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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2008

Portuguese Trade in Asia Under the Habsburgs, 1580-1640 by Boyajian, James C.
The Religions of the Book: Christian Perceptions, 1400-1660 by
The Fiction and Reality of Jan Struys: A Seventeenth-Century Dutch Globetrotter by Boterbloem, K.
Burning Books by Fishburn, M.
Defeat and Memory: Cultural Histories of Military Defeat in the Modern Era by
Religion and the Conceptual Boundary in Central and Eastern Europe: Encounters of Faiths by
National Theatres in a Changing Europe by
Mental Maps in the Era of Two World Wars by
The Realities of Witchcraft and Popular Magic in Early Modern Europe: Culture, Cognition, and Everyday Life by Bever, E.
Government Debts and Financial Markets in Europe by
Khuzhir-Nuge XIV, a Middle Holocene Hunter-Gatherer Cemetery on Lake Baikal, Siberia: Archaeological Materials by
Liberalismus und Entnazifizierung: Zur Haltung der F.D.P/ DVP/ LDP in der Entnazifizierungsfrage by Albrecht, Wilma Ruth
Deutsche Kolonialpolitik in der Ära des Wilhelminismus: Asien und der Boxeraufstand by Hufer, Holger
Zwangsarbeit im Herforder Raum und ihre Bewältigung nach Kriegsende by Beer, Florian
Die Ursachen der Studentenproteste in den sechziger Jahren by Steinmeyer, Johannes
The Griffith Project, the Volume 7: Films Produced in 1913 by Usai, Paolo Cherchi
From Dictatorship to Democracy: The Birth of the Third Hungarian Republic, 1988-2001 by Romsics, Ignac
Hungary in the Age of the Two World Wars: 1914-1945 by Ormos, Maria
War, State, and Society in England and the Netherlands 1477-1559 by Grummitt, David, Cools, Hans, Gunn, Steven
Lay Intellectuals in the Carolingian World by
Quisling: A Study in Treachery by Dahl, Hans Fredrik
Despatch Rider: The Experiences of a British Army Motorcycle Despatch Rider During the Opening Battles of the Great War in Europe by Watson, W. H. L.
Machine-Gun Squadron: The 20th Machine Gunners from British Yeomanry Regiments in the Middle East Campaign of the First World War by A. M. G., M. G., A M G
Machine-Gun Squadron: The 20th Machine Gunners from British Yeomanry Regiments in the Middle East Campaign of the First World War by A. M. G., M. G., A M G
Cavalry Surgeon: On Campaign Against Napoleon in the Peninsula & South of France During the Napoleonic Wars 1812-1814 by Broughton, S. D.
A Gunner's Crusade: The Campaign in the Desert, Palestine & Syria as Experienced by the Honourable Artillery Company During the Great War by Bluett, Antony
Men of the Rifles: The Reminiscences of Thomas Knight of the 95th (Rifles) by Thomas Knight; Henry Curling's Anecdotes by Henry Curling & by Leach, Jonathan, Knight, Thomas, Curling, Henry
A Gunner's Crusade: The Campaign in the Desert, Palestine & Syria as Experienced by the Honourable Artillery Company During the Great War by Bluett, Antony
Despatch Rider: The Experiences of a British Army Motorcycle Despatch Rider During the Opening Battles of the Great War in Europe by Watson, W. H. L.
The Ulm Campaign 1805: Napoleon and the Defeat of the Austrian Army During the 'War of the Third Coalition' by Maude, F. N.
Men of the Rifles: The Reminiscences of Thomas Knight of the 95th (Rifles) by Thomas Knight; Henry Curling's Anecdotes by Henry Curling & by Leach, Jonathan, Knight, Thomas, Curling, Henry
Cavalry Surgeon: On Campaign Against Napoleon in the Peninsula & South of France During the Napoleonic Wars 1812-1814 by Broughton, S. D.
Europas Aufstieg zur Wirtschaftsmacht: Warum Europa China überholte by Hönigschmid, Stephan P.
The Ulm Campaign 1805: Napoleon and the Defeat of the Austrian Army During the 'War of the Third Coalition' by Maude, F. N.
Nieuwe Wereld (1902) by Nolthenius, R. P. J. Tutein
The Boys' Motley: Or The Rise Of The Dutch Republic (1914) by Banks, Helen Ward
The Mississippi Valley In British Politics V1: A Study Of The Trade, Land Speculation And Experiments In Imperialism Culminating In The American Revol by Alvord, Clarence Walworth
The Cambridge Modern History: An Account Of Its Origin, Authorship And Production (1907) by
A General History Of Mathematics From The Earliest Times To The Middle Of The Eighteenth Century (1803) by Bossut, John
Die britische Entscheidung zum Bau der britischen Atombombe (1947) by Büttner, Roman
Deutsche Jakobiner: Zu den Einflüssen und Folgen der Französischen Revolution auf dem Gebiet der damaligen deutschen Staaten by Buder, Erik
Die Große Koalition unter Hermann Müller (1928 - 1930) by Schmid, Josef A.
Pathbreakers: Small European Countries Responding to Globalisation and Deglobalisation by
Archivführer Zur Geschichte Pommerns Bis 1945 by Wartenberg, Heiko
Kommunikation und Kontrolle by Altenhöner, Florian
Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750-1914 by Lees, Andrew, Lees, Lynn Hollen
Cities and the Making of Modern Europe, 1750-1914 by Lees, Andrew, Lees, Lynn Hollen
Napoléon Bonaparte (1769-1821) - Die Gründung des Rheinbundes unter Napoléon I. (1806) by Bylsma, Michael
Creationism and Its Critics in Antiquity: Volume 66 by Sedley, David
Entnazifizierung: Der verfehlte politische Neubeginn in Westdeutschland by Albrecht, Wilma Ruth
History of Color Photography by Friedman, Joseph Solomon
George F. Kennans "Langes Telegramm" und seine Bedeutung für die frühe Phase des Kalten Krieges by Götzfried, Daniela
Die Entstehung des Manifests vom Oktober 1905 und des russischen Grundgesetzes vom März 1906 by Seifferth, Christoph
The Rise of Commercial Empires: England and the Netherlands in the Age of Mercantilism, 1650 1770 by David, Ormrod, Ormrod, David
Philosophy and Politics in the Thought of John Wyclif by Lahey, Stephen E.
"Kultur, Seele, Freiheit, Kunst" - Der Arminiusmythos und sein Anteil an der nationalen Selbstfindung im Kaiserreich by Rouwen, Matthias
Rechtsstaat als Ideologie: Rekonstruktion von Auseinandersetzungen um die Entnazifizierung im Ersten Deutschen Bundestag by Albrecht, Wilma Ruth
Die Verdrängung der ursprünglichen Führungskräfte der Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands (1919-1929) by Watermeier, Günter
Saving Lives, Saving Honor: The 39th Evacuation Hospital during World War II by Schwendiman, Jeremy C.
Vernünftige Prügel und offener Geist: Kinder in der bürgerlichen Welt by Grüneberg, Norman
The Waning of the Mediterranean, 1550-1870: A Geohistorical Approach by Tabak, Faruk
Faith on the Margins: Catholics and Catholicism in the Dutch Golden Age by Parker, Charles H.
Women in Twentieth-Century Europe by Allen, Ann
Women in Twentieth-Century Europe by Allen, Ann
Cinema and Fascism: Italian Film and Society, 1922-1943 by Ricci, Steven
True Sons of the Republic: European Immigrants in the Union Army by Ã-Fele, Martin
Napoleon as a General: Command from the Battlefield to Grand Strategy by Riley, Jonathon
Langzeitarchivierung digitaler Daten: Fortschritt und Überlieferung by Kloth, Kristian
Die 68er Bewegung. Eine politisch historische Auseinandersetzung by Hadem, Marco
To Win or Lose It All by Hawkridge, Audrey
Empire, Barbarism, and Civilisation: James Cook, William Hodges, and the Return to the Pacific by Guest, Harriet
Power and Patronage in Early Medieval Italy: Local Society, Italian Politics and the Abbey of Farfa, C.700 900 by Costambeys, Marios
Die erste Ministerriege unter Konrad Adenauer - gescheiterte Entnazifizierung?! by Rönz, Norman
Die Sozialdemokratie unter dem Sozialistengesetz - Die Gründe für das paradoxe Erstarken einer politischen und sozialen Bewegung 1878-1890 by Wittig, Jens
History and the Supernatural in Medieval England by Watkins, Carl, Watkins, C. S.
Beat, Rock 'n' Roll und die SED - Die konfliktreiche Auseinandersetzung zwischen Staat und Jugendbewegung in der DDR der sechziger Jahre by Bee, Michael
Bismarcks Russlandpolitik by Hegger, Florian
European Unions by Erne, Roland
Legal Geography of Yugoslavia's Disintegration by Ana S. Trbovich
Die Agrikulturchemische Revolution in der Pflanzenernährungs- und Düngerlehre und ihre Bedeutung für die Erhöhung der Agrarproduktion: Die Entstehung by Rekow, Matthias
Der Einfluss der Milieus auf den politischen und sozialen Aufstieg Konrad Adenauers bis zum Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Köln by Müller, Tobias
The Philosopher and the Druids: A Journey Among the Ancient Celts by Freeman, Philip
The Unfinished Peace after World War I by Cohrs, Patrick O.
The Discursive Construction of History: Remembering the Wehrmacht's War of Annihilation by Pollak, A., Fligelstone, Steven, Manoschek, W.
A Rifleman's Diary: Kicking Against the Pricks by Fawbert, Eric
New York Times Current History: The European War from the Beginning to March 1915, Volume 1, No. 2 (Large Print Edition) by Various
The Thirty Years War (Large Print Edition) by Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich Von
Das Politische: Zur Entstehung der Politikwissenschaft waehrend der Weimarer Republik by
Rehearsals: The German Army in Belgium, August 1914 by Lipkes, Jeff
Religion, Children's Literature, and Modernity in Western Europe 1750-2000 by
Mesolithic Europe by
Hooliganismus und der Prozess der Zivilisation by Holzheimer, David
"Vermutlich wären wir eher mit einer atomaren Kriegssituation wie in Hiroschima fertiggeworden": Tschernobyl als der Anfang vom Ende der Sowjetunion by Reinhardt, Manuel Claudius
Die Jazz- und Swingjugend der Weimarer Republik by Müller, Sandra
Albert Speer und die Rüstungsindustrie Deutschlands im 2. Weltkrieg by Schalm, Andy
Europa um 1870: Die Entwicklung der westeuropäischen Industriegesellschaften und ihre Folgen für die Politik by Zeidler, Achim
Zwischen Ehrwürdigkeit und Fragwürdigkeit: Der Berliner Kongress 1878 in zeitgenössischen Bildern und Karikaturen by Reinhardt, Manuel Claudius
Hitlers ideologische Ansätze in "Mein Kampf" und seinem "Zweiten Buch" by Seifferth, Christoph
King Edward The Seventh (1922) by Anonymous
The Edith Cavell Nurse From Massachusetts: A Record Of One Year's Personal Service With The British Expeditionary Force In France, Boulogne, The Somme by Fitzgerald, Alice L. F.
Russia's Work In Turkey: A Revelation (1877) by Giacometti, Georges
Playground Of Europe (1907) by Stephen, Leslie
British Fresh Water Fishes (1904) by Maxwell, Herbert
British Rural Life And Labor (1911) by Heath, Francis George
The Primeval World Of Switzerland V2 (1876) by Heer, Oswald
New Russia: Journey From Riga To The Crimea, By Way Of Kiev, With Some Account Of The Colonization And The Manners And Customs Of by Holderness, Mary
The Russian Empire And Czarism (1905) by Berard, Victor
The Beauties Of The British Senate V1: Taken From The Debates Of The Lords And Commons (1786) by British Senate
Russian People: Revolutionary Recollections (1920) by Cantacuzene, Julia Grant
The British Railway Position (1902) by Paish, George
Home Life in Russia (1913) by Rappoport, Angelo S.
India Under British Rule From The Foundation Of The East India Company (1886) by Wheeler, James Talboys
The Beauties Of The British Senate V2: Taken From The Debates Of The Lords And Commons (1786) by Great Britain Parliament
The Future Of Russia (1906) by Martin, Rudolf Emil
Donald Thompson In Russia (1918) by Thompson, Donald C.
