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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 1992

Europäische Aufklärung(en) by
Russian Peasants and Tsarist Legislation on the Eve of Reform: Interaction Between Peasants and Officialdom, 1825-1855 by Moon, David
Women's Orients: English Women and the Middle East, 1718-1918: Sexuality, Religion and Work by Melman, Billie
South Africa, the Colonial Powers and 'African Defence': The Rise and Fall of the White Entente, 1948-60 by Berridge, G.
The Making of Eastern Europe by Longworth, Philip
New Perspectives in Modern Russian History: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by McKlean, Robert B.
The European Community After 1992: Perspectives from the Outside by
Power and Politics in the Soviet Union: The Crumbling of an Empire by Cooper, Leo
The Development of the French Economy, 1750-1914 by Heywood, Colin
Radical Reform in Soviet Defence Policy: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by Allison, R.
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648-1815 by Luard, Evan
People of the Northern Seas by
Hermetic Museum Restored by Waite, Arthur Edward
The Other Hong Kong Report 1992 by
The Silent Holocaust: Romania and Its Jews by Butnaru, I. C., Spodheim, Rene
Revolution in Russia: Reassessments of 1917 by
The Huguenots in England: Immigration and Settlement C.1550 1700 by Cottret, Bernard, Cottret, B. J.
Finance and Financiers in European History 1880 1960 by
Disorienting Encounters: Travels of a Moroccan Scholar in France in 1845-1846. the Voyage of Muhammad As-Saffar by As-Saffar, Muhammed
Disorienting Encounters: Travels of a Moroccan Scholar in France in 1845-1846. the Voyage of Muhammad As-Saffar Volume 14 by As-Saffar, Muhammed
A New European Cooperation / Le Nouveau Concert européen by Delors, Jacques
Essays on the Cold War by Wolfson, Murray
The Balance of Power: The System of International Relations, 1648 1815 by Luard, Evan
Political Controversy: A Study in Eighteenth-Century Propaganda by Spector, Robert Donald
Locality and Polity: A Study of Warwickshire Landed Society, 1401 1499 by Carpenter, Christine
Spirit of the Oxford Movement: Tractarian Essays by Chadwick, Owen
The Armada of Flanders: Spanish Maritime Policy and European War, 1568 1668 by Stradling, R. a., R. a., Stradling
Still the Golden Door: The Third World Comes to America by Reimers, David M.
Representing the French Revolution: Literature, Historiogaphy, and Art by
Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy and the Origins of the Eec, 1952-1957 by
The Politics of the Body in Weimar Germany: Women's Reproductive Rights and Duties by Usborne, Cornelie
The Emergence of the Modern European World: From the Seventeenth to the Twentieth Century by Fox, Edward Whiting
Radical Reform in Soviet Defence Policy: Selected Papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990 by Allison, R.
Columbia Dictionary of European Political History Since 1914 by
William Wilberforce, 1759-1833: A Bibliography by Cowie, Leonard W.
The Legacy of Rome: A New Appraisal by
The Emancipation of Labor: A History of the First International by Katz, Henryk
Geography, Technology, and War: Studies in the Maritime History of the Mediterranean, 649-1571 by Pryor, John H.
The Uses of Literacy in Early Mediaeval Europe by
The Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval Europe by
The Battle for Coal by Holter, Darryl
The European Community After 1992: Perspectives from the Outside by
The Unplanned Society: Poland During and After Communism by Wedel, Janine
For King and Kaiser!: The Making of the Prussian Army Officer, 1860-1914 by Clemente, Steven E.
Other Heading: Reflections on Today's Europe by Derrida, Jacques
The Path to Genocide: Essays on Launching the Final Solution by Browning, Christopher R.
The English Rural Community: Image and Analysis by
Inessa Armand by Elwood, Ralph Carter, Elwood, R. C.
The Rhyme and Reason of Politics in Early Modern Europe: Collected Essays of Herbert H. Rowen by Harline, Craig, Rowen, Herbert Harvey
Dutch Republic in the Eighteenth Century: Decline, Enlightenment, and Revolution by Jacob, Margaret C.
Books Behind Bars: The Role of Books, Reading, and Libraries in British Prison Reform, 1701-1911 by Fyfe, Janet
The Strategic Bombing of Germany, 1940-1945 by Levine, Alan J.
