• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Education in 2003

Conflict Resolution by Lucas, Ann F., Cheldelin, Sandra I.
Career Pathways: Preparing Students for Life by Howard, Elaine Makas, J. Ill, Pamela
Governing Academia: Who Is in Charge at the Modern University? by
The Ethnographic I: A Methodological Novel about Autoethnography by Ellis, Carolyn
Electronic Record Keeping: Achieving and Maintaining Compliance with 21 CFR Part 11 and 45 CFR Parts 160, 162, and 164 by Gough, Janet, Nettleton, David
Ready-To-Use Writing Proficiency Lessons & Activities: 10th Grade Level by Behrman, Carol H.
Life Skills: 225 Ready-To-Use Health Activities for Success and Well-Being (Grades 6-12) by McTavish, Sandra
Children, Health, and Learning: A Guide to the Issues by Walsh, Mary E., Murphy, Jennifer A.
Beyond the Boundaries: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Learning and Teaching by
Technology Transfer for Entrepreneurs: A Guide to Commercializing Federal Laboratory Innovations by Allen, Joseph, Gross, Clifford
Talkin' Back: Raising and Educating Resilient Black Girls by Paul, Dierdre Glenn
Serving Older Teens by Mikkelson, Sheila
Taking the Guesswork Out of School Success: A Standards Approach by Samples, Joni
Seven Curricular Landscapes: An Approach to the Holistic Curriculum by Mayes, Clifford
Authoring Tools for Advanced Technology Learning Environments: Toward Cost-Effective Adaptive, Interactive and Intelligent Educational Software by
Globalisation, Trade Liberalisation, and Higher Education in North America: The Emergence of a New Market Under Nafta? by Mallea, J., Barrow, C. W., Didou-Aupetit, S.
A Handbook for Learning Support Assistants: Teachers and Assistants Working Together by Fox, Glenys
Weaving Narrative Nets to Capture Classrooms: Multimethod Qualitative Approaches for Educational Research by Geelan, D.
Why Teach Mathematics?: A Focus on General Education by Heymann, H. W.
Globalisation, Trade Liberalisation, and Higher Education in North America: The Emergence of a New Market Under Nafta? by Didou-Aupetit, S., Mallea, J., Barrow, C. W.
Bullying and Teasing: Social Power in Children's Groups by Macklem, Gayle L.
Demonstrational Optics: Part 1: Wave and Geometrical Optics by Marchenko, Oleg M., Windholz, Laurentius, Kazantsev, Sergi
Counseling International Students: Clients from Around the World by Arthur, Nancy Marie
Special Education: Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy by