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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General European History in 2010

Chronicles of the Crusades by Joinville, Jean De, Villehardouin, Geffroy de
Le Crime Du 4 Septembre ... by Liegeard, Stephen
The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, Volume 2 by Rashdall, Hastings
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 1 by Froude, James Anthony
The Historical Development of Modern Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Present Time, Volume 1 by Andrews, Charles McLean
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 7 by Froude, James Anthony
Spain Transformed: The Franco Dictatorship, 1959-1975 by
Europeanization in the Twentieth Century: Historical Approaches by
Modernity and the Second-Hand Trade: European Consumption Cultures and Practices, 1700-1900 by
Transnational Networks in Regional Integration: Governing Europe 1945-83 by
Museums in Postcolonial Europe by
Sächsisch-Hessische Beziehungen in Den Jahren 1524, 1525 Und 1526: Inaugural-Dissertation by Tribunal, Alaskan Boundary, Britain, Great, Karstens, Wolfgang
Contested Nationalism: Serb Elite Rivalry in Croatia and Bosnia in the 1990s by Caspersen, Nina
Creole Jews: Negotiating Community in Colonial Suriname by Vink, Wieke
Histoire Poétique De Charlemagne by Paris, Gaston Bruno Paulin
The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French: With a Preliminary View of the French Revolution, Volume 8 by Scott, Walter
Miscellaneous Prose Works of Sir Walter Scott by Scott, Walter
Mémoires Pour Servir À L'histoire Littéraire Des Dix-Sept Provinces Des Pays-Bas, De La Principauté De Liége, Et De Quelques Contrées Voisines, Volume by Paquot, Jean-Noël
Récits Des Temps Mérovingiens: Précédés De Considérations Sur L'histoire De France, Volume 2 by Thierry, Augustin
History of Latin Christianity: Including That of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V, Volume 5 by Milman, Henry Hart
Entstehungswege zum nationalsozialistischen Massenmord by Schmidt, Christine
Notorious Royal Marriages: A Juicy Journey Through Nine Centuries of Dynasty, Destiny, and Desire by Carroll, Leslie
A Manual of Mediæval and Modern History by Thalheimer, Mary Elsie
History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce, 1609, Volume 3 by Motley, John Lothrop
The History of England, from the Invasion of Julius Caesar to the Revolution in 1688. 5 Vols. [In 9. the Plates Are Dated 1797 to 1806]. by Hume, David
The Greek Revolution: Its Origin and Progress: Together with Some Remarks on the Religion, National Character, &c. of the Greeks ... by Blaquiere, Edward
I Libri Commemoriali Della Republica Di Venezia: Regesti, Volume 3 by Predelli, Riccardo
Greece as a Kingdom; On a Statistical Description of That Country, from the Arrival of King Otho, in 1833, Down to the Present Time by Strong, Frederick
Der Kristallpalast von London und sein Architekt Joseph Paxton - Der Glaspalast zu München: Das Schmieden und die Schmiedekunst - Historisches zur Met by Piersig, Wolfgang
Heinrich II, Der Heilige, Und Joseph II in Ihrem Verhältniss Zur Kirche by Loger, A.
Mémoires Du Général Dumouriez, Volume 1 by Dumouriez, Charles Francois Du Perier
Notice Sur Les Éphémérides de Léonard Voeller, Secrétaire d'État de l'Allemagne Et Du Nord by Coremans, Victor Amedee Jacques Marie
Die Höchste Gerichtsbarkeit Des Deutschen Königs Und Reiches Im XV. Jahrhundert by Tomaschek, Johann Adolph
The Development of the European Nations, 1870-1900, Volume 1 by Rose, John Holland
Mémoires Du Général Dumouriez, Volume 2 by Dumouriez, Charles Francois Du Perier
Vertraglicher Dienst?: Die Staatsauffassung Friedrichs II. by Brüninghaus, Sebastian
History of Latin Christianity: Including That of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V, Volume 8 by Milman, Henry Hart
La Question Et La Polémique Dano-Allemandes À Propos Des Duchés de Slesvig Et de Holstein, Dès Les Premiers Temps Jusqu'en Juin 1866, Avec Une Catre E by Galiffe, John-Barthelemy-Gaifre
Zwischen "europäischem" und "atlantischem Europa" - Die Europakonzeption Frankreichs und Deutschlands anhand von SDI und EUREKA by Feike, Lutz
Guilt, Suffering, and Memory: Germany Remembers Its Dead of World War II by Margalit, Gilad
Géographie Politique Des Temps Modernes by Wallon, Henri
Table Des Traités Entre La France Et Les Puissances Étrangères, Depuis La Paix De Westphalie Jusqu'à Nos Jours: Suivie D'un Recueil De Traités Et Acte by
Die Reise Des Papstes Pius VI. Nach Wien Und Sein Aufenthalt Daselbst: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Beziehungen Josefs II, Zur Romischen Curie by Schlitter, Hanns
The Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, Volume 2, Part 1 by Rashdall, Hastings
An Uncommon Friendship: From Opposite Sides of the Holocaust by Tubach, Frederic C., Rosner, Bernat
Esskultur und kulturelle Identität by
Ovid and the Politics of Emotion in Elizabethan England by Fox, C.
