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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 2000

Rise At Sunrise, Rest By Midnight: Script and Curriculum Guide by Pearsall, Shelley
Beyond the Tower: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Philosophy by
Projects That Matter: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Engineering by
Connecting Past and Present: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in History by
Working for the Common Good: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Management by
Practice of Change: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Women's Studies by
Keep Talking That Book! Booktalks to Promote Reading, Volume 2 by Littlejohn, Carol
Short on Time, Long on Learning: Activities for Those Teachable Moments by Northrup, Mary
The Technology Connection: Building a Successful School Library Media Program, the by
Implementing Computing Supported Cooperative Learning by McConnell, David
Improving Parental Involvement by Hornby, Garry
English in the Digital Age: Information and Communications Technology (Itc) and the Teaching of English by Goodwyn, Andrew
Making of the 1944 Education ACT by Barber, Michael
Departmental Assessment: How Some Campuses Are Effectively Evaluating the Collective Work of Faculty by
Teaching Information &Technology Skills: The Big6 in Secondary Schools by Berkowitz, Robert E., Eisenberg, Michael B.
Video Production for School Library Media Specialists: Communication and Production Techniques by McConnell, John, Sprouse, Harry
Internet for Schools: A Practical Guide by Simpson, Carol, McElmeel, Sharron
Organizational Learning in Schools by
Teacher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: A Comparative Study by Williamson, John, Morris, Paul
Education and the Social Order: British Eduction Since 1944 by Simon, Brian
Completing Your Thesis or Dissertation: Professors Share Their Techniques & Strategies by Pyrczak, Fred
Tips: Ideas for Secondary School Librarians and Technology Specialists by
Shop Talk Ideas: For Elementary School Librarians & Technology Specialists by
Mit anderem Blick by Gottschalch, Wilfried
Insead: From Intuition to Institution by Barsoux, J.
Jesuit Ratio Studiorum of 1599: 400th Anniversary Perspectives by Duminuco, Vincent
Mathematics Success and Failure Among African-American Youth: The Roles of Sociohistorical Context, Community Forces, School Influence, and Individual by Martin, Danny Bernard
Lifelong Learning in Higher Education by Knapper, Chris, Cropley, A.
Problem-based Learning: A Research Perspective on Learning Interactions by Evensen, Dorothy H., Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E., Hmelo, Cindy E.
Storymaking in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms: Constructing and Interpreting Narrative Texts by Golden, Joanne M.
It Takes a City: Getting Serious about Urban School Reform by Campbell, Christine, Hill, Paul T., Harvey, James
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 443 by Marquardt, Wolfgang
Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie Der Wissenschaften: Natur-, Ingenieur- Und Wirtschaftswissenschaften Vorträge - N 447 by Schaffner, Walter
Geotechnical Engineering Education and Training by
Jesuit Ratio Studiorum of 1599: 400th Anniversary Perspectives by Duminuco, Vincent
Education Contested: Changing Relations between State, Market and Civil Society in Modern European Education by
University Education in Uganda by Kasoki, A. B. K., Kasozi, A. B. K.
Reading Literacy at Junior Seconda by Moyana, Rosemary, Nhema, Alfred
Peer Coaching for Educators by Gottesman, Barbara L.
Leading and Learning in Schools: Brain-Based Practices by Germinario, Vito, Cram, Henry G.
The Study of the American Superintendency, 2000: A Look at the Superintendent of Education in the New Millennium by Bjork, Lars, Brunner, Cryss C., Glass, Thomas E.
Quality Mentoring for Novice Teachers by
Orita: Rites of Passage for Youth of African Descent in America by Maye, Warren L., Maye, Marilyn C.
The Leader Within You by Danzig, Bob
Multifunction Peripherals for PCs: Technology, Troubleshooting and Repair by Hobbs, Marvin
Changing University Teaching: Reflections on Creating Educational Technologies by
Chemistry of Art by Osborne, Colin, Berry, Martyn
The Many Facets of International Education of Engineers: Proceedings of the International Conference Sefi 2000, Paris, France, 6-8 September 2000 [Wit by
Daily Handwriting Practice: Traditional Cursive, Kindergarten - Grade 6 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Handwriting Practice: Modern Manuscript, Kindergarten - Grade 6 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Evaluating Service-Learning Activities and Programs by Payne, David A.
Designing Music Environments for Early Childhood by
Exploring Careers in Music by The National Association for Music Educa
Career Pathways: Education With a Purpose by Hull, Dan
Sodium Carbonate: A Versatile Material by
That's Chemistry!: A Resource for Primary School Teachers about Materials and Their Properties by
So Each May Learn: Integrating Learning Styles and Multiple Intelligences by Silver, Harvey F.
