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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 1997

In Our Time: The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion by Leibovitz, Clement
Optimism at Armageddon: Voices of American Participants in the First World War by Meigs, Mark
Economic Convergence in a Multispeed Europe by Gaynor, K. B., Karakitsos, Elias
Exchange Rate Policy in Europe by
A Handbook of Estonian: Nouns, Adjectives, and Verbs by Mürk, Harri
In Our Time: The Chamberlain-Hitler Collusion by Leibovitz, Clement
Protect & Avenge: The 49th Fighter Group in World War II by Ferguson, Steve W., K. Pascalis, William
The Doolittle Raid by Glines, Carroll V.
German Defensive Batteries and Gun Emplacements on the Normandy Beaches by Schmeelke, Karl-Heinz, Schmeelke, Michael
The Battle of the Bulge in Luxembourg: The Southern Flank - Dec. 1944 - Jan. 1945 Vol.I the Germans by Gaul, Roland
Wrong Place, Wrong Time: The 305th Bomb Group & the 2nd Schweinfurt Raid by Kuhl, George C.
Flying Tiger: A Crew Chief's Story: The War Diary of an Avg Crew Chief by Losonsky, Frank S., M. Losonsky, Terry
The Damascus Affair: 'Ritual Murder', Politics, and the Jews in 1840 by Frankel, Jonathan
The Damascus Affair: 'Ritual Murder', Politics, and the Jews in 1840 by Frankel, Jonathan
Birth of the Leviathan: Building States and Regimes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Ertman, Thomas, Thomas, Ertman
Birth of the Leviathan: Building States and Regimes in Medieval and Early Modern Europe by Ertman, Thomas
Wartime Poland, 1939-1945: A Select Annotated Bibliography of Books in English by Okonski, Walter
Assimilation and Acculturation in Seventeenth-Century Europe: Roussillon and France, 1659-1715 by Stewart, David, Unknown
Institutions of Confinement by
The Wild and the Sown: Botany and Agriculture in Western Europe, 1350 1850 by Mauro, Ambrosoli, Ambrosoli, Mauro
The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire by Budd, M.
Adel, Deutscher Orden und Koenigtum im Elsaß des 13. Jahrhunderts: Unter Beruecksichtigung der Johanniter by Von Planta, Peter Conradin
Tensions of Empire: Colonial Cultures in a Bourgeois World by
Cabinets in Western Europe by
Using Europe, Abusing the Europeans: Britain and Ueropean Integration, 1945-1963 by Kaiser, W.
Cabinets in Western Europe by
The Plumpton Letters and Papers by
Fifteenth-Century Attitudes: Perceptions of Society in Late Medieval England by
Fallacy of Silver Age by Ronen, Omry
Bloodtaking and Peacemaking: Feud, Law, and Society in Saga Iceland by Miller, William Ian
The Collapse of the Soviet Empire: A View from Riga by Neimanis, George J.
Peop[le Who Run Europe by Page, Edward C.
Magnetic Mountain: Stalinism as a Civilization by Kotkin, Stephen
Civil War in Siberia: The Anti-Bolshevik Government of Admiral Kolchak, 1918 1920 by Smele, Jonathan D.
Nature and Society in Historical Context by
Nature and Society in Historical Context by
Women and Power in Parliamentary Democracies: Cabinet Appointments in Western Europe, 1968-1992 by Davis, Rebecca Howard
English and the Norman Conquest by Williams, Ann
Knowledge, Discovery and Imagination in Early Modern Europe by Reiss, Timothy J.
Balfour and Foreign Policy by Tomes, Jason
Knowledge, Discovery and Imagination in Early Modern Europe: The Rise of Aesthetic Rationalism by Timothy J., Reiss, Reiss, Timothy J.
The Greatness and Decline of the Celts by Hubert, Henri
Cannibals: The Discovery and Representation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules Verne by Lestringant, Frank
A Claim on the Countryside: A History of the British Outdoor Movement by Taylor, Harvey
War and Society in Early Modern Europe: 1495-1715 by Tallett, Frank
Mastering Modern European History by Miller, Stuart
The Search for the Perfect Language by Eco, Umberto
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society: Volume 6: Sixth Series by Royal Historical Society, Royal Historical Society
Italian Foreign Policy in the Interwar Period: 1918-1940 by Burgwyn, H. James
The Enlightenment: An Introduction by Im Hof, Ulrich
Women on the Margins: Three Seventeenth-Century Lives by Davis, Natalie Zemon
Stalinism and Nazism by
Stalinism and Nazism by
Bartolome De Cardenas 'El Bermejo': Itinerant Painter in the Crown of Aragon by Berg-Sobre, Judith
Elisabeth: A Biography: From Bavarian Princess to Queen of the Belgians by Larson, Wanda Z.
