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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 2002

Glencoe World History Texas Edition by Spielvogel, Jackson J.
Understanding, Designing and Conducting Qualitative Research in Education by Schostak, Schostak, John F.
Life, Learning, and Community: Concepts and Models for Service Learning in Biology by
Pedagogical Articles (Including The School at Yasnaya Poyana and The Linen-Measurer) by Tolstoy, Leo
Valuation and Exploitation of Intellectual Property and Intangible Assets by Sykes, John, King, Kelvin
Essays in Education and Judaism in Honor of Joseph S. Lukinsky by
Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth?: Why Much of What We Teach about Evolution is Wrong by Wells, Jonathan
Integrating Technology: Effective Tools for Collaboration by Glandon, Shan
Literature Frameworks-From Apples to Zoos by McElmeel, Sharron L.
Do Tell!: Storytelling for You and Your Students by Weissman, Annie
From Cloister to Commons: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Religious Studies by
Teaching Children to Care: Classroom Management for Ethical and Academic Growth, K-8 by Charney, Ruth Sidney
Bookmarks Across the Curriculum by Hegel, Claudette
London Higher by
Globalinks: Resources for World Studies, Grades 5-8 by Beck, Peggy, Beck Haines, Peggy
Endangered Species: Activities for Understanding the Process of Extinction by Endich, Roberta Solomon
Education Policy and Contemporary Politics by
Higher Education Across the Circumpolar North: A Circle of Learning by
Delivering Digitally: Managing the Transition to the New Knowledge Media by Inglis, Alastair, Joosten, Vera, Ling, Peter
Adventures in Teaching: Animal Tales: A chronicle of a semi-ordinary man as he explores the fast-paced, action-packed, exhilarating, and often by Setzler, Eric
Bullying: Using Individual Profiling and Job Matching by Suckling, Amelia, Temple, Carla
A Place to Be Navajo: Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling by McCarty, Teresa L.
Ritualtheorie, Initiationsriten und empirische Jugendweiheforschung by
Lehren Und Lernen an Der Internationalen Frauenuniversität: Ergebnisse Der Wissenschaftlichen Begleituntersuchung by
The Reversed Victory: Story of Nigerian Military Intervention in Sierra Leone by Adeshina, R. a.
The Quiet Revolution. On Creating an Information-Age Education System for Nigeria by Okonjo, Chukuka
Development and Administration of Educat by Ssekamwa, J. C.
Education Financing and Budgetary Reforms in Africa: The Swaziland Case Study by Akinkugbe, Oluyele and Kunene Vusi
World Musics and Music Education: Facing the Issues by
Spotlight on Teaching Chorus: Selected Articles from State Mea Journals by The National Association for Music Educa
Justice Talking School Vouchers: Leading Advocates Debate Today's Most Controversial Issues [With CD] by Kolbert, Kathryn
Learners' Experience of Immersion Education: Case Studies of French and Chinese by de Courcy, Michèle
School Survival: Helping Students Survive and Succeed in Secondary School by Rae, Tina, Wardle, Chris
Farewell and Welcome: A Neat Finish and a Good Start by Cossavella, Ann, Hobbs, Charmian
International Review of History Education: International Review of History Education, Volume 3 by
Failing Students in Higher Education by Peelo
Community Building: The Community College as Catalyst by Elsner, Paul A., Clift, Janet Beauchamp
Schooling for Life: Reclaiming the Essence of Learning by Brooks, Jacqueline Grennon
Junior Art Series - Book Four by Zuberi, Muhammad Mahmood
Disciplinary Styles in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Exploring Common Ground by
Careers for Students of History by Marrs, Aaron, Shulz, Constance, Miller, Page Putnam
Teaching Science Through Literature, Grades 4-6 by Keane, Nancy J., Wait, Corinne
Daily Celebration Activities: September Through January by Frazel, Midge
Recipes for Reading: Hands-On, Literature-Based Cooking Activities by Spencer, Gwynne
Teaching Time-Savers: Short on Time, Long on Learning Activities by Northrup, Mary
Teaching Social Studies Through Literature, Grades 4-6 by Wait, Corinne, Keane, Nancy J.
Teaching Language Arts Through Literature by Wait, Corinne, Keane, Nancy J.
Daily Celebration Activities: February--June by Frazel, Midge
Teaching Social Studies Through Literature by Wait, Corinne, Natale, Samuel M., Keane, Nancy J.
Mastering Math Through Magic, Grades 4-6 by Lombardo, Mary A.
