S by
Pre-K Math: Concepts from Global Sources by Manthey, Cynthia M.
Education and the Struggle for Democracy by Carr, John, Carr, Wilfred
Education Reform and Social Change: Multicultural Voices, Struggles, and Visions by
Assessing Individual Needs: A Practical Approach by Clarke, Don, Ross, Alastair, Ayers, Harry
Third World Education: Quality and Equality by Welch, Anthony R.
Teaching Mathematics: Toward a Sound Alternative by Davis, Brent
Teachers and Mentors: Profiles of Distinguished Twentieth-Century Professors of Education by Shaker, Paul, Bullough, Robert V., Jr., Kridel, Craig
Democracy, Multiculturalism, and the Community College: A Critical Perspective by Rhoads, Robert a., Valadez, James R.
Formale Semantik Und Natürliche Sprache: Einführendes Lehrbuch by Lohnstein, Horst
Effective Heads of Department by Sparks, Nick, Jones, Phil
Ten Skills of Highly Effective Principals by Schmieder, June H., Cairns, Donald
The Gender Question in Education: Theory, Pedagogy, and Politics by Diller, Ann, Houston, Barbara, Morgan, Kathryn Pauly
Gaining Support for Your School: Strategies for Community Involvement by Tracy, Jaclynn C., Schmitt, Donna M.
The Power of Storytelling: A Step-By-Step Guide to Dramatic Learning in K-12 by Mason, Harriet
Anti-Racism Education: Theory and Practice by Dei, George J. Sefa
French Renaissance Monarchy: Francis I & Henry II by Knecht, R. J.
The Cultural Production of the Educated Person: Critical Ethnographies of Schooling and Local Practice by
Voluntary Agencies: Challenges of Organisation and Management by Billis, David, Harris, Margaret
Historical Encyclopedia of School Psychology by Fagan, Thomas K.
PSPICE Für Windows by Traeger, Dirk H., Duyan, Harun, Hahnloser, Guido A.
Cross-Curricular Primary Practice: Taking a Leadership Role by
Beyond Desegregation: The Politics of Quality in African American Schooling by Shujaa, Mwalimu J.
Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Sunny Days: Linking Fiction to Nonfiction by Perry, Phyllis J.
Challenging Ways Of Knowing: In English, Mathematics And Science by
Computergestütztes Lernen Und Teledienste by
The Little Trials Of Childhood: And Children's Strategies For Dealing With Them by Waksler, Frances Chaput
The Little Trials Of Childhood: And Children's Strategies For Dealing With Them by Waksler, Frances Chaput
Initial Teacher Training: The Dialogue Of Ideology And Culture by Margaret Wilkin Educational Researcher
Initial Teacher Training: The Dialogue Of Ideology And Culture by Margaret Wilkin Educational Researcher
On Reading by Goodman, Ken
Anti-Feminism in the Academy by
Poststructuralism, Politics and Education by Peters, Michael
Schools for an Information Age: Reconstructing Foundations for Learning and Teaching by Maloy, Robert W., Jones, Byrd L.
After The School Bell Rings by Grant Hoefs-Bascom, Carl, Sleeter, Christine E.
After The School Bell Rings by Grant Hoefs-Bascom, Carl, Sleeter, Christine E.