School Violence by
School Violence by
Boundaries: A Guide for Teens (Secular Edition): How to Build Relationships That Protect Your Personal Space and Respect Your Feelings by Peter, Val J., Dowd, Tom
Daily Handwriting Practice: Contemporary Cursive, Kindergarten - Grade 6 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Daily Handwriting Practice: Traditional Manuscript, Kindergarten - Grade 6 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
Como Preparar un Examen by Chevalier, Brigitte
Interpreting Organic Spectra by Whittaker, David
Information Technology in Educational Research and Statistics by Johnson, D. Lamont, Maddux, Cleborne D., Liu, Leping
JOYS of TEACHING: : They Touched My Life by Rose Ph. D., Robert
International Perspectives on Individual Differences: Cognitive Styles by
International Perspectives on Individual Differences, Volume 1: Cognitive Styles by
Getting it Right for Boys ... and Girls by
Getting It Right for Boys ... and Girls by
Chemie Und Umwelt: Ein Studienbuch Für Chemiker, Physiker, Boilogen Und Geologen by Heintz, Andreas, Reinhardt, Guido A.
The Necessity of Informal Learning by
Teaching Transformed: Achieving Excellence, Fairness, Inclusion, And Harmony by Estrada, Peggy, Dalton, Stephanie, Tharp, Roland
Spreading the Word: Language and Dialect in America by McWhorter, John
Globalization and Education: Critical Perspectives by
Education: A Guide to Reference and Information Sources by O'Brien, Nancy
Fostering Information Literacy: Connecting National Standards, Goals 2000, and the Scans Report by Thompson, Helen M., Henley, Susan a., Barron, Daniel
Dancing with Bigotry: Beyond the Politics of Tolerance by Na, Na
Native Americans Today: Resources and Activities for Educators, Grades 48 by Beamer, Yvonne, Hirschfelder, Arlene B.
God Country Notre Dame: The Autobiography of Theodore M. Hesburgh by Hesburgh, Theodore M.
Information Technology in Educational Research and Statistics by Liu, Leping, Johnson, D. Lamont, Maddux, Cleborne D.
What's the Use of Lectures?: First U.S. Edition of the Classic Work on Lecturing by Bligh, Donald A.
Advice for New Faculty Members by Boice, Robert
The Shape of the River: Long-Term Consequences of Considering Race in College and University Admissions by Bowen, William G., Bok, Derek
Civic Responsibility and Higher Education by Ehrlich, Thomas
Making Spaces: Citizenship and Difference in Schools by Lahelma, E., Gordon, T., Holland, J.
What Every Principal Would Like to Say . . . and What to Say Next Time: Quotations for Leading, Learning, and Living by Benshea, Noah
How Do They Know They Know?: Evaluating Adult Learning by Burrow, Jim, Vella, Jane, Berardinelli, Paula
Teaching Adult Second Language Learners by McKay, Heather, Tom, Abigail
Creating Caring and Nurturing Educational Environments for African American Children by Morris, Vivian, Morris, Curtis
Eminent Educators: Studies in Intellectual Influence by Berube, Maurice R.
Education and Independence: Education in South Africa, 1658-1988 by Sindima, Harvey J., Hlatshwayo, Simphiwe A.
Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives by Glanz, Jeffrey
The University in Transformation: Global Perspectives on the Futures of the University by
The Nature of Science in Science Education: Rationales and Strategies by
Mädchenfreundschaften in Der Adoleszenz: Eine Fallrekonstruktive Untersuchung Von Gleichaltrigengruppen by Breitenbach, Eva
Hochschulreform Und Geschlecht: Neue Bündnisse Und Dialoge by
Lebenslanges Lernen Im Beruf -- Seine Grundlegung Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Band 2: Gewerbliche Wirtschaft, Gewerkschaft Und Soziologische Forschung by
Schule Zwischen Effektivität Und Sozialer Verantwortung by
Lebenslanges Lernen Im Beruf -- Seine Grundlegung Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Band 3: Psychologische Theorie, Empirie Und Therapie by
Lebenslanges Lernen Im Beruf -- Seine Grundlegung Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Band 5: Erziehungstheorie Und Bildungsforschung by
Kibbutz Und Kollektiverziehung: Entstehung -- Entwicklung -- Veränderung by Fölling, Werner, Fölling-Albers, Maria
Spannungsfeld Familienkindheit by
Lebenslanges Lernen Im Beruf -- Seine Grundlegung Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Band 1: Das Forschungs- Und Reformprogramm by
Lebenslanges Lernen Im Beruf -- Seine Grundlegung Im Kindes- Und Jugendalter: Band 4: Formen Und Inhalte Von Lernprozessen by
Argumente, Bildung Und Moral: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zu Kohlbergs Theorie Des Moralischen Urteils by Dülmer, Hermann
A Developmental Approach to Early Numeracy: Helping to Raise Children's Achievements and Deal with Difficulties in Learning by Aubrey, Carol
Indigenous Educational Models for Contemporary Practice: In Our Mother's Voice by
Der ungelöste Schmerz by Bräutigam, Barbara
Teaching Language Arts in Middle Schools: Connecting and Communicating by Kingen, Sharon
The Causes of High and Low Reading Achievement by Carver, Ronald P.
