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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 2000

Rethinking Family-school Relations: A Critique of Parental involvement in Schooling by de Carvalho, Maria Eulina
International Schools and International Education: Improving Teaching, Management and Quality by
Your Preschooler Discovers the Fine Arts: An Integrative Program Designed to Nurture the Whole Child by Mishra, Joan S.
Habits of Mind: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Education by de Nicolas, Antonio T.
Rethinking Family-school Relations: A Critique of Parental involvement in Schooling by de Carvalho, Maria Eulina
Mentoring in Schools: A Handbook of Good Practice by Fletcher, Sarah (Lecturer and Researcher
Being Catholic, Being American, Volume 2: The Notre Dame Story, 1934-1952 by Burns, Robert E.
The Arabic Alphabet: How to Read and Write It by Awde, N.
Creating Partnerships with Parents: An Educator's Guide by Lueder, Donald
Ready-To-Use Independent Reading Management Kit: Grades 2-3: Reproducible, Skill-Building Activity Packs That Engage Kids in Meaningful, Structured Re by Jones, Beverley, Lodge, Maureen
Daily Language Review, Grade 6 Teacher Edition by Evan-Moor Educational Publishers
General Chemistry Laboratory Notebook by Cengage Learning Brooks/Cole
The Kindness of Children by Paley, Vivian Gussin
Hitotsubashi University, 1875-2000: A Hundred and Twenty-Five Years of Higher Education in Japan by
Academic Disciplines: Holland's Theory and the Study of College Students and Faculty by Smart, John C., Feldman, Kenneth A., Ethington, Corinna A.
Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung by Pehofer, Johann
The Effective School Governor by Dean, Joan
The Effective School Governor by Dean, Joan
Our Labeled Children: What Every Parent and Teacher Needs to Know about Learning Disabilities by Sternberg, Robert J., Grigorenko, Elena
Using Pictures Books to Teach Character Education by Hall, Susan
Habits of Mind: An Introduction to Clinical Philosophy New Edition by de Nicolas, Antonio T.
Data Mining Im Praktischen Einsatz: Verfahren Und Anwendungsfälle Für Marketing, Vertrieb, Controlling Und Kundenunterstützung by
Pharmazeutische Informationssysteme: Modellierung, Informationsstrukturen Und Kommunikation Interdisziplinär Ausgerichteter Datenbanksysteme by Wagner, Markus
Web Teaching Guide: A Practical Approach to Creating Course Web Sites by Horton, Sarah
Supervision in Practice: Three Steps to Improving Teaching and Learning by Glanz, Jeffrey G., Sullivan, Susan S.
One Version of the Facts: My Life in the Ivory Tower by Duckworth, Henry E.
Basic Education at a Distance: World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning: Volume 2 by
Women, Class And Education by Thompson, Jane
Feedback For Learning by
Feedback For Learning by
Basic Education at a Distance: World Review of Distance Education and Open Learning: Volume 2 by
Developing the ICT Capable School by Tanner, Howard, Kennewell, Steve, Parkinson, John
Supporting Literacy: A Guide for Primary Classroom Assistants by Grant, Kate
Information Technology for Schools: Creating Practical Knowledge to Improve Student Performance by
Managing Behaviour in Classrooms by Visser, John
Classic Chemistry Experiments by Hutchings, Kevin
Science Discoveries on the Net: An Integrated Approach by Fredericks, Anthony D.
Social Studies Discoveries on the Net: An Integrated Approach by Fredericks, Anthony D.
Soziale Komplikationen der Legasthenie: Konzeptionelle und methodische Aspekte der Sozialarbeit im Umgang mit Betroffenen by Kanzleiter, Uwe
Buddhismus im Westen: Neue Impulse für die Sozialarbeit by Müller, Uwe, Lehmann, Ingeborg
Connecting Character to Conduct: Helping Students Do the Right Things by Richin, Roberta, Banyon, Richard, Stein, Rita
Educause Leadership Strategies, Information Alchemy: The Art and Science of Knowledge Management by
Handbook of Adult and Continuing Education by
Reading Reminders: Tools, Tips, and Techniques by Burke, Jim
Merging Colleges for Mutual Growth: A New Strategy for Academic Managers by Samels, James E., Martin, James
Seven Essentials for Character Discipline: Elementary Classroom Management by Davis-Johnson, Sandra P.
Seven Essentials for Character Discipline: Elementary Classroom Management by Davis-Johnson, Sandra P.