Managing Finance, Resources and Stakeholders in Education by Briggs, Ann, Anderson, Lesley, Burton, Neil
Eurhythmics for Young Children: Six Lessons for Spring by Dale, Monica
Digital Creativity: a Reader by
Theory and Research in Educational Administration (PB) by
Theory and Research in Educational Administration (Hc) by
Efficiency, Accountability, and Equity Issues in Title 1 Schoolwide Program Implementation (PB) by
Efficiency, Accountability, and Equity Issues in Title 1 Schoolwide Program Implementation (Hc) by
Fiscal Policy in Urban Education (PB) by Sheldon, Jonathan A.
Fiscal Policy in Urban Education (Hc) by Davenport, Don King
Access and Equity in Postsecondary Education: A Special Issue of the Peabody Journal of Education by
Defining and Redefining Gender Equity in Education (PB) by
Defining and Redefining Gender Equity in Education (Hc) by
School Reform Proposals: The Research Evidence (PB) by
School Reform Proposals: The Research Evidence (Hc) by
Taking Small Classes One Step Further (PB) by
Taking Small Classes One Step Further (Hc) by
Academic Motivation of Adolescents (PB) by Goldfarb, Ronald L.
Academic Motivation of Adolescents (Hc) by
Successful Reading Instruction (PB) by
Successful Reading Instruction (Hc) by
Middle School Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment (Hc) by
Service-Learning Through a Multidisciplinary Lens (PB) by Dicken, Deanna J.
Service-Learning Through a Multidisciplinary Lens (Hc) by Pagani, Margherita
Instructional Design: System Strategies (PB) by Ledford, Bruce R.
Instructional Design: System Strategies (Hc) by Eckert, Allan W.
Exploring Evaluator Role and Identity (PB) by Des Garennes, Christine A.
Exploring Evaluator Role and Identity (Hc) by
Contemporary Influences in Early Childhood Curriculum (PB) by
Contemporary Influences in Early Childhood Curriculum (Hc) by
Contemporary Perspectives in Literacy in Early Childhood Education (PB) by
Contemporary Perspectives in Literacy in Early Childhood Education (Hc) by
Teacher Training and Effective Pedagogy in the Context of Student Diversity (PB) by
Teacher Training and Effective Pedagogy in the Context of Student Diversity (Hc) by
Education for Democracy: Contexts, Curricula, Assessments (PB) by
Forging Alliances in Community and Thought (PB) by
Education for Democracy: Contexts, Curricula, Assessments (Hc) by
Forging Alliances in Community and Thought (Hc) by
Toward Wellness: Prevention, Coping and Stress (PB) by Dibble, Harold Lewis
Toward Wellness: Prevention, Coping and Stress (Hc) by
Problem-Based Learning in K-8 Classrooms: A Teacher's Guide to Implementation by
Careers in and Out of Organizations by Hall, Douglas T.
Paying Teachers for What They Know and Do: New and Smarter Compensation Strategies to Improve Schools by Odden, Allan, Kelley, Carolyn
Numeracy for Teaching by Haylock, Derek
The Feelings Diary: Helping Pupils to Develop their Emotional Literacy Skills by Becoming More Aware of their Feelings on a Daily Basis - by Shotton, Gillian
Building Learning Communities with Character: How to Integrate Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning by Elias, Maurice, Novick, Bernard, Kress, Jeffrey
A to Z Letter Formation Practice Pages: Grades Pre K-1 by Teaching Resources, Scholastic
Teaching in Japan by Shimahara, Nobuo K.
How Minority Students Experience College: Implications for Planning and Policy by Watson, Lemuel, Terrell, Melvin Cleveland, Wright, Doris J.
Constructing Social Reality: Self Portraits of Poor Black Adolescents by Brunious, Loretta
Must We Fight?: From the Battlefield to the Schoolyard-A New Perspective on Violent Conflict and Its Prevention by
Repainting the Little Red Schoolhouse: A History of Eastern German Education, 1945-1995 by Rodden, John
When Information Came of Age: Technologies of Knowledge in the Age of Reason and Revolution, 1700-1850 by Headrick, Daniel R.
Put Your Bodies Upon The Wheels: Student Revolt in the 1960s by Heineman, Kenneth J.
Spanish, Grades 6 - 12 by Downs, Mike
Spanish, Grades K - 5: Elementary by Downs, Mike
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics by Seddon, John M., Gale, J. D.
My ABC Storybook Teacher's Edition by Eisele, Beat, Anne Stribling Yoko Mia Hirano Mike Kemper, Hojel, Barbara
Standards and Special Education Needs by Farrell, Michael
Lernhandeln von Führungskräften zur Rekonstruktion spezifischer Lernbegründungen by Müller, Michaela
Educational Media and Technology Yearbook 2002 by
Educating Moral People: A Caring Alternative to Character Education by Noddings, Nel
Abriß Der Kirchengeschichte: Sonderabdruck Aus Der Zweiten Aufl. Des Hülfsbuch Für Den Religionsunterricht in Den Oberen Klassen by Heidrich, A.