The British Coal Tar Industry: Its Origin, Development, And Decline (1915) by
Twenty-Five Years In British Guiana (1898) by Kirke, Henry
An Appeal To The King's Most Excellent Majesty And To The British Nation (1830) by Smyth, William Carmichael
The Thirteen Days, July 23-August 4, 1914: A Chronicle And Interpretation (1915) by Archer, William
British Butterflies: Figures And Descriptions Of Every Native Species, With An Account Of Butterfly Development, Structure, Habits, Localit by Coleman, William Stephen
A Plain And Easy Account Of British Fungi: With Descriptions Of The Esculent And Poisonous Species And A Tabular Arrangement Of Orders And Genera (186 by Cooke, Mordecai Cubitt
Europe's Fateful Hour (1918) by Ferrero, Guglielmo
Europe From A Motor Car (1914) by Richardson, Russell
Shells Of The British Isles: Land And Freshwater, With Illustrations Of All The Species (1907) by Rimmer, Richard
The Russians And Their Language (1916) by Jarintzov, Nadine
Manual Of Russian Commercial Correspondence (1916) by Sieff, Mark
History Of The Intellectual Development Of Europe V2 (1876) by Draper, John William
The Life And Career Of Major John Andre, Adjutant-General Of The British Army In America (1861) by Sargent, Winthrop
Byways In British Archaeology (1912) by Johnson, Walter
View Of The Russian Empire V3: During The Reign Of Catharine The Second And To The Close Of The Present Century (1799) by Tooke, William
An Impartial Representation Of The Conduct Of The Several Powers Of Europe V3 (1754) by Rolt, Richard
Switzerland (1881) by MacKenzie, Harriet D. S.
Histoire Posthume De Christophe Colomb (1885) by De Lorgues, Roselly
The Midnight Sun, The Tsar And The Nihilist: Adventures And Observations In Norway, Sweden And Russia (1886) by Buckley, James Monroe
Carnal Commerce in Counter-Reformation Rome by Storey, Tessa
National Theatres in a Changing Europe by
Through Our Eyes: Eyewitness Accounts of World War II by Rice, Douglas
Heirs, Kin, and Creditors in Renaissance Florence by Kuehn, Thomas
Absolutismus, Ein Unersetzliches Forschungskonzept? L'Absolutisme, Un Concept Irremplacable?: Eine Deutsch-Franzosische Bilanz. Une Mise Au Point Fran by
Hellenism in Byzantium: The Transformations of Greek Identity and the Reception of the Classical Tradition by Kaldellis, Anthony
Regnum Et Imperium: Die Französisch-Deutschen Beziehungen Im 14. Und 15. Jahrhundert. Les Relations Franco-Allemandes Au Xive Et Au Xve Si by
Zeichen Und Wunder Bei Guibert de Nogent: Kommunikation, Deutungen Und Funktionalisierungen Von Wundererzählungen Im 12. Jahrhundert by Fuchs, Karin
Barclays: The Business of Banking, 1690 1996 by Ackrill, Margaret, Hannah, Leslie
Die Integration Schwedisch-Pommerns in den preußischen Staatsverband: Transformationsprozesse innerhalb von Staat und Gesellschaft by Weise, Johannes
Filigrane Technik, Catenaccio oder Körpereinsatz? Eine Betrachtung der Entwicklung des Fußballs von 1954 bis 1970 by Skorupa, Holger
Die Tschechoslowakei von 1945 bis 1953 - Politische, demographische und wirtschaftliche Transformation by Von Arburg, Adrian
Empires and Colonies by Hart, Jonathan
Hard Core Europe: A Fact-Based Reality--Check of the Banana Repeublic by Niemeyer, Ralph T.
Defeat and Triumph: The Story of the Controversial Allied Invasion and French Rebirth by Sussna, Stephen
Bogies at 12 O'Clock by Cole, Lucy
Europe and the Faith by Belloc, Hilaire
Der 17. Juni 1953 im Erzgebirge by Vogler, Stefan
Europe and the End of the Cold War: A Reappraisal by
Victorian Religion: Faith and Life in Britain by Melnyk, Julie
French-American Relations: Remembering D-Day after September 11 by Touya de Marenne, Eric
Partisanas: Women in the Armed Resistance to Fascism and German Occupation (1936-1945) by Strobl, Ingrid, Ackelsberg, Martha
The Holocaust in Romania: The Destruction of Jews and Gypsies Under the Antonescu Regime, 1940-1944 by Ioanid, Radu
Poland Under Communism: A Cold War History by Kemp-Welch, A.