Natural Classroom Assessment: Designing Seamless Instruction and Assessment by Smith, Jeffrey K., Smith, Lisa F., Delisi, Richard
Natural Classroom Assessment: Designing Seamless Instruction and Assessment by Smith, Jeffrey K., Smith, Lisa F., Delisi, Richard
Managing Conversations with Hostile Adults: Strategies for Teachers by Kosmoski, Georgia J., Pollack, Dennis R.
Developing Grading and Reporting Systems for Student Learning by Bailey, Jane M., Guskey, Thomas R.
Smoke and Mirrors: The Hidden Context of Violence in Schools and Society by Spina, Stephanie Urso
Rebel with a Cause: The Entrepreneur Who Created the University of Phoenix and the For-Profit Revolution in Higher Education by Sperling
Educating Hearts and Minds: A Comprehensive Character Education Framework by Williams, Mary M., Deroche, Edward F.
Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory Volume 40 by
The British Presidency by Foley, Frances Lesley, Foley, Michael
Dollars, Distance, and Online Education: The New Economics of College Teaching and Learning by Finkelstein, Martin J., Jewett, Frank I., Scholz, Bernhard W.
Creating the Conditions for Teaching and Learning: A Handbook of Staff Development Activities by Hopkins, David, Harris, Alma
Angels on the Bonfire by Freni, Pamela S.
Professional Collaboration with Parents of Children with Disabilities by Porter, Louise, McKenzie, Susan
Resilience Education by Brown, Joel H., D′emidio-Caston, Marianne, Benard, Bonnie
"Olympiade der Unterhaltung"? - Das Kulturkonzept der Weltausstellung neuen Typs EXPO 2000 Hannover by Radke, Cord
Colegio Cesar Chavez, 1973-1983: A Chicano Struggle for Educational Self-Determination by Maldonado, Carlos
Fiscal Fitness for School Administrators: How to Stretch Resources and Do Even More With Less by Ramsey, Robert D.
Being a Successful Principal: Riding the Wave of Change Without Drowning by Schumaker, David R., Sommers, William A.
Fiscal Fitness for School Administrators: How to Stretch Resources and Do Even More with Less by Ramsey, Robert D.
Adults' Mathematical Thinking and Emotions: A Study of Numerate Practice by Evans, Jeff
Continuing Professional Development: A Practical Guide for Teachers and Schools by Craft, Anna
What Makes a Good Primary School Teacher?: Expert Classroom Strategies by McCallum, Bet, Gipps, Caroline, Hargreaves, Eleanore
Human Judgment and Social Policy: Irreducible Uncertainty, Inevitable Error, Unavoidable Injustice by Kenneth, Hammond R., Hammond, Kenneth R.
Adults' Mathematical Thinking and Emotions: A Study of Numerate Practice by Evans, Jeff
Nietzsche's Legacy for Education: Past and Present Values by
Art, Industry, and Women's Education in Philadelphia by Walls, Nina de Angeli
International Review of History Education: International Review of History Education, Volume 2 by
Geography in British Schools, 1885-2000: Making a World of Difference by Walford Rex, Walford, Rex
Dancing with Words: Signing for Hearing Children's Literacy by Daniels, Marilyn
Developing Non-Hierarchical Leadership on Campus: Case Studies and Best Practices in Higher Education by McMahon, Kathleen, Outcalt, Charles, Faris, Shannon
Mentoring Across Generations: Partnerships for Positive Youth Development by Taylor, Andrea S., Bressler, Jeanette
Mapping Biology Knowledge by Moody, D. E., Fisher, K., Wandersee, J. H.
The Institutional Basis of Higher Education Research: Experiences and Perspectives by
Mentoring Across Generations: Partnerships for Positive Youth Development by Taylor, Andrea S., Bressler, Jeanette
Celebrating the Nation: A critical study of Australia's bicentenary by
Changing School Subjects by Paechter, Paechter, Carrie F.
Historical Research in Educational Settings by McCulloch, Stuart, McCulloch, Gary
Children's Literature and Its Effects by Cullingford, Cedric
Reflection in Learning and Professional Development: Theory and Practice by Moon, Jennifer A.
Teaching Secondary English: Readings and Applications by Sheridan, Daniel
Preserving Order Amid Chaos: The Survival of Schools in Uganda, 1971-1986 by Paige, John Rhodes
Collaboration--across Campus, Across Town, and With K-12 Schools: A Special Issue of the peabody Journal of Education by
Literacy in African American Communities by
Bringing Home the Laundry: Effective Parenting for College and Beyond by Janis, Brody
Literacy in African American Communities by
Teachers Doing Research: The Power of Action Through Inquiry by
School Leadership: National and International Perspectives by Bennett, David, Dunford, John, Fawcett, Richard
Learning to Be Adolescent: Growing Up in U.S. and Japanese Middle Schools by Letendre, Gerald K.