Lost Kingdoms: Celtic Scotland and the Middle Ages by Roberts, John L.
Europe: The Impossible Status Quo by
In the Mirror of the Third World by Halperin, Sandra
The Making of Eastern Europe: From Prehistory to Postcommunism by Longworth, Philip
Lollardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages by Aston, Margaret
Khrushchev: A Political Life by Tompson, William
The Thirty Years War: The Holy Roman Empire and Europe 1618-48 by Asch, Ronald
After 1989: Morals, Revolution and Civil Society by Dahrendorf, Ralf
The First Modern Economy: Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500 1815 by Van Der Woude, Ad, de Vries, Jan, Woude, Ad Van Der
The First Modern Economy by Van Der Woude, Ad, de Vries, Jan
Economic Adjustment in New Democracies: Lessons from Southern Europe by Ethier, D.
Estates on the Edge: The Social Consequences of Mass Housing in Northern Europe by Power, A.
Estates on the Edge: The Social Consequences of Mass Housing in Northern Europe by Power, A.
Mazzini: A Life for the Religion of Politics by Sarti, Roland
The Outbreak of the First World War: 1914 in Perspective by Stevenson, David, Stevenson, D.
Reconstructed Lives: Women and Iran's Islamic Revolution by Esfandiari, Haleh, Isfandiyari, Halah
The First Crusaders, 1095 1131 by Riley-Smith, Jonathan
The Question of Europe by
Myth and Memory in the Mediterranean: Remembering Fascism's Empire by Doumanis, N.
Legislation and Justice by
The Artisan and the European Town, 1500-1900 by
Kings, Courtiers and Imperium: The Barbarian West, AD 565-725 by Barnwell, P. S.
Contours of Death and Disease in Early Modern England by Dobson, Mary J.
From Liberalism to Fascism: The Right in a French Province, 1928 1939 by Passmore, Kevin
The Common Agricultural Policy by Grant, Wyn
Forced to Choose: France, the Atlantic Alliance, and NATO -- Then and Now by Cogan, Charles
Caesar and the Fading of the Roman World: A Study in Republicanism and Caesarism by
Documents on European Union by Harryvan, Anjo G., Van Der Harst, Jan
The Longest Voyage: Circumnavigators in the Age of Discovery by Silverberg, Robert
Exchange Rate Policy in Europe by
Marginal Europe C by Pollard, Sidney
Colonial Migrants and Racism: Algerians in France, 1900-62 by MacMaster, N.
State, Society and Mobilization in Europe During the First World War by
The Singular Beast: Jews, Christians, and the Pig by Fabre-Vassas, Claudine
At the Heart of the Union: Studies of the European Commission by
Imperialism and Colonialism: Essays on the History of European Expansion by Wesseling, H.
Germany Since 1945 by Kettenacker, Lothar
Recreation and the Sea by
The British Co-Operative Movement Film Catalogue by
Deutsche Geschichte: Von Den Anfängen Bis Zur Gegenwart by
State Corporatism and Proto-Industry by Ogilvie, Sheilagh C.
Enlightenment Portraits by
Resistance, Representation, and Community by
Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews by Lindemann, Albert S.
Politics, Religion and the British Revolutions: The Mind of Samuel Rutherford by Coffey, John
The Religion of the Poor: Rural Missions in Europe and the Formation of Modern Catholicism, C.1500 C.1800 by Ch Tellier, Louis, Chatellier, Louis, Louis, Chatellier
A House Divided: Catholics, Socialists, and Flemish Nationalists in Nineteenth-Century Belgium by Strikwerda, Carl
The Top Hat, the Grey Wolf, and the Crescent: Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic by Poulton, Hugh
Ireland in the War Years 39-45 by Carroll, Joseph T.
Realms of Memory: The Construction of the French Past, Volume 2 - Traditions by
Motivation Und Schmähung: Feigheit in Der Ilias Und in Der Griechischen Tragödie by Wißmann, Jessica
Turkey Between East And West: New Challenges For A Rising Regional Power by Mastny, Vojtech, Nation, R. Craig
The Russians: The People of Europe by Milner-Gulland, Robin
The Western Mediterranean Kingdoms: The Struggle for Dominion, 1200-1500 by Abulafia, David S. H.
An Historical Introduction to the European Union by Thody, Philip
Kingdoms and Communities in Western Europe 900-1300 by Reynolds, Susan
The Historical Imagination in Early Modern Britain: History, Rhetoric, and Fiction, 1500 1800 by
Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe by Duplessis, Robert S.