Einführung in Die Pädagogik. Geschichte Der Pädagogischen Theorien. Allgemeine Pädagogik (Pädagogische Psychologie) by Baumann, Julius
Volkshochschulen: Ihre Ziele, Organisation. Entwicklung, Propaganda by Hirsch, Max
Kompensation von sozialen Defiziten bei Jugendlichen durch Umgang mit Musik by Loske, Alexandra
What They Don't Tell You in Schools of Education about School Administration by English, Fenwick W., Black, John a.
The Doubter's Companion: A Dictionary of Aggressive Common Sense by Saul, John Ralston
Breaking the Cycle of Failure: How to Build and Maintain Quality Alternative Schools by Mottaz, Carole
Help for the Harried Homeschooler: A Practical Guide to Balancing Your Child's Education with the Rest of Your Life by Field, Christine
Getting Your Book Published for Dummies by Zackheim, Sarah Parsons, Zackheim, Adrian
Reproducing Gender: Critical Essays on Educational Theory and Feminist Politics by Arnot, Madeleine
Achieving Competence, Success and Excellence in Teaching by Brundrett, Mark, Silcock, Peter
Achieving Competence, Success and Excellence in Teaching by Silcock, Peter, Brundrett, Mark
Study!: A Guide to Effective Learning, Revision and Examination Techniques by Barrass, Robert
Religion, Scholarship, and Higher Education: Perspectives, Models, and Future Prospects by
Religion, Scholarship, & Higher Education: Perspectives, Models and Future Prospects. Essays from the Lilly Seminar on Religion and Higher Education by
Moral Education for Colleges and Universities by Iheoma, Eugene O.
Freizeit- und Kulturarbeit mit schizophrenen Menschen by Rumposch, Doreen
Das neue geistliche Lied by Frank, René
Cambridge Scientific Minds by Harman, Peter
Language Minority Students in the Mainstream Classroom by Rodriguez, Vivian, Carrasquillo, Angela L.
Reproducing Gender: Critical Essays on Educational Theory and Feminist Politics by Arnot, Madeleine
Literacy in Early Modern Europe by Houston, R. A.
The California Homeschool Guide - Second Edition by California Homeschool Network
Technology Transfer Via University-Industry Relations: The Case of the Foreign High Technology Electronic Industry in Mexico's Silicon Valley by Vargas, Maria Isabel Rivera
Kompetenz durch Kommunikationstraining unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der beruflichen Weiterbildung: Angebote, Defizite, Alternativen by Kitter, Oliver
Anorexie und Bulimie als (inadäquater) Versuch der Adoleszenzbewältigung by Komp, Marion
Improving Mathematics Education: Resources for Decision Making by Center for Education, National Research Council, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education
Strategies for Teaching First-Year Composition by
Disciplining Feminism: From Social Activism to Academic Discourse by Messer-Davidow, Ellen
Problem-Based Learning in K-8 Classrooms: A Teacher's Guide to Implementation by
George Herbert Mead by Baldwin
A Companion Guide to Leadership for Safe Schools by Calabrese, Raymond, Allain, Susan, Binovi, Jeanne
African-American Teens Discuss Their Schooling Experiences by Thompson, Gail L.
Which Global Village?: Societies, Cultures, and Political-Economic Systems in a Euro-Atlantic Perspective by
Struktur und Verhalten: Zur Begründung und Durchführung systemischer Organisationsentwicklung in der Schule unter dem Blickwinkel erkenntnisth by Korinek, Walter
Japanese Higher Education as Myth by McVeigh, Brian J.
Kinder- Und Jugendmuseen: Genese Und Entwicklung Einer Museumsgattung Impulse Für Besucherorientierte Museumskonzepte by König, Gabriele
Bildungssysteme Und Soziale Ungleichheit: Das Beispiel Der Neuen Bundesländer by Von Below, Susanne
Praktikum Und Studium: Diplom-Pädagogik Und Humanmedizin Zwischen Studium, Beruf, Biographie Und Lebenswelt by Egloff, Birte
Jahrbuch Jugendforschung: 2. Ausgabe 2002 by
Familienerziehung Im Historischen Wandel: Eine Qualitative Studie Über Erziehung Und Erziehungserfahrungen Von Drei Generationen by Ecarius, Jutta
Scientific Literacy: Der Beitrag Der Naturwissenschaften Zur Allgemeinen Bildung by
Schulerfolg Von Migrationskindern: Die Bedeutung Familienergänzender Betreuung Im Vorschulalter by Lanfranchi, Andrea
A Study Of Job Satisfaction Among Directors of Classified Personnel In Merit (Civil Service) Systems in California Public School Districts, County Off by McCann, Donald R.
