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General European History in 2015

History and Causality by Hewitson, M.
The Making of European Consumption: Facing the American Challenge by
Revisiting Napoleon's Continental System: Local, Regional and European Experiences by
Colonial Switzerland: Rethinking Colonialism from the Margins by
The Basque Experience: Constructing Sustainable Human Development by Ibarretxe Markuartu, Juan José
The Greater German Reich and the Jews: Nazi Persecution Policies in the Annexed Territories by
Modernism and the Occult by Bramble, John
The Siege of Vienna by the Turks in 1683: Translated Into Greek from an Italian Work Published Anonymously in the Year of the Siege by
De l'esprit de conquête by Constant, Benjamin
Der Mythos von der Selbstbefreiung Buchenwalds by Meingast, Martin
Mit Macht ans Ziel. Die Persönlichkeit Helmut Kohl: Wie sein Charakter die Politik und Wende zur Deutschen Einheit beeinflusste by Giolbas, Norman, Späte, Ludwig, Küpper, Moritz
The Pope and Mussolini: The Secret History of Pius XI and the Rise of Fascism in Europe by Kertzer, David I.
The Romani Gypsies by Matras, Yaron
Die Apokalypse in dem Film "Stalker" von Andrej Tarkowskij by Griskjane, Jeva
Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon: Studies in the Archaeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC - 300 AD by
The Land of Weddings and Rain: Nation and Modernity in Post-Socialist Lithuania by Lankauskas, Gediminas
Kinder im Konzentrationslager. Buben in Buchenwald by Neideck, David
Der Konflikt zwischen der Axel Springer AG und der 68er Studentenbewegung by Thöne, Matthias
Vesalius: The China Root Epistle by Vesalius, Andreas
Ereignisse der Geschichte: Band 1-4 by Gawlick, Ralph
Danubia: A Personal History of Habsburg Europe by Winder, Simon
Superstition and Magic in Early Modern Europe: A Reader by
British Fascist Antisemitism and Jewish Responses, 1932-40 by Tilles, Daniel
Superstition and Magic in Early Modern Europe: A Reader by
Naples et la société sous le roi Victor-Emmanuel by Du Camp, Maxime
Contextualizing Miracles in the Christian West, 1100-1500: New Historical Approaches by
Die ETA und die spanischen Medien: Analyse mit Zeitungsartikeln aus der spanischen Tageszeitung "El pais" und der baskischen "Gara" by Anderhofstadt, Elisabeth
The River-Names of Europe by Ferguson, Robert
The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History by
Überwachung, Zersetzung, Vertreibung. Die Methoden der Stasi aus der Perspektive von Tätern und Opfern by Schug, Alexander, Eisenhuth, Stefanie, Wolf, Christin
The Clergy in the Medieval World by Barrow, Julia
Die Schrift "Die innere Mission der evangelischen Kirche" von Johann Hinrich Wichern und die politischen Situation in Deutschland 1848: Zeitgeschichtl by Bräuer, Elena
Zucker, Rum und Sklavenarbeit. Kurzer Abriß zur Kolonialgeschichte Flensburgs und der Dänisch-Westindischen Inseln by Pepmeyer, Jörg
Fritz Bauer und die Aufarbeitung der NS-Vergangenheit: Welche Rolle spielte der Frankfurter Generalstaatsanwalt? by Bischoff, Julian
The Past in the Present: The Construction of Polish History by Traba, Robert
Werbung in der DDR. Produktinformation oder politische Propaganda? by Hamann, Lennart
The Making of European Consumption: Facing the American Challenge by
Die Etablierung des Deutschen Reichs 1870 - 1900: Wie haben sich die Machtverhältnisse in Europa durch das neugegründete Deutsche Reich verschoben? by Fischer, Henning
Perverse Identities: Identities in Conflict by
Die EWG/EU-Beitrittsbestrebungen der Türkei und die Armenierfrage by Schein, Adrian
Jüdische Sachsen im antisemitischen Königreich? Antisemitismus im Königreich Sachsen 1871-1914 by Neumann, Heiko
Die Pest. Sozialhistorische Überlegungen zum Schwarzen Tod im dunklen Zeitalter by Hinrichs, Daniel
Colonial Policy: Volume 1, General Principles by De Kat Angelino, A. D. a.