Der Fall Preußens am 20. Juli 1932 by Schmiljun, André
Die Hoch-Zeit des deutschen Imperialismus bis 1914/1919: Beweggründe, Etappen der Inbesitznahme, Herrschaftsformen und Bilanz (unter Berücksichtigung by Kuster, Marie
The Subterranean Forest by Sieferle, Rolf Peter
Jewish Responses to Persecution: 1933-1938 by Matthäus, Jürgen, Roseman, Mark
Amerika und Großbritannien: Diplomatie der Suezkrise by Haeberlein, Christoph
Der Absolutismus - Eine Unterrichtseinheit in Klasse 7: Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Regionalgeschichte by Storm, Matthias
Robbing the Jews: The Confiscation of Jewish Property in the Holocaust, 1933-1945 by Dean, Martin
The Krajina Chronicle by Trifkovic, Srdja
Kolonialpolitische Strategien des Deutschen Reiches im Zeitalter des Imperialismus by Porath, Stephan
Europe and Its Muslim Minorities by Nachmani, Amikam
Fußballbegeisterung in den 1950er und 60er Jahren: Welche Funktion hatte der Fußballsport im Bezug auf Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft in der Bun by Kisacik, Islam Fatih
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended by Hays, Ricky
Cities of Roman Italy by Bedoyere, Guy de la
Die internationale Krise um die Mandschurei und die deutsch-sowjetischen Beziehungen by Reiß, Stefan
Treue Freunde? Das Bündnis in Europa 1714-1914 by Frehland-Wildeboer, Katja
Royalty for Commoners. the Complete Known Lineage of John of Gaunt, Son of Edward III, King of England, and Queen Philippa. Fourth Edition by Stuart, Roderick W.
The Ferry Of Fate: A Tale Of Russian Jewry (1906) by Gordon, Samuel
Trip Of Prince Michel Hilkoff, Imperial Minister Of Ways And Communication Of Russia: New York To Buffalo And Niagra Falls (1896) by Daniels, George H.
The Future Of The Indo-British Commonwealth (1921) by Wedgwood, Josiah Clement
The Russian Workers' Republic (1921) by Brailsford, Henry Noel
The Fighting At Jutland: The Personal Experiences Of Forty-Five Officers And Men Of The British Fleet (1921) by
Wandertage In Hellas (1913) by Kurz, Isolde
The Workers Opposition In Russia (1921) by Kollontay, Aleksandra
Warden Refuted: Being A Defense Of The British Navy Against The Misrepresentations Of A Work Recently Published At Edinburgh (1819) by James, William
Thoughts On The Present State Of The British West India Colonies: And On Measures For Their Improvement (1840) by Innes, John
The British People (1866) by One of Themselves
The Russian Cooperative News: August-October, 1919 And December 1919-January, 1920 (1919) by Committee's Information Bureau
The Diptera Of British Columbia, Part 2: The Syrphidae (1904) by Osburn, Raymond Carroll
The Present Condition Of The British West Indies: Their Wants, And The Remedy For These (1841) by Morson, Henry
The Lighthouses Of The British Islands: Corrected To September 1851 (1851) by Hydrographic Office
Synonymic List Of British Lepidoptera (1884) by
The British Tradesman And Other Sketches: Including The Complete Builder (1880) by Sullivan, James Frank
Things Seen In Russia (1913) by Steveni, W. Barnes
Prisoner Among Pirates (1894) by Ker, David
Russia And The English Church During The Last Fifty Years V1 (1895) by Palmer, William, Khomyakov, Aleksei Stepanovich
The Philippines And Round About: With Some Account Of British Interests In These Waters (1899) by Younghusband, George John
The Russian Storm-Cloud: Or Russia In Her Relations To Neighboring Countries (1886) by Stepniak, Kravchinsky, Sergei Mikhailovich
The British Expedition To Abyssinia (1869) by Hozier, Henry Montague
The British Isles (1909) by Tomlinson, Everett Titsworth
The British Navy V5, Part 5, British Seamen: Its Strength, Resources And Administration (1883) by Brassey, Thomas
The British Taxpayers' Rights (1898) by Reid, Herbert Lloyd
The Scot In British North America V3 (1880) by Rattray, William Jordan
Wayside And Woodland Trees: A Pocket Guide To The British Sylva (1907) by Step, Edward