Reading Cavell's the World Viewed: A Philosophical Perspective on Film by Keane, Marian, Rothman, William
Universities Remembering Europe: Nations, Culture and Higher Education by
G Is for Growing: Thirty Years of Research on Children and Sesame Street by
A Charlotte Mason Education: A Home Schooling How-To Manual by Levison, Catherine
Schüler-Leben in Hermann Hesses 'Unterm Rad' by Rogal, Stefan
Children Composing 4-14 by Glover, Joanna
Children Composing 4-14 by Glover, Joanna
Primary English Curriculum Guide by Moorcroft, Christine, Barker, Ray
Primary History Curriculum Guide by Hughes, Pat, Cox, Kath, Godard, Gillian
Differing Visions of a Learning Society Vol 2: Research Findings Volume 2 by
The School Administrator Internship Handbook: Leading, Mentoring, and Participating in the Internship Program by Capasso, Ronald L., Daresh, John C.
The Educated Child: A Parents Guide from Preschool Through Eighth Grade by Cribb Jr, John T. E., Bennett, William J., Finn Jr, Chester E.
The School Administrator Internship Handbook: Leading, Mentoring, and Participating in the Internship Program by Capasso, Ronald L., Daresh, John C.
South Carolina State University by Hine, William C., Martin II, Frank C., Berry, Aimee R.
Transformative Education: Personal Construct Approaches OT Practice and Research by Denicolo, Pamela, Pope, Maureen
Promotionsratgeber by Preißner, Andreas, Engel, Stefan F., Albert, Bernhard
Quality ESL Programs: An Administrator's Guide by Connelly, Mark, Simons, Judith
Collateral Damage: Corporatizing Public Schools--A Threat to Democracy by Saltman, Kenneth J.
Reaching Out to Children and Families: Students Model Effective Community Service by Dunlap, Michelle R.
Teaching Practices and Student Achievement: Report of First-Year Findings from the 'Mosaic' Study of Systemic Initiatives in Mathematics and Science by Klein, Stephen P.
Women, Educational Policy-Making and Administration in England: Authoritative Women Since 1800 by
The Art of Teaching Art: A Guide for Teaching and Learning the Foundations of Drawing-Based Art by Rockman, Deborah A.
Aufgabensammlung Technische Mechanik 2: Festigkeitslehre Für Bauingenieure Und Maschinenbauer by Bruhns, Otto T.
How Schools Change: Lessons from Three Communities Revisited by Wagner, Tony
The Enterprise University: Power, Governance and Reinvention in Australia by Marginson, Simon, Considine, Mark
Peer Support in Action: From Bystanding to Standing by by Cowie, Helen, Wallace, Patti
Re-thinking Academic Politics in (Re)unified Germany and the United States: Comparative Academic Politics & the Case of East German Historians by Weaver, John A.
To Retire or Not?: Retirement Policy and Practice in Higher Education by
Novel Ideas for Young Readers!: Projects and Activities by Zernial, Susan, Kuta, Katherine Wiesolek
Writing to Learn: Poetry and Literacy across the Primary Curriculum by Sedgwick, Fred
Lyotard: Just Education by
Molecular Modelling and Bonding by
Developing Pupils Social Communication Skills: Practical Resources by Barratt, Penny, Border, Julie, Joy, Helen
Textbook: Research and Writing by Mikk, Jaan
Let Them Eat Data: How Computers Affect Education, Cultural Diversity, and the Prospects of Ecological Sustainability by Bowers, C. a.
Inclusive Educational Practice by Grainger, Teresa, Tod, Janet
The Princeton Graduate School: A History by Myers, Minor, Finch, Jeremiah Stanton, Thorp, Willard
What is Going on in Our Schools?: An Examination of Crime in Our Schools by Bailey, Jeffrey W.
God Help All Little Children Read, Write and Spell by Duck, Ian
They Touched My Life by Rose, Robert
The College Racket by Simon, Andrew L.
First Among Equals: A Role of the Chief Academic Officer by Martin, James, Samels, James E.
Captive University: The Sovietization of East German, Czech, and Polish Higher Education, 1945-1956 by Connelly, John
Schools and Delinquency by Gottfredson, Denise
Schooling the Symbolic Animal: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Education by
Aristotle on the Necessity of Public Education by Curren, Randall R.
The Entrepreneurial Educator by Brown, Robert J., Cornwall, Jeffrey R.