Muslims in Britain. Assimilated or Claiming a Separate System? by Zapala-Kraj, Marta
Redemptive Almsgiving in Early Christianity by Garrison, Roman
Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben by Adriaens, Eddy
Conflict and Soldiers' Literature in Early Modern Europe: The Reality of War by Scannell, Paul
The Royalist Republic by Helmers, Helmer J.
The Great Divergence Reconsidered by Studer, Roman
The European Anarchy by Dickinson, G. Lowes
Historical Dictionary of Georgia by Mikaberidze, Alexander
The Royal Navy and Maritime Power in the Twentieth Century by
The Chief Periods of European History by Freeman, Edward a.
Gottes Häuser in Königsberg. Band 1: Kirchen, Kapellen und Synagogen bis 1945:2. Auflage by Ney, Heinz D. Rainer
Phantom Terror: Political Paranoia and the Creation of the Modern State, 1789-1848 by Zamoyski, Adam
The Longest Afternoon: The 400 Men Who Decided the Battle of Waterloo by Simms, Brendan
Christian Materiality: An Essay on Religion in Late Medieval Europe by Bynum, Caroline Walker
Secret Chambers and Hiding Places: The Historic, Romantic & Legendary Stories & Traditions About Hiding Holes, Secret Chambers, Etc. by Fea, Allan
Institutionelles Gleichgewicht Und Eu-Agenturen: Eine Analyse Unter Besonderer Berucksichtigung Der European Banking Authority by Michel, Katja
Economic Thought and the Irish Question 1817-1870 by Collison Black, R. D.
Letters by Wollstonecraft, Mary
The chronicle of J. H., containing an account of public transactions from the earliest period of English History to the beginning of the reign of King by Ellis, Henry, Hardyng, John
Ancient and Modern Malta: containing a description of the ports & cities of Malta & Goza the history of the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem til by Boisgelin De Kerdu, Pierre Marie Louis
The Decline of the Roman Republic. Vol. V. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Long, George
The History of Portugal, from the commencement of the Monarchy to the reign of Alfonso III. Compiled from Portuguese Histories, vol. II - Scholar's Ch by Macmurdo, Edward
The Fall of Rome, and the rise of the new nationalities. A series of lectures on the connection between ancient and modern history. - Scholar's Choice by Sheppard, John George
Italy. (Notes on law, statistics, and on literary disputes, with appendix on the state of Medicine by Sir C. Morgan.) VOL. I - Scholar's Choice Editio by Morgan, Lady
The History of modern Greece, from its conquest by the Romans B.C. 146, to the present time. Vol. I. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Tennent, James Emerson
The History of Spain, from the earliest ages to 1814, etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Jamieson, Frances
The History of Norway. [With maps.] - Scholar's Choice Edition by Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth
The History of the Anglo-Saxons from their first appearance above the Elbe, to the death of Egbert VOL.III - Scholar's Choice Edition by Turner, Sharon
The History of Portugal, from the commencement of the Monarchy to the reign of Alfonso III. Compiled from Portuguese Histories. - Scholar's Choice Edi by Macmurdo, Edward
Charlemagne - Scholar's Choice Edition by Charlemagne, Emperor, Capefigue, Jean Baptiste Honoré Raymon
History of the County of Annapolis, including old Port Royal and Acadia, with memoirs of its representatives in the Provincial Parliament. Edited and by Calnek, William Arthur, Savary, Alfred William
A History of Spain from the Earliest Times to the Death of Ferdinand the Catholic, Vol. I - Scholar's Choice Edition by Burke, Ulick Ralph
Key to the Panorama of the Palace and Garden of Versailles. Painted by J. Vanderlyn. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous, Vanderlyn, John
History of Russia, from the Earliest Times to 1882. ... Translated by L. B. Lang. Edited and Enlarged by N. H. Dole. Including a History of the Turko- by Rambaud, Alfred, Dole, Nathan
The Danube from the Black Forest to the Black Sea ... Illustrated by the Author and A. Parsons. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Parsons, Alfred William, Millet, Frank Davis
Northern Europe, (Denmark, Sweden, Russia, ) Local, Social, and Political, in 1861. with a Succinct Continuation Down to May, 1862. - Scholar's Choice by Laurie, William F. B.