Transitions to Capitalism in Early Modern Europe by Duplessis, Robert S.
Ethics and Extermination: Reflections on Nazi Genocide by Burleigh, Michael
Ethics and Extermination: Reflections on Nazi Genocide by Burleigh, Michael
The Aristocracy of Norman England by Green, Judith A.
The Kaiser's Voters: Electors and Elections in Imperial Germany by Jonathan, Sperber, Sperber, Jonathan
Radical Artisans in England and France, 1830 1870 by Prothero, I. J., Prothero, Iorwerth
A Companion to Modern European History: 1871-1945 by
Empire and Nationhood: The United States, Great Britain, and Iranian Oil, 1950-1954 by Heiss, Mary Ann
Rethinking Nationalism and Ethnicity: The Struggle for Meaning and Order in Europe by
Exercise of Arms: Warfare in the Netherlands, 1568-1648 by
German-Jewish History in Modern Times: Integration and Dispute, 1871-1918 by
Alliance Politics by Snyder, Glenn H.
Facing Fascism: The Conservative Party and The European Dictators 1935 -1940 by Crowson, Nick
Dealing with Britain by Ludlow, N. Piers
Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934-1941 by Davies, Sarah
Popular Opinion in Stalin's Russia: Terror, Propaganda and Dissent, 1934 1941 by Davies, Sarah
Dealing with Britain: The Six and the First UK Application to the EEC by Ludlow, N. Piers
Contemporary Europe and the Atlantic by Gann, Lewis H., Duignan, Peter
A Companion to Modern European History: 1871-1945 by
Holocaust Journey: Traveling in Search of the Past by Gilbert, Martin
Gorbachev's Reforms: de-Stalinization Through Demilitarization by Sternthal, Susanne
A Military History of Ireland by Bartlett, Thomas
Vanishing Diaspora: The Jews in Europe Since 1945 by Wasserstein, Bernard
Cornish Studies Volume 5 by
The Economic History of The Netherlands 1914-1995: A Small Open Economy in the 'Long' Twentieth Century by Van Zanden, Jan L.
History and the Disciplines: The Reclassification of Knowledge in Early Modern Europe by
A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume 3, 1750-1870 by Searby, Peter
The Wars of the Roses by Carpenter, Christine
Railways and the Formation of the Italian State in the Nineteenth Century by Schram, Albert
Byzantium in the Seventh Century: The Transformation of a Culture by Haldon, John F., Haldon, J. F., J. F., Haldon
The Wars of the Roses: Politics and the Constitution in England, C.1437 1509 by Carpenter, Christine
Godly Clergy in Early Stuart England: The Caroline Puritan Movement, C.1620 1643 by Webster, Tom
The Stage as Mirror: Civic Theatre in Late Medieval Europe by
Dictionary of the Holocaust: Biography, Geography, and Terminology by Epstein, Eric, Rosen, Philip
The Great War, 1914-1918 by Tucker, Spencer
Settling Accounts: Violence, Justice, and Accountability in Postsocialist Europe by Borneman, John W.
A History of Russia: Medieval, Modern, Contemporary C. 882-1996 by Dukes, P.
The Italian Police and the Rise of Fascism: A Case Study of the Province of Bologna, 1897-1925 by Dunnage, Jonathan
Clash of Cultures by Fagan, Brian M.
Nicholas II: The Life and Reign of Russia's Last Monarch by Warth, Robert D.
Alternative to Appeasement: Sir Robert Vansittart and Alliance Diplomacy, 1934-1937 by Roi, Michael L.
Re-Reading the Constitution: New Narratives in the Political History of England's Long Nineteenth Century by
The Interrogator: The Story of Hanns-Joachim Scharff, Master Interrogator of the Luftwaffe by Toliver, Raymond F.
Parlamentarismus in Rumänien (1930-1940): Demokratie Im Autoritären Umfeld by Maner, Hans-Christian
Studies in Medievalism VIII: Medievalism in Europe II by
Landwirtschaft, Staat und Autarkie by Nützenadel, Alexander
The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age by Schama, Simon
Nato, Britain, France and the Frg: Nuclear Strategies and Forces for Europe, 1949-2000 by Heuser, B.
The Measure of Reality: Quantification in Western Europe, 1250 1600 by Crosby, Alfred W., Crosby
Medieval Queenship by Na, Na
Germany Since Unification: The Domestic and External Consequences by
Court, Cloister, and City: The Art and Culture of Central Europe, 1450-1800 by Kaufmann, Thomas Dacosta