The River Karun: An Opening To British Commerce (1890) by Ainsworth, William Francis
Tales Of The Boyhood Of Great Painters (1872) by Jervis, Marian
Turkistan V2: Notes Of A Journey In Russian Turkistan, Khokand, Bukhara And Kuldja (1876) by Schuyler, Eugene
The Mafulu Mountain People Of British New Guinea (1912) by Williamson, Robert Wood
The History Of Modern Europe V4: With An Account Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire (1822) by Russell, William Clark
The British Lake Village Near Glastonbury (1899) by Munro, Robert, Dawkins, W. Boyd, Evans, Arthur J.
The British Navy For One Hundred Years (1897) by McHardy, Coghlan McLean
The British Taxpayer And His Wrongs (1888) by Finance, Reid, Herbert Lloyd
India's Interest In The British Ballot Box (1885) by Digby, William
Prelacy Discussed: Or A Book For Batavians (1848) by Sunderland, Byron
The Principles Of The Law Of Interest In British India (1908) by Upton, Edmund
The Light Of Prophecy Let In On The Dark Places Of The Papacy: Being An Exposition Of Second Thessalonians 2:3-12 (1846) by Hislop, Alexander
The Jewish Question In Russia (1884) by San-Donato, Demidoff
The Lily Of Leyden (1880) by Kingston, William Henry Giles
The True State Of The British Nation, As To Trade, Commerce, Etc. (1817) by Reddell, J. H.
The Secret Of The East: Or The Origin Of The Christian Religion, And The Significance Of Its Rise And Decline (1883) by Oswald, Felix Leopold
The Russian Cooperative Movement (1920) by Lee, Frederic Edward
Totem-Post From The Haida Village Of Masset, Two British Columbian House-Posts With Totemic Carvings, Remarks On Totemism (1898) by Tylor, Edward Burnett
The Law Of Estoppel In British India, In Two Parts: Modern Or Equitable Estoppel, Estoppel By Judgment (1893) by Caspersz, Arthur
The Law Of Limitation And Prescription, In British India: Including Easements (1889) by Mitra, Upendra Nath
The British Tortrices (1859) by Wilkinson, Samuel James
La France Au Temps Des Croisades, Part 3: Sciences, Litterature, Et Arts (1847) by Vaublanc, Vincent Victor Henri De
Two Years In The Antarctic: Being A Narrative Of The British National Antarctic Expedition (1905) by Armitage, Albert Borlase
The Military Memoirs Of Captain George Carleton: From The Dutch War, 1672 (1728) by Carleton, George
The Fourteen Books Of Palladius Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus, On Agriculture (1807) by Palladius, Rutilius Taurus Aemilianus
The Storehouses Of The King Or The Pyramids Of Egypt: What They Are And Who Built Them (1885) by Gelder, Jane Van
Paris V8: From The Earliest Period To The Present Day (1900) by Walton, William
The Signs Of The Times: Or A Glance At Christendom As It Is (1863) by Hastings, Horace Lorenzo
The Glaciers Of Alaska That Are Shown On Russian Charts Or Mentioned In Older Narratives (1904) by Davidson, George
Papst Benedikt XI: Eine Monographie (1891) by Funke, Paul
Twenty Years Wanderings Up And Down The Cities Of Europe (1869) by Newte, Frederick
The Little Russian Servant (1899) by Greville, Henry
The People Who Run: Being The Tragedy Of The Refugees In Russia (1916) by Thurstan, Violetta
The British Pharos: Or A List Of The Lighthouses On The Coasts Of Great Britain And Ireland, Descriptive Of The Appearance Of The Lights At Night (183 by Stevenson, Alan
Montesquieu and England: Enlightened Exchanges, 1689-1755 by Gonthier, Ursula Haskins
Verstädterung als eine treibende Kraft bei der Genese des deutschen Schulsystems im 19. Jahrhundert: Urbanisierung und Bildungsgeschichte by Lucht, Thorven
The Sporting Life: Victorian Sports and Games by Anderson, Nancy
Hooligans, Harlots, and Hangmen: Crime and Punishment in Victorian Britain by Taylor, David
The Eurasian Miracle by Goody, Jack
Would Trotsky Wear a Bluetooth?: Technological Utopianism Under Socialism, 1917-1989 by Josephson, Paul R.