Potent Fictions: Children's Literacy and the Challenge of Popular Culture by
Parents, Their Children, and Schools by Schneider, Barbara, Coleman, James
Individualism And Community: Education And Social Policy In The Postmodern Condition by Peters, Michael, Marshall, James
Schooling for Change: Reinventing Education for Early Adolescents by Hargreaves, Andy, Ryan, Jim, Earl, Lorna
Individualism And Community: Education And Social Policy In The Postmodern Condition by Peters, Michael, Marshall, James
Schooling for Change: Reinventing Education for Early Adolescents by Ryan, Jim, Hargreaves, Andy, Earl, Lorna
ABC Books and Activities: From Preschool to High School by Cooper, Cathie Hilterbran
Changing the Odds: Open Admissions and the Life Chances of the Disadvantaged by Lavin, David E., Hyllegard, David
Reaching Students: Teachers′ Ways of Knowing by Collinson, Vivienne
Performance and Competence in Second Language Acquisition by
Dancing on the Ceiling: A Study of Women Managers in Education by Hall, Valerie
Respectful Educators - Capable Learners: Children's Rights and Early Education by
The Contemporary Catholic School: Context, Identity And Diversity by
Professional Competence And Higher Education: The ASSET Programme by Winter, Richard, Maisch, Maire
Professional Competence And Higher Education: The ASSET Programme by Maisch, Maire, Winter, Richard
The Politics Of Education And The New Institutionalism: Reinventing The American School by Mawhinney, Hanne M., Boyd, William Lowe, Crowson, Robert L.
The Contemporary Catholic School: Context, Identity And Diversity by
The Politics Of Education And The New Institutionalism: Reinventing The American School by Mawhinney, Hanne M., Boyd, William Lowe, Crowson, Robert L.
Social Work Practice: An Ecological Approach by Pardeck, John T. Ph. D.
Poststructuralism, Politics and Education by Peters, Michael
Schools for an Information Age: Reconstructing Foundations for Learning and Teaching by Jones, Byrd L., Maloy, Robert W.
Teaching in the Block: Strategies for Engaging Active Learners by Rettig, Michael D., Canady, Robert Lynn
Knowledge, Teaching and Wisdom by
Private Readings in Public: Schooling the Literary Imagination by Sumara, Dennis J.
Mighty Atom by Corelli, Marie
Enabling Student Learning: Systems and Strategies by
Anatomy of a Collaboration: Study of a College of Education/Public School Partnership by Slater, Judith J.
How to Assess the Vocational Curriculum by Ecclestone, Kathryn
Learning Contracts: A Practical Guide by Sampson, Jane, Boud, David, Anderson, Geoff
Holding Schools Accountable: Performance-Based Reform in Education by
Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World by
Turning Points in Middle Schools: Strategic Transitions for Educators by
Constructionism in Practice: Designing, Thinking, and Learning in a Digital World by
Dimensions of the Community College: International, Intercultural, and Multicultural Perspectives by
The Enchantment of Sociology: A Study of Theology and Culture by Flanagan, K.
The Enchantment of Sociology: A Study of Theology and Culture by Flanagan, K.
Child Safety: Problem and Prevention from Pre-School to Adolescence: A Handbook for Professionals by
Key Concepts in Adult Education and Training by Tight, Malcolm
Child Safety: Problem and Prevention from Pre-School to Adolescence: A Handbook for Professionals by
Voices of Women Aspiring to the Superintendency by Grogan, Margaret
Eyes That See Do Not Grow Old: The Proverbs of Mexico, Central and South America by Zona, Guy
Gender, Literacy, Curriculum: Rewriting School Geography by Lee, Alison
Terry Trucco's Where to Find It: The Essential Guide to Hard-To-Locate Goods and Services from A to Z by Trucco, Terry
Literature Links to Phonics: A Balanced Approach; Grades K-3 by Unknown, Durica, Karen Morrow
Exploring Diversity: Literature Themes and Activities for Grades 48 by Brown, Jean, Stephens, Elaine
Virtual School Library: Gateways to the Information Superhighway by Kuhlthau, Carol Collier
Beyond the Bean Seed: Gardening Activities for Grades K6 by Blass, Rosanne, Jurenka, Nancy
To Change Them Forever: Indian Education at the Rainy Mountain Boarding School, 1893-1920 by Ellis, Clyde
Index to International Public Opinion, 1994-1995 by Lsi
Advances in Educational Policy by
Soziologie Für Pädagogen by Breitkreuz, Gerhard, Dieckmann, Johann
Teachers! Prepare Your Students for the Mathematics for SAT* I: Methods and Problem-Solving Strategies by Posamentier, Alfred S., Krulik, Stephen
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