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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 1998

Teach Me!: Kids Will Learn When Oppression Is the Lesson by Levin, Murray
Theorizing Childhood by James, Allison, Jenks, Chris, Prout, Alan
Brücken und Zäune by
Caring and Community: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Nursing by
Senior Faculty Considering Retirement: A Developmental & Policy Issue by Ferren, Ann S.
Schooling Sexualities by Epstein, Epstein, Debbie
Learning by Doing: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Accounting by
Theorizing Childhood by Jenks, Chris, Prout, Alan, James, Allison
Drugs by O'Connor, Louise
Environmental Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practice, Progress and Promise by Palmer, Joy
Charting A New Course in Gifted Education: Parts I and Ii. A Special Double Issue of the peabody Journal of Education by
Curriculum: Toward New Identities by Pinar, William
Learning Through Problem Solving: A Special Double Issue of the Journal of the Learning Sciences by
Writing Educational Biography: Explorations in Qualitative Research by Kridel, Craig
Environmental Education in the 21st Century: Theory, Practice, Progress and Promise by Palmer, Joy
The Ethical School: Consequences, Consistency and Caring by Haynes, Felicity
Ingenieurmathematik Mit Computeralgebra-Systemen: Axiom, Derive, Macsyma, Maple, Mathcad, Mathematica, MATLAB Und Mupad in Der Anwendung by Benker, Hans
Starthilfe Chemie by
Grundwissen Umweltrecht: Ein Studienmaterial Für Naturwissenschaftler, Techniker Und Für Die Verwaltungspraxis by Süss, Wolfgang
Objektmodellierung: Eine Einführung in Die Objektorientierte Analyse Und Das Objektorientierte Design by Vetter, Max
Informationssysteme Und Datenbanken by
Learning to Be Loyal by Harp, Stephen L.
American Education and Corporations: The Free Market Goes to School by Boyles, Deron
An Appalachian Curriculum: 1998 by Pillis, Carolyn, Wright, Donna, Thompson, Diane Grant
Curriculum: Toward New Identities by Pinar, William
Öffentliches Und Privates Management: Fundamentally Alike in All Unimportant Respects? by Wagner, Dieter, Edeling, Thomas, Jann, Werner
Shemlan: A History of the Middle East Centre for Arab Studies by Craig, James
Skills for Successful 21st Century School Leaders: Standards for Peak Performers by Steffy, Betty, English, Fenwick W., Hoyle, John R.
Rubrics: A Handbook for Construction and Use by
Paradigm Lost: Leading America Beyond Its Fear of Educational Change by Spady, William G.
A Christian Voice in Education: Distinctiveness in Church Schools by Lankshear, David W.
Managing the Press: Origins of the Media Presidency, 1897-1933 by Na, Na
Learning Unlimited: Using Homework to Engage Your Child's Natural Style of Intelligence (Parenting School-Age Children, Learning Tools, Ki by Powell, Anne, Markova, Dawna
I Never Told Anybody: Teaching Poetry Writing to Old People by Koch, Kenneth
Microscale Chemistry: Experiments in Miniature by
At - Risk Students: Tools for Teaching in Problem Settings by Peterson, Susan Louise
Learning about Materials by
Eliminating Professors: A Guide to the Dismissal Process by Westhues, Kenneth
Writing Educational Biography: Explorations in Qualitative Research by Kridel, Craig
Welcome to Our World: Realities of High School Students by Robins, Mike, Gilbert, Robert N.
Litplan Teacher Pack: Night by Linde, Barbara M.
Adult Learning and Development: Perspectives from Educational Psychology by
Adult Learning and Development: Perspectives from Educational Psychology by
The Research Funding Guidebook: Getting It, Managing It, and Renewing It by Ries, Al, Leukefeld, Carl G.
Label With Care: A Book for Parents by Bliss, Teresa
Horace: Odes by Horace
Total Leaders: Applying The Best Future-Focused Change Strategies to Education by Schwahn, Chuck J., Spady, William G.
Towards Bully-Free Schools by Glover, Derek, Glover
Add / ADHD Behavior-Change Resource Kit: Ready-To-Use Strategies and Activities for Helping Children with Attention Deficit Disorder by Flick, Grad L.
