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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 1991

Politik, Kultur Und Gesellschaft in Kroatien Und Slawonien in Der Ersten Hälfte Des 19. Jahrhunderts: Historiographie Und Grundlagen by Kessler, Wolfgang
Finland's Search for Security Through Defence, 1944-89 by Penttila, Risto E. J.
The French Communist Party and the Algerian War by Joly, Daniele
After the Cold War: Europe's New Political Architecture by Rusi, Alpo M.
Czechoslovakia 1918-88: Seventy Years from Independence by
A Conservative Against Hitler: Ulrich Von Hassell: Diplomat in Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, 1881-1944 by Schollgen, Gregor, Willmot, Louise
Venice, Austria, and the Turks in the 17th Century: Memoirs, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 192) by Setton, Kenneth M.
Milestones in Western Civilization: Selected Readings, The Renaissance through Waterloo by Mickelson-Gaughan, Joan
Pre-Industrial Societies by Crone, Patricia
Culture and Belief in Europe 1450 - 1600: An Anthology of Sources by O'Day, Rosemary, Englander, David, Norman, Diana
Idylle Oder Aufbruch?: Das Dorf Im Bürgerlichen 19. Jahrhundert. Ein Europäischer Vergleich by
A Companion to the Enlightenment by
Poverty: A History by Geremek, Bronislaw
Decolonization 2e by Chamberlain, M. E.
The Other Hong Kong Report 1991 by
Sages and Filial Sons: Mythology and Archaeology in Ancient China by
Britain Ascendant: Studies in British and Franco-British Economic History: Comparative Studies in Franco-British Economic History by Crouzet, Francois
Property, Prod, Family Neckarhausen by Sabean, David Warren
Property, Production, and Family in Neckarhausen, 1700 1870 by David Warren, Sabean, Sabean, David Warren
'Who Has the Youth, Has the Future' by Linton, Derek S.
Fin de Siècle and Its Legacy by
A Faith for All Seasons: Islam and the Challenge of the Modern World by Akhtar, Shabbir
France Under the German Occupation, 1940-1944: An Annotated Bibliography by Evleth, Donna
Petrus Bloccius: Praecepta Formandis Puerorum Moribus Perutilia by
Before European Hegemony: The World System A.D. 1250-1350 by Abu-Lughod, Janet L.
England in the Reign of Edward III by Waugh, Scott L.
Domestic Strategies: Work and Family in France and Italy, 1600 1800 by
The End of Ancient Christianity by Markus, R. A.
Population and Nutrition: An Essay on European Demographic History by Livi Bacci, Massimo
Russia and Italy Against Hitler: The Bolshevik-Fascist Rapprochement of the 1930s by Clarke, Joseph Calvitt, Clarke, J. Calvitt, III
The Performance of the Basso Continuo in Italian Baroque Music by Borgir, Tharald
The Making of Bourgeois Europe: Absolutism, Revolution, and the Rise of Capitalism in England, France and Germany by Mooers, Colin Peter
Boundaries: The Making of France and Spain in the Pyrenees by Sahlins, Peter
Lille and the Dutch Revolt by Duplessis, Robert S.
The Struggle for Soviet Jewish Emigration, 1948 1967 by Ro'i, Yaacov
Richard III: A Study of Service by Horrox, Rosemary
Before the Luddites: Custom, Community and Machinery in the English Woollen Industry, 1776 1809 by Randall, Adrian, Adrian, Randall
Compulsive Exercise And The Eating Disorders: Toward An Integrated Theory Of Activity by Yates, Alayne
Rhetorik und bürgerliche Identität by Müller, Thomas
Überleben in der frühneuzeitlichen Stadt by Reinhardt, Volker
The Gorbachev Phenomenon: A Historical Interpretation by Lewin, Moshe
The Role of Banks in the Interwar Economy by
The Corporation under Russian Law, 1800-1917 by Owen, Thomas C.
Germany and the Union of South Africa in the Nazi Period by Citino, Robert Michael
Between Two Fires: Europe's Path in the 1930s by Large, David Clay
Germany and Europe in Transition by
Journalists for Empire: The Imperial Debate in the Edwardian Stately Press, 1903-1913 by Startt, James D.
The Dependent Empire and Ireland, 1840-1900: Advance and Retreat in Representative Self-Government Select Documents on the Constitutional History of T by
After the Cold War: Europe's New Political Architecture by Rusi, Alpo M.
The United States and the Making of Postwar France, 1945-1954 by Wall, Irwin M.