The Leading Facts of French History. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Montgomery, David Henry
The History of Scotland, from the Earliest Period of the Scottish Monarchy to the Accession of the Stewart Family, Etc, Vol. I - Scholar's Choice Edit by Carruthers, James
A Short History of Rome to the Death of Augustus ... with Four Maps. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Wells, Joseph
History of Scandinavia from the Early Times of the Northmen and Vikings to the Present Day ... Fifth Edition. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Sinding, Paul
Guide to Kirkby Stephen, Appleby ... Mallerstang, and C., Including a Map, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Braithwaite, John W.
A History of West Bromwich ... Reprinted from Midland Sun, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Hackwood, Frederick William
Recollections of the Storming of the Castle of Badajos; By the Third Division a Personal Narrative, by Captain MacCarthy to Which Are Added Memoires o by MacCarthy, John Edward Connor
The Kidnapping of Prince Alexander of Battenberg, His Return to Bulgaria and Subsequent Abdication. Translated by Captain F. Beaufort - Scholar's Choi by Huhn, A. Von, Beaufort, Francis
Lays of Ancient Rome. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Macaulay, Thomas Babington
The History of the Royal Dock Yard of Portsmouth, in a Guide Book Through the Naval Establishments. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Slight, Henry
The History of Sweden, Translated from the Original by A. Von Schoultz Edited by Mary Howitt. Vol. I - Scholar's Choice Edition by Schoultz, Anne Von, Howitt, Mary Botham, Fryxell, Anders
Cost of Living in Malta. a Useful and Practical Pamphlet. by Fat Rabbit, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
A Picture of Lisbon. with Sketches of the Portuguese in General. by a Gentleman Many Years Resident in Lisbon. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
Wormwood. a Drama of Paris.Vol.III - Scholar's Choice Edition by Corelli, Marie
The Eastern Shores of the Adriatic in 1863. with a Visit to Montenegro. [the Three Chapters, Northern Albania, Dalmatia, Chaos; By Viscount Strangford by Smythe, Percy Ellen Frederick William, Beaufort Smythe, Emily Anne
Venetian Life. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Howells, William Dean
Bruges. an Historical Sketch - Scholar's Choice Edition by Robinson, Wilfrid C.
A Year in Portugal, 1889-90. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Loring, George Bailey
Three Vassar Girls in Italy. a Holiday Excursion of Three College Girls Through the Classic Lands. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Champney, Elizabeth Williams
The Turks in Europe: A Sketch of Manners and Politics in the Ottoman Empire. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Saint John, Bayle
The Imperial Paris Guide: A Brief Anecdotal Description of the Sights of Paris, with Particulars of the Various Routes, Account of the Environs, by Cole, Charles Augustus, Anonymous
Two Years Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie, in the Illinois Country, United States, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Woods, John
The Story of Malta. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Ballou, Maturin Murray
Handbook to Aston Hall, Museum, and Park ... Compiled by Alfred Rodway. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Anonymous
The Casket Letters and Mary, Queen of Scots. with Appendices. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Queen of Scots, Mary, Henderson, Thomas Finlayson
On the History of Iceland, and the Icelandic Language and Literature. from the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. - Scholar's Choice Edi by Hogg, John
The Ventilation of Mines. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Moore, Ralph
Walks and Talks of an American Farmer in England. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Olmsted, Frederick
The Cossacks of the Ukraine: Comprising Biographical Notices of the Most Celebrated Chiefs or Attamans ... and a Description of the Ukraine. with a by Krasinski, Henryk Count
The Playground of Europe. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Stephen, Leslie
Spitzbergen and Norway in August 1894. Pleasure Cruise of the S.S. Lusitania.-The Midnight Sun. by J. Norman Lockyer. with a Map - Scholar's Choice Ed by Anonymous
The History of the Origin and Rise of the Republic of Venice. Vol. I - Scholar's Choice Edition by Hazlitt, William Carew
History of Greece and Rome, Including Judea, Egypt, and Carthage. New Edition, with Illustrations - Scholar's Choice Edition by Russell, John a. M.