Lehrerbelastungen und Alkoholmißbrauch: Bestehende Interventionskonzepte und Zukunftsideen zu deren Weiterentwicklung in Form eines integrativen Verso by Küfner, Sigrid
Organising Innovative Research: The Inner Life of University Departments by
Gender, Education and Development: Beyond Access to Empowerment by
Local Literacies: Theory and Practice by Waters, Glenys
Aspekte von Geschwister-Beziehungen: Forschungsergebnisse und Bedeutung für die soziale Arbeit by Behling, Susanne
Lessons from Privilege: The American Prep School Tradition by Powell, Arthur G.
Empowering Students to Transform Schools by Newman, Jay B., Goldman, Gary
Hochschulradios: Lernfeld zwischen Theorie und Praxis by Ingerfeld, Kerstin
Improving Educational Performance: Local and Systemic Reforms by
Knowing Women: Origins of Women's Education in Nineteenth-Century Australia by Theobald, Marjorie R.
Schools and Societies by Brint, Steven
Intensive Scheduling: Restructuring America's Secondary Schools Through Time Management by Hottenstein, David S.
Folk Art Tells a Story: An Activity Guide by Thompson, Susan Conklin
Children's Books from Other Countries by Tomlinson, Carl M.
Multiple Perspectives on Play in Early Childhood Education by
Termersetzungssysteme: Theorie, Implementierung, Anwendung by
Every Child a Scientist: Achieving Scientific Literacy for All by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Science Education, Center for Science Mathematics and Engineering Education
No Ways Tired: The Public Historically Black College Dilemma by Grimes-Robinson, Kyra M.
The Dependency Movement: Scholarship and Politics in Development Studies by Packenham, Robert a.
Show Me the Evidence!: Proven and Promising Programs for America's Schools by Fashola, Olatokunbo S., Slavin, Robert E.
Educating the Other: Gender, Power and Schooling by Paechter, Carrie
Educating the Other: Gender, Power and Schooling by Paechter, Carrie
Cultures of Color in America: A Guide to Family, Religion, and Health by Lassiter, Sybil M.
International Studies in the Next Millennium: Meeting the Challenge of Globalization by Parsekian, Penny, Kushigian, Julia
Supportive Supervision in Schools by Rothstein, Stanley, Garubo, Raymond C.
Pioneers of Early Childhood Education: A Bio-Bibliographical Guide by Peltzman, Barbara
Turning Stones: My Days and Nights with Children at Risk A Caseworker's Story by Parent, Marc
Call, Culture and the Language Curriculum by
The First Universities: Studium Generale and the Origins of University Education in Europe by Pedersen, Olaf
Designbook for Building Partnerships: School, Home, and Community by Kershaw, Cheryl, Blank, Mary Ann
The Primary Curriculum: Learning from International Perspectives by
Anorexia nervosa: Erscheinungsformen und Ursachen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung unterschiedlicher Behandlungsmöglichkeiten by Emetz, Bettina
Learning to Lead in Higher Education by Ramsden, Paul
Learning to Lead in Higher Education by Ramsden, Paul
New Trends in Education in the Eighteenth Century by Hans, Nicholas a.
Answering Back: Girls, Boys and Feminism in Schools by Kenway, Jane
Answering Back: Girls, Boys and Feminism in Schools by Kenway, Jane
Overcoming Underachieving: An Action Guide to Helping Your Child Succeed in School by Goldstein, Sam, Mather, Nancy
Was Will Die Jüngere Mit Der Älteren Generation?: Generationsbeziehungen Und Generationenverhältnisse in Der Erziehungswissenschaft by
Spelling by
Are Schools Really Like This?: Factors Affecting Teacher Attitude Toward School Improvement by Lilyquist, J. Gary
Tradition, Modernity and Post-Modernity in Comparative Education by
Zwischen Den Fächern -- Über Den Dingen?: Universalisierung Versus Spezialisierung Akademischer Bildung by
Differential Equations Theory, Numerics and Applications: Proceedings of the Icde '96 Held in Bandung Indonesia by
Öffentliches Und Privates Management: Fundamentally Alike in All Unimportant Respects? by
Jugendhilfe und Psychoanalytische Pädagogik by
Setting Consensus Goals for Academic Achievement: A Special Issue of applied Measurement in Education by
Reality By Design: The Rhetoric and Technology of Authenticity in Education by Petraglia, Joseph
Collection Development: Access in the Virtual Library by Pastine, Maureen
Safety and Disaster Management in Schools and Colleges: A Training Manual by Kibble, David G.