Managing Information by Elkin
Indigenous Educational Models for Contemporary Practice: In Our Mother's Voice by
Spiritual Development In The State School: A Perspective on Worship and Spirituality in the Education System of England and Wales by Copley, Terence
Scheduling Strategies for Middle Schools by Canady, Robert Lynn, Rettig, Michael D.
Modern Component Families and Circuit Block Design by Kularatna, Nihal
Empirical Studies of Literature: Selected Papers from Igel '98. a Special Issue of Discourse Processes by
Learning Smarter: The New Science of Teaching by Jensen, Eric P., Dabney, Michael
Boarding School Seasons: American Indian Families, 1900-1940 by Child, Brenda J.
Releasing the Imagination: Essays on Education, the Arts, and Social Change by Greene, Maxine
Using Peer Mediation in Classrooms and Schools: Strategies for Teachers, Counselors, and Administrators by Scheuch, Nannette, Gilhooley, James
What Every Principal Would Like to Say . . . and What to Say Next Time: Quotations for Leading, Learning, and Living by Benshea, Noah
Telling Tales: On Evaluation and Narrative by
Library Automation in Transitional Societies: Lessons from Eastern Europe by Andrew W Mellon Foundation
Research on Effective Models for Teacher Education: Teacher Education Yearbook VIII by
Research on Effective Models for Teacher Education by
Challenges of Urban Education: Sociological Perspectives for the Next Century by
Sharing Expertise in Teacher Ed by Turner, Mike, Bash, Leslie
Higher Education Research: Its Relationship to Policy and Practice by
Making Most Summer School by Charlton, Kelly, Valentine, Jeff C., Cooper, Harris
The Ethics of Writing: Derrida, Deconstruction, and Pedagogy by Trifonas, Peter Pericles
Studies in the Spectator Role: Literature, Painting and Pedagogy by Benton, Michael
Education and Psychology in Interaction: Working With Uncertainty in Interconnected Fields by Norwich, Brahm
Practitioner-Based Enquiry: Principles and Practices for Postgraduate Research by Lawrence, Brenda, Murray, Louis
The History of St Antony's College, Oxford, 1950-2000 by Nicholls, C. S.
Watch It: The Risks And Promises Of Information Technologies For Education by Callister, Thomas, Jr., Burbules, Nicholas
Social Processes in Children's Learning by Light, Paul, Littleton, Karen
Social Processes in Children's Learning by Light, Paul, Littleton, Karen
Die didaktisch-methodische Planung und Durchführung eines handlungsorientierten Unterrichts: Zur Einführung in die statistische Prozeßkontrolle (SPC) by Irrgang, Dietmar
What to Look for in a Classroom: ...and Other Essays by Kohn, Alfie
Order in Progress: Everyday Education Practice in Primary Schools--Belgium, 1880-1970 by Eggermont, Betty, Depaepe, Marc, Dams, Kristof
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook (2000) by
Turning Kids on to Research: The Power of Motivation by Arnone, Marilyn, Small, Ruth
Accommodations in Higher Education Under the Americans with Disabilities ACT: A No-Nonsense Guide for Clinicians, Educators, Administrators, and Lawye by
Becoming a Multiple Intelligences School by Hoerr, Thomas R., Rolheiser-Bennett, Noreen Carol
Children and Reading Tests by Hill, Clifford, Larsen, Eric
Assessment: Social Practice and Social Product by
Young People's Views on Sex Education: Education, Attitudes and Behaviour by Measor, Lynda, Miller, Katrina
Feminism and the Classroom Teacher: Research, Praxis, Pedagogy by Coffey, Amanda, Delamont, Sara
Feminism and the Classroom Teacher: Research, Praxis, Pedagogy by Delamont, Sara, Coffey, Amanda
Assessment: Social Practice and Social Product by
Elusive Culture: Schooling, Race, and Identity in Global Times by Yon, Daniel A.