English Teachers - The Unofficial Guide: Researching the Philosophies of English Teachers by Marshall, Bethan
Effective Change in Schools by Connolly, Una, James, Chris
English Teachers - The Unofficial Guide: Researching the Philosophies of English Teachers by Marshall, Bethan
Writing to Learn: Poetry and Literacy across the Primary Curriculum by Sedgwick, Fred
Effective Change in Schools by James, Chris, Connolly, Una
Reworking the Student Departure Puzzle: The Memoir of a Vietnam-Era Draft Resister by
Die nieder organisierte Volksschule im Burgenland by Pehofer, Johann
Power in Practice: Adult Education and the Struggle for Knowledge and Power in Society by Cervero, Ronald M., Wilson, Arthur L.
Changing Classes by Packer, Martin
The Unknown Cultural Revolution by Han, Dongping
Gesellschaftliche Modernisierungsdefizite beruflicher Bildung by Reier, Gustav
Using Internet Primary Sources to Teach Critical Thinking Skills in World Languages by Pasch, Grete
Community Colleges: Policy in the Future Context by Twombly, Susan, Townsend, Barbara
Issues In Education: View from the Other Side of the Room by Coleman, Geraldine
Challenging Democracy: International Perspectives on Gender and Citizenship by
Catholic Schools by Sander, William
Developing Models in Science Education by
Community Colleges: Policy in the Future Context by Townsend, Barbara, Twombly, Susan
Developing Models in Science Education by
Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital, Memory and Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits by Bushnell, M., Agrawal, Vishwani
Evaluation Models: Viewpoints on Educational and Human Services Evaluation by
The Vietnam War on Campus: Other Voices, More Distant Drums by
Philosophical Counseling: Theory and Practice by Raabe, Peter
The Commoner Syndrome: Twenty-First Century Roadblock by Meek, Mark
Mom's College Planning Guide: All the Tips You Need to Know to Launch Your Child Off to College by Smoot, Elaine M.
Math Stuff: The Elements of Curriculum Reform by Bailey, William N.
Who Can Be Educated? by Schwebel, Milton
Stanford Patriarchs by Rich, Paul
Schools for Slander: A True Story by Barrett, Ruth
Every Day's a Holiday: Value-Based Theme Units for Individual Calendar Days by Resnick, Abraham
Prison(er) Education: Stories of Change and Transformation by Wilson
Shakespeare, Sex and the Print Revolution by Williams, Gordon
Learning from Cyber-Savvy Students: How Internet-Age Kids Impact Classroom Teaching by Hird, Anne
Learning in Later Life: An Introduction for Educators and Carers by Jarvis, Peter
Videospiele - Ein problematisches Freizeitmedium? by Stiepelmann, Derk
Images of Schoolteachers in America by
World Yearbook of Education 2001: Values, Culture and Education by
Special Issue: Celebrating Name's 10th Anniversary: A Special Issue of multicultural Perspectives by
Primary Education in Ecuador's Chota Valley: Reflections on Education and Social Reproduction in the Development Era by Lucas, Kevin
To Hell with School Vouchers, Charter Schools & Merit Pay by Breidner, Samuel G.
Language Processing Problems: A Guide for Parents and Teachers by Gaulin, Cindy
Beginning Digital Electronics Through Projects by Singmin, Andrew
The Practical Guide to Aging: What Everyone Needs to Know by Cassel, Christine K.
G Is for Growing: Thirty Years of Research on Children and Sesame Street by
Remaining and Becoming: Cultural Crosscurrents in An Hispano School by Roberts, Shelley
Remaining and Becoming: Cultural Crosscurrents in An Hispano School by Roberts, Shelley
Ed School Follies: The Miseducation of America's Teachers by Kramer, Rita
The Custody and Courtship of Experience: Western Education in Philosophical Perspective by Hogan, Padraig
Pedagogia del Oprimido by Freire, Paulo
Changing Classes: School Reform and the New Economy by Packer, Martin J.
Challenging Democracy: International Perspectives on Gender and Citizenship by
Tomorrow's Schools: Towards Integrity by Lodge, Caroline, Best, Ron, Watkins, Chris
Social Literacy, Citizenship Education and the National Curriculum by Davison, Jon, Stow, William, Arthur, James
Reading Educational Research and Policy by Scott, David
Social Literacy, Citizenship Education and the National Curriculum by Arthur, James, Stow, William, Davison, Jon
Transforming Northicote School by Hampton, Geoff, Jones, Jeff
Homeschoolers' College Admissions Handbook: Preparing 12- to 18-Year-Olds for Success in the College of Their Choice by Cohen, Cafi
Tomorrow's Schools: Towards Integrity by Watkins, Chris, Lodge, Caroline, Best, Ron
See More