Maintaining Sanity In The Classroom: Classroom Management Techniques by Dreikurs, Rudolf, Grunwald, Bernice Bronia, Pepper, Floy C.
Reality By Design: The Rhetoric and Technology of Authenticity in Education by Petraglia, Joseph
Philosophy of Elbert Hubbard by Hubbard, Fra Elbert
Philosophy of Witchcraft by Ferguson, Ian
The Christian Educator's Handbook on Teaching by
Trainer's Bonanza: Over 1000 Fabulous Tips & Tools by Jensen, Eric
The Roots of Education: Cw 309) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Essentials of Education: (Cw 308) by Steiner, Rudolf
The Cold War & the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years by Nader, Laura, Chomsky, Noam, Wallerstein, Immanuel
Show Me the Evidence!: Proven and Promising Programs for America′s Schools by Fashola, Olatokunbo S., Slavin, Robert E.
Action Research in Practice: Partnership for Social Justice in Education by
Assessing Reading 1: Theory and Practice by Harrison, Colin, Salinger, Terry
Action Research in Practice: Partnership for Social Justice in Education by
The Theory and Practice of Grading Writing: Problems and Possibilities by
Of Education / De la pédagogie by Piaget, Jean
Teaching Popular Culture: Beyond Radical Pedagogy by
Pharmaceutical Production Facilities: Design and Applications: Design and Applications by Cole, Graham
Lessons to Share on Teaching Grammar in Context by Weaver, Constance
Register of Educational Research in the United Kingdom: Vol 11 1995-1997 by
Hands-On Exhibitions: Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres by Caulton, Tim
Thinking Through the Curriculum by
Hands-On Exhibitions: Managing Interactive Museums and Science Centres by Caulton, Tim
Thinking Through the Curriculum by
Multicultural Friendship Stories and Activities for Children Ages 5-14 by Roberts, Patricia L.
Finding an Academic Job by Sowers-Hoag, Karen M., Harrison, Dianne F.
Classrooms for Distance Teaching and Learning: A Blueprint by
Families in Children's Literature: A Resource Guide, Grades 4-8 by Cecil, Nancy, Roberts, Patricia
Families Policy and Practice in Early Child Care by
Teaching African American Literature: Theory and Practice by
Classroom Discipline Problem Solver: Ready-To-Use Techniques & Materials for Managing All Kinds of Behavior Problems by Watson, George
Enhancing Learning in Training and Adult Education by Ponticell, Judith A., Gordon, Edward E., Morgan, Ronald R.
Seasons of Learning: Talks to Graduates on Life After College by Howard, V. a., Howard, Vernon A.
Enhancing Learning in Training and Adult Education by Ponticell, Judith A., Gordon, Edward E., Morgan, Ronald R.
Science at Oxford, 1914-1939: Transforming an Arts University by Morrell, Jack
The Philosophy of Human Learning by Winch, Christopher
To Mark the Beginning: A Social History of College Student Affairs by Caple, Richard B.
Wissenschaftliches Publizieren Mit Latex 2∈: Der Kompaß Zur Erfolgreichen Wissenschaftlichen Publikation by
State of the Art of Preparation and Practice in Student Affairs: Another Look by
Race, Class, and Power in School Restructuring by Lipman, Pauline
Aspekte der Entwicklung des persoenlichen Musikgeschmacks by Kabus, Wolfgang, Kunz, Andreas
Education and Society in Germany by Hahn, H. J.
Education and Society in Germany by Hahn, H. J.
Deconstructing Images of the Turkish Woman by
Cognitive Styles and Learning Strategies: Understanding Style Differences in Learning and Behavior by Rayner, Stephen, Riding, Richard
Perspectives on Conceptual Change: Multiple Ways to Understand Knowing and Learning in a Complex World by
Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice by
Metacognition in Educational Theory and Practice by
Bad Teachers: The Essential Guide for Concerned Parents by Strickland, Guy
Challenges to Research Universities by
Rhythms of Learning by Steiner, Rudolf
Kill Them Before They Grow: Misdiagnosis of African American Boys in American Classrooms by Porter, Michael
Promoting Positive Behaviour by O'Brien, Tim
Almost Grown: Launching Your Child from High School to College by Pasick, Patricia
Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools Since 1944: Standard Bearers or Turbulent Priests? by Dunford, John E.
