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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2002

¿Pirámides en Iberia?: Un ensayo sobre las primeras posibles pirámides descubiertas en la península ibérica by Díaz-Montexano, Georgeos
Explaining the Holocaust: Behavior of Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders by McBroom, William
The Berlin Embassy of Lord d'Abernon, 1920-1926 by Johnson, G.
Challenging Traditional Views of Russian History by
Ideas of Europe Since 1914: The Legacy of the First World War by
The Social Inheritance of the Holocaust: Gender, Culture and Memory by Reading, A.
The Berlin Wall Crisis: Perspectives on Cold War Alliances by Schake, Kori
Common Destiny: A Comparative History of the Dutch, French, and German Social Democratic Parties, 1945-1969 by Orlow, Dietrich
Kennedy, de Gaulle and Western Europe by Mahan, E.
The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia: 1762-1907 by Moon, David
Fiscal Crises, Liberty, and Representative Government 1450-1789 by
When Information Came of Age: Technologies of Knowledge in the Age of Reason and Revolution, 1700-1850 by Headrick, Daniel R.
An Early History of the Economic Institutions of Europe by Nussbaum, Frederick L.
The Politics of Memory: The Journey of a Holocaust Historian by Hilberg, Raul
TANK WARFARE. The Story of the Tanks in the Great War by Mitchell MC, F.
Begegnungen VOR Gericht: Eine Sozial- Und Kulturgeschichte Des Englischen Arbeitsrechts (1850-1925) by Steinmetz, Willibald
Pragmatic Utopias by
The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe by Guizot, François
Africa Explored: Europeans on the Dark Continent, 1769-1889 by Hibbert, Christopher
The History of the Origins of Representative Government in Europe by Guizot, François
The Furies: Violence and Terror in the French and Russian Revolutions by Mayer, Arno J.
Footprints of the 1/4th Leicestershire Regiment. August 1914 to November 1918 by Milne, John
History of the 1st and 2nd Battalions. the Leicestershire Regiment in the Great War by Wylly, Colonel H. C.
Women in European History by Bock, Gisela
Literacy in Early Modern Europe by Houston, R. A.
European Warfare: 1815-2000 by Black, Jeremy
Relocating Postcolonialism by
Europe in the Sixteenth Century by Pettegree, Andrew
Killing Dragons: The Conquest of the Alps by Fleming, Fergus
SS 1: The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler by Thomas, Hugh
The Revolutions in Europe, 1848-1849: From Reform to Reaction by
Bewegte Antike: Antike Themen Im Modernen Film by
Die Metrischen Trikliniusscholien Zur Byzantinischen Trias Des Euripides by Faveri, Lorena Di
New Perspectives in Transatlantic Studies by
The Remembrances of Elizabeth Freke 1671-1714 by
Origins of the European Economy: Communications and Commerce AD 300-900 by McCormick, Michael
Monarchies, States Generals and Parliaments: The Netherlands in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries by Koenigsberger, H. G.
Puritans and Roundheads by Eales, Jacqueline
Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods by
Luxury in the Eighteenth Century: Debates, Desires and Delectable Goods by
Society and Culture in the Huguenot World, 1559 1685 by
47th (LONDON) DIVISION 1914-1919 by
Fiftieth Division 1914 - 1919 by Wyrall, Everard
The Material Culture of Sex, Procreation, and Marriage in Premodern Europe by
Abgrund Metz by Steinbach, Matthias
A Great Russia: Russia and the Triple Entente, 1905 to 1914 by Tomaszewski, Fiona K.
Gaetano Salvemini: A Biography by Killinger, Charles L.
History of the Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert Os) 1914-1919 by Wyrall, Everard
Russia in the Age of Alexander II, Tolstoy and Dostoevsky by Moss, Walter G.
European Neutrals and Non-Belligerents during the Second World War by
Karl Popper - The Formative Years, 1902 1945: Politics and Philosophy in Interwar Vienna by Hacohen, Malachi Haim
Napoleon's Marshals by Delderfield, Ronald Frederick
Democracy in Europe by Siedentop, Larry
European International Relations 1648-1815 by Black, Jeremy
Der Weg in Die Terreur: Radikalisierung Und Konflikte Im Straßburger Jakobinerclub (1790-1795) by Schönpflug, Daniel
The Balkans Since the Second World War by Crampton, R. J.
Strategy and Tactics of the Egypt and Palestine Campaign with Details of the 1917-18 Operations Illustrating the Principles of War by Kearsey, Lieut Col a.