The Monks and Monasteries of Constantinople, CA. 350 850 by Hatlie, Peter
The Dutch in the Atlantic Slave Trade, 1600 1815 by Postma, Johannes M., Johannes, Postma
Mysteries of the Middle Ages: And the Beginning of the Modern World by Cahill, Thomas
Die NSDAP und die Protestantische Kirche in der Pfalz by Stalder, Annegret
Leben unter dem Bombenhagel am Fallbeispiel Ruhrgebiet by Schulz, Marco
Gustav Streseman - der verfassungsmäßige Republikaner by Schulz, Marco
Poland Under Communism: A Cold War History by Kemp-Welch, A.
Das Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt in der Propaganda: Der Besuch einer Delegation des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes by Oprach, Marc
Geschichte der Kinderarbeit by Sibila, Monika
Die Besiedlung der Grenzgebiete der böhmischen Länder 1945-1950: Forschungsstand, ausgewählte Probleme und Arbeitsbibliographie by Von Arburg, Adrian
Europäische Kulturmagazine der Dritten Programme in den 60er Jahren by Oehmig, Richard
War and Peace in Ancient and Medieval History by
Französische Herrschaftspolitik Und Modernisierung: Verwaltungs- Und Verfassungsreformen Im Großherzogtum Berg (1806-1813) by Severin-Barboutie, Bettina
Solidarity without the State? by Leimgruber, Matthieu
Law, Marriage, and Society in the Later Middle Ages by Donahue, Charles, Jr.
Nomen et Fraternitas by
The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Danube and Beyond by
In the Belgian Chateau: The Spirit and Culture of a European Society in an Age of Change by Fox, Renee C.
The Founding of the Dutch Republic: War, Finance, and Politics in Holland, 1572-1588 by Tracy, James
Die Rolle der Untertageverlagerung in der deutschen Rüstungsproduktion 1943-1945 by Gümmer, Frederic
Hexenverfolgung im Vest Recklinghausen: Mögliche Ursachen anhand eines Beispiels by Kaouli, Fatima
Die kommunistische Herrschaft in der nationalen Erinnerung der Slowakei by Makarewicz, Susanne
Martin Luther King und die Anti-Atomkraftbewegung - Vergleichende Analyse des Konzepts des gewaltlosen Widerstands by Kentsch, Sebastian
The Girls They Left Behind: War Years by Tarbell, Terry
Das Scheitern des Individualismus und die Krise des Individuums aus psychoanalytischer Sicht auf Gesellschaft und Familie by Petzold, Volker
An Essay on the History of Civil Society by Ferguson, Adam
Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle by Durham, Edith M.
Autobiographical Sketches by Besant, Annie
Travelers' World: Europe to the Pacific by Liebersohn, Harry
Guilds, Innovation and the European Economy, 1400 1800 by Epstein, Stephan R.
Royal Deccan Horse in the Great War by Tennant, Lieutenant-Colonel E.
The Far Right in Europe: An Encyclopedia by Jackson, Paul
Das Zeichen am Hut im Mittelalter: Europaeische Reisemarkierungen- Symposion in memoriam Kurt Koester (1912-1986) und Katalog der Pilgerzeichen im Kun by
The Strange Death of Soviet Communism: A Postscript by Gvosdev, Nikolas K.
The Lasting War: Society and Identity in Britain, France and Germany After 1945 by
Religion and the Conceptual Boundary in Central and Eastern Europe: Encounters of Faiths by
Reaktionen im Bezirk Karl-Marx-Stadt auf den "Prager Frühling" von 1968 in der CSSR und dessen Niederschlagung by Vogler, Stefan
Motive und Hintergründe des Demontagestopps durch Clay, Mai 1946 by Köbel, Christian David
The Religions of the Book: Christian Perceptions, 1400-1660 by
The Pioneer Mustang Group: The 354th Fighter Group in World War II by Blake, Steve
Aushandeln und kontrollieren - Herrschaftspraxis im Brandenburg des 18. Jahrhunderts by Kaun, Mario
Lieutenant Simmons of the 95th (Rifles): Recollections of the Peninsula, South of France & Waterloo Campaigns of the Napoleonic Wars by Simmons, George
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