A Place to Be Navajo: Rough Rock and the Struggle for Self-Determination in Indigenous Schooling by McCarty, Teresa L.
Valley Interfaith and School Reform: Organizing for Power in South Texas by Shirley, Dennis
Oral Presentation in Medicine by Fingerhut, A., Lacaine, F.
Academic Animals: A Bestiary of Higher-Education Teaching and How It Got That Way by Roney, Lois
The Secret to Your College Success: 101 Ways to Make the Most of Your College Experience by Buxton, Toni
Educational Research: Principles and Practice by Takona, James P.
Development of Achievement Motivation: Volume . by
Becoming a Secondary Head Teacher by Evetts, Julia
Learning to Revolt: The Role of Students in the National Movement in Colonial Tunisia by Natsis, James J.
Using Excel in the Classroom by Morrow, Jean, Howell, Dusti
100 Write-And-Learn Sight Word Practice Pages: Engaging Reproducible Activity Pages That Help Kids Recognize, Write, and Really Learn the Top 100 High by Teaching Resources, Scholastic
Audio/Video Cabling Guide Pocket Reference by Lampen, Stephen H.
Die Modellierung von Lernwelten, Band I: Die Theorie der Subjektiven Didaktik by Kösel, Edmund
Authenticity and Authentication in Language Learning: Distinctions, Orientations, Implications by Amor, Stuart
Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American Culture by Na, Na
Overcoming the Odds: Raising Academically Successful African American Young Women by Maton, Kenneth I., Greene, Monica L., Hrabowski, Freeman A., III
Education for Citizenship: Ideas into Action: A Practical Guide for Teachers of Pupils Aged 7-14 by Clough, Nick, Holden, Cathie
Early Intervention in Movement: Practical Activities for Early Years Settings by MacIntyre, Christine
Real-Life Writing Activities for Grades 4-9 by Sunflower, Cherlyn
FHD-02 Hindi Me Adhar Pathyekram by Panel, Gullybaba Com
The Ambiguous Embrace: Government and Faith-Based Schools and Social Agencies by Glenn, Charles L.
Accountability for After-School Care: Devising Standards and Measuring Adherence to Them by Beckett, Megan K.
Symposion musikalische Lebenshilfe by Salmon, Shirley
Cambridge Scientific Minds by Harman, Peter
Transformationen: Grundlagen Und Anwendungen in Der Nachrichtentechnik by Krüger, Klaus-Eberhard
Educational Management by Adesina, S., Adesina, Segun
Gezeiten des Wandels: Die Kondratieffzyklen und die Veränderung von Bildung und Beschäftigung by Hagemeister, Ralf
The Health Promoting School: Policy, Research and Practice by Parsons, Carl, Denman, Susan, Moon, Alysoun
Teaching for Understanding Across the Primary Curriculum by
Writing and Revising the Disciplines by
Little Kids-Powerful Problem Solvers: Math Stories from a Kindergarten Classroom by Andrews, Angela, Trafton, Paul R.
Children Starting School: A Guide to Successful Transitions and Transfers for Teachers and Assistants by Fabian, Hilary
Spelling Smart!: A Ready-To-Use Activities Program for Students with Spelling Difficulties by Stowe, Cynthia M.
Child and Adolescent Treatment for Social Work Practice: A Relational Perspective for Beginning Clinicians by Aiello, Theresa
Systemische Ansätze für die Arbeit mit alkoholabhängigen Menschen by Hasenkamp, Regina
Under Deadman's Skin: Discovering the Meaning of Children's Violent Play by Katch, Jane
Educational Research, Policymaking and Practice by Hammersley, Martyn
The Lighter Side of Educational Leadership by Bacall, Aaron
Reading for Academic Success: Powerful Strategies for Struggling, Average, and Advanced Readers, Grades 7-12 by Perini, Matthew J., Strong, Richard W., Silver, Harvey F.
The Quick Reference Guide to Educational Innovations: Practices, Programs, Policies, and Philosophies by Orange, Carolyn
Using Excel in the Classroom by Howell, Dusti, Morrow, Jean
Duty First: A Year in the Life of West Point and the Making of American Leaders (Perennial) by Ruggero, Ed
Working with Young Children in Europe: Provision and Staff Training by Oberhuemer, Pamela, Ulich, Michaela
Learning Autonomy in Post-16 Education: The Policy and Practice of Formative Assessment by Ecclestone, Kathryn
"Schoepferische Zerstörung": Gesellschaftliche Individualisierung und soziale Arbeit by Weiß, Matthias
See More