History of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers in the Second World War by Barclay, Brig C. N.
Blood and Candles: The Story of a World War II Infantryman by Richardson, Edward T.
Frontiers in Economics by
Grand Designs and Visions of Unity: The Atlantic Powers and the Reorganization of Western Europe, 1955-1963 by Giauque, Jeffrey Glen
European Culture in the Great War: The Arts, Entertainment and Propaganda, 1914-1918 by
Policing and War in Europe by
Napoleon's Italian Campaigns: 1805-1815 by Schneid, Frederick
Tricolor Over the Sahara: The Desert Battles of the Free French, 1940-1942 by Bimberg, Edward L.
Histories of Leisure by
Family Life in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1789-1913: The History of the European Family: Volume 2 by
Explaining the English Revolution: Hobbes and His Contemporaries by Jendrysik, Mark Stephen
The Golden Spurs of Kortrijk: How the Knights of France Fell to the Foot Soldiers of Flanders in 1302 by Fegley, Randall
Demographic Behavior in the Past: A Study of Fourteen German Village Populations in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Knodel, John E., John E., Knodel
Roger II of Sicily by Houben, Hubert
Roger II of Sicily: A Ruler Between East and West by Houben, Hubert
Famous Cases: Nine Trials that Changed the Law by Block, Brian P., Hostettler, John
Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 by Eley, Geoff
Pretenders and Popular Monarchism in Early Modern Russia: The False Tsars of the Time and Troubles by Perrie, Maureen
Forging Democracy: The History of the Left in Europe, 1850-2000 by Eley, Geoff
The Church of England C.1689 C.1833: From Toleration to Tractarianism by
The Image of Ivan the Terrible in Russian Folklore by Maureen, Perrie, Perrie, Maureen
Scandinavia and the Great Powers 1890 1940 by Salmon, Patrick
Movements in European History by Lawrence, D. H., D. H., Lawrence
Da 'Tragedia' E 'Commedia' a 'Lode' E 'Biasimo': Letture Arabe Della Poetica by
Spoudaiogeloion: Form Und Funktion Der Verspottung in Der Aristophanischen Komödie by
Family and Social Change: The Household as a Process in an Industrializing Community by Janssens, Angelique
The Politics of Retirement in Britain, 1878 1948 by MacNicol, John
Eyewitness Accounts of the Thirty Years War 1618-48 by Mortimer, G.
Eyewitness Accounts of the Thirty Years War 1618-48 by Mortimer, G.
Justice Contained: Law and Politics in the European Union by Conant, Lisa J.
Money and Security by Zimmermann, Hubert
The Idea of Europe: From Antiquity to the European Union by
Convent Theatre in Early Modern Italy by Weaver, Elissa B.
Managing the Franc Poincar: Economic Understanding and Political Constraint in French Monetary Policy, 1928 1936 by Mouri, Kenneth, Mour, Kenneth, Moure, Kenneth
The Enlarged European Union: Unity and Diversity by
Elizabeth I: Collected Works by
Marxism at Work: Ideology, Class and French Socialism During the Third Republic by Stuart, Robert
History and Biography: Essays in Honour of Derek Beales by
Childhood in Nineteenth-Century France: Work, Health and Education Among the 'Classes Populaires' by Heywood, Colin
Acton and History by Owen, Chadwick, Chadwick, Owen
Constitutional Royalism and the Search for Settlement, C.1640 1649 by Smith, David L., David L., Smith
The House of Lords in the Reign of Charles II by Swatland, Andrew
The People's Science: The Popular Political Economy of Exploitation and Crisis 1816 34 by Thompson, Noel W., Noel W., Thompson
New Directions in Soviet History by
Socialist Europe and Revolutionary Russia: Perception and Prejudice 1848 1923 by Naarden, Bruno
Reading the Holocaust by Clendinnen, Inga
Court and Politics in Papal Rome, 1492 1700 by
Catholic and Reformed: The Roman and Protestant Churches in English Protestant Thought, 1600 1640 by Milton, Anthony
Protestantism and Patriotism: Ideologies and the Making of English Foreign Policy, 1650 1668 by Steven C. a., Pincus, Pincus, Steven C. a.
Balfour and Foreign Policy: The International Thought of a Conservative Statesman by Tomes, Jason, Jason, Tomes
Small Towns in Early Modern Europe by
The Political Economy of Shopkeeping in Milan, 1886 1922 by Morris, Jonathan, Jonathan, Morris
The Papacy, Scotland and Northern England, 1342 1378 by Barrell, A. D. M., Barrell, Andrew D. M.
Robert Winchelsey and the Crown 1294 1313: A Study in the Defence of Ecclesiastical Liberty by Denton, Jeffrey H.
Charity and Community in Medieval Cambridge by Miri, Rubin, Rubin, Miri
Strikes and Solidarity: Coalfield Conflict in Britain, 1889 1966 by Roy, Church, Quentin, Outram, Church, Roy a.
Council and Hierarchy: The Political Thought of William Durant the Younger by Fasolt, Constantin
Lille and the Dutch Revolt: Urban Stability in an Era of Revolution, 1500 1582 by Duplessis, Robert S.
Early Modern Democracy in the Grisons: Social Order and Political Language in a Swiss Mountain Canton, 1470 1620 by Head, Randolph C.
The Idea of Europe: From Antiquity to the European Union by
Henry Stubbe, Radical Protestantism and the Early Enlightenment by Jacob, James R.
The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century: Volume 1, the First Phase by Richmond, Colin
Kronstadt 1917 1921: The Fate of a Soviet Democracy by Getzler, Israel
'Who Has the Youth, Has the Future': The Campaign to Save Young Workers in Imperial Germany by Linton, Derek S.
Conflict Over Convoys: Anglo-American Logistics Diplomacy in the Second World War by Smith, Kevin
America and the Reconstruction of Italy, 1945 1948 by Harper, John Lamberton
Education and Social Mobility in the Soviet Union 1921 1934 by Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Sheila, Fitzpatrick
From Liberalism to Fascism: The Right in a French Province, 1928 1939 by Passmore, Kevin
Samuel Hartlib and Universal Reformation: Studies in Intellectual Communication by
Politics, Society and Civil War in Warwickshire, 1620 1660 by Hughes, Ann, Ann, Hughes
The English Reformation and the Laity: Gloucestershire, 1540 1580 by Litzenberger, Caroline
Runaway Religious in Medieval England, C.1240 1540 by F. Donald, Logan, Logan, F. Donald
England's Jewish Solution: Experiment and Expulsion, 1262 1290 by Robin R., Mundill, Mundill, Robin R.
The Paston Family in the Fifteenth Century: Volume 2, Fastolf's Will by Richmond, Colin, Colin, Richmond
Bridging the Atlantic by
The Three-Piece Suit and Modern Masculinity: England, 1550-1850 Volume 47 by Kuchta, David
The Poet and the Dictator: Lauro de Bosis Resists Fascism in Italy and America by Mudge, Jean McClure
The History of Serbia by Cox, John K.
The Oryx Holocaust Sourcebook by Fernekes, William
The Meaning of Europe by
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion, and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labour History by
Class and Other Identities: Gender, Religion, and Ethnicity in the Writing of European Labour History by
Origins of the French Welfare State: The Struggle for Social Reform in France, 1914 1947 by Dutton, Paul V.
The European Dictatorships by Todd, Allan
Mastering Twentieth-Century Russian History by Lowe, Norman
The Beginnings of English Protestantism by
The Beginnings of English Protestantism by
Religion, Revolution and English Radicalism: Non-Conformity in Eighteenth-Century Politics and Society by Bradley, James E.
Tudor Political Culture by
The Early Elizabethan Polity: William Cecil and the British Succession Crisis, 1558 1569 by Stephen, Alford, Alford, Stephen
Dictating Demography: The Problem of Population in Fascist Italy by Carl, Ipsen, Ipsen, Carl
Russia's Cotton Workers and the New Economic Policy: Shop-Floor Culture and State Policy, 1921 1929 by Ward, Chris, Chris, Ward
Scottish Literacy and the Scottish Identity: Illiteracy and Society in Scotland and Northern England, 1600 1800 by Houston, R. A.
Citizenship and Community: Liberals, Radicals and Collective Identities in the British Isles, 1865 1931 by
The Gothic Bequest: Medieval Institutions in British Thought, 1688 1863 by R. J., Smith, Smith, R. J.
Crowds and History: Mass Phenomena in English Towns, 1790 1835 by Harrison, Mark
Conquest, Anarchy and Lordship: Yorkshire, 1066 1154 by Dalton, Paul
Lay Theology in the Reformation: Popular Pamphleteers in Southwest Germany 1521 1525 by Russell, Paul A.
John of Wales: A Study of the Works and Ideas of a Thirteenth-Century Friar by Swanson, Jenny, Jenny, Swanson
Tolerance and Intolerance in the European Reformation by
The Brandy Trade Under the Ancien Regime: Regional Specialisation in the Charente by Cullen, L. M., Cullen, Louis
Finance and Financiers in European History 1880 1960 by
Female, Jewish, and Educated: The Lives of Central European University Women by Freidenreich, Harriet Pass
Thatchers Konservative Revolution: Der Richtungswandel Der Britischen Tories (1975-1979) by Geppert, Dominik
Die Radikale Herausforderung: Die Politische Kultur Der Englischen Konservativen Zwischen Ländlicher Tradition Und Industrieller Moderne (1846-1868) by Rödder, Andreas
Grace, Talent, and Merit: Poor Students, Clerical Careers, and Professional Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Germany by La Vopa, Anthony J.
The Origins of Detente: The Genoa Conference and Soviet-Western Relations, 1921 1922 by Stephen, White, White, Stephen
The Liberation Movement in Russia 1900 1905 by Galai, Shmuel
Transition to Global Rivalry: Alliance Diplomacy and the Quadruple Entente, 1895 1907 by White, John Albert, John Albert, White
Desolation of a City: Coventry and the Urban Crisis of the Late Middle Ages by Phythian-Adams, Charles, Charles, Phythian-Adams
Religion and Politics in the Nineteenth-Century: The Party Faithful in Ireland and Germany by Cowell-Meyers, Kimberly
Parliamentary Politics of a County and Its Town: General Elections in Suffolk and Ipswich in the Eighteenth Century by Sommers, Susan Mitchell
The Crisis of Liberal Italy by Forsyth, Douglas J.
Inventing Medieval Landscapes: Senses of Place in Western Europe by
A Past Renewed: A Catalog of German-Speaking Refugee Historians in the United States After 1933 by Epstein, Catherine, Catherine, Epstein
The French and Spanish Popular Fronts: Comparative Perspectives by
The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts Under Lunacharsky, October 1917 1921 by Fitzpatrick, Sheila, Sheila, Fitzpatrick
A Community Transformed: The Manor and Liberty of Havering-Atte-Bower 1500 1620 by McIntosh, Marjorie Keniston
The Chief Governors: The Rise and Fall of Reform Government in Tudor Ireland 1536 1588 by Brady, Ciaran
Contesting Sacrifice: Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France by Strenski, Ivan
Flexible Integration: Which Model for the European Union? by Warleigh, Alex
Ideographia: The Chinese Cipher in Early Modern Europe by Porter, David
University of Dublin War List 1922: Trinity College by Fry, M. W. J.
Roll of (Guinness) Employees Who Served in His Majesty's Naval, Military and Air Forces 1914-1918 by Arthur Guiness, Son &. Co Ltd Dublin
Historia de Polonia by Lukowski, Jerzy, Zawadzki, Hubert
Humour, History and Politics in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages by
Inessa Armand: Revolutionary and Feminist by Elwood, R. C., R. C., Elwood
Crime, Disorder, and the Risorgimento: The Politics of Policing in Bologna by Hughes, Steven C.
Risks at Sea: Amsterdam Insurance and Maritime Europe, 1766 1780 by Spooner, Frank C.
Strikes, Wars, and Revolutions in an International Perspective: Strike Waves in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries by
Horses, Oxen and Technological Innovation: The Use of Draught Animals in English Farming from 1066 1500 by John, Langdon, Langdon, John
(Tyneside Irish Brigade) Irish Heroes in the War by T. P. O. Oconnor M. P., Joseph Keating a.
Ideas of Europe Since 1914: The Legacy of the First World War by
History of the Lincolnshire Regiment 1914-1918 by Maj-Gen C. R. Simpson, Simpson, C. R.
The Rise of Modern Police and the European State System from Metternich to the Second World War by Liang, Hsi-Huey
Historische Bücherkunde Südosteuropa: Band II: Neuzeit, Teil 2: Rumänien 1521-1918 by
Gendering European History: 1780- 1920 by Sluga, Glenda, Caine, Barbara
Tradition and Change: Essays in Honour of Marjorie Chibnall Presented by Her Friends on the Occasion of Her Seventieth Birthday by
Edward Gibbon and Empire by
The Swiss Reformation: The Swiss Reformation by Gordon, Bruce
The Dynamics of Change: The Crisis of the 1750s and English Party Systems by Clark, J. C. D.
Society and Politics in the Age of the Risorgimento: Essays in Honour of Denis Mack Smith by
Historical Studies in International Corporate Business by
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