Nieder mit dem Krippenspiel! by Kronenberg, Werner
Winthrop University by Chepesiuk, Ron, Chepesiuk, Magdalena
Teaching with Confidence: A Guide to Enhancing Teacher Self-Esteem by Lawrence, Denis
Teaching with Confidence: A Guide to Enhancing Teacher Self-Esteem by Lawrence, Denis
Children and Reading Tests by Hill, Clifford, Larsen, Eric
Sharing Words: Theory and Practice of Dialogic Learning by Flecha, Ramón
In the Lap of Tigers: The Communist Labor University of Jiangxi Province by Cleverley, John
Computerunterstütztes Lernen by
No Shoes by Clay, Marie
Drama and Traditional Story for the Early Years by Prendiville, Francis, Toye, Nigel
Academic Freedom: A Guide to the Literature by Kuhn, James, Aby, Stephen
Making Sense of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder by Lensch, Carol R.
Learning Limits: College Women, Drugs, and Relationships by Williams, Kimberly
The English Higher Grade Schools: A Lost Opportunity by Vlaeminke, Meriel
Practical Visionaries: Women, Education and Social Progress, 1790-1930 by Hirsch, Pam, Hilton, Mary
Blending Genre, Altering Style: Writing Multigenre Papers by Romano, Tom
Distinctively American: The Residential Liberal Arts Colleges by Graubard, Stephen R.
Promoting Quality in Learning by Broadfoot, Patricia, Planel, Claire, Osborn, Marilyn
Special Needs in the Primary School by Croll, Paul, Moses, Diana
Leading the Learning School by Weatherley, Colin
Contemporary Special Education Research: Syntheses of the Knowledge Base on Critical Instructional Issues by
From Another Angle: Children's Strengths and School Standards by
Educating the Faithful by Curtis, Sarah
Assessing Affective Characteristics in the Schools by Anderson, Lorin W., Bourke, Sid F.
Assessing Affective Characteristics in the Schools by Anderson, Lorin W., Bourke, Sid F.
Popular Culture and Critical Pedagogy: Reading, Constructing, Connecting by
Role of Context: Contextual Influences on Motivation by
Appointment Denied by Weidlich, Thom
Basics for School Governors by Sallis, Joan
The Unfinished Revolution by Abbott, John, Ryan, Terry
When Schools Compete: A Cautionary Tale by Fiske, Edward B., Ladd, Helen F.
When Schools Compete: A Cautionary Tale by Fiske, Edward B., Ladd, Helen F.
White Teacher: With a New Preface, Third Edition by Paley, Vivian Gussin
Contemporary Special Education Research: Syntheses of the Knowledge Base on Critical Instructional Issues by
The Ssr Handbook: How to Organize and Manage a Sustained Silent Reading Program by Pilgreen, Jan
Fieldwork in the Human Services: Theory and Practice for Field Educators, Practice Teachers and Supervisors by
Inclusion: 450 Strategies for Success: A Practical Guide for All Educators Who Teach Students with Disabilities by Hammeken, Peggy A.
The Soul of Education: Helping Students Find Connection, Compassion, and Character at School by Association for Supervision and Curricul, Kessler, Rachael
Revisiting a Progressive Pedagogy: The Developmental-Interaction Approach by
MTE-3 Mathematical Methods by Sharma, Vimal Kumar
Teaching with Your Mouth Shut by Finkel, Donald
Philosophy Born of Struggle: Anthology of Afro-American Philosophy from 1917 by Harris, Leonard
Entwicklung eines Modells zur Beobachtung der unterrichtlichen nonverbalen Lehrerkommunikation von Erwartungshaltungen gegenüber Schülern by Höppner, Yvonne
Der Gedanke des fachübergreifenden Unterrichts im Lehrplanwerk der DDR by Meißner, Bernadette
Homeschooling on a Shoestring: A Jam-packed Guide by Allee, Judith Waite, Morgan, Melissa L.
Sentence Composing for Elementary School (Ebook): A Worktext to Build Better Sentences by Killgallon, Jenny, Killgallon, Donald
On Solid Ground (Ebook): Strategies for Teaching Reading K-3 by Taberski, Sharon, Harwayne, Shelley
Young People's Views on Sex Education: Education, Attitudes and Behaviour by Measor, Lynda, Miller, Katrina
See More