History of the Russian Empire from its foundation by Ruric the Pirate to the accession of the Emperor Alexander II. With engravings. - Scholar's Choic by Tyrrell, Henry
Two Lectures on the History of Poland, from the Earliest Period to the Present Time, Etc. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Zaba, Napoleon
The History of Scotland, from the Earliest Period of the Scottish Monarchy to the Accession of the Stewart Family, Etc. Vol. II - Scholar's Choice Edi by Carruthers, James
True Stories from Roman History. Illustrated. - Scholar's Choice Edition by Pollard, Alice
The Black Death and The Dancing Mania by Hecker, J. F. C.
Gurkhas für die britische Krone. Der diplomatische Diskurs zwischen Großbritannien und Nepal während des Anglo-Nepalesischen Krieges (1814 - 1816) by Thieler, Björn-Alexander
Kiel. Das Signal zur Revolution im Deutschen Kaiserreich by Thamm, Stephan
The Euromissile Crisis and the End of the Cold War by
Prose Immortality, 1711-1819 by Sider Jost, Jacob
Fashioning Spaces: Mode and Modernity in Late-Nineteenth-Century Paris by Brevik-Zender, Heidi
Entwicklungsphasen des jugoslawischen Selbstverwaltungsmodells im Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Reform und Stagnation by Zivojinovic, Marc
Europe and the Faith by Belloc, Hilaire
Fremdenpolitik in Dänemark. Emigranten im Dänischen Exil nach 1933 by Schewe, Christian
The Castrato: Reflections on Natures and Kinds Volume 16 by Feldman, Martha
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities Throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
A Concise Survey of Western Civilization: Supremacies and Diversities Throughout History by Pavlac, Brian A.
The Catholic Popes in a Nutshell: Volume 1: The Age of Persecutions by McCann, Bill
The History of France: including a faithful and comprehensive account of the War with Germany. By T. Wright ... and Lieut.-Colonel Williams. by Wright, Thomas, Williams, Arthur Wellesley
History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers Translated by Anne B. I. Percy. Edited, with an Introduction and Notes, by the Earl of Ellesmere Vol. III. by Percy, Anne Barbara Isabel, Amari, Michele
Turkish Life in War Time - War College Series by Dwight, Henry Otis, Ed
Reminiscences of the French War; Containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New-England Rangers Under His Command as Published in London in 1765; With No by Rogers, Robert
Journal Kept During the Russian War. Second Edition - War College Series by Duberly, Frances Isabella Locke
Note-Book of the Late Civil War in Switzerland - War College Series by Mayers, Michael John
Switzerland in 1847, and its condition, political, social, moral and physical, before the War ... Edited by Mrs. P. Sinnett. - War College Series by Muegge, Theodor, Sinnett, Jane
An Historical Enquiry Into the Unchangeable Character of a War in Spain. by Richard Ford - War College Series by Ford, Richard, Anonymous
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641, etc. A NEW EDITION. VOLUME VI. - War College Series by Bandinel, Bulkeley, Clarendon, Edward
Outside Paris During the Two Sieges. by an Englishwoman i.e. Emma Georgina Elizabeth Ward - War College Series by Ward, Emma Georgina Elizabeth
Chronological Epitome of the Wars in the Low Countries from the Peace of the Pyrenees in 1659, to That of Paris in 1815; With Reflections, Military an by Smyth, James Carmichael
The history of the rebellion and civil wars in England, begun in the year 1641, etc. Vol. III, Part I. A New Edition - War College Series by Clarendon, Edward
An American Girl Abroad by Trafton, Adeline
Medieval Europe by Davis, H. W. C.