Die Entwicklung der Arbeitslosenversicherung im Deutschen Reich: Von der 2. Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts bis 1927 by Luscher, Sarah
Der Josephinismus by Sievers, Hermann
Tracking Europe: Mobility, Diaspora, and the Politics of Location by Verstraete, Ginette
Exploring the Sociology of Europe by Roche, Maurice
The Globalization of the Cold War: Diplomacy and Local Confrontation, 1975-85 by
History of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations by Arnold, Samuel Greene, Arnold, Samuel
History of the State of Rhode Island and by Arnold, Samuel
Bereit zum Krieg? - Zur Frage der Kriegsmentalität im Vorkriegsdeutschland im Kontext internationaler Systemkonkurrenz by Scholz, Thomas M.
Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan - Zur Konzeption der Gleichheit und ihrer Konsequenzen für den Adel by Kunze, Angela
Finis Austriae - Der langsame Verfall und das Ende der altehrwürdigen Donaumonarchie im Ersten Weltkrieg by Heller, Thomas
The Life of Napoleon Buonaparte, Emperor of the French: With a Preliminary View of the French Revolution, Volume 6 (Large Print Edition) by Scott, Walter
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth, Volume 9 by Froude, James Anthony
Performing the Nation in Interwar Germany: Sport, Spectacle and Political Symbolism, 1926-36 by Rossol, N.
Performing the Nation in Interwar Germany: Sport, Spectacle and Political Symbolism, 1926-36 by Rossol, N.
Die Schweiz und ihr Neutralitätsstatus während des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Ihre Diskrepanz zwischen monetären und sozialen Interessen. by Engel, Anja
Familie und Arbeitsorganisation in der frühen Neuzeit by Buchholz, Matthias
The Vital Roots of European Enlightenment: Ibn Tufayl's Influence on Modern Western Thought by Attar, Samar
Outlines of Ancient and Modern History by Robbins, Royal
History of the United Netherlands, from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Years' Truce, 1609, Volume 6 by Motley, John Lothrop
The Ecclesiastical and Political History of the Popes of Rome During the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Volume 3 by Ranke, Leopold Von
English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century by Froude, James Anthony
Writing, Society and Culture in Early Rus, C.950 1300 by Franklin, Simon, Simon, Franklin
Lives Behind the Laws: The World of the Codex Hermogenianus by Connolly, Serena
Erziehung und Ideologie - Theorie und Praxis der Erziehung in den offenen Jugendwerkhöfen der DDR by Markmann, Katharina
Friedrich II.: Mit dem roi philosophe zum aufgeklärten Staat? by Jahn, Annegret
The Armed Neutralities of 1780 and 1800: A Collection of Official Documents by Scott, James Brown
War in an Age of Revolution, 1775-1815 by
History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, Volume 10 by Froude, James Anthony
Le Magyarisme, Ou La Guerre Des Nationalités En Hongrie by Boldenyi, J.
History of Latin Christianity: Including That of the Popes to the Pontificate of Nicolas V, Volume 6 (Large Print Edition) by Milman, Henry Hart
The Monstrous Regiment of Women: Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe by Jansen, S.