Emden and the Dutch Revolt: Exile and the Development of Reformed Protestantism by Pettegree, Andrew
Islam in European Thought by Hourani, Albert
From Ostpolitik to Reunification by Pittman, Avril
A Distinctive Industrialization: Cotton in Barcelona 1728 1832 by Thomson, J. K. J.
Redemption and Utopia: Jewish Libertarian Thought in Central Europe: A Study in Elective Affinity by Löwy, Michael
The Helsinki Process and the Reintegration of Europe 1986-1991: Analysis and Documentation by Mastny, Vojtech
Medieval Studies: An Introduction, Second Edition by Powell, James M.
Geschichte Und Geschichtswissenschaft in Der Kultur Italiens Und Deutschlands by
Soviet State and Society Between Revolutions, 1918 1929 by Siegelbaum, Lewis H.
Soviet State and Society Between Revolutions, 1918 1929 by Siegelbaum, Lewis A.
Marxism at Work: Ideology, Class and French Socialism During the Third Republic by Stuart, Robert C., Stuart, Robert
Soviet Nationality Policy, Urban Growth, and Identity Change in the Ukrainian Ssr 1923 1934 by Liber, George
St. Anselm: A Portrait in a Landscape by Southern, Richard W., Southern, R. W.
Venetian Ships and Shipbuilders of the Renaissance by Lane, Frederic Chapin
The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Union: A Selected Bibliography of Sources in English by
The Celts: The Construction of a Myth by Chapman, M.
Romanian and East German Policies in the Third World: Comparing the Strategies of Ceausescu and Honecker by Barnett, Thomas P. M.
The Scientific Revolution in National Context by
The Scientific Revolution in National Context by
Elections, Mass Politics and Social Change in Modern Germany: New Perspectives by
Russian Popular Culture: Entertainment and Society Since 1900 by Stites, Richard
Steeltown, USSR: Soviet Society in the Gorbachev Era by Kotkin, Stephen
The Soviet Communist Party in Disarray: The XXVIII Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union by Rees, E.
Atheism from the Reformation to the Enlightenment by
Corpus Christi: The Eucharist in Late Medieval Culture by Rubin, Miri
The Early Reformation in Europe by
The Early Reformation in Europe by
Soviet Workers and de-Stalinization: The Consolidation of the Modern System of Soviet Production Relations 1953 1964 by Filtzer, Donald A.
The Jew Accused: Three Anti-Semitic Affairs (Dreyfus, Beilis, Frank) 1894 1915 by Lindemann, Albert S.
Studies in Tudor and Stuart Politics and Government by Elton, G. R.
Russia in the Age of Reaction and Reform 1801-1881 by Saunders, David
The Industrial Revolution and Work in Nineteenth Century Europe by
France at the Crystal Palace: Bourgeois Taste and Artisan Manufacture in the Nineteenth Century by Walton, Whitney
Rebuilding Europe: Western Europe, America and Postwar Reconstruction by Ellwood, David W.
Die Politischen Parteien in Griechenland 1821-1936 by Hering, Gunnar
Rumänien by
Quellenbuch Zur Geschichte Der Evangelischen Kirche in Schlesien by
South Africa, the Colonial Powers and 'African Defence': The Rise and Fall of the White Entente, 1948-60 by Berridge, G.
History and Memory by Le Goff, Jacques
The Rise of Modern Police and the European State System from Metternich to the Second World War by Liang, Hsi-Huey
William Temple: Church, State and Society in Britian, 1880-1950 by Kent, John
London in the Age of Industrialisation: Entrepreneurs, Labour Force and Living Conditions, 1700 1850 by Schwarz, L. D.
The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750 1950 by
The Cambridge Social History of Britain, 1750 1950 by
Pitt the Elder by Black, Jeremy
Aspirations and Realities: A Documentary History of Economic Development Policy in Ireland Since 1922 by Finnegan, Richard B., Wiles, James L.
Bushels of Rubles: Soviet Youth in Transition by Weaver, Kitty D., Weaver, Kitty
The Tragedy of Yugoslavia: The Failure of Democratic Transformation: The Failure of Democratic Transformation by Seroka, Jim, Pavlovic, Vukasin
George Grenville, 1712-1770: A Bibliography by Cornish, Rory T.
European Labor Unions by Campbell, Joan
The Dutch Hunebedden: Megalithic Tombs of the Funnel Beaker Culture by Bakker, Jan Albert
Celtic Coinage - Britain and Beyond: The Eleventh Oxford Symposium on Coinage and Monetary History by