Surviving the French Revolution: A Bridge across Time by Oliver, Bette W.
Reaktionen auf die Fernsehserie "Holocaust" (1979): Was verursachte den Meinungsumschwung der Medien nach der Ausstrahlung? by Akin, Hilal
Die Folgen des Spanischen Erbfolgekriegs für das europäische Staatensystem und das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte by Gajewski, Alexander
Citizenship, Nation, Empire: The Politics of History Teaching in England, 1870-1930 by Yeandle, Peter
The Battle of Leipzig: The History and Legacy of the Biggest Battle of the Napoleonic Wars by Charles River
L'Internationale. Documents et souvenirs - Tome IV by Guillaume, James
The French Invasion of Russia and the Battle of Leipzig: The History and Legacy of the Defeats that Forced Napoleon into Exile at Elba by Charles River
Idées sur l'organisation sociale by Guillaume, James
L'Internationale. Documents et souvenirs - Tome I by Guillaume, James
L'Internationale. Documents et souvenirs - Tome II by Guillaume, James
L'Internationale. Documents et souvenirs - Tome III by Guillaume, James
Monarchy or Money Power by McNair Wilson, Robert
Forum Für Osteuropäische Ideen- Und Zeitgeschichte. 18. Jahrgang, Heft 1: Der Lange Abschied Vom Totalitären Erbe by
Von Sèvres nach Lausanne. Die Neuordnung Südosteuropas by Tekin, Deniz-Osman
Autoritäre Staatsvorstellungen der Deutschen Volkspartei in der Krise der Weimarer Republik by Teodoruk, Alois Walter
Kaffeehaus versus Coffee House: Ein Vergleich zwischen dem Wiener Kaffeehaus und der Coffee House Kette Starbucks by Wälder, Milena
The Rise of the Dutch Kingdom by Van Loon, Hendrik Willem
Der Kampf Südtirols um Autonomie und Selbstbestimmung by Bazzanella, Gregor
From Slave Trade to Empire: European Colonisation of Black Africa 1780s-1880s by
Chartism by Carlyle, Thomas
Historia Calamitatum by Abelard, Peter
Chartism by Carlyle, Thomas
Letters of Abélard and Héloïse by Abelard, Peter
Androids in the Enlightenment: Mechanics, Artisans, and Cultures of the Self by Voskuhl, Adelheid
Crime and Punishment in Early Modern Russia by Kollmann, Nancy
Das Unternehmertum von 1800-1914. Herkunft, Mobilität, soziale Stellung by Winterhalter, Katrin
Die Rolle der Frau im Ersten Weltkrieg by Anonymous
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia - Volume XXII by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume VIII by Carlyle, Thomas
Life of Robert Burns by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume X by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XI by Carlyle, Thomas
On the Choice of Books by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XIV by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XIX by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XV by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XVI by Carlyle, Thomas
Sartor Resartus by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XVII by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XVIII by Carlyle, Thomas
Sartor Resartus and On Heroes by Carlyle, Thomas
Heroes and Hero Worship by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume II by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume III by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XX by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume IV by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume XXI by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume V by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II of Prussia - VolumeXII by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume VI by Carlyle, Thomas
The Life of Friedrich Schiller- Comprehending an Examination of His Works by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II of Prussia - Volume VII by Carlyle, Thomas
History Of Friedrich II. of Prussia - Volume I by Carlyle, Thomas
The Life of John Sterling by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia - Volume IX by Carlyle, Thomas
History of Friedrich II. of Prussia - Volume XIII by Carlyle, Thomas
A Short History of Russia by Parmele, Mary Platt
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