Old World, New World: America and Europe in the Age of Jefferson by
Jeanne D'arc Devant L'opinion Alle- by Goyau, Georges
Reinventing Public Service Communication: European Broadcasters and Beyond by
Carnal Knowledge and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule, with a New Preface by Stoler, Ann Laura
Ein Platz an der Sonne - Der Übergang zur wilhelminischen Weltpolitik by Hoyer, Frank
Cambo Et Ses Alentours by Duvoisin, Cesar
Histoire D'espagne: Temps Primitifs, Domination Carthaginoise, Romaine, Visigothe, Arabe by Renard, Lucien
The Rise of Modern Yiddish Culture by Fishman, David
Eastern Question: Its Facts & Fallacles by MacColl, Malcolm
Russia And The English Church During The Last Fifty Years V1 (1895) by Palmer, William, Khomyakov, Aleksei Stepanovich
The Women Of The Reformation (1885) by Wittenmyer, Annie
Lenguas Indigenas De Mexico: Familia Mixteco-Zapoteca Y Sus Relaciones Con El Otomi, Familia Zoque-Mixe, Chontal, Huave Y Mexicano (1905) by Belmar, Francisco
The Light Of Prophecy Let In On The Dark Places Of The Papacy: Being An Exposition Of Second Thessalonians 2:3-12 (1846) by Hislop, Alexander
Caroli Scribani E Societate Jesu Politicus Christianus, Book 1, Part 2 (1626) by Scribanus, Carolus
Konrad III V1, Part 2: 1138-1145 (1883) by Bernhardi, Wilhelm
Historia Ecclesiastica Duorum Primorum A Christo Nato Saeculorum, E Veteribus Monumentis Depromta V1 (1716) by Le Clerc, Jean
Montreal, 1535-1914 V2, Part 2: Under British Rule 1760-1914 (1914) by Atherton, William Henry
The Magisterial Law Of British Guiana Part 2: The Ordinance Law (1877) by Pound, Alfred John
Historia Critica Philosophiae V4, Part 1, Book 1: A Tempore Resuscitatarum In Occidente (1743) by Brucker, Johann Jakob
Historia Critica Philosophiae V3, Part 2, Book 1: A Christo Nato Ad Repurgatas Usque Literas (1743) by Brucker, Johann Jakob
Histoire De Nostre Temps V1 (1561) by Paradin, Guillaume
Gisberti Voetii Politicae Ecclesiasticae Libri Duo V2 (1663) by Voet, Gijsbert
Hoogstraten and Flanders by Graham, John
Das Verhalten der Krimtataren unter der deutschen Besatzung: Deportation aufgrund Massenkollaboration? by Gamperl, Michael
Aspekte kultureller Amerikanisierung in Deutschland und Frankreich nach 1945 by Breithaupt, Silke
UN Peacekeeping in the Congo by Ng, Tiffany
Antisemitismus und Antizionismus in der DDR by Lilienthal, Andreas
Framing the Nation: Documentary Film in Interwar France by Murray Levine, Alison J.
Civic Foundations of Fascism in Europe: Italy, Spain, and Romania, 1870-1945 by Riley, Dylan
Die Österreichische Hyperinflation der Zwischenkriegszeit: Währungsreform 1924/25 - Einführung des Schillings by Kern, Andreas
The Decline of Inland Bills of Exchange in the London Money Market 1855 1913 by Shizuya, Nishimura, Nishimura, Shizuya
Frauen in der Emigration - Ihre Rolle im Exil zwischen Anpassung und Selbstbehauptung by Luscher, Sarah
Christliche Weltgeschichte im 12. Jahrhundert: Themen, Variationen und Kontraste: Untersuchungen zu Hugo von Fleury, Ordericus Vitalis und Otto von Fr by Mégier, Elisabeth
Die Revolution von 1848/49 und die europäischen Juden: Welche Bedeutung hatte die Revolution von 1848/49 für die europäischen Juden? by Seichter, Jan
Warum scheiterte die Regierung Ludwig Erhard?: Untersuchung anhand der innen-, außen- und parteipolitischen Entwicklungen zwischen 1963-1966 by Meyer, Daniel
Acten des Wiener Congresses, in den Jahren 1814 und 1815, Sechster Band by Klüber, Johann Ludwig
History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, Volume 8, Part 1 by Gregorovius, Ferdinand, Hamilton, Annie
Histoire Critique Et Militaire Des Guerres de La Revolution: Nouvelle Edition, Redigee Sur de Nouveaux Documens, Et Augmentee D'Un Grand Nombre de Car by Jomini, Antoine Henri
Lettres Sur L'histoire De France by Thierry, Augustin
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