Perspectives Modern German Eco by Borchardt, Knut
After Marx, Before Lenin: Marxism and Socialist Working-Class Parties in Europe, 1884-1914 by Steenson, Gary
Dem Kirchenvolk Die Leviten Gelesen: Alltag Im Spiegel Süddeutscher Barockpredigten by Moser-Rath, Elfriede
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
Memory Offended: The Auschwitz Convent Controversy by
The Last Jew from Wegrow: The Memoirs of a Survivor of the Step-by-Step Genocide in Poland by Liebovich, Louis W.
Victorian Miniature by Chadwick, Owen
The German Experience of Professionalization: Modern Learned Professions and Their Organizations from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Hitler Era by McClelland, Charles E., Charles E., McClelland
Socialism and War: The Spanish Socialist Party in Power and Crisis, 1936 1939 by Helen, Graham, Graham, Helen
Currents of Radicalism: Popular Radicalism, Organised Labour and Party Politics in Britain, 1850 1914 by
Marc Bloch: A Life in History by Fink, Carole
Die Gutsherrschaft by Kaak, Heinrich
Meine Vertreibung aus Prag by Hübler, Ursula
Liberalism, Fascism, or Social Democracy: Social Classes and the Political Origins of Regimes in Interwar Europe by Luebbert, Gregory M.
Stalin, Siberia and the Crisis of the New Economic Policy by Hughes, James
Rise and Fall of Anne Boleyn Canto by Warnicke, Retha M.
Society and Politics in the Age of the Risorgimento by
Origins Peasant Servitude Cata by Freedman, Paul H.
Czechoslovakia 1918-88: Seventy Years from Independence by
Russia's Women: Accommodation, Resistance, Transformation by
The Origins of Backwardness in Eastern Europe: Economics and Politics from the Middle Ages Until the Early Twentieth Century by
Managing the Franc Poincaré by Mouré, Kenneth
Hitler Slept Late and Other Blunders That Cost Him the War by Duffy, James
An Interrupted Past by
Plain Lives in a Golden Age: Popular Culture, Religion and Society in Seventeenth-Century Holland by Van Deursen, A. Th, Van Deursen, Arie Theodorus, Deursen, Arti Theodorus Van
The Dynamics of the Breakthrough in Eastern Europe: The Polish Experience Volume 6 by Staniszkis, Jadwiga
The New European Community: Decisionmaking And Institutional Change by Hoffmann, Stanley, Keohane, Robert O.
Resilient Europe: A Study of the Years 1870-2000 by Calvocoressi, Peter
Romania: The Entangled Revolution by Ratesh, Nestor
Bismarck and the Unification of Germany by Hargreaves, David
Lordship, Knighthood and Locality: A Study in English Society, C.1180 1280 by Coss, Peter R., Peter R., Coss
From Spear to Flintlock: A History of War in Europe and the Middle East to the French Revolution by Baumgartner, Frederic J. Prof
Georg Lukács and His Generation, 1900-1918 by Gluck, Mary
Charles James Fox, 1749-1806: A Bibliography by Schweitzer, David R.
Parish-Fed Bastards: A History of the Politics of the Unemployed in Britain, 1884-1939 by Flanagan, Richard
Lord Curzon, 1859-1925: A Bibliography by Parker, James G.
Algernon Sidney and the Restoration Crisis, 1677 1683 by Scott, Jonathan
New Directions in Soviet History by
The Making of a Saint: The Life, Times and Sanctification of Neophytos the Recluse by Galatariotou, Catia, Galatoriotou, Catia, Catia, Galatariotou
The Blind Devotion of the People: Popular Religion and the English Reformation by Whiting, Robert
The Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs (Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894 1915 by Lindemann, Albert S.
A Place in History: Social and Monumental Time in a Cretan Town by Herzfeld, Michael
The 1848 Revolutions by Jones, Peter
Policing Western Europe: Politics, Professionalism, and Public Order, 1850-1940 by
The Unfinished Road: Jewish Survivors of Latvia Look Back by
The Future of European Political Cooperation: Essays on Theory and Practice by
Labour Movements, Employers, and the State: Conflict and Co-Operation in Britain and Sweden by Fulcher, James
Genoa, Rapallo, and European Reconstruction in 1922 by
Peasantry and Society in France Since 1789 by Moulin, Annie
Exile and Kingdom: History and Apocalypse in the Puritan Migration to America by Zakai, Avihu
Peasantry and Society in France Since 1789 by Moulin, Annie, Annie, Moulin
A History of the University in Europe: Volume 1, Universities in the Middle Ages by
Coping with Destitution: Poverty and Relief in Western Europe by Mitchison, Rosalind
Patriotic Pacifism: Waging War on War in Europe 1815-1914 by Cooper, Sandi E.