The Legal Status of Pupils in Europe by De Groof, Jan, Penneman, Hilde
Perspectives on Conceptual Change: Multiple Ways to Understand Knowing and Learning in a Complex World by
Let My Spirit Soar!: Narratives of Diverse Women in School Leadership by Cooper, Joanne E., Nee-Benham, Maenette K. P.
Restructuring Around Standards: A Practitioner's Guide to Design and Implementation by Foriska, Terry J.
Daily Language Review, Grade 4 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Language Review, Grade 3 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Language Review, Grade 1 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Language Review, Grade 5 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Language Review, Grade 2 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Whose School is it Anyway?: Power and politics by Riley, Kathryn
From School to Work: A Comparative Study of Educational Qualifications and Occupational Destinations by Muller, Shavit
Prostitution und Sozialarbeit: Lebenslagen und gesellschaftliche Anerkennungsprozesse by Westendorf, Simone
Rhetoric Reclaimed: Developmentalism in Brazil and Argentina by Atwill, Janet M.
Let My Spirit Soar!: Narratives of Diverse Women in School Leadership by Cooper, Joanne E.
Practical Approaches to Individualizing Staff Development for Adults by
Aspects of Modern Language Teaching in Europe by
Learning in the Museum by Hein, George E.
Learning in the Museum by Hein, George E.
Grundlagen einer Konzeption der Arbeit mit Nichtseßhaften in der Kommune Heidelberg: Sozialwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und pädagogische Perspektiven by Dangelmaier, Ute, Hall, Katja
Betriebswirtschaftliche Anwendungen Des Soft Computing: Neuronale Netze, Fuzzy-Systeme Und Evolutionäre Algorithmen by Biethahn, Jörg, Hönerloh, Albrecht
Successful Service-Learning Programs: New Models of Excellence in Higher Education by
Partners in Learning: Students, Teachers, and the School Library by Doiron, Ray, Davies, Judy
Exploring the World of Sports: Linking Fiction to Nonfiction by Perry, Phyllis
Full-Service Schools: A Revolution in Health and Social Services for Children, Youth, and Families by Dryfoos, Joy
The Moral Life of Schools by Hansen, David T., Jackson, Philip W., Boostrom, Robert E.
Unauthorized Methods: Strategies for Critical Teaching by
Grading Student Writing: An Annotated Bibliography by Speck, Bruce
Staff Development in Open and Flexible Education by
Staff Development in Open and Flexible Education by
Sentence Composing for High School: A Worktext on Sentence Variety and Maturity by Killgallon, Donald
Music in the Early Years by Pugh, Aelwyn, Pugh, Lesley
Lost Subjects, Contested Objects: Toward a Psychoanalytic Inquiry of Learning by Britzman, Deborah P.
Destined to Rule the Schools: Women and the Superintendency, 1873-1995 by Blount, Jackie M.
Restructuring Schools for Collaboration: Promises and Pitfalls by
Self-Regulated Learning: From Teaching to Self-Reflective Practice by
Universities and Their Leadership by
Physical Education: Teachers' Lives And Careers: PE, Sport And Educational Status by Jones, Robyn L., Armour, Kathleen R.
Transitions: Teaching Writing in Computer-Supported and Traditional Classrooms by Hartvigsen, James, Palmquist, Mike, Kiefer, Kate
Music in the Early Years by Glover, Joanna, Young, Susan
Moderne Organisationskonzeptionen: Grundlagen Und Gestaltungsprozeß by Wittlage, Helmut
High Impact Teaching: Overcoming Student Apathy by Babbage, Keen J.
Success Factors of Young African-American Males at a Historically Black College by Ross, Marilyn
Clinical Pastoral Supervision and the Theology of Charles Gerkin by O'Connor, Thomas St James
Students as Researchers: Creating Classrooms that Matter by
Perspectives on the Teaching of Geometry for the 21st Century: An ICMI Study by
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research 13 by
Action Learning: Praxiology by Gasparski, Wojciech W.
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